All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 1461 - Chapter 1470
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Chapter 1461
"What did you say?!"Kain was shocked, but he ignored what Frank was saying and only cared that he insulted his brother."I'll repeat myself since you missed it, just because I'm nice."Frank looked around, glowering as he said, "You're all invited by the Turnbulls to fight against the South Sea Crow. I don't want to affect morale by killing anyone here.""What?! Hahaha!!!"Kain was surprised Frank actually repeated himself and roared with thunderous laughter.On the other hand, everyone around them was pursing their lips and shooting Frank awkward looks.Sure, everyone invited here were martial elites from across the country. Most of them Birthright rank, none of them including Til or Kain could sense Frank's vigor.That meant he was not a martial artist, and such a martial artist was threatening Kain—and by extension everyone else—as they watched.He was not just suicidal—the man was a joke!Did he think they would not see through him? What, was he so strong that even Kain
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Chapter 1462
Kain was truly a mad dog who would keep chasing and biting anything in sight without regard for rules or obligations."Stand back, Mr. Turnbull."Frank strode between Glen and Kain, staring fixedly at the burly man as he knew there was no chance for negotiations now. "Misbehaving in Turnbull Estate and insulting my woman more than once? It seems that you really want to die."He once again caught Kain by surprise, but he was soon laughing loudly and savagely. "You really can talk tough, kid! Did you think your bluff would work?! You're obviously just a normal person! We're all martial artists here, and we could tell right away you're just bluffing like a clown. I guess the Turnbulls really have no one else to turn too, huh?"His words sent the crowd abuzz, most of them agreeing with Kain as they saw that Frank had no training and was just bluffing."Don't overreach," Til said as he strode over. "Kain has gained notoriety over the years for his savagery, and you won't survive if you
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Chapter 1463
"Watch out!" Til shouted when he saw that Kain was brazen enough to blindside Frank, but instead of stopping Kain, his first reaction was to leap away.After all he had a cunning idea right then—if Kain killed Frank, did that not mean that he had a shot with Vicky?And to be honest, he was not confident he could stop a full-power strike.However, Frank never panicked—he was even watching Til as he leapt away with aplomb, immediately reading his mind.If Kain was despicable, Til was himself a hypocrite.People like him never did anything unless there was something in it for him. In fact, he was confronting Kain earlier just to score brownie points with Vicky.Now, as soon as he saw Kain was bent on killing Frank, he backed away."How disappointing," Frank said, shaking his head just as Kain's machete was inches away from his own scalp.The shockwave from the clean-white blade was billowing over Frank's hair, and Kain could imagine seeing Frank's split in two from his machete.H
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Chapter 1464
Everyone else could not feel the pressure Frank was projecting at all, only that he was only asking Kain a question coolly.But in Kain's eyes, Frank was now a hundred-meter blood-soaked behemoth, bellowing at him and leaving him pale."Shit, what is he?! The pressure he projects is on the level of the chief of our Cloudnine Sect! A Transcendent rank, perhaps? Like one of those ancient monsters who gained immortality?!"While Kain was dumbfounded in fear, his brother Joven never realized his brother was behaving strangely."Go, Kain! Gut him!" he exclaimed excitedly. "That brat is asking for it—when you're done with his girl, let me have a turn—"Bang!Even before Joven could finish the thought, his head blew up like a watermelon.Seeing the red and white matter that erupted away, Kain stared blankly at Frank.He did not even have any idea when Frank moved, but his brother was already dead, and he knew that Frank did it."Shit!!!""Argh! What the hell?!"The entire conferenc
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Chapter 1465
"Cloudnine Sect?" Frank simply regarded Kain with amusement, chuckling coolly. "Did you think I'd be afraid of Cloudnine Sect? Hahaha… You're really underestimating me now, huh?""I'd never!"Kain certainly did not dare argue, profoundly afraid of Frank's displeasure as it was his life on the line.What could he do if Frank killed him right now? Even if Cloudnine Sect might avenge him, what was the point if he was dead?Seeing Kain's humbled pleas for mercy, everyone including Til and Kiki were left gaping, unable to believe what they were seeing.The infamous Kain Loom was kowtowing and pleading to Frank like some wretched dog, afraid to speak rudely even after his own brother was killed.The thought left Til scowling—he was just persuading Frank to give up on Vicky just to get on Kain's good graces.It turned out that he was the clown all along!Kiki certainly changed the way she saw Frank too, just as she heard everything Til said.She was already embarrassed at how her f
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Chapter 1466
However, Vicky could see through Frank's motives right then. "Tch. In the end, you just can't push Helen aside."Frank simply flashed an awkward smile, not daring to retort.He had reached a critical moment in his training and became increasingly aware of the importance of retaining his body's essence.If he stayed a virgin, his Five-Peat Archaeus would improve even more rapidly.His abstinence was for the sake of his training. Once he truly reached Ascendant rank and became one of Draconia's strongest individuals—when even Simon Lionheart was helpless against him—he would truly be relieved.As his Five-Peat Archaeus would no longer be affected, there was no reason for him to stay a virgin.But right now, he could sense Draconia's storm and was completely focused on training, refusing to be distracted by anything else.It was also so that he could protect Vicky, Helen, and the rest.Naturally, it was pointless for Frank to say it anyway, so he would just throw some excuse for t
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Chapter 1467
Frank was staying at Turnbull Estate over the next couple days.He taught Kat martial arts whenever he had the time, basically treating her as his apprentice, even teaching her the full version of the Five-Peat Archaeus.It was only by becoming stronger that she would be able to protect herself, or even help Frank protect the others.Kat did not let him down either—the spiritron vein she embodied was really powerful, skyrocketing from a mere initiate to a peak vigor wielder in a day.Being up against the thugs before would be less taxing now—she was even formidable thanks to Frank's training and the Five-Peat Archaeus.Naturally, aside from training, Frank did not forget to take Vicky out for walks, admiring the scenery.Vicky even called Helen just to brag, brazenly describing in vivid detail a blow-by-blow account of the fictional romp she had with Frank last night, that even Frank had to stop himself from lying.Helen was left stammering, "A-Are you just messing with me, Vick
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Chapter 1468
Ultimately, Helen even threw a girly tantrum that left Frank rubbing his temples.Vicky really was Helen's worst enemy, and she was even laughing herself silly for a long while after Frank told her what had happened the next day.She even called Helen just to tease her, though this time Frank did not stay and listen to their subsequent discussion, not interested in getting involved in the ladies' rivalry.-Two days later, a grand banquet was held in one of the ballroom of Turnbull Estate.While Glen Turnbull was present as head of the Turnbull family, even his father George Turnbull made a rare appearance.He was healthily flushed and energetic thanks to Frank's previous treatment and even drank a lot.Almost all Turnbull executives, key members, and branch family leaders were gathered there too.At the main table, Frank and Vicky were sitting on Glen's left, while on his right was a young man with an upright gait, wearing a military uniform.He was around Frank's age, and th
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Chapter 1469
"The main family has already investigated the South Sea Crow, and the truth is out!" Vicky continued, "She had been attacking us for years not because of Frank, but because she was conspiring with the Lionhearts! I remember informing everyone about that, so why are you still speculating pointlessly?"In fact, she had already heard of the speculations before this and knew that the branch families did not trust Frank.That was why they joined in on Rob's questioning of Frank, and Vicky had to state concrete proof to maintain Frank's innocence so that he would not get upset.But even as the ballroom turned silent, Rob asked quietly, "Dear cousin, weren't you originally supposed to marry Titus Lionheart, if I recall correctly?""Yes. What about it?" Vicky replied.She was never close with Rob since he had been away from home for years, but she could still clearly sense that Rob was prejudiced against Frank."Well…"Rob slowly returned to his seat, tapping his fingers on the table
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Chapter 1470
Frowning, Glen snapped, "The Lionhearts will not let it slide if our family was indirectly culpable for Sif's death. But the fact of the matter is that they never showed discontent about the matter, and it's clear that they are guilty.""You're being naive, Dad." Rob snorted, waving him off. "General Lionheart informed me that the Lionhearts simply can't afford any mishaps at the moment, as they are in a critical juncture with Simon Lionheart on the verge of ascension. That is why Titus wasn't punished for masterminding a conspiracy, and they didn't even bother investigating Sif's death. They just can't be bothered."Then, sighing in disappointment, he continued, "And once Simon ascends, I'm sure they would come for us Turnbulls first thing. We have been preoccupied by our infighting because of certain rogues, even losing our greatest allies over a woman, and finding our former allies now our enemies."Rob was not hiding his accusation against Frank and Vicky at all, and the latter
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