All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 1521 - Chapter 1530
1628 Chapters
Chapter 1521
Stilling his pounding heart, Urian did his best to look calm. "Where did you get this button?"However, he had no idea that Frank's sharp eye noticed the flicker of panic he showed for a second.He had a hunch right then that Urian was connected to the saboteurs who attacked Lanecorp's transport trucks.In fact, he was in the loop and not just a supplier of clothes, or he would not panic like that.It was just an instant, but Frank could see through Urian.Bang!Frank slammed his palm on Urian's desk, projecting an invisible pressure as he leaned close to Urian's pudgy face. "Mr. Reno, I'm asking you a question! Now, tell me—did you manufacture this button?!"While Urian flinched from Frank's threat, he gulped.Still, he came to his senses before he said anything—this was not right!This was Longham Garments, his turf!And since this place was his turf, why would he allow anyone to threaten him here?!Even if he was up against Noel, Chet had already said it—Noel did not have
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Chapter 1522
Noel carefully tucked the button into her pocket, patting it. "And since you're not the manufacturer, I shall excuse myself."One could expect nothing less from her, getting into character even when she was not filming at the moment.There was a mix of sadness and disappointment on her face, and it was almost not an act the way she looked at the button—she looked just like a maiden who had just found an object of affection.And now, she appeared in a dilemma but nodded at Frank to leave Urian's office together.At the same time, Frank had a hunch that Urian would stop them when they reached the door.After all, Frank had observed that Urian was fickle, and it would take an idiot not to take an opportunity to make money.There was no way he could resist that, just as it was such a major bragging point that his factory would not even need any other publicity efforts after this.The influence of Draconia's top actress was no joke—it was very likely that he would receive orders from
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Chapter 1523
Seeing Urian's earnest, fawning smile, Noel smiled too.Her expression almost drained Noel of his soul, like he was suddenly taken to paradise.However, that all came to a screeching halt as Noel said, "Well, I'm afraid I'd have to say no."Urian flinched and came to his senses, and asked in confusion, "But why? Don't you like that button, Ms. York?"Noel shook her head."I know a thing or two about fashion, Mr. Reno—I've designed clothing myself."Pausing, Noel then smiled. "I know that buttons appear to be a simple part of clothing, but everything from the manufacturing process and materials matter, so most factories can't perfectly imitate any button they come across. Even if they do, it'd be second best… and I need the original manufacturer urgently, so I must apologize, Mr. Reno."Urian panicked as Noel strode around him toward the door."One day!"He cried as he pressed his weight against the door. "I swear by my name, Ms. York. If your price is right and you believe me,
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Chapter 1524
"What? Five million?!" Noel exclaimed, stunned by the number.As Draconia's top actress, while she could be nitpicky when it came to her clothes' designs, it was still ridiculous that a modest manufacturer would demand five million dollars from her.While it was not that much money to her, giving it to a man like Urian left her more or less sick.And seeing that Noel was shocked, Urian quickly came clean and added seriously, "Trust me, Ms. York. You don't have much time—just take my deal, and you'd be dodging a bullet.""I…"While Noel remained hesitant about paying Urian, Frank strode up."I'll take the deal in her stead," Frank said as he whipped out a checkbook from his coat pocket, taking a pen from Urian's desk and writing five million dollars on it."Okay… Good, good."As Urian took the offered check and saw that it was no fake, his face lit up in greed."So? Can you tell us what danger awaits her?" Frank's question left Urian hesitant, but he soon made up his mind.
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Chapter 1525
Having formulated his plan to rat out Chet, Urian smiled ever so slightly. "Do you remember that man just now, Ms. York?""Chet Jonas?" Noel nodded.Chet was definitely no angel—she could tell that much from the way he was so transfixed on herself.In fact, he was very blunt about wanting her, saying stuff like a full-body checkup to find out if her goods were real.Just thinking about the man sickened Noel—how could such someone so despicable exist?Still, Noel bottled her repulsion and asked, "What is it, Mr. Reno? Does he intend to hurt me?""Exactly." Urian sighed softly. "I'll come clean right now—Chet Jonas is a Lionheart, but he's no more than a lapdog who runs errands. But this time, he has brought over a dozen Lionheart martial elites and infiltrated Zamri for unknown reasons."Seeing that both Frank and Noel were staring at him, Urian measured his words before he continued, "I'll admit that the button you brought was made in this factory, but that's a deal that Chet
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Chapter 1526
"Chet Jonas has been blackmailing me plenty lately."As Urian continued, his cool smile turned into a look of exasperation. "I'd have my men gut him already if he wasn't connected to the Lionhearts!""I see."Frank nodded but soon remembered something else. "And you said the button was manufactured here?""Y-Yes?'Urian did a double take, confused just then.Why were Frank and Noel not panicking after he told them about the imminent threat they faced, even staying ever so calm?Still, he urged, "Don't worry about the button now—you don't have time. Chet will soon be back with his men, and you won't make it out when they do."After all, he wanted Noel to escape and pay him the other five million dollar check! Who would he get money from if Chet captured her?That was why Urian was the most worried here."Hehe. Well, everything is clear now that we've got that fact straight."Frank turned to smile at Noel before striding up to Urian, pointing at himself with a grin. "Allow me
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Chapter 1527
"What the hell is going on here?!" Urian cried miserably.He was just the owner of a modest clothing factory. Though he had some connections, one could quickly tell that he was a nobody.After all, what could a business named Longham Garments amount to? All the money he made was just enough to feed his men.First, it was Chet Jonas and the Lionhearts, coercing him into making over a dozen uniforms within days to keep their martial elites incognito.He yielded, giving in to both profit and threat as he made those uniforms… only for Chet to come in the next day to brag about his achievement, that his group had destroyed over two billion dollars worth of Lanecorp equipment!That was two billion dollars they were talking about!Urian was certainly scared shitless when he found out. After all, if Lanecorp managed to trace it to them, Chet might be able to escape unscathed, while he would be screwed!And now, Noel was herself visiting with a button he used.He was panicking further,
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Chapter 1528
Frank did not play nice, seizing Urian by the collar right then and slamming him against the wall."Argh!" Urian cried out in pain as the back of this head struck the wall.Frank was sneering in turn and reached out to pull out the five million dollar check from Urian's pocket. "You really failed to understand your situation, Mr. Reno! I'm giving you one last chance. You can stay as the Lionhearts' lapdog and I will strangle you right here, or you can tell me everything you know."Urian's face contorted in heartache as he watched Frank tear the check into pieces and drop it on the floor."I… I…" Urian stammered repeatedly, still caught in a dilemma."Can't decide, huh? Well, let me help you." Frank chuckled coolly and launched a spiraling burst of pure vigor straight out of his meridian nexus.The pure vigor shot into Urian's body instantly, expanding and whirling endlessly, hitting his insides and leaving him screaming.He dropped to the floor and convulsed endlessly, his eyes
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Chapter 1529
Then, when Urian was done snapping at Frank, he turned toward his men and yelled, "Boys! Just keep that prick there—Mr. Jonas will soon be back with the Lionheart martial elites, and they'll kill him on the spot. All we have to do is just enjoy the show!""Alright!" The goons cheered.One had to give it to Urian, holding such sway over his men that they quickly surrounded his office and Frank and Noel who were inside.They were clearly not intending to hurt Frank, only to keep him there.Noel frowned as she could see what Urian was planning and pointed at Urian as she snapped, "You're despicable!""Despicable?!" Urian snorted. "Hah! Don't think that you're untouchable just because you're Draconia's top actress! How naive, trying to build something for yourself when you have no patron!""Damn it!" Noel clenched her fist, but Urian was right.She had wanted to build something for herself in Draconia's showbiz with the sweat of her brow, only for the advanced equipment she pinned
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Chapter 1530
"You're wrong, Mr. Reno. I have you exactly where I want you, and…"Frank's smile broadened. "You've really spared me the trouble of searching everywhere for the saboteurs of Lanecorp's transport trucks. How convenient.""What? What the hell are you saying? You have—"Even before Urian finished, his triumphant expression turned to shock and then panic.After all, Frank just leapt out of his office so quickly that he was a blur and boldly landed into the center of the hundreds of goons."Argh!!!""Oof!""My arm! My arm!"The goons were screaming every exclamation possible as Frank changed among their ranks like a wolf among sheep.He was unstoppable, hitting the goons even before they realized what happened with ease as if on a garden stroll.He would break arms or legs without a thought, while all the goons could see was a shadow flashing before their eyes.Terrible pain would soon ensue as they looked down to find a disjointed limb or wrists that were twisted in a circle.
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