All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Pet: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
127 Chapters
Aiden's POVI carefully descended the stairs, trying my best not to wince much. The pain was a throbbing presence on my left side, directly underneath my chest.Any higher, and I would have been dead.The cane provided some support, but it was a steady reminder of my vulnerability, of how Ricardo had peeled through my defenses and gotten at me. Nevertheless, I pressed on, taking the steps one at a time, with Joe steadily watching me.As I reached the bottom of the staircase, the first person I saw was Cook, who was smiling genially at me. "Mr. Blackwood, are you feeling better now?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.I returned her smile, grateful for her kindness. "I'm getting there, Cook. Thank you for asking."She nodded, her eyes sparkling with understanding. "You're a resilient one, Mr. Blackwood. I'm sure you'll be back on your feet in no time."Her words of encouragement bolstered my spirits, and I felt a surge of determination coursing through me. "I appreciate
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Lily's POVThe sound of cheering men pulled me from the depths of sleep. For a moment, I thought it was all a part of my dreamscape.Blinking away the remnants of slumber, I opened my eyes and found myself enveloped in Aiden's bed, surrounded by the comforting scent of his presence.With a sense of curiosity tinged with anticipation, I threw the bedcovers aside and rose from the bed, my bare feet padding softly against the plush carpet as I moved to the window.Drawing the curtains aside, I peered out into the world beyond, greeted by the sight of Aiden standing tall before the mansion amidst a sea of loyal men.The cheers of his comrades echoed through the air, mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. As I watched him, a swell of pride and admiration surged within me, filling my heart to the brim."Aiden," I whispered, my voice barely audible above the clamor below. "You never cease to amaze me."With a smile tugging at the corners of my lips, I watched as he began to
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Lily's POVMy phone continued to flash and ring on the dresser, its sound cutting through the quiet of the room like a sharp knife. For some reason, a feeling of unease settled in the pit of my stomach, refusing to be ignored.I stared hard at the phone until it rang out, and for some reason, it terrified me. Whoever was on the other end of the call didn't have any idea just how restless it had made me.Just when I'd gotten my breath stable, another harsh, jarring ring came from the phone. I gave a small start, then flipped the bedcovers to one side. Swallowing hard, I pushed myself up from the bed, ambling towards the dresser as my heart pounded in my chest. Each step felt heavy as I made my way towards the source of the ominous ringing.With trembling hands, I picked up the phone. I hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to answer or ignore the call. But curiosity got the better of me, and with a deep breath, I swiped to the side and picked up the call.What came out of my mouth w
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Lily's POVAiden staggered slightly backward, surprised by the strength of my embrace. He chuckled, his voice laced with a hint of playfulness. "Hey now, I'm not dying anytime soon. You don't have to squeeze me so tight."I laughed, the sound muffled against the crook of his neck as I wrapped my arms around him. "I know, I know. You're too strong to die," I replied, my words filled with confidence and admiration. I stayed there, in his embrace, reveling in the warmth of his body and the sense of security he brought.I took a step back, staring into his face that was still furrowed with curiosity—he was still wondering why I was this happy."Aiden," I started, my voice filled with a mix of relief and curiosity. "I... I didn't expect you to do that."An eyebrow shot up, and he asked. "Do what?""You know...." I waved my hand around in a dismissive gesture. "Pay the hospital to get Lucas to do his surgery earlier. I heard that it was you who did it. I'm so grateful, Aiden."Aiden's pierc
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Lily's POVThe last word died in a strangled choke when his mouth covered mine. Pressed against my chair as I was, both hands on his chest, it was all I could do not to implode with desire.Wasn't this the same man I'd had sex with a few hours ago? A part of my desire-stricken mind screamed. How had my body grown so attuned to his that he merely had to give me a kiss to set me on fire?"Wait!" I paused, pulling away from him. Aiden was panting now, his eyes wide and dark, his lips swollen from the kiss."I'm sorry," he whispered. "I just cannot get enough of you..."I sat still, watching as a flood of unnameable sadness enveloped me. "This is pointless," I sighed, standing to my feet. "I think my dinner is over.""Lily!" Aiden called out as I walked towards the door, reaching out to grab my arm. "What....what is wrong? Is it the kiss? My apologies—""It isn't the kiss, Aiden. I'm just worried." I murmured, wrapping my arms around myself.His brows scrunched up in concern. "Worried abo
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Ricardo's POVPower was the most satisfying thing to ever exist, and I had zero doubts about that.As I stood there, gazing down at the sprawling city of New York from the window of my luxurious suite, power was all I could think of.It was a sight to behold; nothing could ever match the joy that coursed through me, knowing that everything above and below this land was mine. This city, with its towering structures and bustling streets, belonged to me and no one else. A sinister smile curled upon my lips as I enjoyed the control I exerted over every inch of this metropolis.Aiden could never dream of having this much power.But then, like a sharp dagger, thoughts of Aiden and Lily pierced through the veil of my triumph. My smile faded slowly.Those two! They thought they had the upper hand now!The memory of our last encounter flooded my mind, and a searing pain shot through my head, reminding me of the blow Aiden had delivered with the butt of his gun. I could still remember very viv
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Ricardo's POVMy nose caught the booze oozing from his mouth before he even came closer. The better part of me wanted to see him out of my office as fast as he'd appeared, but I held myself.If he was here because of Aiden, he could have information that would be valuable to me.I raised an eyebrow, a spark of intrigue igniting within me. "Indeed? Please, have a seat," I gestured to the chair opposite mine. "Tell me more about this...ah, proposition."The man's eyes flickered with a mix of determination and caution as he settled into the chair. His voice carried a gravelly edge, revealing the weight of his experiences. "Mr. Ricardo, I've been following your rise in the shadows, and I have been watching your battle with Aiden Blackwood. I've come to offer you a deal—a chance to bring down Mr Blackwood.*A smile tugged at my lips, the thrill of possibility coursing through my veins. "Continue," I prompted, my voice laced with anticipation.The man leaned forward, his voice lowered to a
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Lily's POV(Five years ago)I sat at the worn-out kitchen table, staring down at the sorry excuse for dinner in front of me. The rice cereal, soggy and swimming in the last dregs of spoiled milk, made my stomach turn with disgust. "Ugh!" I sighed, poking at the bowl morosely. "I could puke anytime soon."On the other side of the table, Lucas, twelve years old and always hungry, was digging into his bowl without a care in the world. His appetite seemed insatiable, despite the poor quality of our meal.I pushed the cereal around in my bowl, trying to summon up an appetite that just wasn't there. The hunger gnawed at my insides, but the thought of choking down another spoonful of this soggy mess was enough to make me gag.Lucas glanced up from his cereal, his mouth still half full. "What's wrong, Lily?" He asked thickly. "You're not eating."I forced a smile, trying to hide my revulsion. "Just not hungry, I guess," I muttered, pushing the cereal away from me."But you gotta eat, Lily,"
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Lily's POVI paced back and forth in the stark, sterile lobby of Beth Israel Hospital, my heart hammering in my chest like a jackhammer. Each step echoed in the empty space, filling my ears and increasing my anxiety and fear.Lucas was in surgery, his life was hanging in the balance, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing him. What if the surgery didn't work? What if something went wrong?Tears stung at the corners of my eyes as I wrapped my arms around my waist and hugged myself tightly, trying to ward off the chill of fear that gripped me like a vice. I couldn't lose Lucas. He was my rock, the only thing I still had from a time in my life that I tried desperately to forget. He was the only good thing that came out of my era of Mitch.As I paced the lobby, my mind raced with a million different scenarios, each one more terrifying than the last. What if I never got to hear his laughter again? What if I never got to see his mischievous smile? What if I lost him forever?A sob caugh
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Lily's POVWalking beside Aiden, joy bubbled within me as we entered the house. He reached for my hand and held it tight, giving me a vibrant smile."I've never seen you smile this wide in a long while....maybe ever." He whispered to me. "It's a beautiful sight."My blush deepened as he spoke, and I gripped his hand even tighter. "Aiden, you have no idea the kind of happiness running through my veins right now.""It's Lucas, right?" Aiden's smile turned into a grin. "You can't wait to see your brother."I opened my mouth to reply to him, but then a voice interrupted me."Look at these two lovebirds!" Cook emerged from the kitchen, a proud smile on her face. "You both look so good together!"Cook came to meet us by the door. I could sense a slight surprise in her expression, curious about the source of our shared excitement."Good evening, Cook," I grinned, the happiness evident in my voice.Cook arched an eyebrow, a knowing glint in her eyes. "What's got you two all smiles today? Care
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