All Chapters of Design of Fate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
100 Chapters
Chapter 51
JACKSON Hellhounds. Imeela and I were both paired with a Hellhound. I did not care why Hades had decided to do that, but I was thankful, nonetheless, because it meant that we would both be more protected while she reclaimed her throne. It was not me that I was worried about. I knew that my mate was far more capable than I at protecting oneself, but I would always worry about her and pray for her safety. ‘As long as they aren’t cockblocking guardians then we won’t have an issue,’ Zeus stated. ‘Perhaps we need to lay down ground rules about Imeela screaming our names or crying out. That way they won’t take a bite out of your ass.’ I glanced down at Roman and grimaced, trying to not imagine how painful that bite would be. Ground rules sounded like a good idea. Theo was grumbling through the link about how I always got the cool shit. I just flashed him a smirk. Siblings were naturally competitive with one another. We were not immune to it simply because we were ranked wolves. We were b
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Chapter 52
IMEELA It was interesting to watch Sadi playing with Roman and Venus. It helped that all three were energetic. It was like the best game of tag ever played because they would disappear and reappear, giving Sadi quite the challenge. Did you want to know something even more interesting than that? We had gone to the twins’ first birthday party, and Brynn had three specific warriors come along. They turned out to find their mates there, specifically three Nabellos. The six new mates talked it out, and the Nabellos decided to move here. We made sure to have an informative meeting with the pack just like Nightshade and Shadow Falls had done. Dark Moon was very welcoming to the newest arrivals and made them feel right at home. Jackson and I had been working alongside our Cabinet to come up with the best course of action when it came to dealing with the aftermath of the battle. Our first order of business as leaders would be punishing the culpable. Not everyone who ‘worked’ for Andrei was
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Chapter 53
JACKSON Zeus and I were two lucking fucking bastards to have an amazing mate like Imeela. Amazing was not even a sufficient word right now, but I did not have an alternative at the moment. She was the sexiest female either of us had ever laid our eyes on. Beyond her physical beauty was her inner beauty. That was even sexier to us than her looks because it was her heart and soul that meant the most to us. Both of them were pure. I was grateful that I had stuck to my guns and refused to give myself to anyone that was not my mate. Imeela was the only person that I had ever been with and the only one that I would ever be with. I had heard my fair share of people bragging about how great their sexual encounters were, but none of that compared to what I had with my mate. I loved the fact that we were figuring out together what we liked and also what we did not like. She was extremely adventurous, and that was fucking marvelous. It was fun to always find new ideas to torture her with. She
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Chapter 54
JACKSON We had worked our asses off to prepare for today because it would change everything. There was no fucking doubt about that. Yesterday, we had a mandatory pack meeting. They knew that there was another battle that we had been preparing for, but they did not know the details surrounding it. We had to safeguard those details until Andrei and Loki were dealt with. However, the meeting was about me officially renouncing my title as Beta. It was so fucking surreal because my entire being had focused on doing right by that title and my pack since the day that Theo had chosen me to be his right-hand. However, I knew for a fact that Sebastian was exactly who this pack needed. He and Lucinda will be a powerful Beta couple. The pack was confused about why I would do it but accepted my choice and pledged their loyalty to Sebastian as Beta, just like they had pledged their loyalty to me when I had taken my oath. Sebastian was a quick study and was not afraid to ask questions if he need
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Chapter 55
IMEELA When I heard that the bastard was using Desiderium, I knew immediately what he had done to our people. They were my people, Jackson’s people, and our new coven’s people. Their suffering would not go unpunished. I really wished that I could take my sweet time and torture him for a century or two, but that was not in the cards of his particular fate. However, I would take immense pleasure in ripping the life from the man who took my family and coven’s lives. That might make me a horrible bitch, but I did not care one fucking bit. He deserved everything that he would be getting. Breathe in, breathe out, focus. Ha. If only it was that easy. ‘Focus on me then, beautiful.’ Zeus growled softly through the open link that the three of us agreed on. We needed constant communication so that our thoughts would flow from one mind to the other. That way we were on the same page. ‘Yes, my King,’ I purred to him. My three words caused him to growl again, but this time it was one of pleas
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Chapter 56
BRYNN ‘We are Vessels. Hear us roar!’ Moira chanted with a roar at the end. ‘That’s right, Little Wolf! Roar it out. Loki doesn’t know what awaits him.’ Zen growled lowly through our open link. ‘Let me incentivize you. Make this a fight to remember and you’ll get anything your heart desires.’ Those were the magic words. She was prancing around in my head, trying to figure out what she was going to choose. I felt her mischievousness and knew that she figured out what it was and was going to enjoy this. ‘Alright then.’ She smirked, laying herself out like royalty. ‘I want to be your Alpha for an entire week.’ That was an interesting desire. It was different for her to be Alpha than for me to be since it was the wolf side that our hierarchy came from. The Alphas were at the very top of the totem pole, the absolute epitome of power. An Alpha bowed to only one. Zen growled again, but it was one of desire now. That request had him feeling inquisitive and a bit turned on. ‘Hold up your
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Chapter 57
THEO I stood in the doorway, knowing that my mate had to be the one to fight him, and I would be nothing but a liability in there that could get her killed. However, I could not just let her face him without being able to keep my eyes on her. I agreed with Zen that they were definitely earning being called Alpha with the trash talk alone. If Brynn thought that she would not be getting a week of having the title of Alpha after this like Moira would then she was sadly mistaken. I was not certain what had happened when Hecate had touched her hand, but I had felt my mate’s power increase. That was even more apparent when she let out her Vessel aura. It had always been powerful, but it was even more powerful. It definitely added to her sexiness, but I kept my emotions in check because I did not want her to get aroused while fighting him because he would probably think that he had been the cause of it. Yeah, right. Bright white light exploded from her hand, momentarily blinding him. That
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Chapter 58
JACKSON ‘Coming to you, Jacksy. Ding dong the God is dead,’ Brynn chirped in my mind. I had absolutely no doubt that she would come out the victor, but I was still worried for her. I would have been a shit friend and brother had I not been worried at all. Thankfully, Theo and Brynn were wearing recording devices just like my mate and I were because I could not wait to watch that fight. Knowing Ms. Dorky, it would have been fairly fucking epic. Theo, Brynn, Pylorna, and two new vampires popped in. They were the ones that we had seen through the security camera in the forest discussing his sister being force-marked by Dickless Dexy. “We pledge ourselves to fight for our rightful Queen,” the brother said, and the other one mirrored his sentiment when they saw me staring at them. “Perhaps you can be of greater assistance than fighting. Hold on,” I said, casting behind them to decapitate one that was sneaking up to attack them. Then I dropped the cloak. “As I was saying, perhaps you ca
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Chapter 59
JACKSON I had not expected Hecate to bless me like that, but I truly and sincerely appreciated it. Also, knowing that the blessing would help identify threats meant everything because our lives, from this moment on, would be filled with danger. We were not just going to be leading this coven. Nope. We would be responsible for the entirety of the vampire species. It would be up to us to ensure that our people were held accountable for their actions and punish those who were at fault for whatever crimes they committed. Hecate hugged Imeela and thanked her once again for freeing her from the prison that she had been held in for all these years before she left. Recognition, shock, and horror flooded the bond. Imeela broke away from the group that we in the process of talking to and rushed off to a woman in the corner. I followed her because I had no idea what elicited those strong emotions. Imeela knelt down in front of a woman who looked to be my mother’s age. There were signs of se
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Chapter 60
IMEELA We got maybe two hours of sleep before Roman and Venus woke us up, telepathically relaying a situation that that we needed to deal with. Thankfully, they did just as we had asked them to and were keeping an eye on those who might need protection. Jackson and I took off in a sprint, following our Hellhounds. People were eying us, but we paid them no mind. My fury skyrocketed when I saw that a man had ripped a woman’s clothes right down the middle. Her eyes looked dead as if she had lost all hope and did not have it in her to keep fighting. Fuck that. I would fight for her until she could do it on her own, and then I would stand beside her and keep fighting. My aura wrapped around him and threw him against the wall. There was anger in his eyes as he tried to fight against my aura, but I did not even feel his resistance. “You have one chance to explain what’s going on here,” I stated as calmly as possible. My mates were just as furious and disgusted as I was right now. This
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