All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Pet: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
127 Chapters
Aiden's POVAs I sat in the chair, observing Lily and Lucas sharing their tender, loving moments, a pang of realization hit me deep within. It was in that precious instant that I understood what had been missing from my own life—a real family.In their embrace, I witnessed a bond so strong, so unbreakable, that it touched a part of my heart I didn't know existed. Lily's strong love for her brother and the lengths she had to go through for him humbled me.Hell, they weren't even biological siblings!For most of my life, I had been living my life solo, lacking the warmth and unconditional love that a true family provides. I had built walls around my heart, protecting myself from the vulnerability that comes with opening up to others. But in that moment, those walls began to crumble.Seeing Lily willing to live with and surrender her body to a man she hated me, and seeing her endure everything just to make sure her brother's surgery was paid for, was the highest form of love I had ever s
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Aiden's POVI stood there, the weight of the bullet in my hand feeling like a heavy burden, pressing down on me with undeniable force. I felt both angers and fear deep inside of me, both crashing into one another and making my mouth turn sour.My mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. How could this be possible? How could someone have targeted me, and why?I knew why, alright. Ricardo had every reason to want me dead. But I knew Ricardo very well, and I knew that he was a very cautious man. He would rather draw me out to the open and finish me off than come into my house, where he knew I'd have men surrounding him in no time.It was what he'd done when he'd kidnapped Lily. He knew what she meant to me, and what I would do to have her back. He'd used her as common bait to draw me and my men to him, where he'd proceeded to stab me.A cold shiver ran down my spine as I remembered my stab wound. Instinctively, my hand slipped upwards and touched that place just below my heart,
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Lily's POVAs I watched Aiden drive off, a pang of worry shot through me like a bolt of lightning. He looked so troubled, so burdened by something heavy on his mind. I couldn't shake the feeling that he was keeping something from me, something important."What's wrong with him?" I muttered to myself, my brow furrowed with concern. "Why won't he tell me?"The thought gnawed at me, like a persistent itch I couldn't scratch. I wanted to reach out to him, to offer him comfort and support, but I didn't know how to break through the wall he was slowly building around himself again.It reminded me too much of that time, a few months ago, when I'd just met him, and he'd been a dark, sullen man.I sighed heavily, my shoulders sagging with the weight of uncertainty. Ever since Cook's death, things had been difficult for both of us. Aiden had been distant, lost in his own thoughts, and even though he had tried to hide it for my sake, I could still see it.I could see right through him like clear
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Lily's POVAs I quietly eased the door open, I slipped into the room, ensuring my footsteps made no sound. My heart raced with each passing second, my breaths shallow and rapid as I surveyed the scene before me.Rocco and his three cohorts stood ominously before Lucas' bed, their imposing figures casting dark shadows across the dim room. Thank God I had told Lucas to turn off the lights before I left. The darkness in the room gave me added security.Relief flooded through me as I caught sight of Lucas, alive and seemingly unharmed, sitting upright in bed, facing the intruders with an eerie calmness."Good afternoon!" He called out to Rocco. "I'm guessing Ricardo sent you here to finish the job he started."I couldn't fathom how Lucas could maintain such composure in the face of danger, while my own nerves threatened to fall apart with each passing moment. As I stood hidden in the shadows, my heart pounded furiously in my chest, my breaths coming in short, panicked gasps. I strained
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Aiden's POVAs I leaned back against the table, observing the hustle and bustle of my men around me, a sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach. Joe's words echoed in my mind.Mitch, Mitch....That man was always up to something, no matter what. If he wasn't trying to stir up a rebellion at HQ, then he was trying to run away from work."Are you sure about this, Joe?" I asked, my brow furrowing with uncertainty.Joe met my gaze, a steely look in his own eyes. "Positive, Boss," he affirmed, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "No one had seen or heard from Mitch in over ten days, or so I've heard."I pondered Joe's words, a sense of foreboding gnawing at the edges of my mind. Mitch's sudden disappearance raised countless questions, each more troubling than the last.With a thoughtful frown, I stroked my chin, mulling over the possible implications of Mitch's absence. The man was notorious for his cunning and stubbornness, and I couldn't shake the feeling that his disappearance w
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Aiden's POVI started to walk down the hallway. As I approached Doctor Youn's office, a sense of foreboding settled over me like a heavy blanket. I could feel the weight of the gun in my pocket, and I placed a hand over it in a cautious move.With a deep breath, I kicked open the door of the doctor's office, sending it crashing against the wall with a loud thud. Doctor Youn, who was sitting behind his desk, shot to his feet. He was startled at the sudden intrusion, but his smile faltered as his eyes met mine."Mr Blackwood!" He called. "Why are you back so early?" he asked, his voice laced with nervousness. "I mean, it's a pleasant surprise, of course—"I glared at him, my suspicion growing with every passing moment. "And why wouldn't I be back early?" I retorted sharply.He motioned for me to sit, but I remained standing, my gaze locked on him like a hawk eyeing its prey. There was something off about his demeanor, something that didn't sit right with me."Why don't you take a seat,
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Lily's POVAs Aiden led me out of the room, hand in hand with Lucas, I couldn't shake the feeling of relief flooding through me. The tension that had gripped my heart since the moment Rocco appeared finally began to ease, replaced by a sense of gratitude towards Aiden and his sudden appearance.I glanced at Lucas, noticing his slight limp as we walked down the corridor, and I frowned with worry. "Are you okay?" I asked.Lucas flashed me a reassuring smile. "I'm fine," he replied, his tone casual despite the circumstances. "Just a scratch. As long as those bastards who tried to kill me are dead and out of the picture, I'm good."We made our way to the hospital's lobby, where Joe stood watch, his gaze sharp and alert. I watched as his grip tightened on the gun at his side as we approached, and I could see the worry etched into his features."Everything good over here?" Aiden asked as we arrived at the lobby.Joe's eyes flicked between Aiden and me before settling on Aiden. "I heard guns
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Ricardo's POVStanding in my suite's office, I gazed out of the window, my thoughts consumed by Aiden and Lily. What I felt within me at their defiance was slowly becoming more than just anger. It was rabid and uncontrollable now.How could they continuously thwart my plans? How could two mere individuals prove so difficult to separate?Turning away from the window, I made my way to the nearby shelf adorned with a decanter of golden whiskey and some glass cups. Pouring two glasses, I returned to my desk, where Irene sat waiting for me."Here," I began, my voice carrying a hint of authority, "have a drink, Irene."Irene hesitated, her eyes darting nervously around the room before falling to her lap. "I-I don't drink, Mr. Gambino, you know that." she stammered.My gaze hardened as I fixed her with a cold stare. "You will drink it now," I commanded, pushing the glass towards her. "Drink up. Let me see you empty that glass."Irene's hands trembled as she reluctantly reached for the glass.
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Ricardo's POVA cold fury swept through me at the mention of Aiden's name. How dare he interfere with my plans again, to disrupt everything I had worked so hard to achieve? I found myself gripping the table behind me almost convulsively. This felt like a constant thorn in my side, determined to dig in no matter what I did to pull it out.With a growl of frustration, I reached out and grabbed the man's neck again, pulling him closer to me. The man scampered forward, whimpering like a child.I tightened my grip on the man's neck, my nails digging into his skin. "Tell me everything," I demanded, my voice a low snarl. "Where is Aiden now? And what does he plan to do next?"The man's eyes widened in terror as he struggled to form coherent words. "I...I don't know," he stammered, his voice barely a whisper. "He's...he's coming for me... He's coming for all of us, please, Mr. Ricardo, you have to protect me!"I felt a surge of revulsion at the man's weakness, his pathetic pleas for mercy. I
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Ricardo's POVI locked eyes with Mitch through the iron bars, my gaze piercing as I awaited his response. "Have you heard about Rocco's death?" I asked. "I'm sure you haven't, what with being holed up in here."Mitch's eyes widened in surprise, and he shook his head slowly. "I heard nothing," he admitted, his tone tinged with what I knew was an extreme fake remorse. "I'm sorry for Rocco's death.""Oh, shut up!" I snapped. Mitch lowered his head. "I was only—""Why do you mourn Rocco's demise?" I demanded, my voice laced with accusation. "You've always cowered in fear of him. Admit it, deep down, you're relieved that Rocco is no more. You wanted him gone, didn't you? And given theA nervous swallow betrayed Mitch's unease as he shifted uncomfortably under my scrutinizing gaze. "I...I don't know what you're talking about," he stammered, his voice trembling with apprehension.I leaned in closer, my breath hot against his face as I locked him in a penetrating stare. "Enough games!" I gro
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