All Chapters of BULLIED BY THE ALPHA PRINCE: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
231 Chapters
SERAPHINA’S POVIn the blink of an eye, it’s already Tuesday and the events of Saturday seem to have passed over my head like a fading dream, and once again, I’m thrown deep into school work.The funds have already been submitted to the Administrator’s secretary, and all thoughts about the election wash to the back of my mind until the next event.Now, presently, in the middle of Art class, I let myself get absorbed into my latest art work, dipping my paint brush into the palette and making never ending strokes in corners that call out to me.At the beginning, I'm not quite sure what I'm creating. It takes about 20 minutes of painting in the vivid red eyes before I realize what it truly is.The wolf from my visionNo matter how hard I try to put it behind me, pass it off as just a random flash, the harder it gets for me. Then, there’s the incessant nagging at the back of my mind, telling me that, somehow, it has something to do with the first Alpha King and the Astria tribe. I know i
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SERAPHINA’S POVI guess years of dealing with the most conniving and ruthless individuals, both human and wolves, due to my circumstances, I’ve gotten considerably good at spotting someone being blackmailed.She almost begins sobbing again until she takes another deep breath to calm herself.“I can’t say.” She shakes her head.“Why?”She says nothing. No response.Okay, different approach then.“How did you find my phone?”“It came with an envelope with written instructions on what to do the day after our cookie sale. They said if I didn’t follow through, they’d hurt my father’s business. I couldn’t let that happen, or risk it. He’s already struggling so much, coupled with his bad back.” She begins sobbing again while she goes on about how bad her family has it.Apparently, they have a farm that used to be pretty big until her father got sick. I pat her back over and over again while she recounts her story, comforting her until she feels better again and her wailing ceases.When she
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SERAPHINA’S POVFive of the feral beasts close in on us slowly; each of them baring their fangs aggressively.I suck in a breath now, feeling fear crippling me on the spot. Even if I’m not part wolf, I feel the animosity oozing off each of them directed at us. I’m stunned, just as I always am when I’m reminded by the fact that this school really is filled with wolves, and it’s not just a name they call themselves.I've seen their beast-like reactions, with the occasional half-transformation here and there, but I rarely ever get to see the fully formed wolves themselves. They tower above like monstrous creatures, dwarfing any regular dog or wolf breed, nearly matching my own height even when they're on all fours.“Stand back.” Kamila speaks now after getting up and dusting herself.In just seconds, her composure shifts back to the usual high-nosed, classy bitch, exuding authority not just in her words but also in her stance – down to the bored expression she wears now.The confidence
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SERAPHINA’S POVFalling is anything but how it is depicted in dreams.I've had occasional dreams where I'd become a bird, soaring through the sky and feeling the wind in my feathers. There are also those dreams where I'd fall freely through the air, only to crash into my bed and wake up.I’d guessed that it’d be faintly similar to the real thing - not that I ever thought I’d have to check it myself just to be sure.But boy, was I fucking wrong.It’s terrifying in actuality. The force of the air pushes against you harshly while gravity fights back.It's as if you're caught in a push and pull game between the two, your heart racing, pounding, like you're about to die. You scream so loudly, your mouth wide open, enough to catch a good number of bugs.I black out the moment we fall into the water, recalling nothing else of what happened next. That is until I wake up probably hours later at the bank of a river I’ve been washed onto.I sit up abruptly, breathing fast and looking around, rem
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ARTEMIS’ POV(HOURS EARLIER)A hard pang shoots through my chest, momentarily rattling my wolf. It puts me on the edge instantly, and I’m forced to sit upright, eyes scanning the vicinity for any signs of danger.However, I see nothing except a class of bored students, then I relax into my seat once more. Weird.The teacher standing in front continues to drone on about the biology of the werewolf, explaining how the larger organs shift along with the rest of the body during a turn. However, I'm too bored to pay attention.Having already studied far beyond the current stage in class, school seems pointless to me.If it wasn’t for father’s demand of an above average attendance record, most of my time won’t be wasted in conventional classrooms, learning things one can easily find in textbooks.I tap on my table, counting every second until the school bell rings again, freeing me from this torturous hell. Thankfully, it’s not long until the familiar ringing sound echoes from the hallway,
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KAMILA’S POVIt's morning when I finally open my eyes, the sun's rays slipping into the tiny cave.Now awake, I'm instantly met with intense discomfort in my neck and lower back, a jarring contrast to the plush, high-quality mattress I'm accustomed to.The light snoring at my side pulls my attention to the human girl.Somehow, she manages to sleep peacefully despite the hard, roughened floor, which makes her seem even more weird. What has she been sleeping on all her life? Spikes?It’s bewildering, absolutely dumbfounding, how this human – the very one I’d despised and attacked endless times – had summoned the courage to get us out of the most threatening situation. And she does this even after I’d selfishly sold her out, time and time again. Is she really that weak? That naïve? My weakness was her one chance to ruin me, and yet…Yet she saved me – her enemy.She put her own life on the line for my sake.I…don’t get it.Father never taught me to be selfless. Take what needs to be tak
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KAMILA’S POVI’ve never truly understood Artemis’ friend, Ace.He was a philanderer, even worse than my mate, willing to sleep with anyone in a skirt who succumbed to his good looks and irresistible charm, and yet...Yet, during moments like this, when it's just him and me, he shows a side of himself that I still find hard to believe. He becomes so sweet and kind, even going so far as to do me favors, almost like a little boy nursing the biggest crush. Despite his excessive gestures, I continually turn him down, hoping he'll realize how stupid it is and kill this silliness himself. He picks me up in his arms with ease, and I let him for once. Being a future pack warrior, he's stronger than most wolves of his rank. I have to commend him for that; it makes him worthy enough to stand by Artemis' side.The moment we start moving, I'm forced to hold onto him. He briskly walks towards the nurse's office, carrying me silently in his armsFrom the corner of my eyes, I spot Artemis again, a
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SERAPHINA’S POVI'm left stunned, a deer caught in headlights—confused, wide-eyed, and paralyzed in place.The ground beneath me seems to crumble as I fall into a sinking pit of despair, engulfed in darkness. All the while, I'm denying it over and over again in my head.There’s no way Olivia would be in a coma. The school is safe. Despite the segregations, there’s no way a student could get badly hurt like that, and no one would know the culprit.But why would he lie to me about Olivia? He has no reason to - nothing to gain. She really is unconscious.‘It’s all your fault. You promised you wouldn’t let anything happen to her.’No, I-I did my best. I left her out of everything dangerous.‘She’s your friend; she’s bound to get wound up in the threats that come after you at some point.’But I didn’t mean for any of this.‘You let her down, and now she’s hurt.’I-I…I did this.The realization hits me, and my inner thoughts harp on my own role in all of this. The ringing in my ears intensi
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SERAPHINA’S POV“There is no fucking way that I will move into your room with you.”“I wasn’t asking you, Sera.” He says sternly, tuning away to leave while I stand there, still flabbergasted by his suggestion.Imagine waking up every single day to see the face of the literal bane of my existence. As if the school hours I've already been forced to spend with him weren't enough.“Wait.” I call out to him before he can leave, stopping him just at the door.He halts in his tracks to look at me.“I can’t possibly move in with you - that’s insane. T-that’s the boys’ dorm.”“I will request for permission from the administrator. I bet he will understand if I mention that Father’s precious human could be at risk of dying if not.”"What about Kamila, your mate?" I can't help the incredulous tone that seeps into my voice.He freezes on the spot momentarily, a look flashing in his eyes before he shrugs it off. "Kamila should be the least of your worries. Being the Alpha princess, there'd be co
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SERAPHINA’S POVAs expected, the room is empty when I arrive - colder than usual, and perfectly spotless as it would be just before we left for school.Her lavender scent still lingers in the air, stronger on her side of the room, hurting my already aching heart even more.Instead of falling on my bed as usual, I move over to her side, seating first on her soft mattress and gently feeling the fabric of her sheath beneath my fingers. That is before falling back and fully lying on it.I turn, pressing my face into it just as tears fall down my eyes again.If it weren't for me, she'd be here by now, back from school, sighing away the stress of the day. She'd toss her bag aside, climb into bed for a 15-minute power nap, and then dive into her thick books.But instead, she's trapped in a vegetative state, all because I was so desperate to change this school. Regretting it now won't change anything. Like Lucian said, all I can do is sit and wait, praying they find the evidence they need—an
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