All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Pet: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
127 Chapters
Lily's POV"And what crucial role do you want me to play in your sick game?" I demanded, defiance laced with fear as I faced Ricardo Gambino in the dimly lit warehouse. "I am nobody. I know nobody in your sick, twisted mafia world. Why do you want to drag me into it?""Oh, you'd find out that you're as involved in my 'sick, twisted world' as any other person, cara mia," Ricardo replied in a whisper. He smiled again, revealing pearly white teeth with a golden one in the corner. "Especially....""Especially...." I echoed."Where it concerns your brother. See, your brother Lucas is in a lot more trouble than he knows what to do with, trust me."My heart did a nosedive to the bottom of my shoes and then spiraled back up again. Immediately, my throat dried up with fear."" I asked. Then, a wild idea occurred to me, and I spat out. "What are you saying, Ricardo? I don't have a brother. You must have been mistaken."Ricardo stared at me incredulously for a second. And then, he
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Lily's POV"My father broke all his bones and died," Ricardo continued. "Heidi went on to marry Nathan, the love of her life. But due to that nasty hit on his head, Nathan was never the same mentally."A pause lingered before Ricardo continued. "As at this time, I was already a little child of three years. See, my mother was already betrothed to my father, and somehow he had gotten her pregnant as well. Sad to say my mother was quite.....devastated by the news that the love of her life was dead. She killed herself not long after."A horrified gasp slipped from my mouth. In shock, I didn't know what to feel. I was seeing sides of this repelling man that I never thought would be there.Ricardo glanced up at me, smiled, and took another long drag from the cigarette. "Oh, don't be sad for me. Trust me, I am not sad for myself." He murmured. "Even at three years old, I never liked my mother much. I would have killed her myself if she'd waited for me to grow older."Immediately, all the sym
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Lily's POVTen thousand dollars echoed in my mind like a dreadful chant. I repeated the sum out loud, trying to grasp how my brother had become entangled in such a wicked web, and why I, his sister, remained oblivious to this debt.How had he done it? And, perhaps most importantly, why?I wanted to dismiss Ricardo's claim as blatant lies, but an unsettling truth lingered within me – a man like him had no reason to lie. He was Ricardo of the Gambino Italian family, after all. Why would he lie against my brother who was of no consequence to him?My disbelief morphed into aghast realization as I finally looked up and asked the question lingering in my mind."How did my brother end up owing you such an outrageous amount?" The words stumbled out of my mouth, a mix of disbelief and dread. "How, tell me? What business did you have with him?"Ricardo's sinister smile deepened, and he spoke as if unveiling a dark secret. "Oh, dear Lily. I thought you'd never ask."He pushed his chair forward,
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Lily's POVI had no idea how long I was in that warehouse after Ricardo left. All I knew was that I wouldn't last any longer.Dizziness clouded my senses in that wretched warehouse. Exhaustion clung to my bones, even worse than the dark and stifling feeling that pressed against my face. I couldn't remember the last time I had water; my throat constricted and parched."Please, I need water," I croaked, my voice barely audible in the oppressive silence. The ropes bit into my hands, leaving angry marks as a painful reminder of my captivity. Panic set in as I struggled against the restraints. What would they do to me? Had they left me here to rot and die in silence?The air was thick with the stench of despair, and I felt a wave of nausea wash over me. My surroundings offered nothing but pitch blackness; the windows were shut tight, depriving me of any sense of day or night. The uncertainty was maddening."Is anyone there? Please, let me go," I pleaded, desperation lacing every word that
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Lily's POVThroughout the short, two-minute ride up to Ricardo Gambino's suite, my head was riddled with question after question. Apprehension made me tap my bare feet against the ground, biting my lips and digging my nails into my palms. I was starting to feel my anger fade away now, and only the fear lingered inside of me.What would he do to me if I rejected his offer again? What would he do to Lucas?What would happen to Aiden as well?I was grateful when the elevator chimed softly, and the doors slid open; I was grateful for the opportunity to finally escape my thoughts in that claustrophobic elevator. As I stepped out, I found myself in an empty, circular foyer. The walls were adorned with intricately patterned wallpaper, and soft, golden light emanated from an elegant chandelier hanging above. Several doors lined the circumference of the space, each brown and carved with beautiful patterns.They all looked identical. Which was the door to Ricardo Gambino's famous suite?The id
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Lily's POV"Hello, there!" He called out. Leaning against the doorframe, he folded his arms and let his eyes wander over my naked body."What are you doing!" I screamed. "I'm supposed to be dressing.""It seems you have forgotten that this is my bathroom. I can decide to waltz in at any time I like." He smiled, the gesture eerie rather than calming.I stumbled backward, covering my bare breasts with my arms, not that it covered much, I thought. I wasn't wearing a bra, and I was pretty sure I was a decent-sized cup.Ricardo could see everything.My lips trembled as I tried to speak again. "Go away, please. I want to dress."He raised an eyebrow, smirking at my embarrassment. His eyes wandered down to my collarbone and my arms, and his eyebrows shot up even higher. "You're bruised." He noted."Yes, where your men manhandled me!" I growled."I can fix that," Ricardo murmured. Taking my wrists, he held them against the wall. My heart thudded heavily as he leaned forward, ever closer to m
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Lily's POVI burst out of the office, relief flooding over me as I spot the elevator just ahead. Heart pounding, I sprinted towards it, and desperately pressed the button, silently urging the doors to open faster."Come on, come on....!" I muttered under my breath.Finally, the elevator chimed, and the doors slid open just in time. I rushed inside, the doors closing behind me, sealing me away from the chaos going on in Ricardo's jacuzzi. As the elevator descended, I tried to steady my racing heart, the distant sounds of Ricardo and Aiden's clash fading with each passing floor. I silently prayed for Aiden's victory—I had no idea what Ricardo could do to him if he lost.As the elevator approached the ground floor, a new set of noises reached my ears. Men grunting, a few gunshots going off, the unmistakable sounds of a struggle. I furrowed my brow, wondering what awaited me as the doors prepared to open.With a chime, the elevator doors slid apart, revealing a scene of chaos in the foyer
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Lily's POVThe thought of Aiden being hurt or dead haunted me even hours later. Now, I paced the living room agitatedly. The space felt confining, each tick of the clock echoing my anxiety. I glanced up at the clock, and my heart jumped as I looked at the time.Forty-seven minutes past eleven. Almost four hours since I'd come back from the Gambino Suite."Oh, God. Please...." I whispered under my breath. I'd shed all the tears in my eyes and prayed all the prayers my head could think of. All I could do now was pace the room and hope against hope that the man I loved was safe and well.Joe and the other injured men were being treated by the nurses who arrived about an hour ago. I had refused for them to treat me, insisting that I was fine, even though my joints ached from being tied up in that warehouse. There were bruises on my wrists and ankles from the ropes biting into my skin as well.I couldn't shake the worry etched on my face. I wanted to believe in Aiden's strength, wanted to
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Aiden's POV:I slipped in and out of consciousness, the world a hazy blend of voices and faces. Whispers reached my ears, fragmented and distant, yet somehow familiar. And there was the throbbing pain coming from my left side—insistent and blindingly painful.Amidst the murmur of concerns and reassurances, Lily's face kept slipping in and out of my line of vision."Lily," I mumbled, the sound escaping my lips without my conscious effort. Even whispering her name took a lot of my effort.I saw her, a vision of worry etched across her features. Her lips moved, forming words that I struggled to comprehend. Every attempt to focus on her voice felt like grasping at vapor.Inconsequential.The room around me shifted as well, forming different blends of muted colors and vague shapes. Unclear images in white dresses moved with purpose, their dialogue blending into one another and becoming noises in my head. My consciousness swayed on the edge of awareness, but I was never truly there."Lily.
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Aiden's POVLily sighed heavily. "Okay. Where do you need me to start from?""Tell me everything, Lily. What happened after they took you? Did they hurt you?"Lily's gaze met mine, her eyes reflecting the haunting memories of that night. "Aiden," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "it was terrifying. They broke the window, dragged me out of the car, and threw a bag over my head. I couldn't see anything, and I couldn't breathe properly. I was terrified they would kill me right then and there."She chuckled, then continued. "I even grabbed a gun from your dashboard, but I couldn't fire it for the life of me!"I listened intently, my heart clenching at the thought of her enduring such horror. "Go on," I urged gently, my hand reaching out to grasp hers for reassurance.Lily turned to face the window beside us, the slanting sunlight turning her green eyes slightly copper. Her voice trembled as she continued. "I blacked out for a while, and they took me to this abandoned warehouse
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