All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
1642 Chapters
Chapter 101
Frank leered at Greg in disdain. "Who do you think you are, telling me to leave?"Gina snorted pompously. "Don't think you get to strut just because you are Vicky Turnbull's manwhore! Greg is Timmy Yates' business partner—even Vicky Turnbull would have to show him respect!""It's really nothing." Greg waved her off humbly before turning back to Frank. "Gina doesn't want to see you, so know your place and leave, or I'll make you."Frank smiled as he glanced between the pair. "So after all that, the geezer is just your new boyfriend? Don't push yourself when you're that old now, geezer. You should stay home and rest your age weary back.""You asked for this, brat!" Greg did not expect Frank to be that pompous and swung his fist at Frank's face.He had been a school athlete back in high school, and he was tough as nails despite his age. He was convinced he would be fine against some brat!Thud.Suddenly, Frank moved, catching Greg's fist and holding him still right in front of his
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Chapter 102
Gina said, "You're so forgiving, Greg.""There's no need to get petty with a lowlife," Greg said, putting an arm around Gina's shoulder.In reality, he was feeling a chill down his spine—he was lucky Frank left over something urgent, or there was no telling how things would end!Oblivious, Gina blissfully leaned into Greg's arms…-Meanwhile, Frank took a cab straight to Skystream Lodge and found Yara at the top-floor lounge.She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him. "You're finally here, Mr. Lawrence!""What happened?" Frank quickly asked."We were on our way to negotiate a business deal when a car rammed into ours," Yara said as she led the way. "Over a dozen hitmen leaped out of the other car, but they were no match for us, until one of them threw some sort of powder at Ms. Turnbull. She was fine at first, and then she suddenly collapsed…"Frank asked, "Have you asked for other healers?""Dan Zimmer's granddaughter has already checked," Yara replied. "She said it was
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Chapter 103
Janet was speechless and turned to check the time. "Well, since you're here, Mr. Lawrence, I think it's alright for me to leave. I still have something to attend to."Frank nodded but soon stopped her as he remembered something else. "Hold on, Ms. Zimmer.""Yes?"Frank took out the box of ointment. "If you can make time, I'd like you to deliver this.""Deliver? Where to?" Janet asked as she took the box. "I'll do it first thing tomorrow morning.""Lane Manor," Frank replied. "It's an ointment to remove scars—it's for Helen's face.""Why won't you deliver it yourself?" Janet asked, looking at him hesitantly.Helen was his ex-wife, so would it not be more appropriate if he did it?Frank scratched his head. "Things are hostile between me and the Lanes, and Helen's mother thinks that I'm incompetent. But I was thinking they would believe you if you were the one who brought it to her.""I see," Janet said in realization. "So I don't have to tell them that it's yours?"Frank nodded
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Chapter 104
Frank said flatly, "You were poisoned. Yara called me over to help."Vicky's heart raced in fear as she remembered what happened, and quickly asked, "Where's Yara?""She left, saying there's something urgent back home. She asked me to stay and take care of you."Vicky clenched her jaw. "That girl, I swear…"They were fortunate it was Frank who stayed. What would happen if Yara left her with another man, while she was still unconscious?!Turning back toward Frank with a charming smile, she said, "You didn't do anything to me, did you?""No," Frank replied, shaking his head. "You worry too much.""Hey now—I'm glad you stayed to take care of me," Vicky grinned, playfully sliding her pajamas off her shoulder. "I wouldn't mind if you really want it…"Frank rubbed his nose. "The more you do that, the less interested I'd be.""Honestly… Get out of here," Vicky snorted, pursing her lips—she had just made the vibe in the room a little playful, and he ruined it right then there.Romanc
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Chapter 105
Vicky was going to take off Frank's shirt when he caught her, leaving her staring at him in wide-eye confusion."Are you done?" Frank asked, frowning.Vicky gingerly got up. "Really. There's no getting one over you, is there?"Frank was speechless. "Do you really have to?""It's your fault for being such an extraordinary man." Vicky smiled, shrugging.Frank stared at her. "Your fiance's far better than me."Vicky scowled at those words. "Don't mention him—I'd rather die than marry into the Lionheart family."Frank was actually confused. "Why? Don't women like you prefer rich heirs like him?"That was why Helen divorced him too—because he was not a rich kid like Sean Wesley.Vicky wheeled on him right then, her eyes flashing in determination. "Am I that type of woman to you? Then let me give it to you straight—I have no intention of becoming some trophy wife in the Lionheart family. I, Vicky Turnbull, can do what you men do as well!"Understanding that she was no doormat down
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Chapter 106
Janet would never dare to forget the task Frank asked of her yesterday.Arriving at the gates, she told a servant that she was from Flora Hall and was led to the drawing room without delay."Please wait here for a moment, Ms. Zimmer," the servant said politely. "I'll inform Mr. Lane right away.""Yes, thank you." Janet nodded repeatedly.Soon, Henry came downstairs with his walking stick and Gina and Peter in tow."Slow down," Gina said, her attitude and tone more tolerant toward Henry.She was spirited and in a good mood after the date with Greg, though she would have rather stayed in bed. However, she did not dare to drag her feet when she heard that Dan Zimmer's granddaughter had come, even waking Peter before going downstairs with Henry.Janet promptly rose to her feet when she saw them. "Hello, Mr. Lane. I'm Janet Zimmer from Flora Hall.""Oh, Janet. Please sit—make yourself at home," Henry smiled.Janet nodded, and turned toward the other two while Henry introduced, "Thi
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Chapter 107
Janet flinched, surprised by Gina's sudden outburst and wondering what Frank had ever done to the woman.Gina's face was contorted with rage, but she quickly smiled after her outburst when she realized Janet was still there. "Sorry, Ms. Zimmer," she apologized. "I didn't mean to shout. You probably wouldn't know, but Frank Lawrence was my daughter's ex-husband, and he's been freeloading off our family for three years. He's a lowlife, bringing nothing to the family while Helen paid for everything."Janet raised a brow but nodded. "Don't worry, Mrs. Lane. I promise not to tell him."At the same time, she thought to herself that Frank definitely showed foresight, telling her not to tell the Lanes that he was the one who made the ointment. Otherwise, Gina would have thrown it away.Henry cleared his throat just then and shot Gina a glare. "Frank is not as bad as you make him out to be.""That's enough—you really should stop defending him now." Gina rolled her eyes. "Was what I said
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Chapter 108
Henry shrugged. "Of course I'm worried, but he needs to show some worth. I'd feel dignified if Peter is even half the man Frank is."Peter snapped in annoyance, "Is that what you think, Grandpa? That I'm lacking so much compared to Frank Lawrence?!""You've really gone senile." Gina snorted grumpily. "It's that man's fault Helen's face got disfigured."Henry frowned. "How could you blame Frank? Moreover, it was him who asked Flora Hall to make an ointment for Helen.""Haha!" Gina laughed out loud. "Whatever goes on in that head of yours, really? Does Frank Lawrence have any say in Flora Hall?""Then how did Dan Zimmer know that Helen was hurt?" Henry shot back, already convinced that it was Frank. "Did you tell him?"Gina folded her arms before her chest and sneered. "Greg Marsh called Dan himself. That's why Dan agreed to help."Henry replied, "Who the hell is Greg Marsh?""My former classmate," Gina said smugly. "He owns a company, and he's a partner of Riverton's commerce gu
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Chapter 109
A smile appeared on Helen's face as she immediately recovered her previous confidence."You're even more beautiful than before." Peter could not help praising her."That's my daughter for you," Gina bragged proudly. "She's a natural beauty, unlike that whore Vicky."Gregy nodded repeatedly beside her. "Of course. You were the most beautiful girl back in our school, so Helen would definitely not fall short."He was certainly impressed by Dan's miraculous medicine, just as he was stunned by Helen's beauty.Such a shame that he was not younger… but there was no rule dictating that old men could not date young!While Helen was still busy admiring herself, Gina nudged her. "Thank Mr. Marsh already, Helen. There's no telling how long it would take for you to recover if he didn't speak to Dan Zimmer on your behalf."Helen bowed in gratitude right then. "Thank you, Mr. Marsh…""Oh, it's no big deal," Greg quickly helped her up. "Why don't we have dinner together tonight? I'll book a pr
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Chapter 110
Frank cleared his throat. "I'm coming downstairs. I have no ties with Helen now, but I have an obligation to protect you as your bodyguard.""Stubborn, aren't you?" Vicky growled through her teeth.Frank soon arrived downstairs, where Vicky and Yara had been waiting for a while.After they got into the car, Vicky smiled and asked, "Do you think Helen would come?"Frank did the math.Helen would have received his ointment yesterday, so her face would have recovered by now."Yeah," he said.Soon, they arrived at a construction site in West City, which was decorated grandly with a red carpet spread over the ground.Many bigwigs were there to partake in the festivities, breathing life to the otherwise barren grounds.Once Vicky parked her car, she glanced at Frank through the rearview mirror. "I'll be socializing with some bigwigs. Are you coming with me?""I'll pass—I hate small talk. Bring Yara with you, but call me if anything comes up."Vicky nodded. "Alright. Feel free to t
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