All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
1670 Chapters
Chapter 141
The receptionist recognized Helen right away and approached her respectfully. "Good day, Ms. Lane. Please wait a moment—the manager is with a client.""Oh. Then we will wait," Helen said. It was only reasonable since anyone to whom Kurt would offer personal service was not your average Joe. Still, she was also curious since it might be some bigwig, After the receptionist led them to the lounge, Frank soon stepped outside after his account was set up.Helen did a double take when she saw him. "What are you doing here, Frank?"Frank stared at the trio and said calmly, "I was just making a deposit. What about you?""Mr. Marsh needs ten million for his business," Helen explained. "I'm here to make the transfer for a loan."Frank's eyes narrowed as he turned toward Greg. "You're lending him money?"The man was a total liar and completely unreliable—Helen really might not get her money back.On the other hand, Gina sprang to her feet, scowling as soon as she saw Frank. "Who do you
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Chapter 142
Frank asked coolly, "What, do you want a fight?"Greg gulped.He was perfectly self-aware. After that encounter at the restaurant, he knew that he was no match for Frank.Still, he snorted."I won't stoop to your level," he said before turning and yelling, "Security! Security!!!"The security guards rushed into the room at his call, and they immediately recognized Frank. "What is it, Mr. Marsh?"Greg pointed at Frank right then. "He was starting a fight. Aren't you going to do something?""What? Starting a fight?" Brendan Fenton, the head of security, studied Frank right then.He was very young and obviously not rich, and the head of security promptly barked, "Apologize to Mr. Marsh right now!"Frank shot him a cool glare in turn. "Who do you think you are, ordering me around?""Shut up!" Brendan bellowed, surprised that the kid was that pompous!He raised his baton and swung it at Frank's head—Smack!"Argh!"Frank had raised his palm, slapping Brendan and sending him fl
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Chapter 143
Kurt snorted. "If Mr. Lawrence hit you, then you deserved it.""Oof…" Greg was clutching his hip as he groaned, before turning toward Kurt in bewilderment. "Don't we go way back, Mr. Costner? Why are you siding with that brat?"The security guards were all left dumbstruck as they looked on—was the brat somehow related to Kurt?Kurt was glaring at Greg in turn. "Mr. Lawrence is our client with a twenty million dollar account balance in our bank. As for you… What do you even amount to?"A client who had just made a twenty million dollar deposit, and a debtor who kept begging him for loans every other day—Kurt certainly knew who to side with!"What? Are you joking, Mr. Costner?" Gina exclaimed as she turned toward Frank in disbelief. "W-Where would he get twenty million?"Helen was certainly astounded by that fact too, while Kurt growled coolly, "What, are you saying Mr. Lawrence didn't already make the deposit a moment ago? Vicky Turnbull herself wrote the check."As Gina realized
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Chapter 144
Gina snapped boldly, "The bank card, of course!""The bank card? Why should I give it to you?" Frank chuckled despite himself, amused by her haughty bearing.Gina wagged her finger as she said, "You freeloaded off my family and hurt my son. Shouldn't you pay me for that? That's ten million for freeloading and another ten million for my son's medical fees. Now give me the card!""That's enough, Mom. Let's just go," Helen felt speechless and embarrassed that her mother was so unreasonable. Did Frank even spend that much when he was in their family?!"Get off!" Gina snapped as she pushed her own daughter away—she would get that money today no matter what!Frank in turn stood with his hands clasped behind his back, growling coolly, "I did freeload off your family for three years, but I've repaid you already. As for Peter, Ms. Turnbull beat him up because he tricked her, and you'll learn how terrible her vengeance can be once her schedule frees up. Also, word of advice: stay away from
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Chapter 145
Inside Riverton Bank, Kurt gave Greg a kick in the rump. "Still alive? When are you going to pay up!""Two days! In two days, Mr. Marsh!" Greg flashed an apologetic smile as he rubbed his hip. "I need you to do me a favor today, though…""You want me to help you?!" Kurt snapped. "Just pay up already, or your company will be shut down!""No, you see—just help me this one time, and I can pay my five million dollar loan right away!"Kurt did a double take. "What?""That pretty face just now?" Greg chuckled. "She's the head of Lane Holdings and just agreed to transfer ten million into my account. That's my loan paid without breaking a sweat."Kurt studied him skeptically. "I'm surprised you're able to con the girl."Greg patted his hip as he smiled. "All thanks to my nice pair of hips—I have her mom all sewn up. What's some paltry cash after all that?"Kurt became thoughtful. "If I recall, her name is Helen Lane, right? She's partners with the Turnbulls. You really should be carefu
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Chapter 146
Yara was immediately stopped by the security officers, who recognized her and knew that she was also the daughter of the governor.However, Frank had made it clear he was not to be disturbed."Ms. Quill, you can't go in."Yara flashed the key card at them right then. "I'm under Ms. Turnbull's orders to see Frank.""Huh…"The security officers were left bemused as they did not expect this scenario.However, since Frank was refusing to see even Vicky, he definitely would not want to see Yara either.One of them quickly said, "Mr. Lawrence had given us clear instructions that no one is to enter, even if it's Ms. Turnbull.""Exactly. He said he would confinement… for cultivating, I think."That was more or less what the man said anyway.Yara frowned. "Cultivating, at this time?! I have business with him, so don't worry about responsibility. Now, move!"The security officers tamely made way for her at that, and Yara opened the door.Vicky had told her to flee Riverton with Frank
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Chapter 147
Yara's shirt was thoroughly shredded, leaving nothing on!Even as she lay bare before Frank, he was clearly not intending to be chivalrous even as Yara's tears welled up in her eyes from terror.She did not know how to fight back at all!"Please, Mr. Lawrence! Come to your senses!"Frank ignored her please, and leaned in as he pressed his lips against hers.Yara pushed against him, but Frank weighed like a mountain, suffocating her!Then, realizing Frank was tearing at her pants, she bit his tongue viciously in panic!Frank yelped in pain and leaped away from her, the pain restoring his senses.As he realized what he was doing, he struck himself in the sternum, the base of his neck and his midriff, before coughing out a mouthful of blood!The redness in his eyes faded as he looked up, seeing Yara just then.He had no idea what to say, as she covered her breasts as she cowered in a corner, her eyes welled up with tears. Still, she came to her senses when she saw him coughing
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Chapter 148
Yara was dumbstruck. "Please, Mr. Lawrence—this isn't a joke. Don't be impulsive. We should hide for now.""What, and keep hiding for the rest of my life? It's far better to face this directly," Frank said flatly.As Yara was left speechless, Frank did not afford her time to think and strode right out of the hotel.Seeing that, Yara gave chase, though she stood quietly at a corner as he got into the car. "You're not coming?" Frank asked.Yara shook his head. "I-I have something to do at home."Frank nodded and drove alone to Turnbull Villa, while Yara promptly whipped out her phone to call Vicky. "I'm sorry, Ms. Turnbull. Frank is coming to you right now—he refused to leave with me. I can't reason with him at all!""I really shouldn't have told him." Vicky sighed in disappointment. "Anyway, thanks. Just leave the rest to me."After hanging up, she called Frank who was still on his way. "Hello? Where are you now?""On your way to your place," Frank said calmly."Do you really
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Chapter 149
Vicky warned Neil just then, "Word of advice: You'd better shove that pompousness of yours and be nice to him.""You want me to be nice? Who does he think he is?" Neil snorted haughtily. "It's his honor that he even gets to talk to me."Vicky simply shook her exasperatedly.-Frank soon arrived at Turnbull Villa. "Mr. Lawrence.""Frank."Walter and Vicky immediately greeted him, with Walter telling him, "Neil is going to ask you questions about Les' death. Just be honest and don't hide anything.""I know, don't worry." Frank smiled and strode into the drawing room.As his eyes met Neil's, Neil growled, "You're Frank Lawrence?""Yes.""Did you kill Les Turnbull?""Yes," Frank replied nonchalantly. "He was in league against his own family, sending hitmen against Yara and murdering Obadiah Longman. He was going to murder Yara Quill as well, but I saved her and chased him down. He tried to kill me, but I killed him in turn."Bang!Neil suddenly slammed his hand loudly on the
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Chapter 150
Susan told Vicky under her breath, "Don't upset Neil over some trifle like this.""No, Mom," Vicky growled through her teeth defiantly. "I'm saving Neil's life here. He'll die if his men lay a finger on Frank."She knew Frank all too well—no one got to strut in front of Frank, not even the gods!And Neil was just a rich kid in comparison!"What…" Susan was speechless. Neil was glowering in turn. Who did Frank think he was, threatening his life?! Pointing at him right then, he bellowed, "What are you waiting for?! Get him!"Vicky shook her head exasperatedly—Neil really had a death wish.That was when a bellow thundered from outside the villa. "Hold it!"Everyone turned to find Trevor Zurich walking toward them."Mr. Zurich!" Vicky exclaimed in delight. "What brings you here?"Trevor smiled. "Can't do nothing when someone's harassing Mr. Lawrence."Neil actually recognized Trevor, who was the CEO of Trevor International.He unexpectedly moved his multinational business
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