All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 1271 - Chapter 1280
1684 Chapters
Chapter 1271
"What? A pure jade vase from ancient times?!""The Turnbulls really are rich!""That has to be worth billions…"As the guests went abuzz, Hugh announced, "With this gift, on behalf of the Norsedam Turnbulls, I wish Mr. Pearce good health and prosperity.""How kind of you! Thank you very much." Gene smiled and nodded.He was close with the Turnbulls, and they were tight as business partners.Although the main family did not come, a branch family was here and brought such a precious present, so it counted.And it was a grace to be remembered."That pure jade vase dates back to an ancient civilization? That's why the Turnbulls are the top philanthropists of the country, willingly donating such a treasure.""They really are generous!"Hugh was smiling smugly as he basked in the praise, feeling immeasurably smug.It did hurt spending so much money on the vase, but being praised and making a good impression on Gene made up for it.Moreover, getting into Gene's good graces and get
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Chapter 1272
Hugh pointed at Frank as he snapped, "Who do you think you are, Frank?! Every item presented here would've been appraised by a specialist. There is no way my vase is a fake! Or perhaps you think you're better than the appraiser Mr. Pearce invited?!""Hmph."An elderly white haired man snorted audibly from the front row.He was the appraiser Gene invited and a famous magister on the east coast.Since he appraised every auction item before it was brought on stage while he stated an estimated value, Frank's loud protest was undoubtedly a slap to his face."Son, I'm Tet Boran of Ysalin, and everyone addresses me as a magister. I have seen that pure jade vase with my own eyes—there's no faking it! If you're trying to cause trouble, you've picked the wrong opponent!""What?! That's Magister Boran?!""That's Gene Pearce for you. He invited a magister!"The man in white's words left everyone in shock—the man knew his antiques and modern articles, and was himself an elite martial artist
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Chapter 1273
Could the young man have created new heights with his martial arts and already risen among the best of Draconia?!Tet was shocked by his own hunch, especially by the half-millimeter crack Frank mentioned.No average Joe could have peered into it and would struggle even with a magnifying glass!"Grafting, huh…" Tet murmured as he beckoned at his apprentice to bring a high magnification magnifying glass.On the stage, Hugh started to panic a little as he saw Tet about to appraise his vase again.Frank might be his enemy and Sif Lionheart's murderer, but Hugh still had to admit that Frank was skilled when it came to appraisal. He already proved himself back at Jade Dragon, noticing flaws that even collectors could not see."Bastard…"At that moment, Hugh realized that Frank must have kept quiet when he bought the vase and waited until he presented it to point out the flaw, just to humiliate him!There was no doubt about it—the man's cunning was sinister!However, his blame was
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Chapter 1274
That was why Tet had been exceedingly humble.For someone like Frank to be so accomplished at his age, Tet scarcely dared to imagine the influence that backed him.Bowing his head to Frank, he said earnestly, "Apologies for trying to pull rank earlier, Mr. Lawrence. Please forgive my indiscretion."He had his dignity too, which was why he did not kneel and beg.For Frank's part, he was no bully—he nodded as Tet apologized, accepting the apology.Around them, the guests' jaws dropped as they looked on. Many of them could still remember Hugh claiming that Frank was just Vicky's sugar baby!"Is that man really just some manwhore? How could he be so knowledgeable?""Yeah… Could Hugh Turnbull have been lying?""Hah! The magister himself confirmed that the pure jade vase is fake. Isn't that a slap to Mr. Pearce's face?""The way I see it, Hugh is just some frivolous character who yaps a lot to make himself look important.""He's just a member of the Turnbulls' branch family.""Bra
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Chapter 1275
The people who had the social standing to be invited by Gene certainly would not care about money.The way they saw it was that the vase was proven to be a fake, and everyone in the hall knew it.In that case, this was no longer a question about money, but a question of whether they could afford the embarrassment.If word got out that one of them bought that fake vase, they would be made a laughing stock. Forget selling it off to someone else—no one would buy it unless they had brain damage.That, or they would get off on being mocked and a willing clown. Otherwise, no one else would willingly buy that fake vase.Even Frank was shaking his head in disappointment. "You could use it as a cup to drink from, but its value…"The vase was now a poisoned chalice no one would touch, as anyone who would willingly do it was basically a sucker.And since every guest present had a reputation to maintain, they would certainly not buy the fake vase willingly.Hugh himself understood Frank ri
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Chapter 1276
Frank then turned to Gene. "I present this painting to Mr. Pearce on behalf of Vicky Turnbull and the main Turnbull family. Vicky especially sends her thanks for helping her immediate family establish a foothold in Riverton."Gene appeared surprised but soon smiled and shook his head. "Oh, that little lady. Why didn't she come by herself?""She has taken ill and couldn't make it, so she asked me to help.""Well, I'm most grateful for her present."Gene and Frank's exchange left the guests puzzled—why did it feel like both men were close in private?Dennis was watching from a distance.He frowned as he remembered what Frank told him before—that he should not set Gene against him, or he would bite off more than he could chew.Turning pensive just then, Dennis mused, "Could it be…?" Hugh noticed that and could tell what he was thinking, and so quickly said, "Don't worry about it, Dr. Jackson. Frank Lawrence had brought two presents that looked valuable, but it just means the Turn
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Chapter 1277
Hugh twirled a finger around his temple, sneering. "Are you some sort of demigod? The Jade Marrow Pill, you say? You could just call it the god pill if you like!""Hahaha!"Many of the guests present laughed at the moniker.The god pill? It sounded like something a street con man would call their merchandise, claiming their pills granted superstrength, immortality, and immunity to poison.In reality, it was just vitamin pills.Obviously, no one believed what Frank was saying about his Jade Marrow Pill, as they were all experienced—trying to trick them was just asking to be humiliated."Shit, and here I thought we peaked with Hugh Turnbull's fake vase.""Yeah… And now we have a snake oil salesman. This charity auction is killing me.""Come on. Maybe the pill actually works?""Hahaha… You almost got me right there!"While all the guests doubted and scoffed, Frank waited for a long while before saying quietly, "I'm not lying—I refined this pill with a jade marrow. As for the eff
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Chapter 1278
"That's right!" Dennis was snapping at Frank too. "Hmph…"Frank did not argue, as he was keen to find out what those two were up to."Mr. Pearce!" Hugh strode past Frank toward Gene as everyone watched, pointing at Frank as he shouted, "My family took in Frank, but he's a gigolo and a liar!""Really?" Gene quietly glanced at Frank, and nodded at Hugh for him to continue.Seeing Gene's impassive reaction, both Dennis and Hugh were delighted."This man is so full of himself," Hugh quickly continued. "He got Sif Lionheart killed and drove a wedge between my family and the Lionhearts! And he knows no shame, claiming to have saved your life, Mr. Pearce! It's a blatant insult to your name, not to mention he came without an invitation and basically barged in here!""He didn't have an invitation?" Gene turned toward Frank in surprise.Frank shrugged noncallable. "I forgot to bring it.""You forgot?" Gene was taken aback but also quickly realized why he was not notified of Frank's arr
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Chapter 1279
Even if the guests refused to believe Frank, a man from nowhere, Tet had a reputation to protect and had no reason to lie.Even if he conspired with Frank and defended him, once the pill was sold and proved ineffective, his reputation as a magister would go up in smoke—it was simply not worth it.As such, the only explanation for that was that he was speaking the truth.But even as everyone was left gaping and speechless, Gene took the stage with perfect timing.He walked up to Frank, clapping him on the shoulder as everyone looked on in shock, speaking quietly, "By the way, I forgot to mention something—this man, Frank Lawrence, is a healer who practices Draconian traditional medicine. He also saved me from the brink, curing me from my sickly self and allowing me to strut once more!""What?!" Both Hugh and Dennis were dumbstruck, with Dennis still on his knees.Their faces turned pale even as they stared at Frank and Gene, while Gene continued, "As such, I swear by my honor as
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Chapter 1280
The security guards all nodded in response. "Yes, sir!"Hugh's face fell right then, and he promptly turned toward Gene to beg, "Please, Mr. Pearce! I'm sorry… Please forgive me! I'll apologize, alright?! I didn't mean to bring a fake vase! I never mean to insult you, and I shouldn't have bad-mouthed you… Please, for the sake of the Turnbull family…"His undignified please only left Gene frowning, and he sneered at Hugh as everyone watched. "The Turnbulls? Really? You still have the cheek to mention them?! You've already humiliated them more than enough times! This is just a minor punishment—even Glen Turnbull himself can't argue against that if he was here!"Then, looking up at the security guards, he barked coldly, "Do it!"There was an audible crunch from the stage as Hugh's bones were broken, leaving the crowd cringing.At that moment, they came to understand the savagery that lay beneath Gene's usually mild-mannered appearance.In the end, Gene did not get where he was today
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