All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
1600 Chapters
Chapter 21
Frank shook his head. "Nope."Helen breathed a sigh of relief, and her knuckles eased. Looking apologetic just then, she said, "Frank, I'm apologizing on behalf of my brother. Peter was being unreasonable—don't stoop to his level."For them, everything was bygones after their divorce. That was why she did not want her family to start harassing Frank."I won't. He should stay away if he knows what's good for him," Frank said with a snort."I will warn him," Helen agreed.As she picked up Peter's medicine and left, Frank did not stop her as she slowly ventured into the distance.Suddenly, a blond youth intercepted her, grinning. "A moment please, Ms. Lane."Helen stared at the impudent youth warily. "Who are you?""Who I am doesn't matter," Blondie said with a smile. "My boss has admired you for a while and would like to have a chat with you."Helen studied Blondie just then.The hair dyed platinum blond, ear piercing, elaborate tattoos, and leather jacket all indicated that
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Chapter 22
Sean certainly could not help smiling as he reveled inside. 'What a perfect damsel-in-distress plot! I guess someone up there really likes me… This will definitely seal the deal!'On the other hand, Blondie was clutching his chest. Knowing that he could not beat Sean, he pointed at him and snapped, "You prick! Don't you dare leave town! My boss will come soon and beat you to a pulp!"Sean simply put his hands on his hips charismatically. "Sure, I'll wait right here. Try to grow a pair if you don't come back."Blondie was surprised that Sean was still talking tough and hurried to get help."Hmph." Sean snorted in disdain before turning toward Helen with a look of concern. "Are you alright?"Helen nodded stiffly, her eyes fixed on Frank nearby.She was convinced that Frank would step up to save her when it mattered, but in the end, he merely stood there, unmoved.She was certainly disappointed, but perhaps he really did not care about her anymore.Sean followed her gaze and fou
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Chapter 23
Inside Riverton General, Helen was leaning against the hallway, her head lowered in thought.Sean approached her, asking affectionately, "What's on your mind, Helen?""Nothing," she replied."Please don't tell me it's Frank," Sean said tentatively. Helen smiled begrudgingly and shook her head. "Why would I be thinking about him?""Yes, of course," Sean promptly scoffed. "He's trash—you should forget about him. I mean, you may be his ex-wife, but he actually refused to help even when he saw that you were in danger. You can't depend on men like him."Helen nodded in agreement, and seeing that, Sean promptly whipped out the diamond ring he had prepared in his pocket.Looking upon Helen lovingly then, he said, "I bought this for you—it's the latest design from Pegasus Diamonds. I wanted to give it to you as a gift after you got that contract from the Turnbulls, but I didn't have the chance."Helen was stunned. "What is this, Mr. Wesley?""Do you really not get it?" Sean's blazing
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Chapter 24
Sean cursed Gina for being an idiot under his breath—how would he win when there were so many on the other side?!But even as he realized neither running nor standing his ground were options, Blondie remembered him and pointed straight at him. "Boss, that's the b*st*rd who kicked me."All at once, every thug turned toward Sean.Despite the pierce glares, Sean gritted his teeth and moved to stand in front of Helen, bracing himself as he snapped, "I'm sure everyone here's respectable in this law-abiding society. Violence is bad, so why don't we let bygones be bygones? Work with me here… I'll even pay for the kid's medical bills."Smack!Robin strode right up and slapped Sean across the face, leaving his head spinning as he saw stars."Work with you?" Robin snapped. "Who the f*ck are you?"Sean was fuming—it had been less than a day, but he had already been slapped three times!However, he had to restrain his anger and explained, "I'm Sean Wesley.""Who? Never heard of you. Beat
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Chapter 25
Thud!Thud! Thud!As dull punches made contact, the thugs were all floored, none of them able to stand after a single hit from Frank.And like a human-shaped tank, he continued toward Robin, who was left dumbstruck from fear. "S-Stop him!"It was a scene straight from a horror movie—the man was just like a rabid dog!Even so, any thug who tried to stop Frank would be gently shoved aside, their arm broken.Frank reached Robin soon enough and seized his neck with a vice-like grip."Oof—" Choking immediately, Robin released Helen in reflex while his other hand reached to his hip and whipped out a pocket knife.As it gleamed coldly, he screamed, "Die!""Watch out!" Helen cried out and jumped toward them, but it was too late…Frank had caught Robin by the wrist in a split second, with the knife just an inch away and not budging at all!He then squeezed!Crack!Robin's arm was twisted by a 180 degree angle right then and utterly deformed!"Argh!!! My hand!!! My hand!!!" he
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Chapter 26
Robin pointed at Frank's face and snarled slowly and clearly, "Get down on your knees and beg—I might just spare your life!"That only earned him a slap from Frank, knocking out two of his molars."I don't care who you are," he growled. "Touch Helen, and even your daddy will die."Robin was certainly dumbstruck—the brat hit him?! Even after he announced himself?!His eyes reddening, he bellowed, "F*ck you! I'll kill you and torture Helen to death!""Shut up," Frank snapped, balling his fists in response to his impudence."Stop it!" Sean shouted right then.Frank paused, and wheeled on him. "What, are you pleading for his sake?"Sean glared at him in turn. "He's Leo Grayson's son! We'll all be dragged into this if you kill him!"Beside him, Gina nodded repeatedly. "Yeah, that's right! We can't afford to provoke Leo!" Frank glared at her in disbelief. "Do you hear a word he said?!"Helen would not have peace as long as Robin lived—honestly, what was going on in Gina's head?!
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Chapter 27
Robin survived, but his spine was shattered and he was crippled from the waist down.Everyone was left gaping as he stayed stuck in the wall, afraid to make a sound.Frank simply picked up his medical ingredients and turned to leave, while none of Robin's thugs dared to stop him.Helen watched as he went and suddenly called out, "Frank…"Frank did not look back at all.Blondie was left staring at Robin in turn, at a loss for what to do.It seemed that they had to call Leo Grayson about this…"Just you wait! Our boss will destroy all of you!" Blondie snarled and hurried away with his fellow thugs who were still standing.Gina almost passed out right then, having heard of Leo's savagery—there was once a thug who messed with his girl, and Leo cut him into pieces on the spot and fed him to the fishes!What are they supposed to do if a cold-blooded murderer like them came after her family?!Grabbing Sean as he was their only saving grace now, Gina cried, "Please, Mr. Wesley, you h
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Chapter 28
Robin could skin Frank at the thought of being confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life!Beside him, Leo bellowed, "Who did this to my son?!"Blondie shivered even as he answered, "I-It's a man named Frank Lawrence.""Who the hell is he?!""He's a nobody. Just the ex-husband of Lane Holdings' owner.""Ex-husband…?" Leo was actually taken aback.Not daring to hide anything, Blondie promptly told Leo everything that happened earlier that day, including Robin taking an interest in Helen and wanting her for the night.Leo punched the wall in response, leaving a hole."She's lucky that my son likes her," he growled before turning to glare sharply at Blondie. "What do I pay you for? Shouldn't you protect Robin with your life?" "I… uh…" Blondie was left stammering.Leo barked, "Feed him to the fishes."Two burly men promptly seized Blondie and dragged him outside, even as he screamed hysterically, "Please, Mr. Grayson! Frank Lawrence is just too powerful. We couldn't beat
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Chapter 29
Vicky was reading some documents in Turnbull Villa when she paused because of Helen's words."What are you talking about?" she asked.Helen promptly told Vicky everything that happened earlier and pleaded, "Please, Ms. Turnbull. You're the only one who can save Frank now."Vicky simply narrowed her eyes, her fair fingers rubbing her chin pensively for a while.Eventually, she asked, "Frank's in trouble because he saved you. And you're coming to me instead of helping him? Don't you think you're out of line?"Helen was left speechless but tried again. "I know the trouble started because of me, but I really don't have what it takes to help him…""And how's that my fault?"That left Helen stumped. "A-Are you just going to let Frank die?""How's that my business?" Vicky asked nonchalantly."What… Alright, if you don't want to help. Fine!" Helen snapped and hung up exasperatedly.On the other end, Yara asked Helen gingerly, "Ms. Turnbull, are we really not going to help Frank?"De
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Chapter 30
Trevor asked, "Should we call up our brothers, Mr. Lawrence?"Frank frowned, his gaze murderous.Still, he said, "No, it's fine. I'll head to Skymex Club right now—I'm massacring them if they hurt Helen."And with that, he hung up and strode off, knocking the suite's huge doors open with a slap of his palm.A formless spiral was revolving around him, the monumental force within barely restrained!-As Helen alighted at Skymex Club, the goons waiting outside who were told beforehand promptly led her to the office upstairs when they saw her.She entered to see Leo standing before the glass wall.With his six-foot frame, rotund stature, and the deep knife scar on his face that ran from his scalp to his lips, his very presence would send chills down anyone's spine.Robin was nearby, sitting on a wheelchair and staring at her fixedly.Leo then turned, leveling his icy glare at her. "So, you're Helen."Helen promptly bowed her head. "I'm sorry for what happened today, Mr. Grayson.
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