All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
1670 Chapters
Chapter 151
Neil was staring at Robert in disbelief, his molars gritting so hard he almost crushed them.Frank had actually saved the daughter of Riverton's governor?!At the same time, Walter hurried to greet Robert. "You honor us with your presence, Mr. Quill!""You're exaggerating." Robert spread his hands cheerfully. "I just came to see the man to whom I owe my daughter's life to."Yara promptly pointed at Frank. "That's Mr. Lawrence, Dad—the one I spoke of."Robert turned toward Frank, and Frank nodded as their eyes met. "Mr. Quill."Robert's eyes narrowed, though he soon nodded in satisfaction. "Your reputation precedes you, young man. My daughter is definitely right about you."Vicky hurried to Yara's side just then, asking under her breath, "How'd you persuade him to step up?"Vicky certainly knew her mentor's attitude—the man rarely got involved in any conflict within Riverton. To come here and defend Frank like this today was certainly a rarity. Yara whispered back, "I told him
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Chapter 152
Neil did not hide his contempt at all. "Fortunately, my father anticipated problems and sent Mr. Keaton here. He's a famous apothecary from the capital—he and I will take over Grande Corp's operations."Vicky frowned—she invested money and personnel to build the company, and he was taking over just like that? What was she left with?"That's unnecessary," she said. "We can secure the Riverton market even without the Beauty Pill recipe. Why don't you start your own company with Mr. Keaton if you want a cut?"Neil laughed. "How are you going to compete with the Salazars when you've allowed them to steal your recipe?""Mr. Lawrence has developed something better," Vicky said confidently. "Don't worry.""What is it? Show me," Neil demanded."You're kidding," Vicky replied with a chuckle. "It's top secret—it won't do if it's leaked. If you'd like, I could give you a few for free once it gots into production.""No recipe? Then why should I trust you?" Neil snorted before shooting Frank
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Chapter 153
Paul laughed just then. "How should we do this, Mr. Lawrence?"Frank stood, his hands clasped behind his back with confidence. "Anything's fine. You can pick what you're best at."Paul pursed his lips—the brat could really put on airs!After a long while, he said, "I'm most adept at poison. Why don't we test our skill with that? You and I shall both pick a poison and then attempt to nullify it.""No problem." Frank nodded.Neil sneered beside them. "Since you're that confident, why don't we raise the stakes? Ingest the poison directly, and we will get to see the full extent of either of your abilities."He had absolute faith in Paul, and they could use this as an excuse to kill Frank too."Ingest the poison directly? What?" Vicky frowned."Exactly what it means. Both Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Keaton will ingest the poison directly and nullify it," Neil explained.Everyone gasped—that was going too far!"I refuse!" Vicky protested right away. "You're crazy, Neil!" Frank was one i
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Chapter 154
Vicky gaped, her face paling since she did not expect Frank to chug all five grams of the Heartblazer!Beside her, Yara was left speechless!Susan was folding her arms before her chest, shaking her head as she snorted—the man was really mentally challenged!Even Paul was shocked that Frank was so reckless. "Y-You just killed yourself! I could treat you if it was just five grams, but you drank the entire bottle! You're beyond saving."Neil laughed. "Haha! You've really done it—no one can save you now!"Vicky promptly turned toward her servants. "Call Mr. Zimmer. Hurry!'Frank raised a palm, stopping her. "Save it—it's merely a neurotoxin. I can heal myself soon enough.""Stop joking around, Frank!" Vicky cried, frowning."Do I look like I'm joking?" Frank replied sternly. "Just keep your distance."With that, he assumed a meditative pose, directing his vigor to push out the Snowshade already in his body.He would fight poison with poison!"What is he doing?" Neil quickly aske
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Chapter 155
As Neil rolled around and screamed, his sweat was turning into ice while faint vapor swirled around him.It was a scary sight—even Vicky was stunned as she looked on, since she had experienced the same symptoms when she was poisoned with Snowshade.Still, Paul was smiling after reading the signs. "Calm down, Mr. Turnbull. The poison you took is cold—I can help you."Neil breathed a sigh of relief—the poison was no issue for Paul!Whipping out a box of silver needles right then, he inserted one in the center of Neil's solar plexus.Neil was delighted right then—all his pain was gone!Then Paul inserted twelve more needles at various other pressure points, while Neil soon recovered as if he was never poisoned.Vicky was surprised that Paul was actually as good as he boasted, while Neil laughed smugly. "Haha! Your poison is nothing, Frank Lawrence!""If I'm not mistaken, you were using cold poison," Paul stroked his beard as he gloated as well, "Shame. I have studied that discipli
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Chapter 156
"What…" Neil was gritting his teeth in disappointment, but he soon glared viciously at Frank. "You win this time. Now give me the antidote.""What?" Frank shrugged. "Neither of us agreed to provide antidotes.""W-What are you talking about?" Neil stared at Frank in blank disbelief—was Frank going to let him die?! Frank shook his head. "I'm sorry, Mr. Turnbull. But I'm under no obligation to help you.""Frank Lawrence!" Paul strode up to him, barking, "Know when not to push it—think of your future, won't you?""Haha!" Frank laughed without a care. "Are you really talking about the future? It's already a question as to whether he survives tonight.""Guh…" Paul was immediately left stumped.At the same time, Neil was tearing up in agony and crawled toward Walter to hug his leg as he cried, "Please, Uncle Walter… save me! Make him give me the antidote! I'm going to die!"Walter was left at a loss, but he had no choice but to turn toward Frank with a pleading look. "Please be mag
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Chapter 157
Neil was Glen's second son, and he certainly never apologized to anyone!"Me, apologize to him?!" he growled. "I'm the second heir of the family!"Vicky shrugged nonchalantly. "If you don't want to do it, guess you'll just have to die."Susan snapped at Frank right then, "What are you waiting for? Give him the antidote!"Frank folded his arms before his chest nonchalantly. "Sorry, but I have no choice since he doesn't want to apologize.""What…" Susan's face flushed—this was the first time she had met anyone this full of himself!On the other hand, Vicky stood beside Frank. "Neil was the one who suggested this match. He lost but couldn't bring himself to apologize after all that. He has no choice but to die—I've done all I can either way."Walter looked at Frank's cool gaze, and then at his nephew who was writhing in agony.Seeing that there was no reasoning with Frank, he leaned in to tell Neil, "Why don't you just apologize properly, Neil?"Neil's face contorted in rage, his
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Chapter 158
"Okay." Frank nodded and turned toward Walter. "I'll see you again, Mr. Turnbull."With that, he followed Robert into his car and headed to his residence with him.It was a manor to the east of the city—a location filled with nature's blessings. That was especially the case for a certain mansion, surrounded by the hills and bodies of water. Frank found himself staring at the mansion—cultivating there would definitely be twice as effective than usual!The Quills were a clan of martial artists as reputed, with acolytes sparring or training along the compound.Once the car drove inside the manor grounds, Yara hurried over to open the door for him. "Welcome, Mr. Lawrence.""Thank you," Frank said and followed Robert into the drawing room.A burly man was sitting there, having waited for a while.He bore some resemblance to Robert and got up when he saw Robert. "Father."Robert nodded. "Allow me to introduce you to my son Stan, Mr. Lawrence. Stan, this is Mr. Frank Lawrence, the m
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Chapter 159
Yara blushed as she lowered her gaze, avoiding Frank's eyes.She had no choice—she needed to give her father a suitable excuse, since Neil might harass Frank. However, she did not have one and had to tell her father that Frank was her boyfriend to finally get her father to help."Oh… Well…" Frank blurted, not sure what to say."We've just been together for a month, Dad," Yara complained right then. "Don't pry now."Robert smiled. "Alright, if you say so."Beside him, Stan flexed his muscles. "It's not that easy if you want to be my brother-in-law, Mr. Lawrence. You'll have to get past me first."Frank was left with a headache right then—he never had that intention at all!Robert chuckled just then. "Well, my son said it. You'd need to at least best him to protect Yara, don't you?"Frank smiled awkwardly. "Ms. Quill is plenty amazing herself. Not many would be able to beat her."Did she even need protection, given her strength?Still, Robert waved him off dismissively. "You ma
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Chapter 160
However, Stan was only further infuriated by his sister's reminder.No longer holding back, he poised himself to go all out and attacked—his Boltsmacker was ferocious, and one could feel a gust in the air with each strike he unleashed!Frank, however, remained nonchalant as he lightly parried Stan's blow."Shit…" Stan's face fell.He quickly unleashed all seven styles and sixty-three strikes of his technique. And yet, Frank did not even react as he kept meeting every blow until the very last.Having read all of Stan's moves at that point, he slowly said, "You're focusing too much on your attack, which reveals your openings unknowingly."His tone was quiet and calm, but it struck Stan like a bolt from the blue!Soon, he was left watching as Frank charged a Boltsmacker.He had also improved the technique once more, and in a style that suited men!Stan's eyes widened as he froze in place, his pupils dilating—Frank seemed to be shining just then!That was when Frank unleashed hi
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