All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
1656 Chapters
Chapter 131
The masked man stood out, staring at Frank just then. "You're strong, Mr. Lawrence, but there's over a hundred of us. Do you really think you can survive? Why don't you join us instead, and enjoy the spoils with us?""Who do you think you are to draw me to your cause?" Frank snorted in disdain.The masked man pursed his lips, surprised that he would be so full of himself. "In that case, die."He waved, and all the hitmen charged toward Frank right then!Frank remained fearless.With a raging bellow, he charged into their midst, directing their vigor as he moved at extreme speed.Each punch kicked up a violent gust, instantly knocking a person into the air!The masked man's heart skipped a beat as he looked on in shock.As Frank danced through his hitmen, none of them were left standing in his wake!"Don't let him reach her!" the masked man yelled in shock, finally realizing that Frank was aiming to save Yara!However, the man holding Yara could barely react when Frank kicked
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Chapter 132
However, Frank did not allow the masked man a single moment's rest and lunged forward again!"Die!" the masked man yelled as he pulled his collar, freeing his jacket and launching a rain of silver needles!Frank parried some with his machete, while using his other hand to shield his face.He knocked down most, but several struck his body.The masked man laughed pompously in turn. "That's three needles! You're dead now! No one can cure my poison—cut off your own arm and beg if you want to live!"Frank could feel a chill even as he directed his vigor, and it was a familiar sensation…It was Snowshade, which Vicky was poisoned with before.That also means the masked man had poisoned Vicky before! He must not let him free!Earnestly furious, Frank launched another slash through the air!The masked man paled in terror, never expecting Frank to keep directing his vigor even after all that! He dodged and did not pause as he shouted at Les, "Run! We're no match for him!"With those
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Chapter 133
Les was completely unfettered. "So what? You're going to die now."Frank shook his head exasperatedly. "I'd rather you didn't shoot. Not even Glen Turnbull can save you if you do, and you won't hurt me anyway.""Haha!" Les laughed out loud. "What, are you bulletproof?!"Frank's eyes were filled with confidence. "Why don't you test it?"Les glared at Frank, sensing that Frank was not afraid at all.Silence ensued, with only the wind rustling amid the trees.As both men became on edge…Bang!Les fired, sparks bursting out of his gun's barrel.In that instant, Frank reached out and grabbed before spinning and pausing.He slowly extended his right knuckle."What…"Les paled, his eyes bulging as he studied Frank.He was unscathed! Did he really just catch a bullet with his bare hands?! Impossible!"I told you. You can't kill me." Frank's gaze remained confident as he slowly opened his palm, which was red with his blood."You tricked me?!" Les exclaimed in shock, realizing he
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Chapter 134
Frank would have let Les live if he did not shoot him—but he did, and that meant death.Frank squeezed right then.Crack.Les' neck snapped, his eyes wide opened as he died. He never would have thought that Frank cared so little about him!With that done, Frank looked around, but the masked man was nowhere to be seen.He sat on top of a clean boulder to rest, just as Yara caught up and immediately saw his palm bleeding.Hurrying to him, she asked, "Are you okay, Mr. Lawrence?""I'm fine," Frank said, nodding as he looked at his palm and pulled the bullet out.Yara was left gulping, her heart racing as she watched his blood flow freely out of the wound.Still, after spacing out for a while, she came to her senses and took off her jacket. She then tore her shirt into strips and helped Frank bandage it.Her torn shirt revealed her slender but muscular waist. Even if she was no beauty, there was no arguing her stunning figure as a martial artist—she might even beat Vicky in that
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Chapter 135
Susan quickly asked, "Where is Les now?"Yara could not come up with an answer and simply turned toward the distance.Susan followed her gaze and found Les' corpse right then.Her face fell. "Who killed him?!"Frank spoke before Yara could. "I did.""What?!" Susan snapped. "The audacity you have to murder a Turnbull!"Frank snorted in disdain. "He tried to kill me. He should be prepared to be killed in turn."Beside him, Yara was worried that he would upset Susan and quickly explained, "It's not his fault, Mrs. Turnbull—Frank was trying to save me, and Les brought a gun. We would both be dead if Frank didn't do it."Vicky nodded nearby. "Yara's right. It was life or death, and Les deserved death for betraying the family.""Easy for you to say," Susan snapped coolly. "What if Glen's side of the family presses the issue? Frank Lawrence, you are not to leave Riverton until they deal with you.""Deal with me?" Frank scoffed. "Not even Glen himself gets to judge me even if he's he
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Chapter 136
Susan shook her head. "You're that eager to save Frank?""You've just come, so there are things you probably wouldn't know." Walter sighed. "Frank isn't all he seems. I might even say that he might help us turn the tide.""Hmph." Susan snorted. "Let's just hope you're right about him."-Meanwhile, Vicky watched Frank from the rearview mirror while riding shotgun, and she asked, "Do you know who their leader was?"Frank shook his head. "He wore a mask. I didn't see his face, but I know he's a member of the Southern Sea's Spirit Hill Sect.""The Spirit Hill Sect? But we have no fight with them." Vicky frowned—she had never heard of them, so why would they attack her?"The masked man works for Donald Salazar. Les said so himself," Frank explained. "Donald also promised Les that he could take over Grande Corp after eliminating you."Vicky was left gritting her teeth and balling her fists. "That pig…""By the way, who is Obadiah Longman? Why would the Salazars want him dead?" Fran
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Chapter 137
As Vicky gingerly received the pill recipe from Frank, she asked curiously, "What's the name of this pill, Mr. Lawrence?""It's called the Rejuvenation Pill," Frank replied nonchalantly. "I developed it out of boredom as a pill to restore vigor. Add that to other ingredients and it'd have a cosmetic effect."Both Vicky and Yara were left gaping in disbelief—he made a miraculous pill by chance?However, neither of them doubted if the pill would work, since they were witness to the depth of Frank's knowledge of medicine. Moreover, he had no trouble improving a martial arts technique, so creating a pill recipe would be no issue.Vicky could throw herself in Frank's arms right then and kiss him—she had certainly hit the jackpot!She promptly whipped out a check, writing a number with multiple zeros and stuffing it into Frank's hand."Just take it," she said. Frank read the check to see that it was a whopping twenty million dollars!It was certainly no small sum!"You should kee
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Chapter 138
Greg frowned.He only got close to Gina for her money—he would puke if he had to get intimate with a fortyish woman every day!Seeing her beloved frown, Gina asked, "What's wrong, Greg? You don't want to?""Uh… No way!" Greg promptly changed his reaction and chuckled. "I've been thinking about it already, but now's not the time.""Why not?" "We're still not married, even if we are single now. I think we should do it properly, so that all of Riverton knows."Gina was beaming at that, purring shyly, "Oh, we're both adults. Why bother with child's play?""Don't say that," Greg said righteously. "Marriage is a big deal, or people would talk if I keep coming here."Gina actually thought that made sense and was emotional that Greg would care so much about her.She was certainly right about him!Greg sighed lengthily just then. "Also, I've been busy with work. Let's get married once I've gotten that out of the way.""Yeah, work is important," Gina agreed. "I'll tell Helen to trans
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Chapter 139
Gina nodded repeatedly. "Don't worry, Peter. I'll call your sister right now."She whipped out her phone right then and called Helen, surprising her since she was busy with work. "What is it, Mom?"Gina had her hand on her hip as she growled, "Your brother was beaten up, Helen.""What? Who did?""That ex-husband of yours!" Gina exclaimed furiously. "Who else could it be?!" "Frank? But, why?" Helen asked, puzzled."Why?" Gina snorted. "Peter went to Grande Corp to start work, but that lowlife Frank badmouthed him in front of Vicky. Peter got fired, and Frank seized the moment to beat him up. Call him right this instant and tell him to apologize!"Helen sighed exasperatedly. "How could Frank possibly sway Vicky, Mom?""He's her gigolo. He just has to whisper a few words after a fumble."Helen rolled her eyes—her mother really thought Vicky to be some simpleton.If Vicky could be swayed so easily, there was no way she could surpass her father and take over Grande Corp!However
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Chapter 140
As soon as Frank stepped inside, a receptionist in a business suit promptly approached him. "How can I help you, sir?'Frank whipped out his check immediately. "Please open an account for me and deposit this check."When the receptionist took the check and saw that it was worth twenty million, she promptly said, "Please come with me, sir! You're eligible for our VVIP service with this deposit, and I'll contact my manager right away to assist you."Frank nodded. "Thank you."In the end, anyone moving funds worth twenty million dollars made them a big shot in any bank, and the employees would never drag their feet in return.Soon, the receptionist had led Frank into a grandly decorated lounge. She even made him coffee, not forgetting to squeeze her breasts as she leaned over, baring her luscious cleavage.Riverton Bank had no shortage of VIPs, but young and rich men like Frank were still a rarity.The receptionist certainly was not about to let the chance slip but was left disappo
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