All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 1371 - Chapter 1380
1572 Chapters
Chapter 1371
Frank followed the Favonis to a smaller building to the back, and he could see Abel being surrounded by everyone even before he entered.He stood on the edge of the group, refraining from greeting Abel since the two Favoni sentries before were watching him.They only allowed Frank to wait instead of meddling.After all, they were told that Jaden Favoni, the star of the family's younger generation, was now half-dead because of Frank.Even if Frank had cleared his name and proved he was not some despicable poisoner, the Favonis still extended the blame to him.And whatever the higher-ups said was naturally taken way more seriously by the minions, which was why these sentries were hostile toward Frank.There were even Favoni martial artists who came, sizing up Frank to see if he really was that good. If anything, a fight would have started if those two sentries did not stop them.As such, in contrast to the respect and humility afforded to Abel, Frank was kept on a tight leash, not
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Chapter 1372
"Master Edon! He's causing trouble on our turf!""Yeah! He's out of line!""We don't have to tell anyone. Let's teach him a lesson to remember!""Silence!"Edon could certainly tell what happened but did not apologize to Frank.Instead, he snapped coolly at the Favoni martial artists, "Every guest deserves a proper respect, or people would laugh at us. Now, leave!""But, sir…""What?!" Edon glared at the Favoni martial artist furiously. "Are you disobeying my orders?!"Seeing that Edon was not giving ground, the Favoni martial artists could only leave, though not without shooting dirty looks at Frank while they did.Then, Edon turned toward Frank. "Mr. Lawrence, please understand this—no matter how you see us, it's still not up to you to lecture our apprentices."And with that, he turned to leave.Frank could certainly see that Edon did not think highly of him too.And now that Abel was here, Frank's offer to cure Jaden Favoni was inconsequential. After all, the Favonis cer
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Chapter 1373
The two Favoni sentries were laughing so hard at Frank's boasting that their stomachs hurt."Come on, kid. Are you right in the head?""Shush, just give it up. Let him live in his own world. Abel Loggins kneeling to him? Pfft…"After all, Abel Loggins, kneeling to some unknown kid who was merely unusually pompous?However, Frank was dead serious, smiling as he continued, "If I'm wrong, I will kowtow to you, and you can do anything to me as you see fit."Then, glancing between them, he added, "But if I'm right… You will both go down on all fours and crawl from here to the front doors of this residence while barking like dogs do. How about that?"Both Favoni sentries spaced out for a moment, seeing that Frank was serious.They could actually feel butterflies in their stomach when they saw Frank's vague smile—he was clearly luring them into a trap.However, the bet was ridiculous in itself too.After all, Abel Loggins, the most famous healer in Morhen, kneeling to Frank and askin
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Chapter 1374
Considering Abel's importance, the Favonis would just be getting themselves into trouble if they upset him.What if Abel simply up and left? Who would they go to at that point—Frank Lawrence?Nonetheless, Abel zoned out for a moment. "Zamri, you say?"He was naturally aware that Frank had been staying in Zamri recently but was afraid to confirm it as he could see the Favonis' attitude.He nodded, putting aside the questions he had as he remained curious—there were plenty of people in Zamri but not that many who could strut in the Favonis' own turf."Hehe. This way please, Mr. Loggins." Chet Favoni led Abel through into a traditionally decorated cottage.As soon as the doors opened, the oncoming scent of medicinal herbs was so strong that Abel's nostrils twitched."Hmm? Drakedrool, cranepore…" As Abel quickly identified over ten natural wonders accurately, Chet and Edon's smiles visibly broadened.One could really easily tell if a person was an expert—the man certainly inspir
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Chapter 1375
It was a gruesome sight that left Abel's heart skipping a beat.He could tell just from Jaden's face that he would die soon, what with the necrosis setting in and the blackness all over his brow.What on earth was he poisoned with? He was clearly a dead man walking and just might breathe his last breath at the very next instant!"Mr. Loggins, what do you think?" Chet asked urgently.Jaden was his son and the hope of his family, and his heart could break seeing Jaden like that."Patience, Mr. Favoni," Abel said, but sweat was seeping over his brow.While he thought there was hope before, it had certainly vaporized as his heart sank to rock bottom now.Just from Jaden's face, even his mentor might not be able to help here, let alone himself."Urgh…"Abel sighed as everyone looked on. "The poison has already reached his organs, probably perforating his stomach. He's now breathing his last breath, and all I can do is try to keep him alive. As for his cultivation…"His diagnosis l
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Chapter 1376
Every needle Abel inserted was focused and precise.As he inserted the last one through Jaden's chest, the blackness around his cheeks miraculously diminished, and his breathing stabilized considerably as well."Huh?" Surprised showed on Lubor's face as he watched from the distance.At the same time, Abel took out a yellow pill the size of a grape and inserted it into Jaden's mouth. "This is an antidote pill—it won't be as effective as the ones my mentor cooked, since it's just a duplicate that Loggins Apothecary developed by imitating a sample."And soon after Abel helped Jaden take that pill, it quickly vaporized into a yellow puff of smoke as everyone looked on and flowed down Jaden's throat.Despite being unconscious, Jaden coughed twice, and his cheeks flushed."It works! You're amazing, Mr. Loggins! You were just being humble before!"Seeing that his son was recovering, Chet was beside himself with excitement. In fact, he was ready to prostrate himself before Abel in gra
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Chapter 1377
However, even as Jaden turned quiet, his skin complexion was a terrible black and his breathing much weaker. In fact, he was only exhaling without breathing in."Mr. Loggins, what's happening here?!"Chet was utterly confused—how did his son's condition deteriorate so soon after showing signs of recovery?!"Let me see!" Abel pulled out the needle he just inserted into Jaden's throat, his face falling as he weighed the needle between his palms."What's wrong, Mr. Loggins?!" Chet asked, hurrying to his side.Some distance away, Edon was zoning out, as he remembered Frank warning him not to let Abel touch the needles he inserted into Jaden directly.That skin contact was enough to transmit the poison."Mr. Loggins!" Edon could not help shouting just then."Huh?!"Both Abel and Chet turned to find Edon standing there, holding out his hand toward them.However, even as Edon was going to relay Frank's warning, he suddenly changed his mind—would Abel really be unaware of the nat
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Chapter 1378
Chet turned toward his brother Edon right then. "Don't just stand there! Go, bring in Mr. Loggins' mentor!""But who is he?!" Edon was equally bewildered, still standing by the doorway. "How am I supposed to know when he never mentioned his name?"Still, Edon knew that things would be terrible for the family if Abel died in Favoni House.That was when Lubor seized the moment and said, "Chet, at this point, you should just give up the chief of the Martial Alliance. That way, I can ask the elder of Hundred Bane Sect to bring the cure… or it would really be too late!""Alright… alright!" Chet exclaimed in panic. If it was just his son, he could calmly take the loss while rearranging his plans for the family's future appropriately.Abel, however, was not a part of the bargain—if he died, it was over for the Favonis!"Hehe… Don't worry, brother. As long as I'm here, Abel Loggins and my dear nephew will be safe."Lubor grinned gleefully right then.After all, his plan finally worke
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Chapter 1379
At Abel's age, the Favonis' mess would at least knock a couple of years off his natural lifespan.Nonetheless, Chet was glowering at Frank and snapping, "I hope you know what you're doing. Even Abel Loggins was poisoned because of a moment of negligence, so you'd better watch yourself.""You refused to listen to me before, and you're on your high horse now?"Frank snorted—he did not think highly of Chet at all and was only here for his own reasons. "You'll tell me where Silverbell is once I save Jaden Favoni, won't you?""Silverbell?" Chet did a double take."That's the name of the chief of the Martial Alliance," Edon quickly explained beside him.Chet scowled uncomfortably right then, since he had just told Lubor that Silverbell was in their rear courtyard.Lubor would have taken her with him by now to hand her over to Hundred Bane Sect.Be that as it may, Chet nodded. "Yes, but you'll have to save Abel too. You can save him since you've promised to save my son anyway, right?"
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Chapter 1380
Edon and Chet were both gaping after Frank told them his theory, with Edon exclaiming, "Lubor did this?!" If that prick poisoned Jaden a second time while they were not watching… That explained why Jaden's condition deteriorated so soon after Abel's treatment started to work!"That bastard… I'm bringing him back here! We definitely have questions for him!" Edon bellowed furiously, hot-headed as ever."Stop!"Chet bellowed as he shot Edon a deadly glare. "Are you so eager to doom us all? Forget buying the kid's words at face value—are we really going to turn against Lubor right now even if he's right? What are we going to do if the kid can't cure Jaden and Mr. Loggins?!"Edon was left stumped for a long while and eventually dropped on his rear. "Fuck, I can't do this, and I can't do that either… This is killing me!"Chet could see that his brother was frustrated, but was also convinced of Frank's ability."Frank Lawrence," he quickly said, "if you can save both Jaden and Mr. Log
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