All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 1431 - Chapter 1440
1649 Chapters
Chapter 1431
"Master Lawrence, your lady friends are really each more beautiful than the next!"Kat was exclaiming in disbelief. "Your luck with women is extraordinary!"Frank rubbed his nose and sighed exasperatedly. "Another word from you and I'm selling you off to slavery.""Bleh." Kat poked out her tongue, shaking in fear.On the other hand, Juno was beaming from Kat's praise and came over to pat her head. "You're adorable too, Kat. So, how have you been? Have things been pleasant with Kelly Handel on set?""Pleasant?! That woman is—"Kat was ready to rant her guts out like a broken dam, only to suddenly realize what she was doing and gape at Juno. "Wait, you know me? And that I…""That's enough. We're not here to chit chat."Frank stopped her, and turned towards Juno with a serious look. "I have a question. Sil Lionheart, vice-chief of Volsung Sect's Caudal Hall had brought a gang with him to demolish a suburban village. Are you aware of that?""I am." Juno nodded calmly."What do th
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Chapter 1432
At the same time, Kat ran out onto the street and hailed a cab.Before she got in, she did not forget to turn toward Frank and stick her tongue out at him before leaving.Frank was left frowning, while Juno hid a smile behind her palm. "She's more interesting than I thought.""Urgh…" Frank sighed lengthily, speechless.Thanks to his exchange with Juno, he had come to realize that Sil and his group did not go to Kat's village to demolish it, but to gather information instead.Naturally, they wanted the spiritron vein, having somehow learned that it was around that location.What they did not expect, however, was that the spiritron vein was no object this time, but a person.In other words, Kat was the one they were looking for.Everything made sense now, especially why Kat's blood was so effective as a catalyst for pill refinement, allowing him to cook even Jade Marrow Pills.She was a walking spiritron vein, and she was not even aware of that!Frank did not want her to get fa
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Chapter 1433
"Who is it?"Frank frowned, instinctively distancing himself from Juno, only for her to press herself on him relentlessly."Now, now. This man is quite amazing… I'm worried you can't do it, husband." Juno smiled, her eyes narrowing.She looked just like one of the vixens in folklore, born charming and able to send any man into a frenzy.However, Frank remained perfectly calm as he repeated, "Who is it?"Juno paused for a moment as Frank was not falling for her tricks, surprised that Frank was so determined.Hence, she leaned in, her red lips parting as she smiled and breathed into his ear, "Silverbell, chief of the Martial Alliance.""What?!"Frank's face fell right then, and he leveled a cold—even murderous—glare at Juno, ready to attack even as he rasped, "Do you want to die?""Oh, come on. I was just yanking your chains." Juno giggled to play it off, knowing right then that she had pushed one of Frank's buttons from the way he threatened her."Then who is it?" Frank growle
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Chapter 1434
This was a production crew for a major film, and it was not possible for unauthorized personnel like Frank to simply enter.After some thought, he looked up with a smile. "I'm Noel York's friend. I've come to visit her."The three security guards stopping Frank stared blankly at him for a moment before bursting into laughter.They were laughing so loud even the pedestrians nearby were turning to look at them in confusion."Hey, hey, hey, get a load of this."One of the security guards was pointing at Frank's face with his baton even as he kept laughing. "This dumbass says he's Noel's friend, and he wants to meet her on set!""Hahaha! Do you even know how important Ms. York is? Who do you think you are, trying to get cozy with her?""Use a better excuse, like you're a scout or something.""Yeah, that would at least be more believable."The pedestrians were laughing from the security guards' mocking too—Noel York was the best actress in Draconia, and that brat claimed he knew he
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Chapter 1435
Roman never once looked in the direction of his fangirls, waved, or smiled at them.In fact, he was scowling and clearly grumpy, even as the fangirls kept screaming."Oh, he just looked at me! He did!""Shut up! He was looking at me!""Say that again, I double dare you!"The scene collapsed into pandemonium, and some of the fangirls were even tussling because of that.Frank stood in the distance, shocked.If Kat became a star someday, with fanboys chanting like that…He felt a chill down his spine and decided once again to kill the idea in its crib.Getting to a quiet place, he called Noel."Hello."Noel's voice was languid, seemingly having just gotten out of bed. "Where are you, Ms. York?""Me?"Noel was at a loss but soon came to her senses and giggled. "I'm in Riverton.""What? Aren't you in Morhen for filming?""Oh. I finished my parts last night, so I left. Kat has some parts left, but she'll be done in the afternoon.""Oh."Frank nodded and chuckled. "I'd like t
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Chapter 1436
"Well…" Alfred Moran, the director, could only murmur awkwardly.Jeff Bale, the bald scriptwriter, strode up with an apologetic smile. "Actually, Ms. York rejected the parts. And she's one of the sponsors for the production, so we can't just force her."Yeah, Mr. Xinder," Alfred reasoned. "Just calm down, and get ready for your part today.""Fuck off!"Roman refused to hear a word of it, however and flung the script an assistant brought him straight at Alfred's face. "I wouldn't have taken this role if Noel wasn't involved! And now you're telling me that we don't have intimate scenes?! What am I even doing here?!"Frank narrowed his eyes at Roman's outburst, his impression of the man hitting rock-bottom instantly.However, Roman just happened to be seeing red and needed more people to vent.As the production crew was busy with their respective tasks and kept their heads down so that they did not get caught, only Frank was staring his way.Roman abruptly realized that Frank was
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Chapter 1437
Alfred was utterly dumbstruck. "What?! Noel York's friend?!"What the hell was going on here?! On one side were Roman Xinders and the Soranos, while Noel was on the other.What was he going to do, caught in the middle?!While Alfred was left in a dilemma and unsure what to say, the rest of the production crew helped Roman to his feet.He was left seeing stars for a while before he finally came to his senses and saw the people around him clearly.He also felt the stinging sensation on his cheek right then, almost screaming out loud.He promptly told his assistants to bring him a mirror, and when they did and he saw the palm print on his cheek, he was mad with rage.The darkened bruise could well be struck on his heart!And no one had ever hit him ever since he was born… this was the first time he was slapped, and so viciously at that!"What the fuck?! How dare you slap me!" he hollered.And yet, the culprit remained unpunished, even standing his ground and saying flatly, "Wh
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Chapter 1438
One of the more knowledgeable members of the production crew yelled, "He's a martial artist!" "What?!" The production crew was left stunned once more."Hmph."Frank was in turn watching as Roman backed down, his eyes filled with fear.Seizing him by the collar, Frank demanded, "You're working for the Soranos, huh?""Y-Yes!"Roman zoned out for a moment when he was reminded of the Soranos.Right, he had connections to the Soranos!Even if the man before him was a martial artist, he would never dare stray out of line in the face of the Soranos!Laughing coldly at the thought, Roman growled, "Since you know that, you'd better get down on your knees and beg. I just might—"Smack!There was another audible slap, and Roman was seeing stars again, the dizziness and agony leaving him completely dumbstruck.At that moment, the only thought he had was a question.Did Frank just hit him despite knowing that the Soranos had his back?!Soon, Frank answered said question."Hmph. Wh
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Chapter 1439
"Really? That happened?!"Willy did double take, abruptly incensed.How bold of that person… there were not that many people across Morhen who could get his father to personally apologize!However, before he could flip out, a foreboding sensation seized him."Hehehe…"Willy flinched when he heard the laughter of his nightmares and found that laughing man standing where Roman was pointing.Frank Lawrence!Willy dropped his hand fan right then while sweating bullets down his cheeks.He had PTSD after what Frank did to him, and the man's voice almost left him dropping to his knees.But even as he caught his balance with considerable difficulty, Roman was yapping away at Frank relentlessly. "What did you say, brat?! That you don't fear the Soranos?! Well, Willy Sorano is right here! Let's see what you have to say now!""Mr. Sorano, don't play nice with him. He was disrespecting your family, you have to—""Shut up.""Huh?"Roman was left stunned.It was only then that he notic
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Chapter 1440
"F-Fuck off?!"Willy almost flew into a rage but was afraid of flipping out.He nodded politely at Frank and glanced at Roman once before fleeing.And fled he did, like a rat who saw a cat, showing no intention to fight back at all.It was frustrating, but there was nothing he could do as he cursed inwardly.Meanwhile, the production crew was left shaking in their boots, afraid to breathe as they watched Willy leave fearfully.Who on earth was Frank to be able to tell Willy to fuck off?! One of Morhen's most famous bigwigs?!On top of that, Willy was afraid to even retort. In fact, he did not dare say a word and fucked off as he was told.Alfred Moran the director and Jeff Bale the screenwriter were both gasping.It was the case especially for Alfred, as he remembered how he ordered the security guards to help Roman attack Frank, he could slap himself twice right now.Dropping to his knees in front of Frank, Alfred pleaded, "S-Sir, I was just…""Don't bother."Frank said bl
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