All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 1451 - Chapter 1460
1663 Chapters
Chapter 1451
The woman was furious that Frank was not afraid of Joven Loom or Crown Company."I warned you, brat!" she snapped. "Even the Four Families of Morhen have to show the Crown Company some respect! Kneel and apologize, or you could get yourself killed!""Wow, that's so scary," Frank replied, completely immune to her threats, even turning to level a look of contempt at Joven.The rich kid was so drunk he was sitting limply on the road—he was exactly the type Frank despised.At the same time, Joven was bragging, "D-Don't you know who my brother is?! He's Kain Loom, the Wild Blade of Cloudnine Sect. If you leave… I'll show you…"Frank already had enough of the name-dropping and whipped out his phone.He quickly called Trevor Zurich to send his people to handle the incident, while he left right away with Kat.Even as he did, Joven was still snapping intermittently, "Get back here… Don't leave if you have the balls… Fuck…""Oh, calm down, Mr. Loom…" His girlfriend had to stay and take c
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Chapter 1452
Vicky sighed. "And they're saying that you will work with the South Sea Crow to wipe us all out while we have our attention elsewhere.""You're kidding!"Frank was left a little annoyed—those ingrates!If Frank was determined to wipe out the Turnbulls, they would already be dead! Why would he wait until now?!Nonetheless, it seemed that the internal discord among the Turnbulls was still rife.After Glen Turnbull announced that the main family would be absorbing the businesses of the branch families and assimilating a large portion of human resources, the main family's authority also thinned considerably.As more voices now had a say, that also meant more voices of dissent.Even if Turnbulls' strength grew exponentially, the cost was all too clear.Still, Vicky asked tentatively, "Darling, why don't you stay at Turnbull Estate for a while since you're in Morhen anyway? My uncle's been recruiting martial artists and other specialists in preparation against the South Sea Crow anyw
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Chapter 1453
The other two male apprentices were praising Til worshipfully too. "Exactly. We know our senior apprentice the best.""The South Sea Crow? Even the East Sea Crow would fall under his sword."Frank despised such obvious sycophancy, but he kept smiling for Glen and Vicky's sake.Shaking Til's hand, he said, "Frank Lawrence… Unaffiliated at the moment.""Oh, just look at how fake that smile is. Anyone could tell that you're nothing good already," Kiki muttered nearby."Are you done?!"Kat was glaring at Kiki right then, having had enough of her constantly disparaging Frank."What, are you upset? Why don't we have a duel?" Kiki was certainly not afraid, even whipping out his sword while brandishing it at Kat's face."That's enough, Kiki!" Til snapped as he frowned and stepped between Kat and Kiki. "Watch your manners!"Frank patted Kat's head too and smiled."Haha…" Glen chuckled just then. "Everyone's here under my invitation to fight against the South Sea Crow. Let's not quar
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Chapter 1454
"The South Sea Crow's declaration of war is no trifling matter," Glen said solemnly. "Frank, you said that you both came to an agreement, and my third brother is left permanently disabled as a part of that agreement. So, why would she break her promise and return now?"He could not ask those questions in the open, but he certainly sounded concerned as he questioned Frank urgently now."I'm not sure," Frank admitted—his fellow apprentice had promised him and had no reason to go back on her word."Are you sure?" Glen pressed.Frank could see the suspicion in his eyes but nodded in exasperation.It was in a businessman's nature to be suspicious, and the Turnbulls were Draconia's most successful family in trade and commerce. Words alone would never have been enough to convince Glen—the leader of said family—but Frank had nothing else to offer anyway.If anything, it was normal for Glen to be suspicious, even if he had no idea why Ciaran would resume her vendetta against the Turnbulls
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Chapter 1455
Glen was scowling a little less the next day, as he received all the martial artists who were arriving at the conference hall.Frank, Vicky, Til, and everyone else were there, just as a retainer hurried inside and announced, "We have visitors from Cloud Nine Sect asking to see you, Mr. Turnbull.""Cloudnine Sect? Already?!"Glen exclaimed in delight. "The branch families really have some decent connections! Quick, show them in!""Yes, Mr. Turnbull," the retainer replied and turned to leave.Soon, a sonorous laughter echoed from a door, as a bearded man with bulging muscles and stood over two meters tall strode in.He was wearing shades, and he had a giant machete slung over his back, with several lackeys in tow.The man must at least weigh over two hundred pounds, and the ground almost seemed to shake with every step he took.In fact, the faces of many other martial artists fell when they saw that burly man."Wait, isn't that Kain the Wild Blade?! What's he doing here?!""Shi
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Chapter 1456
Kain was never known for his restraint. And if he caused trouble because of Vicky, Frank would not just sit by and do nothing.At that point, there would be a bloodbath in Turnbull Estate even before the South Sea Crow showed up.But to no surprise, Glen's voice of reason was shown no respect at all.In fact, Kain slammed his hand on the table and glared viciously at him as he bellowed, "Mr. Turnbull! I came out of the goodness of my heart to save your family, but you would spit on my grace with such terrible hospitality?! Are you belittling Cloudnine Sect or me here?!" He then stomped his foot. A chair around ten meters away exploded into countless splinters, and the other martial artists had to leap out of the way."Shit, Kain Loom is really as crazy as they say, causing such a mess in the Turnbulls' own home!""Hehe. You don't get it, do you? That guy is banking on the fact that the Turnbulls don't have martial elites to pressure Glen Turnbull.""How despicable."Their co
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Chapter 1457
Nonetheless, Til spoke with strength and determination, "The fight against the South Sea Crow is no trifling matter. In days, my mentor and his peers will be arriving as agreed—if you still insist on impudence, friend, you'll find us less than accommodating!"Kain was actually scowling when Til mentioned his mentor.If he were to be honest, there was no one present whom he feared, but he was still wary of Til's mentor.After all, every South Sea Sect would have their fair share of martial elites.If Kain really got on Til's nerves here, he would really get into trouble when Til's mentor and his peers arrived.No matter how he thought about it, Kain realized that he must not push Til too far.Hence, he spread his arms as his glare abruptly turned into a hearty grin. "Hahaha! You're too serious, my friend. I've been sent by Cloudnine Sect to assist Glen Turnbull in defeating the South Sea Crow, not to start pointless fights."Then, turning towards Glen, he said, "And I apologize f
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Chapter 1458
And seeing that Til had no rebuttal, Kain smugly turned toward Glen. "Hahaha… Mr. Turnbull, if you'd let the babe—I mean, Ms. Turnbull—marry me, we'd be family! That means all your troubles are mine and Cloudnine Sect's. Just think about it—you really lose nothing here."While Kain kept yapping, Vicky strode out even before Glen could speak, snapping shortly, "Fuck off!"The air in the room seemed to turn still at her outburst."Huh…"Kain chuckled awkwardly and leaned his ears forward as if to listen closely. "I think I missed that, Ms. Turnbull. Could you repeat that?""I said, fuck off!" Vicky repeated bluntly, folding her arms before her chest. "Who do you think you are, some uncivilized boor asking me to marry you?!"The conference hall was left in an uproar as Kain's face darkened, and he wheeled on Glen, "I was being sincere with my proposal, Mr. Turnbull. Don't you think that your niece is out of line?!""Vicky."Glen was frowning, not keen to let Kain's antics cause fu
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Chapter 1459
"Don't think for a second that I'm scared of you, Til Tomek," Kain retorted coolly. "If you really upset me, none of you will make up for it—hell, forget your mentor. No person alive can save you from me!""And you, Mr. Turnbull." Kain wheeled on Glen as he gloated, "I'm here under Cloudnine Sect's orders to aid you against the South Sea Crow. But if certain people push me too far, I'll side with her to wipe you all out instead. You'd best think about that."Kain's tone left Glen shaking with rage, and he was ready to call in his blackguards to take down that smug prick right then.Kain laughed brazenly right then. "Calm down, Mr. Turnbull! Like I said, just let me have your nice for half a day, and I'll do my best to take down the South Sea Crow. It's not like you lose nothing, and there might even be a new addition to your family ten minutes later! Hahaha…""That's enough!" Til bellowed, pointing at Vicky as he continued, "Ms. Vicky is engaged! Give up already!""Really?"Kain
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Chapter 1460
For all intents and purposes, Til should not be the one defending Vicky. It should have been Frank, which was why Til was all the more disappointed in him—what man would allow another man to insult his woman… or not react at all?And he certainly dressed his inaction pretty by saying that he was prioritizing the big picture, when in reality he was just afraid to fight Kain!Honestly, what did Vicky see in him?!That was when Kain's brother Joven noticed Frank and pointed at him as he yelled, "Wait, it's you?! The one who crashed into my car?!""Crashed into your car?"Frank did a double take, but he soon remembered a closer look at Joven's face.It was the drunkard who tailgated him last night after he and Kat Yego left the film set, and he was now accusing him of crashing into his car?!It was really a little ridiculous."What? Do you know him, Joven?" Kain asked, turning toward his brother."Yeah, it's him! He refused to apologize after he ran into my car and used his conn
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