All Chapters of Design of Fate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
100 Chapters
Chapter 31
JACKSON I was trying my hardest to push away the memory of how delicious her blood was. I could totally get behind that. Not to mention that I could feel that invigorating rush of strength and power that she had mentioned. ‘It’d also help us if we ever needed to protect her. Between dealing with the Dark Fae, the fucker responsible for the massacre, and getting everything in order there, we would need to be at the top of our game at all times,’ Zeus added. Those were all very good points indeed. I did not see any downsides to this. We made our way down to the cells. The interrogation room was all set up and ready for her, but Dickless Dexy would be brought in once Imeela was ready. It looked like he would be strapped down to the table. There were two trays filled with fun tools. There were a few beakers with different colored liquids in them. Next to them were syringes. On the other tray there were some painful-looking blades and long wires. Color me curious. I leaned my head dow
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Chapter 32
JACKSONThere was an immediate surge of anger and pain down the bond. Then guilt and shame were added on top of that. I did not have to hear her confirmation to know where her mind had gone. Imeela was the next in line. She was the only remaining Precoza. While her people suffered greatly, she was a world away trying to remain hidden.I understood where those types of thoughts came from, and what spurred them on, because I was a leader as well. That would be where my emotions would be placed. Hers were misplaced because she was only ten when her father forced her and Emilio to flee. Those two fought and survived, barely at times, for all those years. They were not living a life of luxury on a private island. Their lives were worse than typical nomads because they were actively evading bounty hunters at every turn. I did not even want to imagine what the lowest points in her past would be.“How many chose each option?” she asked him, pushing aside her emotions.A hiss escaped him becaus
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Chapter 33
JACKSONBrynn had shared the Goddess’ message with us. It hit Imeela really hard, especially after everything she had just heard. That was what prompted the night run into the mountains so that she could focus on something besides the crushing emotions.Zeus took her up a somewhat challenging trail. It was amazing to feel her absolute elation at the freedom of letting go and giving herself over to this. Zeus felt the same way about running. Imeela and I shared the same way about sparring. It showed just how perfect she was for the both of us.My wolf collapsed against the ground once they made it to the top, and our mate collapsed nearly on top of him. She let out a deep laugh as she caught her breath.‘We’re here for you if you want to talk, beautiful,’ Zeus told her, nuzzling her neck.Her fingers ran through his fur while her body curled into his, seeking his comfort.‘Guilt is threatening to drown me. I can’t do anything right now while all of those innocent people are being treate
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Chapter 34
IMEELA ‘Hey, love. Dahlia said that she’s ready whenever we are. I’m just finishing up my session with Theo,’ Jackson’s voice filtered into my mind. ‘Be there shortly,’ I told him. I would honestly say that I had no idea what I had done right in life to be given two amazing mates. Jackson comforted me when I had my slight breakdown after learning what my coven had been going through and then was told that we had to wait. When I felt like I was being crushed underneath the harsh reality of what waiting meant, Jackson was able to grab hold of me and pull me back to the top. He gave me something to focus on besides that guilt and shame. He made me realize how much needed to be done, and preparing for that was something that I could do now. First thing first, we had enlisted Dahlia’s help with hacking into whatever she could. It would help us strategize. We knew nothing about our enemies right now, and that was unacceptable. It would be fantastic if we could find out all of their weak
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Chapter 35
JACKSONWe knew that Imeela was an expert with her knife. Now, we would be doing the same thing that my father had done when we were younger. She would be trying out different weapons to see what sparked her interest as well as worked during a fight.I was not certain that it would be possible, but I would love to see if there was anything that Ziyah or Janina could do with blessings so that it worked the same as the knife in regard to the Precozas.“We’ll be meeting everyone at the private training building where Brynn’s father had trained her instead of her attending training when she was younger. Mike is one of the best trainers in this pack as well as his mate Tris.”Brynn had opened up to Imeela on her own about being a Vessel. It was something that she felt Imeela should know about, especially given the fact that Imeela had placed a lot of trust in all of us. Imeela had been very intrigued with the fact that Tris had died but was given a new start.I had asked Imeela’s permission
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Chapter 36
IMEELA My uncle left the binders with us so that we could go through them all. There was so much information contained in them. He had always seen himself as a holder of knowledge, taking it upon himself to become a scribe. ‘History was at one point in time the present. It is important to remember what happened because it had some level of importance, whether it was personal or public. There is power found in knowledge. It is a power that never diminishes but always has room to expand. May the power found in these binders empower your cause,’ was what he had said to us. With the consent of my parents, he had written about the Precoza lineage. The first page that I had come across was a family tree that detailed back from the first rulers. King Vester and Queen Camilla Precoza had been chosen by Hecate as worthy of the honor of being the first but not last rulers. I knew some things about my family, but there was so much that I did not know. Thankfully, I had my uncle and Ziyah to he
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Chapter 37
IMEELAI did not know where I was, but darkness surrounded me. There was absolutely no indication of up, down, cold, hot, or anything. It was very disconcerting.A pale blue light appeared in the distance. I had no idea what it was from, but I felt it drawing me in. There was no wariness but instead only comfort. Whatever caused the light was not out to harm me.There was no telling how long I was moving towards the light, but it was getting larger and brighter until it morphed. An ornate blue door stood in front of me. There was a thrumming energy on the other side that was calling out to me.In hindsight, it might be in my best interest to be more hesitant to open a random magical door within a vast nothingness, but life was too short to play pros and cons. Plus, I had an inquisitive nature. With that in mind, I just shrugged, turned the doorknob, and pulled it open.My entire body was sucked into a beautiful library that was filled with at least a hundred different bookshelves. Ther
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Chapter 38
IMEELA“Hey, Ziyah went into labor and had the pups. Would you like to go visit them?” Jackson asked me.I checked the calendar and realized that she was early. Early could be problematic because of how short her pregnancy was already.“Yes. Definitely. I just need to grab their gifts first,” I told him excitedly.I might have gone a little bit crazy, but nobody could blame me. I had always loved babies, and now I got to spoil three of Ziyah’s. I already spoiled Mira, and I would be spoiling Kalen when she came as well.They would be getting superhero beanies to keep their heads warm and wolf plushies that had matching beanies. Then I made a relaxation gift basket for Ziyah. I did some research to find out which products were recommended for new mothers. After getting all of that together, I felt that Dante and Byron needed something too. So, I made a plethora of sweets for Dante. Byron was a bit harder to do something for, so I had asked Zeus for ideas. So, his would be for a hunt up
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Chapter 39
JACKSON Imeela snuck a grape from my plate and popped it in her mouth. She looked like a picture of innocence, but I knew better. This girl right here was not as innocent as she had been when we first met. Each passing day brought her further outside of her cocoon so that she could spread her metaphorical wings. And what beautiful wings she had. Learning her quirks had given me an interesting look inside her mind and what made up Imeela Precoza. Imeela can either get hyper focused on one thing or be able to juggle six things at once. She never really had an off-switch either. Getting her to take a break when she was focused seemed to be damn near impossible. She made up rhymes about things that she desperately needed to remember. They were not the simple ones either. Nope. She was someone who could create the most in-depth rhymes. There was potential for her to be a rapper if this whole Queen thing did not pan out. Her hair had to be up in a bun when she was in ‘work mode’ and tha
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Chapter 40
IMEELAI felt like something was weighing me down and holding me underneath the surface.My mind was a little foggy as I tried to think about the last thing that I remembered happening. Think. Think! We were eating dinner, and I started feeling pain. It felt like I was being tortured. But I was not being tortured… It was someone else. A female at the coven. Jackson took me to the hospital where they sedated me. That explained what I was feeling and why.‘Imeela, I need you to wake up now because there is something that only you can do. Brynn is about to give birth. It is at the moment that her daughter is born that Loki will feel a flood of Vessel power. His magic will lock onto that power and be sent out. If you do not want her to die then you must protect her at all costs. Your body has protective enchantments from Hecate, which means that only it can withstand that surge of magic. You do not have much time left. If anyone tries to stop you or slow you down, repeat these words: The G
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