All Chapters of BULLIED BY THE ALPHA PRINCE: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
231 Chapters
SERAPHINA’S POVThe day of the banquet finally arrives in a flash, and I'm buzzing with excitement. Much of this enthusiasm stems from the night's theme: a classy, corporate black-tie event. The council even selected a dress for me from a famous designer. But what truly thrills me is the prospect of seeing Artemis dressed up. I've only ever seen him in casual clothes—jeans, t-shirts, and even boxers—but never in a three-piece suit.In my mind, he'll be breathtaking, gorgeous, a vision too captivating to look away from, especially since we're spending the entire evening at the same table. We've planned every detail; tonight will be perfect. Even if it isn't, Artemis will be by my side. Although our future seems uncertain, he assures me we'll find a way to be together, and I trust him. At this point, I'd trust him with anything.After hours of makeup application and styling my hair into a messy updo—leaving two curled locks framing my face—Olivia and I step into our outfits. I'm we
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SERAPHINA’S POVArtemis pauses seconds before whoever it is knocks, sensing the approaching presence. He pulls away instinctively, standing between me and the door with an annoyed scowl on his face, and I have to look over his shoulder to see who it is.Standing there is a student I haven't seen around, with thick-rimmed glasses, obviously cowering at the doorway and fiddling with the tips of his oversized sleeves. The fear in his eyes is mostly from the way Artemis glares at him for interrupting the moment, and I have to wrap my hand around his to remind him to stay calm."What is it?" he snaps coldly at the innocent guy who flinches by the door, closing his eyes and hiding his face."A-An urgent matter has arisen. The second batch of drinks has gone missing and no one knows where they went, the event has even started and everyone's panicking," he explains in a shaking voice.Basically, someone's fucked up and they need Artemis to step in and fix it.He sighs with frustration, rubb
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SERAPHINA’S POVHe has that look on his face, similar to Artemis when he doesn't get what he wants as soon as he asks for it; confused by my rejection of an offer that probably sounded great to him and baffled that I'd have the courage to even refuse at all."I beg your pardon?""I'm grateful for the offer, that you saw something in me to bring that up, but I'm afraid that I'll have to decline, your majesty," I repeat again, clearer than the first time.He's still bewildered, getting a bit ticked off by my response, but he remains silent for a while, deep in thought, staring me down and trying to figure me out."Might I ask why?""Though I want all those things for myself, I'd rather do them my own way without having to answer to anyone I can't disobey. I want freedom and autonomy to do what I have to do for the human race, even when it doesn't benefit the werewolves," I respond curtly.His frown cracks with a small smile of amusement."It's not wise to refuse an offer, especially one
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ARTEMIS’ POVI've wasted more time than necessary dealing with accidents that keep occurring since the banquet began. I've managed to find a solution for each of them with haste so I can finally get back to Sera and continue from where we left off, assuming she's still waiting for me after taking so much time. I adjust the neckline of my shirt, already feeling uncomfortable from the tie that feels as though it's choking me. I can't wait to ditch this place with Sera. I don't care if the entire building burns down while I'm away; all that matters right now is finding her and leaving this place.However, once I make a turn, my path is suddenly blocked by the last people I'm expecting to see tonight: Kamila and Alpha Gideon of Wildheart. He smiles widely the moment he sees me, turning fully toward my direction, almost as if he was waiting for me here."Good evening, Prince Artemis," he greets formally, taking a slight bow with just his head."Hello, Alpha Wildheart," I nod at him, ab
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SERAPHINA’S POVThe sounds around me muffle out, leaving only the beating of my heart, pulsing erratically in my chest, faster than it's ever done.Then my own breath huffs and puffs with my mouth, desperate for air - air that still doesn't fill my lungs regardless.My head spins, just like the room around me. Suddenly, the lights are too bright, blinding me. There are too many people around, and I'm being suffocated by every single sensation.Artemis is engaged.I need to get out, leave this place. I need to breathe, or I might pass out.I might die. My brain panics, my entire body goes into shock mode, and I really think that I'm dying.Olivia and Jasper are saying something to me, screaming, but I can't hear anything amidst the crowd's noise. I push past them, running out of the wide space and shoving through the crowd. They are now on their feet, clapping and clamoring to get closer to the Alpha to congratulate him.Artemis is engaged.I run against the flow of it, just barely m
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SERAPHINA’S POVI walk on my two feet out of the woods on my own. The injury on one ankle surprisingly healed on its own, but I don't focus on that, or the pain in my chest, or the fact that there's a body potentially not breathing deep in the woods. I can't think of any of that; I choose not to. I feel myself on the edge of shattering into a million pieces, being held together by nothing more than a single flimsy strand.I'm counting every breath I take while walking closer to school again."Sera!" a voice calls my name, footsteps rushing closer to where I am."Seraphina?"It takes a few more seconds before someone finds me—Lucian. He runs out from a corner, spotting me in my disheveled form: a ripped dress with its fabric dyed dark brown from the mud, hair messed up with dirt and twigs sticking out. He pauses, looking at me with surprise and then relief.I don't know what exactly it is, but seeing him is enough for me to shatter. My legs, which held me up firmly, suddenly grow
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SERAPHINA’S POVJasper carries me in his arms quietly until we're right in front of the girls' dorm. He drops me gently on my feet and pulls apart, far enough to look at me with pitiful eyes. I hate it. I don't want to be pitied like some sad, pathetic girl who is helpless and weak, bending to the will of the wind tossing her wherever it sees fit."Are you okay, Sera?" he asks, only now when I'm about to go to my room. He hadn't said anything at all until now. I know his intentions are innocent and he's genuinely worried about me, but I can't help but be annoyed by the gentle tone he uses, the way he looks at me like a brittle egg that will break. Yes, I guess I am fragile right now, but I'm not so weak that such news would ruin me completely."I’m fine, Jasper. Don’t worry about it," I say coldly, though unintentionally. He recoils from my tone, his features turning wounded, but he doesn’t say anything. I regret it. But I'm too hurt to be any other way. I can’t seem to utter an
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ARTEMIS’ POVI wake up with a start, suddenly jolting upright, fists clenched tight, ready to defend myself against anyone trying to take me away. But I’m not in front of the banquet hall anymore; I’m in a dimly lit room with stuffy air. Then the pain in my head hits, stabbing like needles from every angle, and I groan, massaging my temples.What happened to me?I try to force my brain to recall the last moments before I passed out, and the memory comes rushing back. I remember seeing Sera in pain, crying, and it hurt me deeply. My wolf felt her agony; we needed to get to her, to console her, but then someone grabbed me, dragged me back, knocked me out with a drug that felt too potent to be legal.Anger flares within me as I remember wanting to kill the person responsible for this. The pain intensifies as I furrow my brows, and I wince.“You shouldn’t strain yourself, Artemis,” a voice says, seeping into my consciousness.I open my eyes, looking towards the voice, and see her sittin
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ARTEMIS’ POVUnlike Kamila, I don’t follow his instructions to head back to the dorm. Instead, I decide to find my father because I need answers. He’s the kind of man who makes major decisions for me, whether I like them or not, but forcing an engagement on me seems too extreme, even for him. It cements the feeling that something is seriously wrong.I need to find out what's pushing him to make such drastic decisions, to fix whatever it is, and then find Sera.I get to his office, barging in, ready to demand answers, but it's empty. I must have just missed him. I step forward, scanning the papers on his desk, and I see he's already planning the wedding, preparing a special guest list. Frustrated, I crumple the list in my hand and throw it in the trash.As I dig through his things, trying to discern what he’s been up to, I come across a well-drafted document listing rituals, curses, and spells of resurrection, things that seem like forbidden magic, practices of the once-revered Astr
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SERAPHINA’S POVIt's dark and cold out in the deep woods, and I don’t remember why I’m here, alone and out when it’s so dark with an ominous fog. I don’t know why I’m wearing the same dress I had on for the banquet. The scene in front of me seems all too familiar.I walk aimlessly for what feels like a while, without any destination, until a dark figure emerges in front of me, filling me with dread. I know he’s going to kill me with his bare hands, rip me apart, and before I can scream, hands fall on my neck and squeeze hard. My lungs begin to collapse for air, and my vision blurs. I can't call for help; he won't let me. I’m weak, all alone in this dark forest.I feel helpless until something else flickers into my vision—a woman I easily recognize in her iconic white dress. Her features are so vividly clear that I can make out every one of them, despite the darkness. She's crying, thick red liquid pouring from her eyes. “Avenge me,” she pleads.Confused at first, I soon realize t
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