All Chapters of BULLIED BY THE ALPHA PRINCE: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
231 Chapters
ARTEMIS’ POVI can't help but stare at her smaller frame as she walks in front of me, moving out of the girls' dormitory.From the moment I spotted her riding the wolf back to school, I've had to agonizingly restrain myself. The constant urge to rush up to her and pull her close—until my racing heart steadies—has been almost unbearable. Turns out that one hug didn't even begin to quench my yearning for more. Now, as we walk, it's a battle of wills not to slide my hand into hers, not to seek out that singular warmth her touch bestows. This unexplainable pull defies all logic.It makes absolutely no sense.It’s like my body is short-circuiting, reacting in impossible ways, all because of this anomaly of a girl. I'm wanting, craving even the slightest contact from her until I can truly convince myself that no harm could come her way.I really meant what I said earlier.Her absence for 24 hours did something to me; it sent me into a temporary fit of madness that logic couldn't explain.
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SERAPHINA’S POV I have no recollection of how I got here, but suddenly I'm in the woods again, stranded in the middle of nowhere surrounded by towering trees. The howling wind rustles the leaves, shaking the branches, and the moon shines brighter than I've ever seen, appearing twice its usual size.Before I can ponder my whereabouts, I hear whispering in the shadows. It's almost inaudible, but my curiosity leads me closer, making the voice clearer. "Sera," it says, yet I can't pinpoint its origin."Who are you?" I ask cautiously, hoping for some sort of clarification, but it only gets worse. The whispers multiply, turning into a cacophony that feels like a thousand needles piercing through my mind excruciatingly—each strangled utterance resembling cries for help.'Save me, please.''Help me.''Sera!'I cover my ears to shield them from the sound, but it intensifies. "What do you want from me?" I shout at the gathering voices that taunt me. "Stop it!" I scream louder, u
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SERAPHINA’S POV The school has generously given me a week off to recover from the physical and emotional trauma of being attacked. In reality though, I know this 'grace period' is a tactical move—a cover-up for their failure to protect their students. It's a bribe, intended to keep me quiet and prevent any negative publicity. Regardless, I appreciate their attempts to save face in the eyes of the Alpha King. Yet, I can't shake this restless energy that makes it impossible for me to lounge in Artemis' room all day while he and everyone else are out. So, I decide to pay another visit to Olivia. She looks just as pale as she did yesterday, her lips cracked and parched. But, thankfully, her face has filled out a bit more, and her scars and cuts are nearly fully healed. The healing rate of wolves actually scares me when I think about it, making me even more interested in the supernatural, I get why Kamila often says they're a superior race, able to heal from wounds and injuries quickl
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SERAPHINA’S POVMy mind continues to linger on the conversation with Kamila hours after she has already gone.I can easily list the benefits I'd gain from this truce—or dare I say, friendship—with her. Yet, my mind draws a blank when I try to figure out what I could offer her in return, something she doesn't already possess in abundance.I'm just a humble orphan with no family history, while she's practically royalty, born with a diamond-encrusted silver spoon and a rich lineage of Alpha wolf warriors.The best I can offer are tips for surviving in the wild. The idea makes me laugh out loud. I mean, a human giving a werewolf tips on wilderness survival? It's like a fish teaching a bird how to fly. But then, having seen her so-called 'survival skills,' maybe she could actually use the advice. My nights of being locked out of the orphanage by the older girls and being forced to find shelter in the forest might actually pay off.“What do you think, Olivia?” I ask her now, resting my he
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SERAPHINA’S POVI don't go to meet Artemis in the teacher's lounge until Jasper has found the nurse, and Olivia receives the attention she needs, now that she's awake.Eventually, she falls asleep once more. This time, however, we're assured that she's really just sleeping, not slipping back into a coma. I can finally breathe again. When she wakes up, we can get her to testify against whoever it was, and finally have Morgan right where we want him. Somehow, in the end, being patient and doing absolutely nothing paid off. I knock three times on the door leading to the teacher's lounge and walk in, expecting to see only Artemis—but he's not alone.With him is the entire campaign team. The moment our eyes meet, Alice jumps up, popping a bottle of champagne just as everyone else in the room screams 'Congratulations!' I'm stunned and surprised, taking a moment to look around before Alice and Juliet rush in to hug me. I can't help but chuckle now, reveling in this precious, happy moment
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SERAPHINA’S POVMy idea of payback is possibly the cheesiest thing Artemis will ever see in his life. I plan to do something grand enough to shake the feeling of being indebted to him. What do I do instead?I plan a modest snack table featuring the best items the school's vending machines can offer, complete with a side of ketchup and my laptop for another scary movie night. Compared to the elaborate hangout he planned before, mine feels like child's play. But I guess he'll just have to take what he gets?By the time I'm done setting up, I can't help but notice how shabby and empty the table looks from my perspective. It makes me wonder how he managed to order pizza and stock up on all those snacks before. Exhausted, I decide to leave things as they are. Just then, a knock on the door jolts me from my thoughts, and I head over to answer it.“Heads up, Artemis. It's not the best, but just know it's all worth three hours of hard human effort,” I explain as I pull the door open. To
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SERAPHINA’S POVI sit alone on Artemis's balcony, wrapped in my own arms, staring quietly at the full moon overhead. My thoughts keep drifting back to that unsettling dream – was it even a dream? - wrestling with the impossibility of making sense of it all. The only logical explanation I can muster is that I must have sleepwalked—trashed the room and nearly stabbed Artemis as he walked in.I still can't piece together how that knife ended up in my hands; there are unnerving gaps in my memory. “Here you go,” Artemis says, reappearing to hand me a bowl of ice cream.I take it, stirring the chocolate ice cream absentmindedly with my spoon as he sits beside me, digging into his own bowl. “I'm sorry,” I finally murmur, unable to meet his eyes.“For what exactly? Trashing my room or nearly turning me into a cyclops?” he teases, chuckling to lighten the mood.I offer a bitter laugh in return, biting my lip and looking away. “Hey, you said it was an accident. So, it's okay.”“No, it's no
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SERAPHINA’S POVThe next morning, I'm jolted from my deep slumber by the sound of laughter – particularly the kind you'd hear after every punchline in an old nineties sitcom.I ignore it, thinking it's just an extension of my dream until it resounds again, originating from the outside world, and my body descends. I groan with annoyance, hating the fact that I'm being woken up so early in the morning and swiftly turning to get whoever it is to shut the fuck up. Then, out of nowhere, a migraine hits me like a bomb.I can feel every blood vessel pumping blood to my brain, each pulse fast and hard, causing excruciating pain in the process. Settling back down on my pillow, I keep my eyes shut, waiting for the discomfort to subside. Once it does, I tentatively open my eyes, only to be immediately blinded by the morning light flooding the room. Ah, it's definitely morning.Obnoxious laughter echoes once again. Slowly turning to the side, my vision begins to normalize. I find myself stari
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SERAPHINA’S POVI cough just as Juliet, who's been my makeover maestro for the evening, dabs into her eyeshadow palette to add another layer onto my lids. "Sera, you'll smudge it if you keep squirming like that," she warns."Is all this really necessary?" I ask, a touch of exasperation in my voice. Two hours of skincare treatments, an hour for hair, and now we're thirty minutes deep into the makeup phase. I’m in Alice and Juliet’s room, and my face feels as though it's laminated with all the products they've applied. I mean, it's just a three-hour party, and let's be honest—I'll probably enjoy only the first hour before my social battery taps out.Juliet rolls her eyes but remains laser-focused on my eyes. "Yes, Sera, it's absolutely necessary. You're the star tonight; you have to look the part.""But it feels like you're prepping me for the Oscars, not a college party," I counter, sneaking a glance at my increasingly unfamiliar reflection in the mirror.Alice, who's giving the f
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SERAPHINA’S POVIt seemed like a fantastic idea in my head to approach Lucian, but as I draw closer to the group of guys he's with, self-doubt and nervousness flood over me. Just when I'm about to retreat, our eyes lock—his silver eyes meeting mine. We both freeze for a moment, suspended in time.His eyes widen as if he's seeing me for the first time, or maybe he's just taking in my new look. Whatever it is, it seems to catch him completely off guard."Hey!" he's the first to break the silence, pulling away from his friends almost immediately."Hey!" I echo, injecting my voice with enthusiasm as I attempt to cloak my nervousness.In mere seconds, he's closed the distance between us, standing close enough for me to catch the mix of his cologne and a slight, manly musk."Awesome party you've got going on here," he says, edging even closer.Fumbling awkwardly with my fingers, I suddenly become hyper-aware of my outfit, my makeup, every little detail. But even in the midst of my self-c
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