All Chapters of BULLIED BY THE ALPHA PRINCE: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
231 Chapters
SERAPHINA’S POVI don’t know how long I stand there staring at his features, but its long enough for his smile to slowly turn nervous.“Yeah… Hi.” He finally responds.I shake myself out of the daze, reminding myself that he is still is a wolf like everyone else in this school, no matter how gorgeous or attractive he is.Their appearance could only be to lure in more prey, a prime example of that is the devil himself, Artemis.“Yeah, uhm… you gave me this handkerchief?” I pull out the piece of material with the initials, raising it up to his face.He nods, not needing to identify it for himself to be sure.“Yeah. I was surprised to see someone crying underneath the staircase so early in the day. I guess I was worried.” His silver eyes flicker under the light with those words that sound too genuine.“Thank you.”“There’s no need.” His smile reaches his eyes, followed by a gentle chuckle. “See you later, human.” He says, walking right pass me, leaving a trace of his fresh scent that fe
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ARTEMIS’ POVI kick the door to my very own private lounge in the boy’s dormitory, stepping in to have a rest from the dramatic day - only to see the two buffoons that were in charge of keeping Lucian in check today, playing around with the football table and laughing hysterically.My mood turns sour just from seeing them.The intention of coming here in the first place was to keep my mind busy and forget.Forget the way her angry eyes looked at me when I’d just barely put that much force into holding her back.It’s not my fault that humans are so fucking frail, but even if.Her dainty wrist just barely fitted into my folded fist, like holding a tiny twig, and she’s almost as light as a feather, weighing close to nothing.Breaking her bones would be way too easy and yet, someone like her walks around with her head held up way too high and with so much audacity, like she could fight off the whole world and remain unscathed.Yet at the slightest graze, she’d glare and stare at me like I
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SERAPHINA’S POV“Full-Moon Games? Is this like some outdoor activity where you guys hunt animals?” I ask, staring at the large flier pinned to the notice board in school.The glamorous writing and bold colors catch my attention the second I pass by it.“We’re not dogs, Sera. It’s bigger than that, and it’s a festive period in school where people compete to have the moon’s authority for a whole month. They become the sovereign Alpha.” Olivia explains while sipping out of her juice box.Her words leave me even more puzzled that before asking. Again, she answers a question as though I’ve been a wolf my whole life and should know all this.“Can you repeat that, but in human terms?”“The winner basically has supreme authority for a week. They can boss everyone around, including the teachers. There are of course limits, but that’s basically it.”I muse over the new information, finding it unbelievable. Surely, it’s not just as easy as winning a set of games to own the entire school for a wh
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SERAPHINA’S POVMaybe… just maybe, this one time, I might have bitten more than I can chew.The days fly way too fast after my most daring announcement to Lucian that I will, in fact, be participating in the gaming event and against the one and only Artemis.At the time, it felt like a breakthrough moment. It still does, even though it feels almost impossible to fight for the title of sovereign Alpha when I’m still just human. But maybe, this is my destiny like Mr. Jermaine had talked about – which is being able to start a revolt in this school. Being the difference it needs. I would win and then change so many things around Raven Wood Academy for that one month when my authority would be second to none. Even Artemis Sinclair would learn to bow at my feet. However, now, standing in the large hall with the rest of the contestant which aren’t that much, I find myself developing cold feet. As usual, I’m the smallest here, like a tiny twig compared to five more tree trunks; one girl in
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SERAPHINA’S POVMore than five minutes have passed since I’ve been locked inside here and most of my panicking has subsided by now.So, I made a mistake and trusted Lucian, big whoop, life goes on. It still stings a bit in my chest, but I know it’s the last time I’m ever going to let myself be fooled like this.I pace back and forth, biting on my nail and trying to figure out my next line of action because one thing is for sure, I definitely can’t stay here - not while my chance to revolutionize this school is almost at hand.I look to the windows as an option but then, I remember that stepping out through it would mean plummeting from a tall building and meeting my eventual demise from the fall.That’s not an option.I contemplate more, staring all through the room until my eyes make contact with a vent high-up on the walls, on the other side of the room.Only goddess knows where it leads to, but it’s my only option. As long as it leads me out of this room, then I’m fine with it.I d
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SERAPHINA’S POV An hour later and Artemis has been announced the winner of today’s section, which was already expected.Despite his cruel personality, he still has many talents to back up his claim to the throne as the next Alpha King.The crowd has long cleared, and I remain back on my own, sitting at the edge of the stage silently with myself.The endpoint of today strangely doesn’t shock me as much as I thought it would. Perhaps a part of me knows I was being delusional when I thought I could really do this.I guess the only part I didn’t anticipate was being locked in a room and having to crawl through a rat-infested vent just to escape.Then there’s that vision I had in the heat of the tournament. The memory of burning buildings and the smell of death still lingers with me like it had been a real experience for me. My hands still tremble when the blazing red eyes of the wolf comes to my mind.It’s like I had actually been there, along with the fear of impending doom inside me,
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ARTEMIS’ POV“What was that all about?” Jasper asks, tuning to me once she’s stomped out of the room and slammed the door shut behind him her.“Hell if I know.” I respond, hiding my own annoyance.Just what is it with that human girl?She’s completely weak and helpless, yet she doesn’t know when to just fucking accept the help she can get.She was beaten down and late, yet she climbed onto the stage only to embarrass herself further. Who the fuck does that?Why is she so hell bent on acting tough and unbothered and cries the second things don’t go her way?I will never understand the way she thinks and how she processes what happens around her, and I don’t even want to understand any of it, yet it pisses me the hell off.That girl that has little to no charm whatsoever, yet she plays these games on me – yet she draws out my darkest desires and makes me want to do things I shouldn’t. I bet she’s fully aware of what she’s doing, always feigning innocence instead of owning up to it.“You
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SERAPHINA’S POVWith a determination and driven vigor, I tighten the laces on my boots, tying a bow twice and tucking the loose thread into my shoes to avoid any possible mishaps that could arise with them out.With another huff again, I secure my shoulder guards fixed to my outfit.Day 2 of the tournament and I’m completely focused on getting it right this time. No more half-assing or letting anything else get in my way.Unlike the previous competition, today’s event involves mostly survival skills and wits, with each participate kept in a maze with various obstacles.I like to think that my rough upbringing has equipped me for today to an extent.“You sure you’re okay, Sera?” Olivia asks for the third time since she’s come to help me get ready for it.She hands me a metal chest plate for extra protection before it begins. Unlike everyone else partaking, I have to get extra geared up because of my much lesser durability in the face of danger.A gash for a wolf would heal in a day top
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SERAPHINA’S POVAt the sound of the buzz, I run right into the maze, picking an entrance the same as everyone else.I’m immediately greeted by high walls that I couldn’t possibly climb onto to see the end of the maze - the walls standing at almost 20 feet high.I run though the path, coming into a two-way path and choosing the left.Honestly, I have no idea what I’m doing but I imagine after trying every possible path, I would happen across the exit.But in the meantime, I have another objective.The sight of a chest sitting against the wall draws my attention and I immediately run for it, pulling it open.Apart from the fundamental rule of the game stating one only wins when they successfully leave, there were other ways to boost your points while in the maze and it was in the form of tokens that gave points.Chests were hidden within the maze with trinkets, raging from bronze, silver and gold - gold having the highest points, three, and bronze having just one.I’ve already flunked a
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SERAPHINA’S POVI don’t know how long I’ve been down here, but I can roughly guess it’s been almost thirty minutes by now.Thirty minutes of fading in and out of consciousness while the blazing sun manages to seep into the ditch and burn my skin.At this point, I don’t even know if the tournament is still on but right now, it’s the least of my worries. I may or may not be rescued by anyone anytime soon, meaning I have to figure this shit out.I try again for the third time since falling in here to sit up. My back hurts insanely but I push through it, commanding my muscles to contract and push myself up into a sitting position. I’m successful but that’s how far I can go on my own. Even now, my body still trembles due to how weak my muscles are.I’m tempted to accept to my fate until I hear footsteps again.Could it be the girl from earlier? Or maybe it’s another player walking by. I wonder if it’d be wise to call out for help, not knowing if I’d be helped or ignored.And for the brief
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