All Chapters of BULLIED BY THE ALPHA PRINCE: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
231 Chapters
KAMILA’S POV"I thought you wanted nothing to do with me anymore. I'm the villain in your story, remember?" I say, my voice icy as I glare at him. Yet all I really want is to draw closer to him and reconcile. I long for his embrace, for the closeness we once had, to put all this madness behind us."I can hardly ignore you for so long. You're my mate, after all," he replies with a strained smile. I can tell he's got something heavy on his mind, something that warrants a long-ass conversation. Although it gives me an uneasy feeling, I can't turn him away. I step forward, pulling my door open and stepping aside to let him enter. He takes in my room—the ample space, the canopy bed on one end, the pastel purple walls, and the deep purple rug."It's been ages since I've been in here," he comments casually. I don't say anything, but the sentiment is true. It's been far too long since he deemed me relevant enough to visit my room—a realization I've come to accept while finding solace in
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SERAPHINA’S POV“Can you tilt your head a little to the right for me?” Juliet’s words are slightly muffled by the pins held between her lips.I comply, angling my head to the right in this awkward position. Juliet moves in again, pinching the golden fabric taut against my body before securing it with pins.So much has changed since Saturday.Since Artemis and I got together.Olivia mentions that I seem softer now, that my smiles come more easily than when I first arrived at this school. How could they not? Back then, I had to be on guard constantly. The school couldn’t understand or accept why a human like me would be among them. After all, in their eyes, humans are far below them in the grand hierarchy of beings.I had to fight my way through the dirt, made a few friends along the way, and through all the chaos and danger, the dynamic between Artemis and me evolved. Finally, I got acknowledged.Now here I am, in a sort of relationship with the once-spoiled Alpha prince who hunte
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SERAPHINA’S POVI can't meet his eyes for some reason, unable to find the right words for this exact moment. I knew that at some point, especially given our current entanglement—or whatever this relationship is—I'd have to tell him. There's no escaping it."How do I say this without sounding like I'm crazy?" I start, meeting his eyes.He watches me cautiously, yet there's an air of understanding. It's as if no matter what I say, he'll accept it as the truth—no questions asked. Taking a deep breath and exhaling, I feel better, more secure, and ready. His calming blue eyes remain my anchor."Something's been wrong with me; it actually got worse the day I found out I'd be attending Raven Wood Academy," I say, pausing to breathe.He nods calmly, absentmindedly rubbing soft circles on the back of my palm."I don't know the right words for it. Sometimes it feels like an out-of-body experience; other times I can't control my actions. My body moves on its own, weird things happen. Sometimes
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SERAPHINA’S POVThe following days breeze by too fast, and the inauguration ceremony is finally upon us. The venue is the school's banquet hall—a space I'd forgotten we had—currently transformed to accommodate the entire school body and all the awaiting guests. It's about to begin. I'm about to be officially welcomed into a world I never thought could be within my reach, and in front of a thousand students and some officials, no less. And here I am, in the girls' bathroom, staring at my reflection for more than a few seconds. Nervous. This was supposed to be a potty break, but I can't seem to walk through those doors just yet. I take deep breaths, murmuring affirmations to my reflection. "You deserve this. You've given so much of yourself for this. You will go out there and represent the entirety of the human race. Show them that both races aren't so different than they think."I give myself a few more minutes, pour some water on my hands, and splash it on my face while patting
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SERAPHINA’S POVHis aura is just as overwhelmingly powerful as it was during our first meeting, compelling even me—lacking a wolf's natural instincts—to tremble. The entire room falls silent, every soul standing at attention and bowing as he strides down the central aisle. Not one person dares to ignore him, no one is that foolish - not even the high-nosed officials responsible for the ceremony's formalities. They all bow quickly and with a certain desperation.It's déjà vu all over again, much like when he first appeared at the orphanage. He arrived out of nowhere, a mystery without warning—like a tsunami capable of destroying everything in its path. Realizing he's drawing closer, I bow my head, just as everyone else has done.Artemis stands frozen behind me, fists clenched so tightly that they must be digging into his palms, his entire body quivering. I've never seen him this affected by anything or anyone. He's always been confident, almost to the point of cockiness, never b
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SERAPHINA’S POVI'm reluctant to let him go with Jasper, especially just seconds after finding out how profoundly his father affects him. His hands are still shaking as he slides them out of mine and kisses my forehead. He casts one last look my way before walking off with Jasper. I watch them until they're out of sight, leaving me standing alone in the hallway again.A lot of things aren't adding up, and now that I know his sudden visit definitely can't be because of me, I feel skeptical about everything. A subtle feeling that things are about to take a turn settles over me as I walk away. Two steps in, and the feeling of dread only worsens.I hear other footsteps drawing closer, accompanied by the obnoxious giggle of what could possibly be a group of girls approaching. I'm curious; everyone else should be in the hall right now, worshiping the sight of their glorious Alpha or at least engulfed in their precious ceremony. No one else should have left the hall either.I wait, hear
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SERAPHINA’S POVI'm speechless for a few seconds, my eyes flitting between Lucian's scowl and his folded hands. Never mind my shadow, which just fucking moved on its own. No, I'm laser-focused on the guy who seemingly materialized from nowhere to save me from what could have been a nasty concussion or worse, courtesy of my long-time bullies.I'm not the only one silenced. The girls are, too, clearly tense that they've been caught in the act for the first time in a decade. And they're staring at Lucian like he's a god, their not-so-subtle lust written all over their faces. Can't blame them, really. His beauty is practically unnatural.Even I had never really seen drop-dead gorgeous guys until I got here, with tall, ridiculously attractive werewolf teens parading around. Now I'm almost immune to it—almost. Artemis is the exception. I could lose myself staring at him, and every time I look away and then back, I feel like I'm about to melt. He's magnetic like that. And I'm irresis
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ARTEMIS’ POVI closely follow Jasper to wherever my father has summoned me, a sense of dread accompanying each step. With every move, I question why he's here, trying to decipher any possible reason for his sudden appearance—as if the answer will suddenly reveal itself. I have a hunch, though. In fact, it’s the most likely reason.Just days ago, after becoming involved with Sera and convincing Kamila to give up, I sent my father a letter. It showed the depth of my commitment to severing the bond with Kamila. Brief and vague, yes, but clear upon a second reading. Yet, I never actually expected him to read it. After years of sending unacknowledged notes letters, it's surprising he chose now to engage. How unfortunate.I regret informing him, especially given his strange interest in my relationship with Kamila—an interest that far outweighs his desire for strong relations with the Wildhearts. They are, after all, among the world's most strategic and brutal packs, but an alliance isn
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SERAPHINA’S POVIt's finally nighttime, and I've slipped into bed wearing my nighties, reminiscing on all the twists and turns the day brought. I relish the brief moment with Miss Lucy and my encounters with my childhood bullies. Then that occurrence comes to mind—when the stone was about to hit, and I felt a surge of energy move through me just before my shadow shifted. I'm sure no one would believe me if I said it. The idea of my shadow moving on its own sounds completely absurd. But I know what I saw and felt; it was as real as those possessions I've experienced before, only without the hate and anger bubbling in my chest and with full control of my body, even if it was just for a brief moment.I stare at my palm, wondering what this means. I don't know whether to be pleased that my body wasn't taken over or devastated that there's yet another layer of myself to figure out. I'm like a walking box of endless surprises.Deep in thought, staring at my ceiling, I hear the sound o
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KAMILA’S POV(WARNING: THIS CHAPTER MAY HAVE SCENES OF VIOLENCE AND ABUSE)I'm exhausted and tired, dragging my feet across the floors. My entire day has been spent greeting older men—Alphas from different packs and a lot of political aspirants—having long, exhausting talks where I have to stand and seem interested in everything they say. All to fulfill a role that isn't mine anymore: the role of being Artemis' partner.I guess in a way, our breaking up will serve me, as I won't have to be this golden ticket people use to climb to the top. I won't be the Alpha princess everyone curries favor with, showering me with fake, sweet words. I'll just be a girl.I imagine when this is over, I'll be lost and without a purpose, but a small, insignificant part of me is tired. Maybe ending this long battle for a man who should love me is for the best.It's dark out as I make my way to the female dorm to retire, hoping to skip the banquet tomorrow. My plans of sleeping in and doing nothing fo
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