All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 1311 - Chapter 1320
1649 Chapters
Chapter 1311
Dropping the walkie-talkie and crushing it under his foot, Frank stared thoughtfully at the blazing inferno behind himself.The woman in white who had just shown up at Lanecorp was none other than Silverbell, chief of Morhen's Martial Alliance.Silverbell and Juno Enigma just so happened to be acquainted, and Juno called her when she learned that Troy Bearson was after Frank.Like Kilian Lionheart, Silverbell was also in Zamri for the spiritron vein and headed toward Lanecorp post-haste when she heard there was danger.Before she arrived, she called Frank when he reached the basement parking lot.Wary of the threat, he arranged for Silverbell to hurry over and defend Lanecorp, while he would use himself as bait to see who the Bearsons were after.And the result was surprising—the Bearsons wanted to take down both Lanecorp and himself.That certainly made things intriguing.Frank did not spare Bolt and Thunder out of kindness either—he wanted them to spill the beans on the Bears
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Chapter 1312
Thunder continued, "Most importantly, they are planning something. It's about a land lot that Lanecorp recently acquired, and the Bearson Group tried but repeatedly failed to buy it off their hands, so…"At that point, Frank vaguely realized that Kilian Lionheart must want the same thing as Silverbell.Turning toward her with a frown, he asked, "What's this about the spiritron vein over the phone?""Spiritron vein?" Thunder and Bolt were immediately at attention, while Silverbell immediately fidgeted and appeared anxious."Silverbell?"Frank had to say her name again to bring her to her senses, but she said, "I'm sorry, I think we should stay away from the Bearsons for now."While Frank was surprised that Silverbell was immediately asking him to give up, he asked, "Why?""Kilian Lionheart." Silverbell sighed, her eyes flashing coldly. "That man is trouble—he's one of Volsung Sect's best and the elder of their Order of Talons. Moreover, he advanced well into Ascendant rank, and
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Chapter 1313
Helen then continued, "But since we have plans for that land lot, we didn't take the Bearsons' offer. They kept suggesting partnerships to develop it together, which I refused too.""Okay, got it."Frank was sneering even as he hung up.There was little wonder, as the land that he bought off Gina proved to be a treasure, where a spiritron vein had been embedded.He certainly had no reason to give it up now that he had it—no, he would rather destroy it than let Kilian acquire it!Soon, their black car stopped by the curb.They had arrived before a pair of towering steel gates, behind which stood a large mansion surrounded by gardens.It had everything, from parking lots to gardens and the like. It would not measure up to the estates of the Four Families of Morhen, but it had the advantage of being in a quiet location. Moreover, it was not too far from the city, taking just half an hour of travel to reach Lanecorp Tower.Frank was satisfied after just one glance, while Thunder an
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Chapter 1314
"What are you laughing at?!"The bodyguard up front glared at Thunder and Bolt.Both men quickly stopped smiling and shook their heads. "Nothing."Still, they could barely contain themselves—the four people standing in front of the haughty bodyguards were all martial artists, each more ridiculous than the other.That was why the bodyguards' threat was hilarious, and they just could not stop themselves from laughing at the thought.On the other hand, Frank did not argue, since he would rather not fight if he could.All he wanted to do was buy the mansion without fuss instead of spilling blood, especially when Helen, Winter, and everyone else would be moving in tomorrow.Waving, he led the others away from the steel gates back to the car and called Gene Pearce as the bodyguards leered at them haughty.By the time he was done telling his story, Gene was incensed. "That brat's name is Gerry Bearson. I'm the one who cleared his gambling debts because even his father can't afford it,
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Chapter 1315
Frank could tell that he could not take Thunder and Bolt's oath of undying loyalty at face value.However, they had nowhere else to go.Not only had they failed to carry out their mission, but they had leaked the Bearson's secrets. Forget taking them back—it would be mercy if the Bearsons did not send killers after Thunder and Bolt.And someone like Kilian had even less reason to take them back in.In contrast, the olive branch Frank was offering was simply bewitching.For the average martial artist, trying to develop without any heirloom meant training in sub-par martial arts they would obtain from the black market—and at astronomical prices.As for anything advanced, they were either hoarded within various sects as treasures. None of those would ever fall to the black market—even if some would, Thunder and Bolt would never be able to afford them.But things were different now—if they took Frank's offer, any martial arts form a Transcendent rank like him could teach was far abo
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Chapter 1316
Despite being thrown to the floor, Gerry was still cursing. "Fuck! You've got balls to lay a finger on me! Do you know who my uncle is?! The Lionhearts have his back, and if you touch me again—"Seeing that he was still threatening them, Thunder strode up and stomped his foot, breaking one of Gerry's fingers with an audible crack."Argh!!!"The heartrending agony was real—Gerry was left clutching his hand as he lay sprawled on the ground, screaming hysterically."Are you going to be reasonable now, Mr. Bearson?" Frank asked, impassive even as he arched his back."F-Fuck you! Just you wait… Just you wait!" Gerry cursed as he gasped in pain."Watch your mouth!" Thunder snapped and crushed Gerry's palm under his foot this time.Even as Gerry shrieked, rolling around the ground, he was finally relenting, his tone actually tearful. "W-What do you want?! How dare you mess with me on my family's turf. Are you so bored?"Frank shook his head. "Like I said, we're here in peace. We just
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Chapter 1317
After Gene's men gave Gerry a stern warning, they left him at one of his family's hotels.But that was exactly what Gerry wanted—ignoring the looks of shock from the front desk receptionists, he limped over to the counter and called his girlfriend, Stella Favoni.The Favonis of Norsedam were a family of famed martial artists. As such, their main business was security services, along with other gray to illegal businesses, which was why they basically ruled Norsedam.Stella was the second daughter of the main family and had always been close with Gerry. Naturally, Stella certainly would not just idle away upon seeing Gerry given such a thorough beating and having his mansion stolen.She immediately led a group of her family's martial artists to Zamri, storming the Lanecorp Towers lobby.They were unstoppable, beating and leaving the security guards bleeding all over the floor."Bring me Frank Lawrence!" Stella bellowed viciously, stomped a foot on a chair.She was no looker, but s
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Chapter 1318
Gerry felt terror from the bottom of his heart.Frank was not joking—he would really kill him!"How dare you, Frank!"Stella strode up between her boyfriend and Frank, smirking. "You sure talk big, but look around—my family's martial artists are standing all around you! You're the one who's going down!""Oh, really?"Frank chuckled sinisterly. "Care to test that theory?""You prick! You really won't give up, huh?! Go, take him down and skin him!"At Stella's bellow, the martial artists around Frank leaped toward Frank, ready to attack him with their martial techniques.Terrified, the Lanecorp employees fled the lobby."It's your fault for messing with Ms. Favoni, brat! Now, you can watch while we skin you!"The Favonis' martial artists actually proved to be skilled—unlike other martial artists Frank encountered before, the Favoni were serious about grooming them with their resources.Every individual movement and positioning was planned and executed perfectly, and they quick
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Chapter 1319
"No, w—"Even as the Favoni martial artist's eyes widened, Frank exploded his head with a punch before he could finish.A gruesome grail of blood and pure vigor continued past his body, shattering the curtain wall and killing six other Favoni martial artists.And before the other Favoni martial artists had time to react, Frank was already onto them. Though he only used conventional moves with his kicks and punches this time, the Favoni martial artists could not withstand the pure vigor he unleashed.Thud.Soon after the first body dropped, the rest of the thirtyish Favoni martial artists were dead, as if frozen in the moment Frank sent them flying.It did not even take a single second."What…" Stella was left dumbstruck, standing and frozen in place.She was staring at the mangled bodies of her family's martial artists, alive and kicking just a moment ago and ready to take down Frank.Who on earth was Frank?! They could not even last one blow!As she stared blankly at Frank
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Chapter 1320
"Please, Frank… I get it now! It's all my fault, and I won't ever do it again… Please, just let me live—"Crunch!As Gerry's neck snapped audibly, his pleas stopped instantly.Stella's breath was caught in her lungs and she almost fainted.Who was this war deity that they had just provoked? Could Frank actually be Transcendent rank?!Her family's martial artists were tried and true elites too—not many across the East Coast could win against them, let alone in Norsedam!But Frank massacred them without even really making an effort!As the lobby of Lanecorp Tower became eerily silent for a long while, Frank quietly spoke, "I will give you one chance—go home, and don't mess with me ever again."Stella promptly turned in disbelief—he was sparing her?Frank seemed to read her mind from her expression alone and waved her off."I have no reason to kill you. Though I don't mind playing along if you have a death wish. Oh, and another thing…"Frank shot her a cool look. "You have to p
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