All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 1621 - Chapter 1630
1635 Chapters
Chapter 1621
To no surprise, Baba Yaga really returned after patiently waiting up to seven hours.Frank certainly did not hold back, subduing her in an instant to cut off her escape while hitting her internally with a burst of pure vigor. If Baba Yaga were to pull anything, it was just a matter of thought for Frank to detonate that pure vigor and kill her.Having sealed his triumph, Frank flung Baba Yaga to the floor."Impossible…" she murmured as she pushed herself up, staring in disbelief at the door which Frank tore open.She spent a fortune on the construction of this clinic, with everything from the walls to the door reinforced with special materials provided by Hundred Bane Sect.Forget Ascendant ranks—even those peak Ascendant ranks would not ever be able to break it, but Frank tore through it like candy wrapper.It left Baba Yaga at a loss—was she too weak, or was Frank just too powerful? Surely only the most powerful individuals of Draconia could accomplish something like that… D
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Chapter 1622
And with Mark Lane around, no one was chasing Helen or Frank out of the Lane family. Baba Yaga leveled Frank a troubled look just then and sighed. "The plan was to come after you after the Lane family exiled you… but that's unnecessary now. The gap between us is insurmountable—schemes and traps are nothing but a joke in the face of absolute power."We were all working under the impression that the Lane family helped you to succeed… but sadly, it was the other way around."Hearing her sigh, Frank also realized how many thought his success was thanks to the Lane family, and Baba Yaga was no exception.In other words, she was saying that she was convinced Frank would be nothing once he lost the Lane family, whom she had assumed were his backers.At best, he was a young but accomplished martial artist.The reality that Frank was really the one supporting the Lane family was an insider detail, something which escaped even key members and executives of the Lane family.Frank nodded i
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Chapter 1623
Baba Yaga screamed shrilly as she bled out of every orifice and dropped dead on the floor.Frank's pure vigor crushed Baba Yaga's organs from the inside. Though she appeared alive on the outside, she was really as dead as a doornail.Frank also set a fire to burn her body along with her clinic just in case, destroying any evidence along with it.Even if Hundred Bane Sect came looking, they would not get anything that could trace back to Frank—not unless Baba Yaga told them beforehand.With that, Frank hurried back to Riverton, attempting to call Gavin Lane and his family while he did.When he could not reach any of them, Frank realized right away that Yora Yimmel must be involved. She must have sent her people to block all communications in Laneville, stifling all cell signals and anything else.The only option Frank had now was to personally visit Laneville, but that posed another problem too.While Frank would have no trouble eliminating Yora and her maiden family, she had now
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Chapter 1624
"We're evicting you from Lanecorp!" Dorek laughed. "It belongs to us Yimmels from now on, along with anything else you own! Hand everything over!"Frank scowled. "So you're going to take it from us?""We are, and what about it?" Dorek chuckled confidently, twirling his bangs. "My great grandmother has taken over Laneville, and it's just a matter of time before we gobble up the rest. I'm just beating my brother to get the largest piece of the pie… So are you going to fight me or not? Show me your shitty Draconian martial arts!"Dorek looked no more than eighteen, but he was utterly pompous and unseemly to the point of stupid.Frank actually thought that might be the case—did the brat think that beating Lanecorp's security and getting inside Helen's office meant taking over Laneocrp?Still, he sighed exasperatedly as he glanced behind at the Lanecorp health and safety department personnel left on the floor.Stupidity aside, the brat could throw a punch."What's your name?" Frank a
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Chapter 1625
The only one who could put Dorek in his place was his cousin Hagar Yimmel. In fact, Hagar was not just a better fighter—he carried authority even in his family and was smarter, always knowing what he was doing.That was why Dorek wanted to take over Lanecorp before the others did, claiming the largest piece of the pie so that Hagar did not get to be dismissive of him.Clearly, Dorek was too simple-minded, knowing nothing about business management or shares, and only of turf wars and violence.He worked under the impression that if he evicted the Lane family and beat up all their security guards, Lanecorp would in turn be his.In a way, his brain was wired differently.Frank was left smiling in amusement as Peter Lane told him everything—to think that the Yimmels would have such a treat in their midst!Still, the sight of Dorek being pulled out of the fountain gave him an idea.There was no way he would turn away a hostage who came throwing himself into Frank's grasp.And Yora
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Chapter 1626
Seeing how naive the rich playboy was, Frank sneered, his eyes narrowing. "Did you really think Lanecorp Tower is a place you can come and go as you please?""Shit! Well, what do you want? To kill me?!"Dorek wheeled on him impatiently but stiffened when he saw the look on Frank's face, his heart skipping a beat.Terror he had never known seized him, and a frightening thought occurred in his mind right then—the man might just really kill him!"W-What do you want?! I'm telling you, I'm the third child of the main Yimmel family. If you lay a finger on me…"Dorek trailed off, deflated since he had already pulled the same move before, only to get a vicious slap across the face.Was there even a point to his threat now?"Hehe…"Even as Dorek felt afraid for his life, Frank suddenly chuckled, albeit savagely. "So… Yora Yimmel is in Laneville now?"Dorek appeared taken aback but nodded hesitantly. "Y-Yes…"Frank nodded. "In that case, I need you to do me a solid—you will bring the k
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Chapter 1627
A servant entered and reported, "Madam Yimmel, the Lanecorp board rejected our demand to oust Helen Lane… They insist that they have no right to demand her resignation because she's now the biggest individual shareholder of Lanecorp.""What?!"Yora was stunned and slammed her palm on the table as she sprang to her feet. "Nonsense! I'm Mark's proxy, and that means I have more shares than Helen! I'm the majority shareholder of Lanecorp, not her! I have the veto here!""Yes, ma'am, we've already looked into it…"The servant kept his head lowered, wiping the sweat off his brow as he continued, "But just yesterday, Fleur Lang signed off all her shares to Helen Lane for some reason. That propels Helen Lane to majority shareholder with a single stroke…"The servant trailed off, and everyone in the conference room was sharp enough to sense Yora's flaring rage."That bitch! How dare she… She stabbed me in the back!"Yora slammed her palm on the table again.She was just mocking Fleur La
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Chapter 1628
In Yora's mind, her great-grandson Dorek must have caused trouble somehow, as it was a routine for him to call her and ask her to clean up after him whenever he did.However, Yora was herself feeling grumpy at the moment and hung up since she had no patience to find out what trouble Dorek had caused now.It was therefore surprising that Dorek called her again, and the ringing in the silent conference room left Yora endlessly annoyed.She eventually gave in and answered, snapping impatiently, "Dorek—whatever this is about, it can wait. I'm busy right now."Still, Dorek quickly exclaimed before she could hang up, "Please, Madam Yimmel! Don't hang up—I just did something amazing for the family!"Hearing that, Yora glanced in confusion at the other members of the Yimmel family, all perplexed too.In everyone's mind, Dorek was the typical troublemaking rich playboy who never did anything for the family.If anything, they were just happy that he was not causing trouble."Ahem… And wh
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Chapter 1629
"Well done, Dorek!" Yora exclaimed. "I'll properly reward you when I get there!""Thank you, ma'am!" Dorek replied enthusiastically.Yora could barely hide her smile even as she hung up.The other members of the Yimmel family were certainly smiling too. They had been hesitant earlier, but all of them now ready to stake their claim on Lanecorp after being told that they had Helen in custody."Hahaha! Congratulations, Madam Yimmel! Lanecorp is truly ours now!""I'm surprised that Frank Lawrence would leave Zamri now. Where could he have gone?""Doesn't matter where he is. We have Helen Lane, and Lanecorp will be Yimmelcorp before long!""Yes!" Yora nodded and started issuing orders. "Bring the share transfer agreement with you. We will head to Zamri and banish Helen Lane from the Lane family now!"Then, turning and pointing at a middle-aged man, she laughed. "Cadell, I'm surprised your hopeless boy could somehow achieve something so remarkable out of the blue. Once we claim Lanec
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Chapter 1630
As the feeling never faded even as Hagar watched his matriarch and entourage leave Laneville Manor in a hurry, he could not help feeling even more wary inwardly.Meanwhile, as every member of the Yimmel family moved out, Frank clapped Dorek Yimmel on the shoulder. "Well done."Dorek could only smile exasperatedly at the praise, as Frank's tender loving care continued throughout the night.He shuddered, remembering Frank's smile as he pulled out the needle from himself and the smile on his face now.The horror that was the man was now deeply ingrained in his mind, just as two needles taught him the worst pain there is in life.He trembled even as he remembered his pain and could kill the Dorek from yesterday who came to establish himself.He would never dare spout rubbish like Draconia's martial artists being charlatans or whatnot either, having gotten a lesson to remember yesterday.He had surrendered unconditionally to that extreme torment.Never betraying the Yimmels?Hostil
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