All Chapters of BULLIED BY THE ALPHA PRINCE: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
231 Chapters
SERAPHINA’S POVRaising a brow, I watch as he waves the movie in his hands, a smile plastered on his face. He looks like an excited kid, trying to hold back the underlying urge to chuckle. “A horror movie? That’s your punishment?”“Why? You scared of a little horror?” He asks, walking over to his laptop and putting the flash drive in, setting everything up and pausing to look at me.“Or were you expecting something riskier and more devious?” He winks at me mischievously, and I roll my eyes, ignoring the second statement.“I eat and breathe horror. It’s the best genre in my opinion.” I say as a fact, walking closer to the stack of duvet and sitting on it.It’s surprisingly comfortable.“Oh, wow. The human girl isn’t scared of demons and zombies. I’m impressed.” He comments with a light chuckle, turning to me, actually surprised by my answer.A little bit of pride washes through me before I shake it off. Not like I need his praise to feel like a big shot.Who cares if he thinks it’s co
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SERAPHINA’S POVI can’t believe I let it get that far, succumbing to desires of the flesh. I blame it all on my lack of a dating history.Yeah, that’s probably why my body reacts that way just from his touch. I’m a horny 18-year-old virgin. Sue me.My own heart pounds faster, and the room feels too hot that I fan myself with my hand, just to feel a little bit of breeze.The next time I turn to Artemis, he’s holding a broom brush, pounding at the floor with a frown on his face.“Hey! Would you keep it down there? We’re trying to watch a movie.” He yells to whoever it is blasting the earsplitting music.My eyes fall to the said movie with the credits already rolling in, but I make no comments on that.“Who is it?” I ask now when my voice doesn’t feel shaky.“That bastard; Jasper. Ace is probably out fucking some chick somewhere else, leaving the entire room to him, so he can do shit like this.” He fumes, running his fingers through his hair in a frenzy.I guess that means that the night
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SERAPHINA’S POV“Sera? What are you doing here?”I freeze on the spot, words not coming out of my lips.Reality hits me hard, fast, as the answer to that question comes into my mind automatically. It’s like a wakeup call, reminding me where I am and who I’m with.I look away from him, not offering an answer because, ultimately, I don’t owe him one. Still, there’s a bit of embarrassment inside me while being here right now with Artemis.He looks at me, then to Artemis. His eyes shifting between the both of us with more confusion.Artemis’s hand reaches to me and grabs my hips out of nowhere, taking me off-guard. He pulls me to his side with ease while glaring at the guy.“I should be asking you that, don’t you think?” He throws the question back stubbornly.The look of confusion washes off him instantly, replaced with annoyance.“Your friend, Jasper, ran into me in the hall way, screaming about there being a ghost in his room. I came to check it out.”“How benevolent of you.” He quips
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SERAPHINA’S POVThe entire crowd mutters endlessly after the shocking news is dropped on every one of us.People's attention is fixed on the surprising revelation that they are mates, yet they fail to realize the most important issue at hand - the reason behind Artemis's earlier assault on Trevor.“What does he mean when he said that you should have confronted him head-on instead, Artemis?” I ask him now, already getting a sense as to where all of this is going - but I don’t want to believe it.He doesn’t look me in the eyes though, avoiding my gaze and the question all together, but Morgan does.He shifts his sinister gaze to me as though just noticing my presence, and a paralyzing fear grips my spine at the sheer madness in his eyes.“Oh…” He chuckles bitterly. “You didn’t tell your little pet what you did, did you?” He breaks into a manic laugh that echoes through the halls. Artemis takes a threatening stance closer to him now, warning him with those cutting blue eyes to shut the f
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SERAPHINA’S POV“You okay?” Alice asks first, walking closer to me and taking my hand, worry written all over her face.By now, I’ve shaken off whatever jitters I have, and I stare at her more confidently.“It’s alright. I swear, I’m fine.” I try to convince them.Yet both of them stare at me with knowing, sad puppy eyes, almost at the brink of tears like they know something I don’t.“Is there something wrong?” I ask them now.“We saw everything happen, I mean after everyone left.” Juliet explains, and while I stare at her with more confusion, Alice fills in the blanks spots.“Back at the cafeteria when that psycho, Morgan, crashed in and all. We stayed back after everyone got sent out, hiding under a table in the far back.”“But only because you were there, not because it was juicy gossip we had to witness ourselves.” Juliet butts in again.Though I find it hard to believe it wasn’t because of the gossip.“Morgan is such a meany, and we saw when he grabbed you just before the Alpha p
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ARTEMIS’ POVSera walks away from me without turning to look back - not even once.I smash my fist into the wall just to let go of some of my anger, but it’s still not enough; just like how nothing I do is never enough.I break my back, and yet all I get are glares and constant complaints. Hell, I haven’t even done this much for Kamila, and she still thinks I’m selfish.I walk back to where I came from earlier- an empty classroom not presently in use.Entering, Ace looks up at me with a bored expression as always. On the other side is Jasper, leaning over a beaten up and bruised Morgan, tied up and tossed in a corner.I only managed to hold back temper by a thin leash while Sera was there, so I could maintain the image I’m trying to build up with her.The soft, gentle, kind Artemis.But the second the bastard grabbed her, I lost it and everything just went blank from there. I still don’t know why.“How’s it going?” I ask, resting against a bench.“He’s as stubborn as a brick wall, Art
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ARTEMIS’ POVI’m sure as hell that he’s hellbent on making me look bad in front of my father, because there’s no possible way everything in the folder in front of him is part of his report.“Lucian, why don’t you go first since you’re the only one here that seems to understand the importance of these meetings?” There’s an obvious shade in the statement and a sting that comes from it, but I remain silent.I've had years to grow accustomed to it, after all. Since I was twelve years old, Father introduced the blonde-haired, silver-eyed boy to take my place. Years of being treated as nothing more than a means to an end, not a son.Just like that, everything I never received from my father was handed to Lucian without him even needing to ask for it. Things I never got, even when I begged for them.And of course, although he didn't make it so obvious that he preferred the son of a dead man over me, I felt it. With every subtle comparison and critic that came from him, I felt it and learned
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SERAPHINA’S POVI have stayed up all through the night, reading my mysterious red book all about the Astria tribe, learning more about a bit of their culture - but it’s still not enough.The knowledge I am able to amass from this book is limited, scrapping just the surface. I can’t quite place my finger on it, but I know for a fact that there’s more to it.My heart pounds faster, and I just know it in my heart that there’s so much that I need to know, more to disprove the rumors about them being evil witches that ate hearts.None of that was in this book, proving the fact that it’s all just bullshit conspiracies made by wolves just to make the history of their Wolfdom sound more noble. But I can smell some serious bullshit going on.The only issue is that I’m just about done with it, and there’s no other info on it I can find. Everything else on the Astria tribe in the school library is the rewritten version of how they were the villains and the wolves were the victims for centuries.
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SERAPHINA’S POVI stare at him silently, doubting everything I’ve heard before I decide to carefully place the tray on the counter in front of me and turning to him again.He raises his hand in defense, suddenly anticipating an attack from me.“I know what you’re thinking, okay? What’s my intention? Am I working for the enemy? Or rather, how dare I show my face to you after what I did last time?”I scowl bitterly, old feelings of anger and hurt resurface and bite down hard on my heart. “Oh, you have no idea.” My voice is cold as ice, my gaze locked onto his. If looks could kill, my dear friend, Gabe, would be absolutely dead.He seems to shrink under the intensity of my stare, his eyes flickering with regret and shame. "Look, Sera, I messed up, okay? Big time. I hurt you, and I hate myself for it. I’ve wanted to do this for weeks, but as always, I’ve been a coward. I was a fool to underestimate that a human girl like you could make a difference – I was wrong, so very wrong. You have
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SERAPHINA’S POVMy eyes are definitely playing tricks on me. Yeah, most definitely.I’m sure I was back at school selling cookies to get some funds for my campaign, right?Yet, somehow, I’ve been transported to what seems like older times, in the midst of huts on fire, and the strong stench of blood, smoke, and death around me.Then there’s the large, black wolf standing in front of me with blood-red eyes that seem to almost glare. Fear cripples me and freezes me in place, and I’m unable to let out a sound or run away.It slowly draws closer, a menacing aura that even I, a human, can feel. It oozes off the beast that I know for sure is a werewolf and a higher ranking one definitely.His presence is almost as powerful as Artemis’. Almost as superior as the Alpha King’s.He growls now, baring his blood-soaked teeth with chunks of raw flesh hooked between them at me. My heart drops instantly. Unable to scream or run, I brace myself, getting ready to be ripped apart by its jaws.“Sera!”
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