All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 1591 - Chapter 1600
1628 Chapters
Chapter 1591
Either Borc heard the commotion outside or sensed danger, for he never appeared even though his father Sohil called out to him for a while."Move!"Frank quickly pushed Sohil out of the way and strode over, brushing through the curtains to find a burning cigarette on a table and a TV that was still on.He looked around and spotted the window that was wide open, its curtains flapping against the wind.It went without saying that Borc was here a second ago and fled without cleaning up after him after hearing Sohil's call.It might even have been a signal between father and son.Frank was already fuming, even as he looked outside the window to find a blue convertible speeding away.His sharp eyesight picked up the youth who only wore boxers and had panic written all over his face, and he immediately recognized him as Luna's blind date from the other day.However, the car had gone too far for Frank to chase down, so he promptly turned back, restraining Sohil and Gable before they c
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Chapter 1592
Frank stomped on Gable's only leg, narrowing his eyes as he growled coolly, "You really don't know when to give up, huh? Not content with killing your father, you'd try to kill your mother too?! You're a real animal! It'd dirty my hands to kill you!"Though Gable flinched at Frank's outburst, he did his best to force a smile as he pleaded, "You won't kill me, right? I-I had no choice! I racked up a huge debt and they've been coming after me, so if I don't pay up—""That's not my problem." Frank chuckled coolly and pressed his foot down.Crack.As Gable's joints cracked audibly from overwhelming pressure, he cried, "Wait! Wait! I can tell you everything! Just spare my life… I'll return to Laneville with you and confess everything! If you kill me, my mother will hate you even more! You have to let me live!"It was actually a smart move by Gable to save his own skin despite the direness of his situation.After all, he knew that his mother just might be able to keep him alive if he w
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Chapter 1593
The medicine Gable recently recommended to Fleur was divine, reinvigorating her and clearing any minor discomforts or illnesses she suffered.However, it had a side effect—Fleur must consume one pill per day, or she would end up stressed and lose sleep.Like now.In fact, Fleur was completely incapable of recovering from her addiction now—she had to take the pill everyday. Otherwise, she would not be able to calm down at all, as she would feel like ants were crawling all over his skin constantly."Send someone to look for him!" she snapped furiously.Her conspiracy with Gable was flawless for all intents and purposes, and with Mark Lane dying soon enough, Gable would succeed him as head of the family.He had no reason to bail… unless something unexpected had happened."Yes, Madam Lang," the maid replied.Soon after she left, a manservant hurried inside, "It's terrible, Madam Lang! Sources from Lanecorp are saying Gable has been taken to Lanecorp Tower!""What?!"Fleur scrambl
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Chapter 1594
Seeing Helen''s look of confusion, Frank nodded calmly. "Though I wouldn't say Fleur Lang's merely involved… The whole thing was planned up by her and Gable Lane.""What…?!"Helen was stunned speechless and was left further shocked to learn that Frank kept Gable confined here in Lanecorp Tower.How could she have known that so much could happen in the Lane family in the brief few days she was gone?Frank then took a recording device from his pocket and put it on Helen's desk, chuckling coolly as he told the security guards, "Go. Bring Jade Zahn and Gable Lane here. Also, let Fleur Lang and her friends in—I will interrogate them directly."However, as soon as Fleur and her group entered Helen's office, they did not expect Fleur to seize the initiative right away."Frank Lawrence!" She pointed at Frank's face as she bellowed, "You are an enemy! You're not a member of our family—you have no right abducting my son! He just went out to buy me medicine, so you better have an explanatio
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Chapter 1595
"Who's the real culprits?"Even as Jade wiped her tears, she was glancing between Frank and Helen behind her desk."Exactly!"Seeing that Jade had turned her attention to Helen and Frank, Fleur promptly pressed her advantage. "What do I stand to gain if Luna's dead? Nothing! Doesn't everything make sense if they're the ones who killed Luna?!""Make… sense?" Jade was quickly being misled, as she was so obsessed with avenging her daughter that she could not think straight."Think!"Fleur kept snapping as she walked up to Jade while pointing at Frank. "Haven't things always been difficult between you, your daughter, and him? Now that he's killed Luna and shifted the blame on us Southstream Lanes, Helen would have the perfect excuses to bring us all down! It's killing two birds with one stone!"And if Helen ousts us, all the hard work and success our family accomplished over the years would fall into the hands of outsiders! So use your pig brain and think—who really stands to gain
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Chapter 1596
As his blood-curdling scream rang, Gable Lane was sent flying crashing through the glass wall and down Lanecorp Tower."Frank Lawrence!"Fleur was furious to see Frank would actually kill in broad daylight, but before she could say another word, Frank wheeled on her with a sinister glare, leaving her flinching."Insolence!"That was when the elderly woman who had been standing by Fleur all this while strode up.While she had been calm and composed before, she was now glaring coldly at Frank as she snapped, "How dare you murder a member of the Lane family right in front of me!""And who are you?" Frank asked, though he had an idea given how the woman carried with authority, as if she was above the rest.Fleur quickly snapped at Frank, "She's Yora Yimmel, my dear sister and the matriarch of the Lane family!""Yora Yimmel?"Frank did a double take—he had never heard that name before, but 'matriarch of the Lane family' was not really hard to place.Helen flinched in turn, because
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Chapter 1597
"M-Madam Yimmel?" Gina gasped. She had come to ask how Luna died in fear that Frank did something rash again, thus causing Helen to drift further apart from the Southstream Lanes. Helen's place as the head of the Lane family was not solid in the first place, and if more issues popped up right now, Fleur and her ilk would definitely seize the opportunity to ask questions.That was why Gina was endlessly concerned and rushed to Lanecorp Tower as soon as she found out about Luna's death.She just did not expect even Yora Yimmel, matriarch of the Lane family, to be here too.Things would definitely not end well now…"Just look at your daughter and her husband, Gina Zonda!"At the same time, Fleur glowered as soon as she saw Gina enter, pointing at Frank as she bellowed, "He kicked my son out of that window, while Madam Yimmel and I watched! What do you have to say about that?!"Gina was sweating buckets at Fleur's threat.If anything, making enemies of Fleur was acceptable—she w
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Chapter 1598
"It doesn't matter what Gable did," Yora retorted coolly. "Your husband doesn't get to kill him under my watch. And I'll have you know that the family has been complaining a lot lately, and some of those complaints even reached me all the way in Bralog."And I just happened to be dropping by for a visit today. I actually thought that a brat like you would be actually competent, given how you're able to lead a major enterprise… But it's as frustrating as it is disappointing, because as it turns out, you have no conscience, allowing your husband to kill a member of the Lane family in front of me!"Then, pointing at Frank, she finished, "I will now have him restrained and punished per family rules. If you refuse me, we will have to make you!"Yora's rant was not just unreasonable, but she clearly held no respect for Helen as the head of the Lane family."Family rules?"Frank strode up just then, leveling Yora an icy glare. "We can afford you some respect as a matriarch of the Lane fa
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Chapter 1599
Meanwhile, Gable's smug voice was still playing. "She will be banishing Helen Lane and Frank Lawrence in a few days. At that point, I'll be the sole heir of the family, and you can ask for any compensation you like!""Go on. A toast—to the new head of the Lane family!" Sohil then cheered.The clink of glasses could be heard, and soon Gable added, "Well, I'm not going to stay—I need to check in with the hag, though it's only a matter of time before Helen Lane and Frank Lawrence will be gone.""And I will wait here for the good news," Sohil replied.And with that, the recording ended.Putting away the recorder, Frank leveled Fleur Lang a look of amusement, "Confession under torture, you say? 'The hag's already poisoned the old man'... Shouldn't you be explaining what Gable said in recording instead, Madam Lang?"Frank's question left Fleur's lips pursed.She stood stiffly, intent on defending herself but unable to manage a single word.Frank then turned toward Yora. "Now, Madam Y
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Chapter 1600
Yora shot Gina a cool glare right then. "What? Do you have anything to say about that?"While Gina quickly stopped herself, Helen snapped, "I will tell Granduncle everything, Madam Yimmel! He will see to this!""Pfft…"Yora merely snickered at Helen's threat. "What, did you think name-dropping Mark would work on me?""Why not?!" Helen retorted with righteous indignation. "I'm the head of the Lane family, appointed by Mark himself!""No, no, no…"Yora shook her head, laughing. "You misunderstand. What I mean to say is that the old-timer can't go against me now. Hell, why do you think that he can still hear you?""What?!" Helen was stunned. "Are you saying…""That's right."Fleur strode up with a sinister sneer. "Just this morning, our dear husband suddenly suffered a heart attack and has since been rushed to an ICU, where he slipped into a coma.""What?!"At that point, there was no way Helen could not catch on.Even as a chill ran down her spine, she shook with rage, "You
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