All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 1471 - Chapter 1480
1670 Chapters
Chapter 1471
Rob sneered icily even as he watched Frank walk confidently toward his fully-armed soldiers.He had served in the military for years—even if he had met many martial artists whose abilities the average Joe could not hope to reach, he had never met anyone who did not fear guns and bullets until now.That applied even to his commanding officer, General Jan Lionheart, which was why he quickly presumed that martial artists were no different from the average person. They were just better in a fight at best, aside from the tricks they used to deceive the masses.He simply was not aware that starting at Ascendant ranks, martial artists could cast protective pure vigor to repel physical attacks.And guns and bullets were no threat to martial artists with abundant pure vigor—in fact, it was pointless against Ascendant ranks.Even if Frank had yet to reach Ascendant rank now, he could cast a dense protective pure vigor around himself with Five-Peat Archaeus. Forget guns and bullets—even
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Chapter 1472
"Many others are getting caught in the fight too!" The Turnbull sentry then finished."What?!"All the Turnbulls present were frowning at the report, each of them annoyed.If they had known those rogues were so unmanageable, they would not have called for them at all.After all, Rob was here, with hundreds of soldiers all armed to the teeth.With these trained military men, getting rid of the South Sea Crow was as good as done.In contrast, the martial artists were not necessary, and each day they stayed added further problems for the Turnbulls—like they were doing now, fighting among themselves, with many Turnbull servants getting caught in it.What a waste of time and resources.Rob spoke up then, saying, "Dad, those trash would only cause further disharmony in this house, while being totally useless. I'll chase them all away right now, so that the family's reputation won't be tarnished."With that, he rallied his men to head to Ballroom Three, when Frank stood up. "Rob Tu
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Chapter 1473
The martial artists were mingling, playing drinking games, and recounting the old days, while others drunkenly headed to open spaces to spar.Many were cheering them on, and while it was a restless sight, there was no sign of quarrel, let alone destruction of property.If anything, it was within the accepted limit.However, just as they were busy playing around, the doors to the ballroom were kicked open, and a man in an ink-green military coat strode in.The commotion left the hall silent, as everyone turned to look at the military man.However, even before any of the martial artists could ask where he came from, he chuckled coolly and ruthlessly mocked everyone on the spot. "Heh. What a bunch of trash."Bang!Kain Loom the Wild Blade slammed his hand on the table, springing to his feet.He might have conceded to Frank days earlier, but that did not mean that just anyone was allowed to insult him!Shoving away the people in his way, he strode up to the military man, cracking
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Chapter 1474
"What?!"It was a sight that left all the other martial artists astonished.After all, Kain Loom the Wild Blade was the best among them, reaching the middle of Ascendant rank and almost peerless.However, he was still no different from a chick to the military man, and the sheer difference left everyone agape. "From now on, you are all under my command… Naturally, those who have something to say about it can come forward."The military man smirked at the martial artists as he breathed out a smoke ring.Obviously, the martial artists present were not spineless, with an elderly man already glowering as he strode out."We're under your command? Who do you think you are?" he demanded."Exactly!" A youth who clearly belonged to a sect joined in. "You're strong, but don't you think you're overreaching, telling everyone to serve you?!"The military man simply smiled at them before whipping out a handgun and shooting the old man between the eyes.The bullet whistled through the air,
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Chapter 1475
Just from that fact, it was unnecessary to guess why the South Sea Crow returned."Oh, by the way…"Jan did not afford Glen time to think, however, flashing a gentle smile as he said, "Mr. Turnbull, I heard you've been exhausted in integrating the Turnbull branch families back to the main family, and your health has been affected."Rob had been telling me that for a while, so I was thinking—why don't you take this opportunity to step down? Let Rob here take over as head of the Turnbull family while you enjoy the easy life of retirement.""How dare you!"Vicky snapped right then, having had enough just as Jan finished, clenching her knuckles. "This is our family matter, and not up to the Lionhearts to meddle! You leave Turnbull Estate right now!""Shut up!"Rob sprang to his feet right then, glaring at Vicky as he bellowed, "Jan is a brother to me! And as the next head of the Turnbull family, he naturally has the right to speak! You, on the other hand, are a woman who behaves so
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Chapter 1476
Frank stood at a corner, his eyes growing cold as he stared at Rob's conceited expression."Frank Lawrence, was it?"Jan Lionheart strode over, folding his arms before his chest as he sneered at Frank. "I heard you've been messing with my family a lot of late.""So?" Frank replied as he strode up, shielding Vicky and the others behind him."Don't get so nervous. I'm not interested in you… for now."Jan grinned as he flicked his ink-green military coat. "But you should strut while the Lord of the Southern Woods is still alive… You will pay your debts when he's gone."Frank's expression stiffened, and he quickly demanded, "Debts? What debts?""Heh—I'm not obliged to tell you," Jan shrugged. "If you know what's good for you now, you will take your girl with you and get out of the Turnbull Estate right now. That way, you'd at least live a little longer."He was not hiding his threat at all, while Frank flashed his teeth in a grin after a brief silence. "Jan Lionheart, was it? Do yo
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Chapter 1477
Jan smiled faintly, "He's arrogant, but he's strong. Right now, your objective is to save your strength and subjugate every Turnbull at the central ballroom, and rise as the new head of the Turnbull family. No loose ends.""Yes, sir." Rob Turnbull nodded, saluting Jan in turn before leading his men away.Before he did, he leveled a cold, murderous look at Frank as if his fate was sealed.Soon, the doors of ballroom three closed with a loud bang, leaving just Frank and Jan.And seeing that there was no one else around, Frank looked up and asked, "So, the challenge issued by the South Sea Crow—that was you?""Indeed." Jan nodded and grinned. "You need an appropriate excuse if you want to claim control over a big cake like the Turnbulls, don't you agree?""Where is she?" Frank demanded, narrowing his eyes.Glen had told him the challenge was the South Sea Crow's own writing, meaning that it was definitely Ciaran Zobel.And Jan had her."I've dealt with her."Jan said calmly just
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Chapter 1478
With a resounding bellow, Frank's pure vigor projected away from him, condensed and solid, red and black.It assumed the form of a gigantic arm in the air, seizing the black lion by the neck."Die!" Frank growled, and pulverized the black lion with a slap, with the ensuing shockwave of pure vigor destroying the entire ballroom too."Hehe… So you are at least worth something!"Jan was laughing amid the buffeting winds.He threw away his ink-green coat and whipped out a machete gleaming red, then vaulted over the debris as he leapt toward Frank."That blade…"Frank could tell immediately that the machete Jan whipped out was not your ordinary blade.At once wary, he projected a spiraling burst of pure vigor around his hand and punched it.Clang!There was a ring clash of metals as the blood machete withstood Frank's punch.Frank's physicality was now at Ascendant rank, and that meant that the machete was not forged from ordinary metals."Hahaha… not bad! It's impressive that y
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Chapter 1479
"Stop."Even as Til was about to escort Vicky and the others away, Rob and his men intercepted them.Vicky scowled even as she stared at the barrels aimed at them from every direction. "Are you really so bent on becoming the next head of the Turnbull family right now?! You'd rather believe the slander someone outside your family tells you and kill your own father for it?!""Save your breath."Rob met Glen and Vicky's glare without flinching, even declaring proudly, "Everything I do is for the sake of this family's future! As the head of the Turnbull family, I will integrate the branch families with the main family, and only then do we have a chance to get out of this mess! You're old now, Dad—time to give it up!""Rob…"Glen murmured feebly even as Vicky kept him on his feet. "Do you really think Jan Lionheart is sincerely helping you and our family? Hasn't it crossed your mind that he would turn on us once you unified the family, using you as his puppet to indirectly control our
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Chapter 1480
But what came after that?Jan's little display of power in ballroom three had certainly left Til terrified.The man did not even flinch as dozens of martial artists attacked him, instead going on to massacre them, bathing the ballroom in blood.No one could even reach that man, while Til watched as everything unfolded, his morale completely crushed by his fear of the man's power.After all, Jan had reached a pinnacle in strength Til could not even hope to reach in life, and worse of all was that black lion conjured with pure vigor.It blocked out the sky and incinerated the ballroom in an instant.Your average martial artist simply could not hope to reach that level. Til already regretted listening to Frank earlier and fleeing with Glen, Vicky, and the rest.This was the last chance he was given, and he gave in to his fear after a brief silence.He quietly backed away, pulling Kiki along and letting Rob take Glen, Vicky, and the other Turnbulls.Seeing that, Kiki finally showe
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