Semua Bab The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Bab 111 - Bab 120
1642 Bab
Chapter 111
Sean naturally did not believe Gina and waved her off impatiently. "That's enough. Stop bothering me already."With those words, he left with Lisa in his arms.Gina was going to speak further when Frank chuckled. "He's not even bothered to talk to you, but you're still sticking your head up his ass.""Shut up! This is none of your business!" Gina shot him a vicious glare.Just then, Vicky strode up onstage, taking the microphone with a professional smile. "We're officially starting the groundbreaking ceremony of the West City Project. Let's give a warm round of applause to welcome Ms. Helen Lane, my partner and the board chair of Lane Holdings…"Applause thundered at her words, and Helen walked up on stage in her blue gown.Sean was clapping half-heartedly until he saw Helen's flawless face.His jaw dropped as he looked on in disbelief. "How the fuck…?!"He had seen with his own eyes how gruesome the scar on Helen's face was, but it was now gone without a trace!And now, looki
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Chapter 112
Helen was thoroughly disgusted with Sean after learning his true nature at Dynasty.She had certainly misjudged him—even if Frank was a freeloader, he was not a liar like Sean.Sean chuckled, knowing that she was still upset. "I know I was at fault, and I shouldn't have claimed credit for everything—I promise I won't do it again. Just give me a chance…""What chance?" Helen laughed coolly. "We've always been platonic friends, haven't we?"Sean was stumped, but it was clear Helen did not plan to make peace.He was left watching as she disappeared into the time, fuming as he gritted his teeth and cursed under his breath, "Fuck you, Helen! I helped you get this partnership with the Turnbulls, and you'd kick me to the curb? I will make you pay!"-Frank had been sitting on a bench below stage and sunbathing.Helen appeared behind him just then and sat down beside him.Frank slowly opened his eyes, and seeing Helen there, he said, "Oh, if it isn't Ms. Lane. What are you doing here,
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Chapter 113
Frank frowned at Peter's words.Peter wanted to propose to someone, and that involved Dan Zimmer? The man only had one granddaughter of marriageable age… but surely it could not be Janet? Greg smiled right then. "Don't worry, Peter. I've been keeping that in mind—not only would I help you propose, but I've even recommended you for a new job."He actually did not want to agree to Peter's request, but he somehow came up with the perfect plan last night.If he succeeded, he would have both helped Peter propose while getting him a good job.Peter was taken aback and asked in curiosity, "A job? What is it?"He actually did not work at all, since it was much better to freeload off his sister!Greg smiled. "You'd be working directly under Ms. Turnbull.""Woah… Under Vicky Turnbull?!" Gina was stunned—it was not an opportunity that would come to just anyone!Nudging Peter right then, she snapped, "Where are your manners? Thank Greg already!""Thank you, Mr. Marsh," Peter said with
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Chapter 114
Frank asked, "Did they come for revenge?""I'm not sure. But we'll know once we meet them," Vicky replied, shaking her head.Even if they did not know what the other side was planning, Vicky was not about to be cowed.She strode forward toward the appointed meeting place, with Frank and Yara quietly following her.They soon arrived at the edge of a hallway and entered the glamorous private room to see a middle-aged man dressed in a suit sitting in the middle and twirling with a wine glass leisurely. His name was Donald Salazar, and he was the second heir of the Salazars who was in charge of all family affairs.All three men had sharp gazes and their very presence was menacing, making it obvious that they were the middle-aged man's bodyguards. And of the three, one was an elderly white-haired man dressed in traditional robes, while the other two were young and robust.Seeing that Vicky had arrived, the middle-aged man put down his glass and flashed an affable smile. "You've kept m
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Chapter 115
Yara promptly turned toward Frank, appearing hesitant.If she said no, she would appear to be cowering and would embarrass Vicky in turn.But if she said yes, there was no telling what Jaud and the other two would do.On the other hand, Frank remained completely nonchalant—so what if he played along?"And how would you suggest a spar, Mr. White?" he asked.Jaud smiled. "Actually, I'm too old to keep up with you young 'uns… why not spar with my two apprentices instead?"Frank's eyes narrowed right then.The geezer had kept his presence withdrawn, but the composure of his vigor made it obvious he was untold times stronger than his appearance.He was also maintaining a humble demeanor, making it obvious he has no intention of getting involved himself.So, this was probably just a test."Sure." Frank nodded. "Let's see what you've got."Jaud turned toward his two apprentices. "Who's up first, Marco? Polo?"At the same time, Yara strode forward. "Mr. Lawrence, I'm fine on my own
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Chapter 116
Marco disappeared in a flash, leaving Yara frozen in place while Polo kept charging at her!Yara was trying to threaten Marco so that she could be free, but now that Marco withdrew, she somehow could not move.She felt as if there was an unseen power keeping her in place, her limbs seemingly held in place by four threads.Soon, she was watching as Polo's fist approached her face!"Shit," Yara swore under her breath and closed her eyes in reflex.But at that very moment, Frank whipped out a silver needle and flicked it at Yara's elbow. Yara's body lurched as she suddenly launched a punch!Pow!Right after that, Yara stumbled backward and landed in Frank's arms."Don't move," he whispered into her ears, putting a hand on her shoulder.There were indeed four threads attached to Yara, connecting her to Jaud's palm.No one could see the threads under the sun, and it was Jaud who kept her frozen in place just now, directing his vigor to immobilize her limbs!Yara frowned—even no
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Chapter 117
Donald laughed, "Haha! How typical, young 'uns getting acquainted with the way of the fist."Vicky certainly did not believe that it was just a friendly spar, though she had no reason to get hostile when Frank and Yara were just fine."Anyway, we shall be leaving," she said. "Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Salazar."Donald nodded. "Do think about my proposal, Ms. Turnbull. I'll be waiting.""I certainly will," Vicky said and left with Yara and Frank, her expression already cool.Donald watched as they left before his eyes narrowed."Mr. White, how did those two fare?" he asked."Bleurgh!" Jaud suddenly coughed out a mouthful of blood just as he was about to speak, leaving Donald, Marco, and Polo utterly shocked!"Mr. White!" "What happened there?" Donald quickly asked."The kid's not your typical martial artist," Jaud growled through his teeth. "We were wrestling with our vigors, but that kid left me coughing blood."Donald was left gaping. "What?! Are you saying he'
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Chapter 118
Frank's words were utterly impressive, and Vicky breathed a sigh of relief in turn. "Well, there's nothing to worry about since you've said that. Anyway, you two are coming with me back to the office—I'd at least have protection."It seemed that they should stay safe for the time being.Frank did not argue, since he had nothing to do at the hotel anyway.They headed to Grande Corpe's offices, where Yara followed Vicky to her office. Not only was she Vicky's bodyguard, but she was also Vicky's personal assistant who could assist with office tasks.On the other hand, Frank knew nothing about that, so he went to the VIP lounge alone since it would be pointless going to Vicky's office with them.It was a quiet place, and Frank found a comfortable spot to close his eyes and rest, focusing his internal energies…After a while, the door opened.Frank opened his eyes to find that it was Greg Marsh, though he was alone this time.Since Frank was alone in the spacious lounge, Greg imme
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Chapter 119
Greg said smugly, "I have a special person I'd like to recommend to you.""A special person?" Vicky asked."Yes," Greg assured her, patting her chest. "He graduated from a famous university and could more than hold his own."Vicky simply smiled. "The executives of Grande Corp are all graduates from famous universities too. Surely that doesn't hold sway…""Yes, but he's also Dan Zimmer's granddaughter's fiance," Greg said. "Surely you have heard of the man?""Oh…" Vicky inhaled sharply.She was certainly acquainted with Dan and Janet… but she never heard that Janet had a boyfriend.However, if Dan was accepting, the man must be good with medicine. Since Vicky was just founding a pharmaceutical company, she urgently needed such talents."If what you say is true, he can report to work at any time," she said."May I ask what his position would be?" Greg asked in return.Vicky thought about it. "My personal consultant, with a monthly fifty grand salary."She would pay through h
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Chapter 120
Dan was taken aback. "Arrange an engagement?" His granddaughter was certainly not young, but she showed no inclination to marry, so he could not do much even if he was anxious for her.Still, he could not resist asking, "May I ask who's the gentleman you'd be recommending?""I'm afraid he's not from an important family." Greg started lowballing. "But I'm sure he'll soon become someone special."To be honest, Lane Holdings was insignificant to the upper echelons of Riverton. However, their future was definitely inestimable since they were partnered with Vicky!"Oh…" Dan was actually not interested—what Greg was saying was that the man he recommended was some average Joe with neither riches nor influence. Surely his treasured granddaughter should not suffer such… shame!Still, Greg quickly added, "Hold on, Mr. Zimmer. He's only in his twenties, and though he may not have influence or riches, he's already Vicky's personal consultant. Do you think he would still fall short with su
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