All Chapters of Stay the Night: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
138 Chapters
Making It Official
BlakeA long minute passed before Aston answered me. She stared out the window, thinking through her response before I got to hear it. “I think it took a lot of courage and caring to keep you and Danny out of a long, possibly drawn out custody battle. I know it’s not what you want to hear and I know she could’ve gone about things differently, but in her own way, I think she put herself through hell to do her best to save you.”She was right. It wasn’t what I wanted to hear. It was exactly the explanation my mother had given, but the logic just didn’t sit right with me. “There are plenty of kids who went through the divorce of their parents. Their mothers didn’t walk away to save themselves the trouble of a custody battle.”“True,” Aston said. “But those kids go through a different kind of hell than the one you went through. I don’t think it’s necessarily easier that way at all. There’s the split, the battle in court with all the alienation, fighting and badmouthing that goes along wit
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Tough Decisions
ASTONBlake’s father’s house was not what I was expecting at all. As a property magnate, I would’ve expected him to have a home the size of a hotel. Perhaps a glass and concrete monstrosity.While Wayne’s house wasn’t small, it definitely wasn’t the size of a hotel. It was a comfortable five bedroom family home. I didn’t know if this was where Blake grew up, I hadn’t asked. But it looked like it would’ve been a pretty nice place to grow up in if it was. It was cozy despite its size, and boasted big trees and a large backyard with a patio and a sparkling pool. I wondered if any of the family sized dining tables either inside or outside ever saw any action. Neither Blake nor Danny struck me as the type to pop in for family meals on Sundays.I’d finally come to learn that Blake’s mother’s name was Linda. She seemed to know her way around the house well enough and excused herself shortly after we arrived to unpack. I was left chopping salad in the farm style kitchen.There were beautiful
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Good For Him
AstonSlowly but surely, my perception of the world and the people who lived in it was already changing. When Blake first told me about his mom, I thought what she did was terrible. I never thought I would be able to see her side of things.Having met her and trying to imagine giving up my own baby, even if it wasn’t here yet, I realized how excruciating the decision must have been for her. Walking away already seemed impossible to me.“You’ll see one day when you have children of your own. You only want what’s best for them. It doesn’t matter what it costs you, not just in money but in everything, you want to be able to give it to them.”“Hmm,” I agreed vaguely. It felt like I was lying to her by not telling her I was pregnant, but it wasn’t my place to have that conversation with her.Cluing her in would also mean that Blake’s father would find out, or I would put her in the position to have to lie to her husband. Given how new their rekindled romance was, it wouldn’t be right to as
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Not About Me
BLAKEI woke up with Aston lying in my arms. I was on my side, lying with my arm draped over her stomach as she slept peacefully on her back. She was the best sight to wake up to.Her auburn air was spread out to the side of the pillow, dark strands contrasting sharply with the stark white bedding. Her long lashes curled up towards the roof as her chest rose and fell with deep breaths. Deciding not to risk waking her from her sound sleep, I burrowed into the bed and just watched her as I finally let my mind drift to the realities we were facing. It was still early. The sun was only just beginning to rise. The room was lit with soft early morning sunlight, almost like an orange glow. In a few short months, these peaceful mornings with her would most likely be a remnant of the past. By all accounts, mornings with babies around were not peaceful.My hand ventured to her lower abdomen, the spot where my baby was growing. Though I knew it was still too early to feel anything, I let my ha
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Take Me in the Shower
BlakeWe had a clear path to the bathroom. I knew this suite like the back of my hand, so it was no problem to navigate our way as I walked us into the bathroom without breaking the kiss.Aston was so soft in my arms. She felt so damn good. Clinging to me, she twisted her fingers into my hair and tugged at the strands. It was a move I was a sucker for and she knew it.I groaned deeply, devouring her mouth with renewed vigor. When I finally set her down on the counter, her cheeks were flushed and she was breathing deeply. “Okay, you’ve convinced me. You can shower with me.”"“Gee,” I said with a grin, giving her a nip on the collarbone. “Thanks.” Aston laughed and hopped off the counter, turning her back to me as she pulled off her tank top and shimmied out of the shorts. Giving me a coy look over her shoulder, she crooked her finger at me and walked into the shower.A second later, I heard the water starting to run and her lacy panties were flung over the top metal rail of the stone
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ASTON“Mommy! Look at that.” An excited toddler pointed to a picture of a newborn baby printed on a canvas in the doctor’s waiting room. “It’s a baby. Is that my little sister?”The mom smiled, ruffling his light blonde hair as she shook her head and pointed to her protruding belly. “No honey. Your sister is still inside Mommy’s tummy, do you remember? You saw her picture last week on the doctor’s machine.”His little face crumpled in thought. “How did she get into Mommy’s tummy again? I want to draw a picture for her. Can I draw Mommy? Now?”The women reached into a gigantic diaper bag open on the floor. With what looked like great effort, she managed to reach a coloring book and some crayons. Plopping down on the floor, the boy kept chatting as he took the book and the crayons from her and proceeded to scribble all over the page.Blake and I exchanged a glance. We were waiting for our appointment along with three other women, two of whom had very active toddlers with them. All of th
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Meeting The Doctor
AstonA middle aged, greying man walked into the room, closing the door behind him with a soft click. He glanced down at the tablet he was carrying. “Aston Brier, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Doctor Evans.”He walked over to the side of the bed and smiled first at me, then at Blake who extended his hand to the doctor. “Blake McAllen.”“It’s nice to meet you too, Blake.” I liked how he immediately started using our first names. The interaction between that woman and the nurse out in the waiting room, as well as the way she had treated me during the preliminary tests, I got the distinct feeling that these people became like your family during the pregnancy.The ease with which the doctor was treating us was adding to that feeling. “Right, let’s get started. I have the results for the blood test you had earlier this morning. You’re definitely pregnant. Congratulations.”“Thanks,” I blushed. Blake’s grip on my hand tightened.The doctor started gently pushing on my abdomen, fixing me with a
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Plenty More
BLAKEOn the way to my father’s house to meet with our lawyer after the doctor appointment, my heart kept racing. “That was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.”It had to be the tenth time I’d said it, or some variation, within as many minutes, but I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t get over it.As soon as the doctor pointed at that grainy, weirdly shaped blob with the flashing light that was the heartbeat, everything changed. I had expected it probably would, but I hadn't known how.It was like someone had finally given me glasses when I hadn’t even realized I couldn’t see properly before. In a heartbeat—a literal, actual heartbeat—my view of just about everything I knew and believed in had been altered.When I looked at the pregnant woman and their children in the waiting room before we went into the exam room, I saw red, swollen women I felt sorry for. The incessant chattering of their toddlers had annoyed me, and a part of me wanted nothing more than to bolt with Aston in tow.Walk
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Legally Speaking
Blake“Legally,” David said, “as soon as both you and your father have signed those documents, you are in control.”“Wow.” That was fast. This was really happening. “Good. Dad needs to stop worrying about this so he can focus on his recovery.”“I agree,” David nodded. “Full control of the company will rest with you, though your father remains as part of the board of directors. All of your duties and responsibilities are outlined in the memo I included in the envelope. Read through it, let me know if you have any questions.” “David’s firm is on retainer any time you need them,” Dad added. “Their advice has been invaluable to me. I hope you’ll find them helpful, too. You can contact them about anything. They know things even I don’t.”David chuckled, snapping his briefcase shut and rising from his chair. “That’s about the size of it, gents.”“That’s all you came here to say?” I asked, incredulously. It was a super short meeting considering the enormity of the consequences.He nodded,
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Friction, Baby
ASTONBlake did a double take and froze as he watched me shimmy out of my jeans. It was a risk to try and seduce him after the day we had, but I needed to feel that connection to him. I thought he was on the same page as I was after today, that we were in this for the long haul together.To be sure, I needed the physical connection along with the emotional one. I would be able to tell whether or not he felt the same.Blake’s eyes zeroed in on mine. Shit, as sensitive as I was, I was pretty sure he would be able to make me come with nothing but a look. That look, in particular, was likely to make me combust spontaneously.A tingle of pleasure shot through me as his eyes widened and his pupils dilated. I loved that I still affected him the way I did, and hoped it wouldn’t change once I started showing.Never in my wildest dreams would I have expected that the sexiest, most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on would look at me the way he did. Especially not such a short time after I dro
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