All Chapters of Stay the Night: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
138 Chapters
Unexpected Visitor
BlakeAston giggled again. “Is that so? And how exactly would I have managed to make it more fun?”Her voice was huskier, flirty. The recognition of that tone, the same one I’d heard from her in bed, was like a fist around my cock, which took notice immediately.But as much as I would have enjoyed it, I couldn’t just pull over to have phone sex right now. I tabled the thought for later though. “I don’t know, maybe because I would have had someone to play backgammon and tennis with.”She laughed. I could almost see the way her eyes lit up and her eyebrow raised when she did. Damn, she was beautiful. “Backgammon and tennis, huh? I was hoping for something a little more interesting than that.”Jesus, Aston being light and flirty was really getting to me. For a brief second, I considered pulling over and risking arrest just so I could hear where the conversation would go if we kept it up. But Aston was at work, and the thought of having to call Danny to bail me out after getting arrested
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I've Changed
ASTONBy the time my shift ended, I was bone tired and yet still strangely exhilarated at the same time. The hard work that came with being the manager now that the hotel was so much busier left me exhausted at the end of each day, yet more fulfilled than I've ever been before.My exhilaration wasn’t only work-related though. My earlier conversation with Blake left my head in the clouds and my heart beating double time. During that conversation, for the first time I felt like I really knew him and that there was something between us that was real.I logged out of my computer and locked up my office, still wishing I could have taken Blake up on his offer. Tiffany was walking down the hall just then, skipping up to me when she realized I had my bag slung over my shoulder."Well, would you look at that? Our fearless leader is packing up on time for once. Hey, what are you going to do now? I’m heading to the beach. Running into you like this makes me think fate wants you to come with me."
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I'm Going To Do It
AstonI ducked when I saw a volleyball being launched our away. A girl caught it before it even came close to us though. Tiffany was still waiting for my answer. “He asked. He told me yesterday that he was waiting on something and if he didn't get it, he would have to go back to corporate. After he told me he would have to go, he asked if I would go with him.”She stared at me, gaping. “And you said no?”I nodded. “Now isn’t the right time for me to be away from the hotel. I mean, I wanted to go with him but we are really busy and I couldn’t take leave now.”Shaking her head at me, Tiffany wagged a finger in my face. “Listen to me, you’ve given everything to this hotel. This is exactly the right time to take leave. You’ve worked your butt off these last few weeks to avoid cuts at our branch. You’ve now confirmed that there won’t be any cuts made here. This is the perfect time to take some time off.”A wave of doubt over my decision came crashing into me. What Tiffany had said actually
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The Perfect Wife
BLAKEMom? I blinked, and then I blinked again. I kept thinking the woman standing in front of me was going to be gone when I opened my eyes again.My feet wouldn’t move. Neither would my legs. It seemed my limbs weren’t responding to the signals my brain was sending them. My hand was still on the doorjamb, my feet rooted to the spot right in the entrance of my father’s room.I hadn’t seen this woman since I was a child, but she was smiling at me with her arms extended a little, like she either wanted to squeeze my cheeks or was waiting for a hug. Neither of those things was going to happen.Over my dead fucking body was I letting this woman touch me. She left us when I was so young I barely had any memories of her. I could count the ones I did have out on my fingers. We hadn’t seen or heard from her since, which begged the question.“What are you doing here?”The hopeful smile on her face fell. Her hands dropped limply to her sides, then she started toying with her slender fingers. “
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Leaving Love Behind
Blake“As soon as Norma told me what had happened and where he was, I knew I had to come immediately.” She continued quietly, her eyes glued to my father. “There was no way I could stay away while he was lying here fighting for his life.”“Why do you even care?” I was getting more exasperated by the minute. “Have you forgotten that you left him more than two decades ago?”She kept quiet, closing her eyes as if she was in pain. Breathing in deeply, a sob ripped from her chest. She reached for a handkerchief in the purse beside her chair and dabbed at her eyes. “We need to have a proper conversation at some point in the future, once your father is better. I will take all the rage I deserve from you then, but I do care about your father, Blake. That’s why I’m here, that’s why I’m not leaving. I can be accused of many things, but I’ve always loved him. I can never be accused of not loving him.”“Did you just say you’ve always loved him?” Incredulity rang clear as a bell in my voice. The w
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ASTON“I want to assure you that I will only be a phone call away at all times. If you need me, call. I only plan on taking vacation for a few days, but if I need to come back earlier, I will.” A sea of faces looked at me from around the biggest conference room we had at the hotel.I had called a staff meeting first thing this morning to announce I was taking some time off. While I’d made up my mind to go to Florida, I didn’t want my employees to feel like I was skipping out on them. I needed to make sure everyone knew I was only going for a few days and that they could contact me anytime they needed to.Most of the people scattered around the room smiled at me. A few looked just plain bored and were staring out the windows at the beach and ocean beyond. Calling a meeting to talk about my vacation wasn’t strictly necessary and I understood why some people were bored, but I needed people to be assured my leaving had nothing to do with the cuts.Smiling or bored now, everyone expressed
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Does He Like Surprises
AstonI shuddered. “If you try to give me an ear worm, I’ll just keep singing it back to you.”“You wouldn’t.” Tiffany bumped my hip with hers. “Let’s make this easy on both of us. Spare me the time and effort of searching for revenge strategies and promise you won’t go on a cruise without me.”“Fine. You got it.” Going on a cruise with Tiffany would definitely go on my bucket list, but for this first holiday of mine, there was no where I’d rather be than with Blake. Spending some time with him away from the hotel sounded heavenly, somewhere we could be together openly and where I wouldn’t have to keep running back to work.I would finally get to spend some time with him just being me. Sure, we’d still be dealing with the McAllen Property Group since he had to confront his brother and be with his father, but it felt different than being with him here at the hotel.Of all the things I was concerned about, there was one that stood out a little above the rest. “Do you think I’m doing the
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Bigger Is Better
BLAKEAston? My lips curled all the way up. I couldn’t believe it. She was the second woman I’d seen unexpectedly in as many days, but this one I actually wanted to see. I was moving toward her before I even realized what I was doing.I spread my arms wide when I got to her. She stepped into them and buried her head in my chest. I hugged her close and breathed in deeply. “What are you doing here?”She lifted her head, her green eyes bright and happy. “You’ve done so much for me, I wanted to return the favor and be there for you for once.”I pressed a kiss to her forehead, nuzzling her temple. “You didn’t have to do that, but thank you.”“I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to.” Giving me a dazzling smile, she stood up on her toes and brushed a kiss to my lips. “I can do that now, it feels good.”“Not as good as this will,” I lowered my head and sealed my mouth over hers. Her lips were warm and soft, and she tasted like coffee and a sweetness I was learning was all her. She gasped so
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Filling Her In
BlakeThe waiter brought our drinks. I ordered a seafood platter that I thought Aston might like, then waited for him to leave the room before I fessed up. “When I got to the hospital, my mother was there.”Aston’s eyes widened, her chin dropping to her chest. “Your mom?”I nodded. “Remember the woman I told you about, the one I said I saw arriving at the hospital when I left?”“That was your mom?” She sounded nearly as surprised as I had been.“Yeah, crazy huh?” I was still processing her sudden reappearance in my life. Talking to Aston about it felt like a good place to start.“So she was still there after you got back from your trip?” She asked the question gently while taking a sip of her wine. Her eyes never left mine.“The doctor told me she hadn’t left my dad’s side since she arrived. Apparently, she’s even showering at the hospital.” Aston’s brows rose. “That doesn’t sound like someone who would just walk out on their family.”“My thoughts exactly, but she claims she’s
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In His Room
ASTONHe thought he owed me and wanted to make it up to me? I liked the sound of that. We only just made it into Blake’s room before his lips were slanted over mine, soft and firm and hungry. The feel of his tongue licking at the seam of my lips made everything else disappear from my mind in an instant.My lips parted, a soft moan escaping before his tongue darted into my mouth, expertly licking and sucking and exploring.He tasted just as good as I remembered. Like only Blake could.When he kicked the door shut behind us, we were like animals. He was on me in a second, my back pushing into the hard mattress. A soft moan escaped from my lips. Blake’s hips had a mind of their own, rolling against me in a way that made my mind splinter into a million pieces.One of his hands dug into my thigh while the other was clamped to my ribs. He had me caged underneath his big body. I had longed to feel like this again since the last time we were together.As if I was possessed by him. Enveloped b
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