All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
1691 Chapters
Chapter 161
Even Stan was left exclaiming in awe after reading the manual. "You're a genius, Mr. Lawrence!"Robert then asked, "Are you willing to sell this, Mr. Lawrence? I'm willing to buy it off your hands."Frank chuckled. "You're exaggerating, sir. It's just a manual—you can have it if you want it."It was actually worthless to him, and he certainly did not mind letting them have it for Yara's sake."Oh… This is a little too much!" Robert exclaimed, surprised by Frank's generosity. "If you need anything, you need just ask—I promise to do my utmost to help as long as it's within my power…"Frank thought about it and suddenly asked, "Would you happen to know who owns the mansion on top of the hill?"Robert appeared surprised but soon smiled, "Actually, the luxurious residences of Skywater Bay is a development project my son led. What a coincidence!"Stan quickly asked, "Are you interested in the mansion, Mr. Lawrence?"He was utterly respectful now that he had seen the depth of Frank's
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Chapter 162
Things were awkward between Frank and Yara, and the latter quickly opened the door when they arrived at the hilltop mansion. "This is it, Mr. Lawrence. Why don't you look inside?"Frank scanned the place.All the furniture he could ask for was there, and the interior was renovated thoroughly. There was some dust, but the place was great overall."It's really good," he remarked.Yara nodded. "I'll call the cleaners over soon. You can move in as soon as tonight, Mr. Lawrence.""Thank you." Frank nodded. Yara then remembered something else and told him, "By the way, we have a lead on Winter Lawrence, the person you asked me to find. I've found out from the orphanage that she was adopted and taken to Middleton, and I've sent my people to look.""Thank you, Ms. Quill," Frank said seriously. "I'd be really grateful if you could really find her.""May I ask who she is to you?" Yara asked in curiosity just then.Winter was obviously very important to Frank, and Yara wondered if she w
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Chapter 163
Helen was very busy over the last few days, but as the construction for the West City project started, her funds were quickly drained.Closing the file on her desk, she strode to her mother's room.Knock, knock…"What?" Gina asked from inside.Helen entered to find Gina's clothes disheveled, still clearly groggy as she pushed herself up."Have you been seeing Greg lately?" Helen asked.She knew what was going on between her mother and Greg but chose to be quiet since it was Gina's right.However, even if she was not at ease to interfere, Greg was visiting her mother a lot less after she borrowed him money.Gina looked tired as she said, "Oh, he's busy lately so he doesn't have time. His business is booming at the moment, you know."Helen frowned. "Didn't his company go public? Ask him to pay us back—our company needs the money urgently.""We just lent it to him," Gina said awkwardly. "It isn't nice to ask for it back so soon…""But he said he could pay us back once his compa
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Chapter 164
Helen frowned. "Who are you people?"A bald man who was their leader replied, "Your creditors, of course. Are you Gina?""Gina's my mother."Baldie nodded. "Then we're at the right place. Your mom borrowed twenty million from Sindark Finance, claiming she could pay up in ten days."He even whipped out an agreement that had Gina's signature on it, clear as day!Helen was left utterly dumbfounded as she turned toward Gina. "Mom, what the heck?""I-I thought… Didn't we agree on ten days?" Gina stammered. "Why are you here already?""We're counting from the day you made the loan," Baldie growled coolly. "Not the next day.""C-Could you give me a day's extension? I'll have the money tomorrow…" Gina quickly said."Are you kidding me? An extension?! Paying up is what you're supposed to do!" Baldie's eyes narrowed—Gina was clearly not going to pay!"Mom, when did you borrow twenty million dollars?" Helen quickly asked. "What did you use it for?"It was not a small sum—she had never
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Chapter 165
There was no way Helen could free herself with her measly strength!Gina ran up, clawing at Bladie as she yelled, "What are you doing?! Let my daughter go—""Fuck off!" Baldie kicked her to the floor unceremoniously, pointing at her in the face as he bellowed, "Get the money, hag, and then you can come to get your daughter back."Gina clutched her stomach as she groaned, "Stop… Let my daughter go…."Nonetheless, she was left watching as Baldie and the thugs took Helen away, and she lay sprawled on the floor as she bawled, "Greg Marsh, you bastard… You killed us!"-Meanwhile, Frank had just finished cultivating in seclusion.He had completely removed any remaining trace of Snowshade from his body and improved his cultivation.Still, he was hungry after confining himself for days and left the mansion to head down the hill, planning to get some food.As he arrived at the bottom of the hill, an oncoming Ferrari almost knocked him down, but he reacted quickly and dodged out of the
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Chapter 166
Sean nodded in satisfaction and whipped out a debit card. "Take this money. I'll call you if I need your help again… Either way, tonight's going to be a busy night for me.""Of course, Mr. Wesley." Greg smiled as he took the card. Next door, Frank was shaking his head. He knew Greg was a conman from the start, but to think that he was even working for Sean…"Oh, Gina… I don't even know where to begin with you."Forty million was nothing for Frank, but it was definitely a big deal for Lane Holdings!-Sean and Greg parted ways after finishing lunch together. Frank thought about it and decided to follow Greg, who was humming happily to himself as he got into his car."You seem to be in a good mood, Mr. Marsh?" a voice asked from the backseat."Of course," Greg replied nonchalantly, though he soon realized something was wrong!He looked at the rearview mirror right then and found Frank there in the backseat!When did that bastard get in?!Stunned, he quickly tried to get o
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Chapter 167
"What?!" Frank was incensed, and his hands tightened around Greg.Greg's face turned flushed as he could not breathe. "Oof… Please… Let me go…"Nonetheless, Frank bellowed, "Where is Helen now?!""Skywater Bay! Mansion 13!" Greg shouted at the top of his lungs. "That's all I know! Now let me go!"Frank frowned. Skywater Bay?He opened the door and pulled Greg out of the car before taking the driver's seat.Even as Greg lay sprawled on the ground, he shouted, "Please give me the antidote!"Frank shouted back coolly without turning, "Come to me when you've returned the money!-Meanwhile, Baldie and his thugs had locked up Helen in a guest room inside Mansion 13.She pulled off the gurney sack they put over her head, finally seeing her surroundings.The room was too clean to be some loan shark's office!Helen kept hammering on the door, shouting, "Where did you take me?! Let me out!"Baldie laughed outside. "You're not leaving until we're paid. So just stay right there."
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Chapter 168
"What…"Utterly terrified, Helen turned pale—she quickly got up and tried to run, but Sean caught her and slammed her heavily on the floor!"Argh!!!" Helen cried out in pain.It only left Sean sneering as he slowly took off his jacket. "Just stay put and be my bitch. You're not getting away."He started to reach for her dress, but Helen grabbed him by the wrist and bit down firmly, leaving him bleeding right then!"Argh!!!" Sean yelped in pain. "You bitch!"He looked at his wrist, and then at Helen with spite!Having had enough, he leaped up to her, slapping her across the face!"Oof!"Helen was sent tumbling to the floor, but Sean did not stop, and he kicked her brutally in the belly!"I've been playing nice, you know! I went all out to woo you, and you fucking treated me like dirt!"Helen curled up in pain, her face ashen and clutching her stomach. She could not even stand in her agony, while Sean continued to kick her, as if to vent all his frustrations.But even as she
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Chapter 169
Sean's phone suddenly started ringing from his pocket.Frank took it out and answered—it was Sean's dad, and he was snapping angrily from the other end, "Where the hell are you?! Didn't I tell you to receive Ms. Chandler?!""Your son is dead," Frank said flatly."Who the fuck are you?!" James Wesley promptly snapped from the other end."Frank Lawrence. I killed your son because he messed with the wrong people," Frank continued evenly, as if it was nothing of significance. "What?!" James could hardly believe his ears.And yet, the other man's tone was so calm and composed that he did not appear to be lying!"Where is he?" James demanded coolly. "Your son's mansion in Skywater Bay," Frank said, glancing at Sean's corpse."Whoever you are, you're a dead man! How dare you threaten me!""Whatever," Frank replied and hung up.On the other hand, James was left on edge, unsure if Frank was telling the truth. Nonetheless, he decided to see things for himself after some thought an
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Chapter 170
Chris Steiner, the man in the suit, asked, "What happened here, nurse?""She was assaulted and passed out," the nurse replied. "Who are you?""I was her classmate…""Then, could you contact her family?" the nurse asked immediately."O-Of course," Chris quickly said. "Come with us.""Okay." Chris nodded and got into the ambulance.Right after they left, James Wesley and his men arrived at Mansion 13, where they found the place littered with corpses.Frank was the only one alive, sitting nonchalantly on the couch."You're Frank Lawrence?!" James demanded angrily.Frank nodded casually."Where's my son?!" James then asked the question which he was most concerned about.Frank pointed at a bedroom, and James rushed inside without a word.He was left bawling hysterically to see his son's gruesome death before his face contorted savagely."You bastard!" he screamed at Frank. "Who do you think you are, killing my son?!""Why not?" Frank replied, slowly rising to his feet. "Your
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