All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 1291 - Chapter 1300
1663 Chapters
Chapter 1291
Seeing Ivor's tragic state, Dean certainly did not dare to act tough and kowtowed to Frank as he begged, "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Lawrence! It's all because we listened to that woman's goading… That's why we tried to attack Winter! We didn't want to do this!"Frank narrowed his eyes and asked coolly, "Woman? What woman?""She called herself Aria Lond… said she's acquainted with Winter," Dean said, quick to shift blame.Frank's expression contorted in rage when he heard that name, while anger and disappointment showed in Winter's eyes."Hah! So it was Aria… That's why this whole thing felt like it was arranged!" Jean snapped, furious towards her ex-best friend."And I thought sparing her life was being magnanimous… Can't do a thing now that she's asking for it," Frank growled sinisterly, scowling.He naturally knew that Aria held a bitter grudge against him, but he did not think she was so vile that she would lash out at her own friend.Leaving her at large would only cause more problem
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Chapter 1292
Dean, Jarek, and Sunny were certainly pathetic, kowtowing to Frank as everyone watched.It was a dark page in their history, and they had to get even!That was the case especially for Ivor, who had to suffer utter humiliation just to survive.If he could, he would call his father right now and have him send his men over.However, he also knew very well that his father was a busy man and did not have time for his nonsense, not to mention that a call was not convincing.Instead, he must let his father see his tragic state and get his father to do something.Strengthening his resolve, Ivor snapped coolly, "Go, get my car and take me to my dad's office in Bearson Group right now. I will let him see how I suffered! It'll be a slap to his face!""Alright!"Dean, Jarek, and Sunny Cabat traded glances, gleeful right then.After all, Bearson Group was secretly backed by the Lionhearts of Morhen!If the Lionhearts helped, Frank was as good as dead!The men's footsteps quickened at the
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Chapter 1293
Winter, who had been craning her neck to listen in on the call, quickly turned away when Frank hung up, feigning ignorance.Naturally, she could not fool Frank—he did not blame her, however, and instead patted her head and chuckled.She would be his apprentice from now on.It was a little ridiculous in a way, seeing that his mentor's daughter would become his apprentice instead of becoming her fellow."Hmph. How meddlesome…"Hearing the tactless grumble, Frank turned to see a long-haired girl wearing thick-makeup.Though she was basically a four, she was a seven thanks to her elaborate makeup. On the other hand, Winter just needed basic makeup to reach eight point five, even nine.Nonetheless, Frank was frowning when he heard the complaint.Jean heard it too. Being blunt as she always was, she promptly snapped, "What's that supposed to mean, Yew?""Nothing. Tch." Yew clicked her tongue, sarcastic even as she folded her arms before her chest. "All thanks to Winter's amazing b
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Chapter 1294
After all, Zamri Hospital was one of the best hospitals in the East Coast, and its previous chief, Dennis Jackson, was one of Zamri's Three Bears!They were on a completely different level from Riverton Hospital!"Are you messing with us, Professor Lawrence?"Yew snorted skeptically. "Even Ivor Bearson only promised a recommendation letter and not an internship. Do you even have the connections for this?""Oh, but don't worry—I do."Frank nodded to assure everyone, even smiling and pointing at Winter, "And the next chief of Zamri Hospital is standing right there. She's your friend, after all—would an internship be really a problem?""What?! The chief of Zamri Hospital?!"Everyone stared blankly at the equally confused Winter, who could barely speak.As everyone looked on, she shook her head repeatedly, her hair flowing in waves. "F-Frank… Me, the chief?" she stammered. "No way! What are you talking about?! I just graduated, and I'm going to become chief? That absolutely won't
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Chapter 1295
The private room turned completely silent.Earlier, the girls were slightly convinced that Frank could write a recommendation letter so that they would have a shot at getting an internship at Zamri Hospital. But now, he was also saying that he would help Winter get appointed as the chief of that hospital, and that he and Gene Pearce agreed to that?Everyone knew that Gene was the richest man of the east coast, and Frank would say that he and that man discussed and agreed to let Winter become chief?!Who did he think he was, swaying Gene's decisions?! It was no longer a joke at that point—just fiction.Yew did not even bother mocking Frank at that point. Keeping a straight face, she picked up her handbag and got to her feet, "Keep listening to him brag all you want. I'm leaving—I don't have the time to waste here."Two other girls followed suit, holding no hopes toward Frank at all.In their mind, Frank must be crazy for saying something like that, and anything else would just b
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Chapter 1296
With that, only Jean and Winter were left in the room with Frank.Smiling at Winter, he said, "I'm going to teach you the precepts of Draconian traditional medicine over a month, while you study the rest from there. How about that?"Winter's eyes lit up—she had seen Frank's skill in medicine, and she would be a great help to him if she could inherit his skills.She nodded repeatedly at that thought."Good." Frank was pleased to see her agree to it. "With this, you'll be even more qualified as hospital chief.""Why are you still going on about that…" Winter pouted, clearly doubting Frank.Frank was not concerned, however, even smiling as he patted her head and told her to study well while he made the arrangements.Jean stood up just then—she was not convinced Frank could get someone like Gene to agree to his request, but Frank had already achieved the impossible one too many times.At this point, she was just used to Frank achieving wonders, which was why she was the only one mo
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Chapter 1297
"Me?" Frank shook his head. "That wasn't me. Sage Lake Sect didn't want witnesses, and it's not my fault.""You're lying!" Aria bellowed. "I wouldn't be at White Hall if not for you, and I wouldn't end up like this!""Shut up!"Frank turned furious as well at her outburst. "You're the one who set me up in the first place! Would I have needed to travel to White Hall to find proof otherwise? None of it would have happened if you had just confessed from the start! And when we got to White Hall, you hooked up with Kim's father—which of those are not your fault? What part did I play in any of that?!"Aria hung her head at Frank's bellow, but the spite in her glare never faded.Seeing that, Frank knew that there was no saving her now—hate had completely clouded her mind, and she remained unrepentant even after he had been as lenient as he could.Moreover, he was not one who hesitated… and he was not about to keep a ticking time bomb around.Since Aria refused to see reason, Frank had
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Chapter 1298
"What?"Kilian scowled in annoyance right then. "I informed you beforehand and even pulled strings so that Zamri City Hall covered it up as a highway project, and you still haven't acquired that plot of land?"Killian's accusation left Troy sweating buckets, and he pursed his lips awkwardly. "It's not like we're refusing, Mr. Lionheart, but Lanecorp just isn't giving up that land lot. Everyone we sent was turned down, not to mention that Zamri is a mess at the moment.""Really? You can't deal with some company? And what mess are you talking about?" Kilian asked, but he was convinced Troy was deliberately stalling to get more goodies from the Lionhearts."Well, sir, Lanecorp has recently seen progress," Troy replied. "They are gaining ground across various fields in Zamri. In contrast, Zomber Group, formerly one of the city's Three Bears, is declining. Their two leaders died under mysterious circumstances, and the company is now acquired by Lanecorp as a subsidiary."Seeing the loo
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Chapter 1299
Just then, a commotion could be heard from the hallway outside. "Please, Mr. Bearson! You can't go in—your father is meeting an important guest, and he said no one is to disturb him!"Before Troy could react, his office doors opened.Then, he watched as his son , bleeding all over and bawling, was carried inside on a stretcher by Dean, Jarek, and Sunny.Troy's secretary and security guards were still trying to talk them out of it. "Please just step outside for a moment…"However, Ivor could not care less as he ordered Dean and the others to barge inside.As soon as he saw his father, he was shouting tearfully on top of his lungs."Dad! Dad!" he cried shrilly, trembling even as he kept howling, "Someone beat me up, and broke my hands and legs! I'm a cripple now… You have to avenge me"!Troy was about to scold his son for being tactless, but the gruesome sight of his injuries left his rage vaporizing.He strode up, his eyes flashing viciously as he barked, "Who did this to you?!
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Chapter 1300
Even if Troy was furious to see his son being maimed, he obviously had more important things to do."Dad! You have to avenge me!" Ivor kept bawling."Got it. Now go, and get some proper rest." Troy nodded.After Ivor and his friends were gone and closed the door behind them, Troy's secretary reported, "Sir, the head of Lanecorp's health and security department is Frank Lawrence, a male in his twenties.""Frank Lawrence?!" Troy's eyes widened—that was the name of the man who hurt his son!Could it be two different Frank Lawrences? Though that would be unlikely…Troy glanced at Kilian, who remained calm as a cucumber and nodded when he heard the name. "If that's really him, then it makes sense. Frank Lawrence must be the one masterminding Lanecorp's resurgence.""Do you know him, Mr. Lionheart?" Troy asked blankly."I don't." Kilian shook his head and explained quietly, "I've only heard that this man had been at odds with the Lionhearts, robbing Titus Lionheart off his fiance
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