All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 1301 - Chapter 1310
1663 Chapters
Chapter 1301
Getting the idea just then, Troy asked tentatively, "Then, if my men die because of Frank…""I will get involved." Kilian seemed to see through Troy, but he did not care and stared at Troy as he continued quietly, "A full-fledged Birthright rank may be able to strut across the east coast, but they would be insignificant in the South Sea.""Great!" Troy was delighted—with an elder of Volsung Sect like Kilian, even all of Zamri did not stand a chance against them.Seeing Troy's delight, Kilian snorted and remained impassive. "I've come under orders to supervise the excavation of the spiritron vein. For that, I will eliminate those in your way, but don't think I'm taking orders from you."Troy was cursing in his head, but he kept smiling and nodded repeatedly.-After Frank returned to Zamri, he called Gene, who laughed heartily when Frank told him he wanted a mansion near the city."I've just noticed one in South Zamri," he said. "I heard it belonged to the Bearsons, and I think
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Chapter 1302
"It's been so long, darling!" Vicky exclaimed. "I missed you!""It's just been a week." Frank sighed exasperatedly and tucked her hair behind her ear, studying her cheek.Vicky's gruesome red scars were already gone from her face—his ointment worked so well that no trace was left.In fact, Vicky's skin was fair, even bright and flushed like a baby's, her lips red without needing lipstick.Even barefaced, she would beat ninety percent of the rest of Draconia's beauties.In fact, Vicky had a slight advantage over Helen now."Heh. You're even more beautiful now, Ms. Turnbull," Frank praised after studying her face.Vicky was naturally unable to contain her delight. "Is that because I have a wonderful husband? So, shall we…?"She glanced pointedly at the bed, her gaze bewitching and her breath tender as she offered Frank a suggestion.Frank zoned out for a moment, feeling the softness in his palm and almost went to work right then.That was when someone knocked on the door, causi
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Chapter 1303
"You're such a…"Frank was well aware of the weird rivalry between Helen and Vicky.He reached out, smacking Vicky's rear even as she clung to him like an octopus.He wanted to punish her for using him to mess with Helen without his consent, but the bounciness almost left his resistance crumbling.Still, he quickly said, "Vicky, Helen must have something important to tell you. You'd best go talk to her.""Hmph."Vicky released him grumpily but winked at him as she opened the door. "Harder next time, daddy.""Ahem…"Frank gulped even as he stared at Vicky's butt and started coughing violently.Naturally, it was not over just then.Just as Helen was about to leave the hallway, Vicky opened the door and poked her head out, beckoning, "Wait, Helen. Don't run off so soon! Why don't you join us?""Ahem!!!"Frank coughed so violently he almost hacked out his lungs.On the other hand, Helen wheeled on Vicky, flushing in embarrassment amid the five minute silence."Y-You're shamel
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Chapter 1304
Vicky giggled at the thought.Ten minutes later, and after washing up, Frank appeared in Helen's office punctually to give his usual daily report.However, Helen kept staring distractedly at Frank's crotch, which Vicky noticed to her amusement, hiding a giggle.Even Frank was getting the creeps from Helen's stare, but he dutifully finished his report. "Our health and security department now has complete control over Zamri's underbelly, so you don't have to worry about safety. Our people will update us on anything that happens.""Oh…" Helen came to her senses a long while after Frank finished, nodding. "In that case, your safe period… Wait, I mean your health and security department…"However, Helen's mistake clearly revealed her thoughts, and Vicky was laughing so hard that she teared up.Even Frank had to step back awkwardly.As for Helen, her usual ice-queen demeanor was nowhere to be seen as she flushed and lay sprawled over her desk, murmuring, "Just kill me already…""Al
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Chapter 1305
Frank appeared perplexed—why would Peter come to him?A while ago, Peter was appointed as deputy to Terry Cotton, who worked as a team captain in Lanecorp's health and security department.Under usual circumstances, Peter had Frank's number and could just call him if anything happened.But he did not and came to Frank personally? And he was in bad shape?Sensing something ominous, Frank left Lily the secretary and dashed downstairs.At the first-floor lobby, Frank found Peter bleeding from the gut as he sat by the entrance.He was bleeding all over, causing a commotion in the lobby."What happened, Peter?!" Frank exclaimed as he squeezed his way through the crowd and rushed to Peter's side."Brother… Chief…" Peter was barely breathing, choking even as he struggled to lift his bloodstained hands. "Four men attacked the bar we gathered in… They had big guns, and they killed so many of us…""What?! Guns?!" Frank was at once furious.After all, Draconia enforced strict gun cont
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Chapter 1306
And as soon as the fixer division was in trouble, Peter came to inform Frank immediately despite his terrible pain and the possibility of death.Even if Peter had been a real bastard before, he had truly turned around, and Helen willingly accepted him as her brother again.Naturally, seeing him lying in a pool of his own blood left her tearing up in panic."Calm down. I've stopped his bleeding—he's safe for now," Frank said. At the same time, he thrusted a needle into Peter's bullet wounds and extracted the bullets with his pure vigor, letting them drop loudly with a metallic clink."What?! Are those… bullet holes?!" It was only then that Helen noticed Peter's injury.Frank nodded, picking up the bullets and turning toward the security guards nearby. "Let him rest at the Lanecorp dorms. He's mostly fine now.""Yes, Mr. Lawrence," the security guards replied and brought out a stretch to carry Peter away."Helen!" Frank caught her since she was about to follow, looking her sol
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Chapter 1307
Frank could not help frowning at that. "Either way, I owe you a favor. And if there's nothing else…""By the way, darling…"Juno's giggle faded as her tone turned serious once again. "One of Volsung Sect's best recently touched down in Zamri, and he's with the Bearons right now. He seemed to be plotting something, but I couldn't get any details about his abilities and connections. The only thing I know for sure is that he's beneath Ascendant rank, so watch out, darling."While Frank was surprised by Juno's advice, he said, "Understood. Thank you, Clarity.""Um-hmm."As Frank hung up and mused to himself, Vicky asked, "Is her information reliable, Frank?"She did not seem worried that another woman called Frank darling, as he was clearly formal and deliberately distant."Ninety percent," Frank replied, nodding. "The last time we met, she told me that a certain land lot's value would suddenly skyrocket, and it did.""In that case, we have a name. The Bearons of Zamri… have you do
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Chapter 1308
Frank nodded and added, "I'll have everyone from the health and security department come over and protect Lanecorp. This place will be fine if they're after me, but once I leave, they'll come if they're after Lanecorp in the first place."Vicky nodded. "Yeah. I'll have my family's blackguards help too.""Blackguards?"Frank remembered the Turnbull blackguards.He did not hold up much hope—those men had ability, but they also had serious attitude problems.Still, anything worked, and the more the merrier.Nodding, Frank wasted no time and took the elevator down to the basement parking lot, when his phone rang just as he got into his car.-At a nearby tower, a masked middle-aged man was sitting in a distant skyscraper, concealed behind a one-way tinted glass curtain.He lowered his binoculars as an Audi left Lanecorp, and he whipped out his walkie-talkie to call his friends on an encrypted channel. "Frank Lawrence has just left Lanecorp. Repeat, Frank Lawrence has just left Lan
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Chapter 1309
Thunder, who was the boss among the four, nodded after hearing the report. "Good work. We'd still need to check—Frank Lawrence is strong, and he might really make it out.""Don't worry, boss. Even if he survived, the shockwave would have neutralized him." Galen was calmer in comparison. "Blaze and I will stay here to check for a body.""Good." Thunder nodded—that was the only way to be sure. "Bolt, how's the explosives going?!""Shit, boss! I've been made!" Bolt was wheezing, and clearly running even as he shouted into the walkie-talkie."You've been made?! Where?! I'll extract you!""The fountain downstairs of Lanecorp… this freaky woman keeps chasing me, and I can't shake her off!""Freaky woman?!" Thunder did a double take.His quartet were all Birthright rank individuals—in fact, Thunder himself had just completed Birthright rank.But to chase one of them that far, even terrorizing Bolt enough to make him scream 'freaky', that woman had to be something else."If you're c
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Chapter 1310
Having that as precedent gave Thunder's quartet the confidence to attack Frank.But to Thunder's shock, Frank's breathing was regular and his speech composed.Forget being hurt—he was not even breathing heavily, while Galen and Blaze were killed."Boss, you're finally here… H-Help!" In the distance, Bolt was panting even as he dashed toward Thunder, still carrying his explosives with him.The lady in white silk continued chasing after him and stopped to level a cool glare at Thunder. "Hmm. So you're his boss?""I…"Thunder's mouth hung open, unable to manage a word.Frank's abilities left him devastated.If they could not hurt him even after what they did, it must mean…"Transcendent rank…" Thunder murmured to himself."Now's not the time, boss! You have to stop her!" Bolt almost swore out loud, seeing his own boss freezing up."I mean… Frank Lawrence is Transcendent rank." Thunder turned toward Bolt with a smile so terrible he could well be crying."What?! Transcendent r
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