All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 1481 - Chapter 1490
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Chapter 1481
However, Rob heard Vicky too."Come back for you? Frank Lawrence?"He sneered, heartlessly crushing Vicky and the others' fantasies. "Jan isn't just the best soldier in Draconia—he's the best across Draconia! He alone suppressed the northern savages, and that makes him no different from the Lord of the Southern Woods to an extent. He could handle those maggot martial artists by himself, and that manwhore you're pinning your hopes on is no match for him."Rob felt smug even as Vicky and Glen turned pale, though he was also feeling curious about what was taking Jan so long.Still, he had his orders and he knew this could not drag on—he had to seal the deal before the Turnbull branch families caught on.Hence, he ordered his men to escort Glen and Vicky to the biggest ballroom in Turnbull Estate.Naturally, his men already had the place under control—hundreds of soldiers were congesting the ballroom and around it. Every Turnbull executive and the branch families who were here were a
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Chapter 1482
Shrugging, Rob said, "Frank Lawrence… died in the fight against the South Sea Crow."The members of the Turnbull family, however, appeared suspicious toward his noncommittal response. Some even saw through him right then and were quietly considering how to make their exit."Ahem…"Rob cleared his throat to draw everyone's attention back to him, and smiled, "Since I've accomplished the feat of slaying the South Sea Crow, while my father suffered quite the shock, we've agreed that I will take over as the head of the Turnbull family. Right, Father?"All Glen felt was a bitterness in his throat as he looked at the threatening smile Rob shot at him and turned toward the members of the Turnbull branch families.They were all waiting for his answer, just as Glen came to realize what Rob meant earlier when he mentioned a bloodbath.If he refused Rob, the soldiers waiting outside would charge in with their guns and massacre everyone in this ballroom, leaving none alive.After that, he wo
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Chapter 1483
"I have three announcements to make."Rob held up three fingers as he looked around at the members of the Turnbull branch families and spoke coolly, "The first: Turnbull businesses will no longer impose a embargo against the Lionhearts, and the Lionhearts must be given a thirty percent rebate in any trade deal.""What?!"All the members of the Turnbull branch families turned pale in shock.They were the top in Draconia in business, and they used to offer the Lionhearts the best rebates they could. It was only because the Lionhearts repeatedly tried to usurp or bring down their family that Glen imposed the embargo and ceased any partnership or trade with them.While the Turnbulls suffered losses over that, it was acceptable especially in contrast to the massive losses the Lionhearts had to deal with.But now, Rob was demanding the restoration of trade relations with the Lionheart as soon as he became head of the Turnbull family, even giving them thirty percent rebates for everythi
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Chapter 1484
In all likelihood, Rob would not even waste his breath with them.Seeing that no one present dared to protest, Rob nodded in satisfaction and held up two fingers. "As for the second announcement, I am hereby rescinding all the privileges of the branch families.""What?!"The outrageous demand left all the members of the Turnbull branch families dumbfounded.Even Glen was staring at his own son, flabbergasted.After all, Glen's own effort to reintegrate the branch families adhered to tradition, as he was slowly purchasing branch families shares or assimilating their shares through various agreements.It was the method any business folk would apply, drawing the branch families back to the main family.Rob's demand to rescind their privileges was ridiculous in contrast.The Turnbull branch families had worked for decades—even generations—to establish their businesses and enterprises, but all of that would be given to Rob just because he demanded it?!Even frauds would not go that
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Chapter 1485
"Well said!""That's the missy for you!""I've always thought highly of her since she was a kid. Such spirit!"Everyone was clapping excitedly at Vicky's determined outburst.And with her taking the lead, the members of the Turnbull branch families were on their feet, all of them protesting against Rob Turnbull's despotic demands.But even as Rob's scowl turned even more obvious, Glen felt a foreboding sensation."Hahaha… I see, I see!"Even as everyone criticized him, Rob, who had been restraining himself for a while, reared his head and laughed loudly and insolently.When he looked down at the members of the Turnbull branch families and ultimately Vicky, his eyes flashed with spite and murderous intent.He suddenly leapt toward Vicky, grabbing her and slamming her on the table, while whipping out the handgun from his hip holster and pressed it against her head."Like I said… this witch brainwashed the entire Turnbull family!" he bellowed resoundingly, leaving the entire bal
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Chapter 1486
"Hmph."Frank strode in, looked around, and quickly saw that the ballroom was filled with fully-armed soldiers.He could certainly see right then that Rob was threatening them into submission."Darling!"Vicky's face lit up in delight when she saw that Frank had arrived—he really did not disappoint her!He nodded at her before turning to level an icy glare at Rob. "You have one chance to leave with your men, and kneel in apology while you await your punishment.""Kneel in apology?!"Rob tilted his head, thinking that he was hearing things, before bursting out in laughter. "Did you take your meds, Frank Lawrence? Did you really think you could order me around just because you escaped my brother, General Jan Lionheart?! Once he catches up, you wouldn't even know what hit you!"The Turnbulls all turned worriedly toward Frank at Rob's outburst, since it was only then that Rob mentioned General Jan Lionheart."General Jan Lionheart… as in the general stationed at northern Draconia?
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Chapter 1487
But now, Rob was told that the almighty General Jan Lionheart was slain by the manwhore before him? He certainly would not believe it, as it would destroy his world!"Hehe. It's not necessary for me to believe you."Frank could not care less that he was not convincing Rob.Pure vigor converged over his palm, and dozens of transparent needles materialized.Frank waved, launching the needles, and Rob's soldiers all froze instantly, their expression stiff like statues."What?!"Rob was left dumbstruck when he saw what Frank did and narrowed his eyes.That was when he saw the needle that pierced the neck of the soldier nearest to him. In fact, the soldier's eyes were pleading for help, as the pure vigor needle kept him utterly immobile."What else do you have up your sleeve now, Rob Turnbull?"Frank glowered even as he strode towards Rob."I… Don't get so full of yourself, Frank Lawrence! Vicky… Right! I have her. Another step, and I will—"Rob then came to his senses and trie
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Chapter 1488
Frank then picked up the listening device he took from Jan, speaking quietly, "This bug is different from the one planted on you. It records conversations, but you can also converse through it—so why don't I show you what your dear brother was hiding from you?"Frank then pressed a button on the listening device, broadcasting throughout the ballroom with the microphone."Don't worry, Mr. Lionheart. Rob Turnbull is a total idiot—just a little push, and he's beside himself with tearful gratitude and unable to wait to kill his own father for my sake.""Hehe… Don't worry. The plan is flawless this time, but I just need that woman to write a challenge letter, just so that Glen Turnbull doesn't see through this plan.""Yes, don't worry… I will definitely bring down the Turnbulls this time and deliver their spiritron vein to you."As the recording ended, Rob and the rest of the Turnbulls in the ballroom were gaping in rage and disbelief."B-Brother Jan… was using me?"Rob was tremblin
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Chapter 1489
Rob cringed when he heard about his removal from the line of succession.However, he hung his head as he accepted reality, since he knew he had grounds to argue.And after a brief silence, Glen continued. "Still, I still need a successor."This time, he glanced at Frank, his tone changing sharply, "As a son-in-law of this family, Frank has already saved us from several crises, not to mention he saved all our lives today. If not for him, Rob would've killed us all."Pausing, Glen looked at all the members of the Turnbull branch families and asked loudly, "As such, I propose to have Frank Lawrence become my successor. What do you think?!""Huh?!""What?!"Everyone in the ballroom was left dumbstruck.Letting an outsider become the next head of the Turnbull family?! Was Glen kidding?!They owed the man a lot, but this was still ridiculous!"Hoho, I'm just kidding."Glen waved them off, chuckling amid the stunned silence. "I'm actually nominating my niece Vicky to be my succes
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Chapter 1490
"You can't do this, Dad!" Rob cried. "No father should outlive his son—are you really going to watch me live the rest of my life a cripple?!"However, Glen had long since resolved himself, especially when he saw the spiteful glared Rob shot at Vicky earlier.He must not allow Rob any chance to hurt the family again and must pay for his crimes, even if Rob was his own son!"Mr. Turnbull, isn't that a little too much…"Still, even the members of the Turnbull branch families were not sure about Glen's judgment, as it was worse than killing Rob.Rob quickly jumped in. "Y-Yeah, Dad! You can't do this to me?!""I said, he will be punished according to family rules!" Glen barked before turning towards the two sentries nearby. "Do you not understand me?! Get him out of here!""Yes, Mr. Turnbull!"The two sentries did a double take but quickly dragged Rob out of the ballroom even as he cried and pleaded."Dad!!!"Rob's scream was shrill and harrowing, but Glen glowered, not shying fro
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