All Chapters of Stay the Night: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
138 Chapters
What Did She Say?
BlakeI buried myself in work, but there was always a constant ache in my chest. Until I had her in my arms, and only then did everything feel okay again.Our tongues twisted and tangled together. Aston’s hands twined into my hair and gripped it hard, like she was trying to keep me against her.We were like two fires raging, coming closer and closer together to meet and combust in a giant ball of pent-up passion. Our kiss was fierce, hungry, filled with longing that broke me apart before it started putting me back together again.When we finally came up for air, she smiled against my lips. “You sure seem happy to see me.”“Ditto.” I kissed the tip of her nose and then ran mine down its length. “I missed you, too. How are you?”Something in her expression faltered, but it was gone in a flash. “I’m surviving. Doing much better now that you’re here.” “Yeah? That makes two of us,” I told her. When she stepped out of the circle of my arms, I realized that she looked a little tired. Stunni
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A Curveball
BLAKELife rarely surprised me. So far, the curve balls it had thrown at me were pretty limited—the day Mom left us, and a couple of weeks ago when my brother called to tell me about my dad having a stroke.But now this? I blinked.Tears glistened in Aston’s eyes, causing the hope in them to shine brightly. She wrung her hands, waiting for my reaction.There were probably a million things I should do, should say. None of them came to mind. I was completely blank. All I could think of was that one word. The word that changed everything.Pregnant.My heart hammered in my chest. Before I could stop myself, I blurted out. “Are you sure?”One tear escaped from each eye as she nodded. “I did three tests. The symptoms are all there. I’m tired, nauseous. My body is achy.”It sounded like the flu to me, but what did I know? This was one area where I was flying blind. What I did know was that the tests could be wrong. They gave false positives all the time. “Have you been to the doctor?”Releas
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Be There
BlakeApparently, she was carrying my child. Stress was supposed to be bad for expectant mothers, I remembered that from sex-ed class or somewhere. “I can’t imagine bringing a child into all of this. With all that’s going on, even if I had thought about having kids and we had decided to have them, now wouldn’t have been the right time.”“Your family is in turmoil,” she stated. It was a fact, not a question. She didn’t wait for me to answer before she continued. “It would have been preferable for this to happen when everything with your family was sorted out and we were more stable in our own relationship.”There. That was what I was feeling. She just summarized it much more perfectly than I was able to under the circumstances. Fuck, I couldn’t even pinpoint it exactly until she said it. “I’m at odds with my brother. I don’t even know where I stand with him at the moment, but it’s not a good place. I have a mother I don’t even know suddenly back in my life, and I just almost lost my fa
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ASTONI woke up lazily, stretching like a cat on my bed. After our talk yesterday, Blake came home with me and spent the night. I knew the news had come as a shock to him and for a moment or two, I thought he was going to deny the baby was his or just take off.A lot of guys would have done that. I didn’t need experience with men to know that many in his situation would have bolted.But not Blake. When I confronted him about his feelings, he was honest. I appreciated that more than he could ever know. It wasn’t like a baby was part of my plan either, but at least my life was slightly more settled right now than his was.I had a home, a job that didn’t require travel, a city I lived in. He had none of those things. Okay, he happened to have billions of dollars and a company, but a baby fit into my life much more smoothly than it did his right now.The maternity benefits at the McAllen Group were decent, as I learned when I did some homework right after I found out I was pregnant. Maybe
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Fight With Me
AstonI still had a bunch of days off I could take, and taking them to be with Blake felt like the best way to use them. I had enough that taking a few days now wouldn’t interfere with the time I would need to go see the doctor for my checkups.Blake’s lips spread into a wide grin. “I was hoping you would say that. We’re going to have to leave tonight, though. Is that too soon for you?”“No, I’m still only packing for one so I can be ready.” I was already mentally going through my closet, deciding what I would need to take with me.He came over, kissing me as he gave me my plate. “Pack everything you need for a couple of weeks, just in case. There’s a doctor in Florida we can go see while we’re there. I met him with Doctor Richards at the hospital once."“Weeks?” I didn’t know if I had that much vacation time. Days were one thing, weeks were another. “I’m in. I want to be there with you for all of this, but if we might be away for that long what are we going to do about the management
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Private Plane
BLAKEBeing on the company’s jet with Aston was like seeing it for the first time and through entirely different eyes. She was like a kid in a candy store. Collapsing onto one of the seats, she kicked her feet up and lay back with a grin on her face. “Now this is luxury.”“It’s pretty nice.” I looked around, shifting my feet on the thick carpet. Dad liked to travel in style and the jet showed it. The finishes were nothing but the best, and the thing had all the creature comforts a workaholic could ever need, including seats that could swivel to have meetings with up to sixteen people, an antique mahogany desk, and a bar that catered to every taste.Aston jumped up from the seat and went to explore the rest of the plane. “This is what you call pretty nice? It’s spectacular.”She stuck her head into the bathroom and reappeared a minute later. “You have heated towel rails on a plane? That’s insane. It’s not only pretty nice. Pretty nice is when you get an empty seat next to you in coach
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Mom's Words
Blake“The lack of screaming babies does hold a certain appeal,” I told Aston with a smile.“Not for long,” she said, in a sing-song voice. “Soon enough, there’ll be a screaming baby right here with you.”“Yeah, but he’ll be mine so it won’t be as annoying.” I’d heard somewhere that everything your own baby did was cute, even the stuff that irritated the crap out of you when it wasn’t yours.“He?” Her eyebrows lifted. “What if it’s a she?”I lifted my shoulders. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll be happy either way.”“You will?” She asked quietly.I nodded. “I will, I promise. It all just needs to sink in a little.”“Okay.” She sat back in her chair, looking around the cabin again now that we were in the air. After taking a few minutes to absorb her surroundings, she faced me with a serious expression. “You know, I never wanted money. I just wanted enough to get by so I wouldn’t have to worry like my parents did.”“You’ve done extremely well for yourself, Aston. Not many people can say that at
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Mile High Club
ASTON“You’re going to have to be quiet.” Blake growled against my ear, kissing me before turning me around. He pinned me against the small counter with his hips. A shock of electricity traveled through me at his gravelly tone, being handled with just a little bit more dominance.I didn’t know if the pregnancy hormones were responsible or if it was just Blake, but as soon as he touched me with that hungry gleam in his eye, my entire body went mercurial. I suddenly needed him in me more than I needed my next breath. The bathroom was a little narrow. There was enough space between the wall and counter for both of us but not much more. Blake was pressed up against me. I could feel every hard inch of him against my back.Lifting my eyes to the mirror, I watched as he lowered his head and started kissing my neck. A loud moan fell from my lips. It was easily the most erotic sight I’d ever seen. My head fell back onto his broad shoulder as I watched. Reaching behind me, I wiggled my hand
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The Future
AstonAdjusting myself until I was positioned just right, every forceful movement of his hips hit my clit and sent shudders of pleasure rocketing through me. My hands flew to his hair, holding him close to me as he slammed our bodies together. I kissed him, clinging to him as I felt the first rumblings of my orgasm beginning to stir deep inside.Kissing him harder, my climax ripped through me. Starting in my clit, it raced through my body all the way to my gums. It was incredible. With my muscles clenching and pulsing powerfully as spasms rocked my body, Blake grit his teeth, following me over into his own bliss. His hips rocked as he found his release, twitching into me.When he was done, his chest collapsed against mine. His strong arms supported me as they wound around my back. Deep breaths feathered across my sweat dampened skin and the muscles in his back rippled as I ran my hands over them.Smiling against his forehead, I murmured, “I think we’re going to be doing a lot more o
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Time to Go Home
BLAKEAston and I got to the hospital just in time to see my mother and father packing up. They had been staying in a suite at the hospital, calling it home so the doctors could check up on him regularly before they released him for good.“What’s going on here?” I asked, as we walked into the suite. Both of my parents had bags open on the bed and were talking to each other while packing their things.Dad looked up, a wide smile spreading across his face when he saw who it was. “Blake. Great news, boy. They’re finally letting me go home.”“I thought this was home for now,” I told him, looking around the mostly empty suite. When I was here before, my mom had decorated the place with all the creature comforts of home. She brought art, pillows and blankets, and even random mementos of trips they took together.None of those things were here anymore. “Did the doctors really give you the all clear?”Opening his arms to give me a back-slapping hug, he replied. “Yup. They told us this morning
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