All Chapters of Stay the Night: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
138 Chapters
BlakeWild laughter erupted from Dustin’s mouth as he shook his head. “You’re not half the man your brother is. Soon enough, he’ll get what’s rightfully his and so will I. There’s nothing you can do about it, you motherfucking piece of shit. Mark my words, I’ll be back.”“You’re causing a scene, Dustin.” I cast an apologetic look to the people around us, but Dustin didn’t seem to care. He was drunk and deranged, obviously completely out of it.When he got closer to our table, I noticed that his pupils were nothing more than pinpricks and his eyes were bloodshot and watery. “Don’t take another step closer, I’m warning you.”The hostess and the waiters were all frozen in place, hushed like the rest of the patrons watching the scene unfold in front of them. I only hoped their security wasn’t as useless, but there was no one in sight yet.“Or what?” Dustin shouted, spit flying as he jabbed his finger at me and then toward Aston. “You or your little whore over there going to make me?”The
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Is Everything Okay?
ASTONThe last thing I remembered was some man slinging insults at me while Blake and I were at dinner. Before the pain started, I’d been pretty sure it was Dustin. As I was about to stand up to form a united front with Blake against the drunken thief, an intense pain ripped through my body.I only remembered flashes after that.Blake coming to me in the restaurant. Getting much less jolted than I should have as he ran out with me in his arms. Bright lights as I glided down some kind of hallway.The smell and the shouting told me I was in a hospital as the pain slowly subsided. A round faced doctor with red cheeks and curly gray hair had appeared in the room like magic, only seconds after I was wheeled in.She gently pressed her fingers on my stomach when I told her I was pregnant, got an ultrasound machine wheeled into the room at what seemed to be the speed of light and took some blood before she disappeared.It all happened so fast, I wasn’t even sure it was real. Outside my room,
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Waiting Forever
AstonAfter a couple of minutes, Blake whispered. “Get some sleep, Aston. I’ll be right here. I’ll wake you the minute the doctor comes in. Wild horses and ten packs of rabid wolves couldn’t drag me away.”I trusted him to stay, but I shook my head anyway. “I can’t sleep. Not until the tests come back.”Blake glanced at the ultrasound machine still beside the bed. “Have they used that already?”“They did,” I told him, trying to remember if the doctor had said anything. But she hadn’t. If she did, I couldn’t remember it. “The doctor took all the film with her, and the flash drive that was in it. At least I think so. I can’t remember properly, Blake.”“That’s okay,” he said, soothingly. “Don’t worry, Aston. They didn’t know you were pregnant when we got here, I’m sure they’re just getting someone to take a look.”“I told them I was pregnant,” another tear rolled down my cheek.“So did I,” Blake replied, his tone quiet and even. “I gave them all the details for the doctor in Florida, too
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What Happens Next?
BLAKEWhen I woke up, Aston was still sleeping beside me. She was still a little pale, but there was some color back in her cheeks and in her sleep, she didn’t look as worried anymore. She was peaceful, almost like nothing had happened.I didn’t risk moving a muscle for fear of waking her. The doctor said she needed rest and I wasn’t going to interrupt what she was getting now.When they wheeled her away from me in that hospital, it was the most frightened I’d ever been in my entire life. I nearly lost my mind when they told me I had to wait outside. It took way too long before I finally managed to get to her again.Just thinking about it shook me up. I wasn’t afraid to admit how scared I was. It was right up there in the top two worst moments of my life. Second only to the day I realized Mom was gone for good, that she wasn’t just out shopping and she wasn’t coming back.Even then, I had been so young that it was hard to understand exactly what her leaving meant. The concept of growi
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The Same Mistake
BlakeBreathing the humid air deep into my lungs, I heard horns honking and the sound of construction nearby. It was never truly quiet in New York, no matter how high up you were. Letting the energy flow into me from the city far below, I waited another minute before making the call.Dad answered fast, just like he always did. “Blake. How are you?”“I’m good, Dad. You?” I dragged my hand through my hair and wished I had better news for him.“Recovering,” Dad grunted. “The doctor says I’m doing well, but he won’t keep his damn nurses at the hospital. Says they’ll keep checking up on me for another couple of days at least. It’s driving me nuts.”“They’re only trying to help.” Only Dad would be going stir crazy in a house the size of his with people clamoring to take care of him. “It’ll all be over soon enough.”“Yeah, well that day can’t come soon enough.” His voice was a low grumble, impatient sounding. “Where are you?”“I’m still in New York,” I told him. “I found Danny. Fired Dustin
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ASTON“It’s been days, Blake. Days!” I hated the tinge of whine in my voice, but there was no helping it anymore. Since the hospital, Blake and I had been cooped up in the hotel room. For four days, if he could have gone to pee for me he probably would have.It was sweet and all, everything he was doing for me, but I couldn’t take it anymore. The first few times I asked to get out of the room, he found effective ways to distract me.Blake could be very, very distracting when he wanted to be.Only after he called the doctor to make sure it was alright for him to be distracting me like that.It was mortifying that he called Doctor Steele to ask if it would be safe for us to—do stuff, in bed. I wasn’t like Tiffany, talking about sex openly and unashamed. I didn’t have nearly enough experience to be that nonchalant about it.Maybe someday I would be able to call up a doctor as confidently as Blake had, and just come right out with it and ask her if it would be okay to have sex. Worst of a
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Just the Two of Us
AstonAs long I got out for a little while, I would be fine. Blake had spent the last few days not only telling me how much he loved and cared about me, but showing me. His reluctance to go on this walk was yet another example of how much he wanted to take care of me, but he needed to trust that I could take care of myself, too.I knew what I needed, wanted and I wouldn’t push myself too far. A short, relaxed stroll was what I needed right now.Out on the curb, Blake looked up and down the street. “Which way do you wanna go?”Narrowing my eyes, I thought about which way we’d gone that night when we ran into Dustin at the restaurant and pointed in the opposite direction. “Let’s go that way.”We started walking hand in hand at a comfortable pace, heading down the sidewalk. Blake didn’t let go of me for a second, as though nothing could happen to us while he was holding my hand. I never took him to be a guy for public displays of affection, but I was enjoying this one.We hadn’t had many
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BLAKEDoctor Steele’s consulting rooms were overly feminine. Everything was decorated in shades of pink and purple with flowers on the curtains and a collection of ceramic fairies behind a desk. I supposed it was meant to divert the patient’s attention from the instruments next to the examination table, many of which looked like mediaeval torture devices.I hoped she wasn’t planning on using any of those on Aston today, but if she was I would have to deal with it. She smiled when she walked in, gesturing for Aston to hop onto the examination table while showing me to a seat near Aston’s head.“How are you feeling today, dear?” The doctor asked Aston, already starting to push some buttons on the ultrasound machine next to her.Aston’s eyes flicked nervously away from the collection of torture devices to meet Doctor Steele’s. “I haven’t felt any more pain since we left the hospital. I’m not as tired and haven’t been nauseous for a couple of days either.”The doctor looked pleasantly sur
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Switching Spots
BlakeWe pulled up outside Dad’s house before we could take the conversation any further. Aston looked a little dumbstruck as she got out of the car, but quickly recovered when Mom and Dad came outside to meet us. Both of them gave her quick hugs, Mom lingering and talking to her in hushed tones, as Dad came over to greet me.When Mom finally stepped away from Aston, she came over and pulled me into the kind of loving hug I hadn’t had from her in years. For the first time since she came back into our lives, I allowed her to hug me. Strangely, I found myself liking it and hugged her back before leaving her to grab our bags from the car.The hug from my mother was only the first surprise, though. When we got inside, I found the second surprise waiting for me in Dad’s study. “Danny? What are you doing here?”Swirling amber liquid around in a tumbler, he sighed and rose to his feet. I didn’t know whose idea it was for him to be here, but to say he didn’t look overjoyed to see me was an un
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The Offer
ASTON“Excuse me.” I pushed my chair back from the kitchen counter and glanced at Blake’s family before letting my eyes come to rest on him. “Could I talk to you outside for a minute please?”“Sure.” Exchanging a look with his father who nodded encouragingly, Blake followed me outside. I didn’t stop walking when we hit the deck, heading over it and onto the expansive green lawn.The sparkling swimming pool was blue and inviting. I briefly considered stripping off my clothes and taking refuge in the silence of its depths, but I doubted very much that Blake’s father would appreciate a half-naked pregnant girl sitting at the bottom of his pool.When I hit a patch of trees at the back of the property, I paced in the shade beneath them. Without having to look, I knew Blake was standing there watching me. He let me blow off steam for a few more seconds before planting his hands on his hips. “Before you say anything, hear me out.”“I told you I didn’t want that spot, Blake.”Walking toward m
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