All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 1631 - Chapter 1640
1649 Chapters
Chapter 1631
The Yimmels traveled from Riverton to Zamri fashionably, with a procession of over twenty cars bearing their family crest.It was an ostentatious sight, drawing the states of many pedestrians.A few of them recognized the family crest and were left wondering why they would suddenly show up in Zamri.Were they extending their influence here to Zamri? That did not make sense, considering the distance between Bralog and Riverton. While it was not particularly far, it was not exactly close either, with the state of Norsedam sitting between them.If the Yimmels were expanding their influence, they should start by heading to the closer city, Norsedam. Why start with Zamri?While the pedestrians were busy pointing and gesturing and speculating at the grand procession, Yora Yimmel was laughing smugly, as she sat in the Lincoln limousine in the middle.After all, she had done her homework.The Three Bears of Zamri had previously kept the city beyond the reach of outside influence, but th
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Chapter 1632
There was a huge crowd of gossipers who gathered outside Lanecorp Tower, and Yora frowned at them in displeasure. "Who brought them here? Chase them away!""Yes, ma'am!"As the Yimmel bodyguards chased the crowd away, they left tamely, the ferocious glare in their eyes escaping everyone's notice.On the other hand, Yora became even more smug to see the crowd being chased away and led the procession striding into Lanecorp Tower.She reared her chin like a triumphant general, just waiting for her enemies to sign their surrender.Seeing that the lobby was empty, she nodded in satisfaction. "Where's Dorek?"The boy was definitely not lying—he must have captured Helen Lane, and now, operations in the company stalled."M-Mr. Yimmel is in Ms. Lane's office," the receptionist waiting at the door stammered, clearly intimidated by the number of people Yora brought."Good. Everyone, follow me," Yora gestured, before turning to some of the Yimmel bodyguards. "Watch that door. Don't let an
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Chapter 1633
"Eh?"Although they had taken the elevator upstairs, the key members and executives of the Yimmel family could still hear the ruckus below."What's going on here?" Yora asked in confusion.Ding.However, that was when the elevator jingled, indicating their arrival.Since Yora had been there before, she knew her way around on the executive floor, where Helen's office and the board conference room was.But as the elevator doors opened and Yora was about to ask about the ruckus below, she found herself staring blankly at a familiar face.Frank Lawrence!On top of that, he stood there outside the elevator as if waiting for them to arrive.Even as her heart sank to rock-bottom, she asked with a quiver in her voice, "W-What's the meaning of this…?"None of the key members and executives of the Yimmel family behind her answered, as they all knew that they had been tricked, even willingly falling into Frank's trap."Welcome!"Frank smiled and started clapping, and the huge crowd be
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Chapter 1634
However, even as everyone looked on, Mr. Noon's smile as he whipped out his phone turned to shock.Eventually, he was staring blankly at Frank, as fear and disbelief gradually crept into him.Frank even walked up to him, asking pointlessly, "So? Can you reach her?""Mr. Noon, can you reach my sister—I mean, Baba Yaga?" Yora pressed as well.It was only when Mr. Noon turned that Yora finally saw the fear and disbelief in his eyes.After all, the personal numbers that Corpsedale and Hundred Bane Sect used concerned personal security!In fact, any member of their cabal would be labeled a traitor and executed accordingly if they refused to answer a call from those personal numbers.As it was a fate worse than death, rarely anyone betrayed Corpsedale and Hundred Bane Sect.In other words, if one could not be reached on their number, the only explanation was that they had been killed.Mr. Noon realized that before anyone else, but Yora realized too after seeing his reaction."Mr. N
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Chapter 1635
Yora could not beg for her life—not when she was joking around and bragging with her family members and executives on how to split the spoils after taking over Lanecorp.But in just the blink of an eye, she was a captive, a reversal of fortunes that came all too quick.If she begged now, she would be thoroughly humiliated. Her place as matriarch would also be reduced to a joke, as the Yimmels would certainly not listen to her afterward.Threats? Yora had certainly tried. But in all likelihood, Baba Yaga, her greatest leverage against Frank Lawrence, had been killed by the man himself.What else could she threaten him with now?"We still have a hand to play!"Nonetheless, Cadell Yimmel shook her, whispering under his breath, "Don't you remember the Southstream Lanes? Hagar is still in Laneville with our many elites! If Frank dares to attack us now, we will kill our hostages!"Cadell's words jolted Yora to her senses.That was true! Gavin Lane and his family were still in their
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Chapter 1636
Yora, however, shook her head at the confused looks thrown her way. "But after all is said and done, I am still Mark Lane's wife… and I desire an alliance between the Yimmels and the Lanes as equals. What do you say to that?""What?!"It was not just the Yimmels—even Helen was left dumbstruck by Yora's offer.What was Yora saying? An alliance, and at this stage? Was that even possible?!"Have you gone mad?!"Cadell sprang to his feet, snapping right then, "We still have our hostages, and our family is much more powerful than the Lanes! We can return to Bralog in one piece even if we fail to take over the Lane family or Lanecorp! Why should we ally ourselves with some mooks like them?!""Exactly, Madam Yimmel! There's just no reason for it!""Are you perhaps in shock? Could you be delirious?""Shut up! I'm still sane!" Yora snapped, glaring at Cadell and the rest. "I am still the matriarch, so you'll obey even if you don't like it or face punishment per family rules!"Her threa
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Chapter 1637
Yora was no different, as she could barely hold back her rage.She was ready to be reasonable with Frank, just as she intended to use the excuse of alliance to make Frank, the sole heir to the Lord of the Southern Woods, the Yimmels' new patron.Not only did Frank immediately refuse, but he was also demanding that the Yimmels become vassals to the Lane family?!Did he even consider the weight class of either family?!If anything, Frank's demand made it clear that the Yimmels could not reason with Frank now—he wanted to push them over the brink, and the so-called alliance was certainly a pipe dream.Moreover, from the perspective of the key members and executives of the Yimmel family, Frank merely meant to insult them.You can kill a pawn, but never humiliate them—some were even thinking that it was high time they killed their hostages in Laneville!Helen almost fainted at Frank's ridiculous demands too.They were just inches away from saving the Southstream Lanes unscathed whil
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Chapter 1638
"That's right!"Cadell Yimmel stood up, waving his phone at Frank. "With just one call, every member of the Lane family will die! Believe it!""Die, you say?"Frank chuckled coolly, even picking his ears nonchalantly. "Then make the call.""What?!"The Yimmels were left dumbfounded, just as Helen stiffened in the distance.Everyone thought the same thing, that Frank might really be giving up on the Lane family, even wiping them out by letting the Yimmels do the dirty deed.Helen ran up to Frank right then, crying out, "J-Just calm down! Let's talk about this! I'll take Madam Yimmel's deal! We all will!"Seeing Helen, Frank shot an accusing glare at Peter Lane, whom he had instructed to keep a close eye on his sister to stop her from meddling, no matter what Frank did.It turned out that Peter dropped the ball when it mattered.However, it was clear that Peter was doubting Frank's decision too.He could more or less agree with Frank when he rejected the Yimmels' alliance, but
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Chapter 1639
And as the Lane family got caught in the Yimmels' mess, Frank would have to do something.One had to admit that Yora was cunning, as she was banking on Frank's connections and involvement once the Lanes formed an alliance with their family.After all, an alliance between the Lanes and the Yimmels did not sound as ideal or mutually beneficial. In reality, the Yimmels would be leeching off the Lanes—specifically Frank.The Yimmels wanted to leech off him? Sure they could, but they were not going to lord over him while they did.In fact, they should be begging on their knees!If the Yimmels were so keen on their survival, the only option Frank would give them was to make them pay before allowing them to serve as vassals for the Lane family. That was the only way he could be convinced to take them in.However, demanding an alliance instead? There was absolutely no chance.That was why Frank took away any leverage the Yimmels might have, including their hostages in Laneville.Firm
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Chapter 1640
Only the Yimmels were scowling."Fine!" Cadell, who had had enough just then, whipped out his phone. "Since you're all so united, let's see how you'll stay that way after the Southstream Lanes are massacred! I'm making the call right now!"As he dialed the number, Frank was still smirking, while Helen's fingers dug into his arm, showing her nervousness."Uncle Cadell!" Hagar Yimmel was soon huffing from the other end."Hagar!" Cadell was barking at once. "We fell for Frank Lawrence's trap here! You still have the hostages, don't you?! Kill ten of them—show them the price of underestimating the Yimmels!"However, Hagar was huffing despite Cadell's orders, clearly on the run. "No… Uncle Cadell! We were attacked, too! They had martial artists and even the army… We've lost many retainers! Have you heard of the name Hans Schnee?!""Hans Schnee?! As in the East Coast Base Commander?!"Cadell and the rest of the Yimmels were left gaping in disbelief.On the other hand, Hagar was still
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