All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Pet: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
127 Chapters
Lily's POV"This sure is a big kitchen." I glanced up from my chopping board, staring at Mira. She stood on the other end of the kitchen, a bowl of broccoli in her hands as she washed them under the jet of water from the tap."What?" I asked."This kitchen," Mira turned away from the tap and set the bowl of broccoli on the kitchen island. "Hell, this entire house, if I am to be honest. It's big. Can you handle it?"My gaze moved back down to the board in front of me. "Before I met Aiden, I could have sworn I wouldn't have anything to do with a mafia man. Here I am."Mira sniggered. "Yeah, you're right. Even though I never imagined you end up dating a man such as himself, you both make a really nice couple."A blush warmed my cheeks. "I guess so.""And that Joe guy...." Mira's voice trailed off."What about Joe?""He's quite the specimen, isn't he?" Mira commented, a teasing glint in her eye. "A tall, blonde hulk of a guy. I wouldn't mind one hop in the sack with him."I gasped in moc
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Lily's POVI stood on East Street, the chilly wind sending shivers down my spine as I wrapped my arms around myself. Why had that mysterious caller summoned me to this desolate place?"Lily!" Called a voice from behind me. "Wait up!"I turned on my heels, and the sight of the person sent a cold wave of emotions rushing over me.Liam.My heart sank at the sight of him. Liam, my ex-boyfriend, stood before me, his curly blonde hair tousled by the wind.He looked just as I remembered him, with his curly, baby blonde hair, piercing grey eyes, and rugged, sharp facial features. Everything about Liam was hard, just as I remembered. Only his hair screamed softness.Despite the tension between us, I couldn't help but notice how handsome he still was."Lily," he said, his voice tentative as he drew nearer. "It's been a long time."I bit my lip, feeling a rush of conflicting emotions. "What are you doing here, Liam?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. "Why did you call me here?"He shifted
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Lily's POVAs I hurried home, Liam's sudden appearance lingered in my mind like a dark cloud. Something about it felt off, and I couldn't shake the feeling that trouble was brewing.And then, there was the kiss. His lips were on mine, a fleeting moment that left me feeling conflicted and confused. I couldn't deny the surge of emotions it stirred within me, even as I struggled to make sense of it all.I couldn't help but think of Aiden, the man I loved and trusted. What would he say if he knew about Liam's kiss? Would he understand, or would it drive a wedge between us?Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed the familiar streets passing by as I made my way home. Each step felt heavy with uncertainty, my heart weighed down by the tangled mess of emotions that Liam and his stupid kiss had awakened inside me.As I approached the Blackwood mansion, my heart began to beat even faster. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for whatever lay ahead. Whatever Liam's intentions were, I knew I c
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Lily's POVAs I woke up the next morning, a sense of unease lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the otherwise peaceful morning. Despite my best efforts to shake off the feeling, it clung to me like a heavy cloak, weighing me down with a sense of foreboding.After showering and getting ready for the day, I made my way downstairs to join the others for breakfast. The mansion was unusually silent; all the guards that were usually found loitering around the corridors had disappeared. This did a lot to heighten my fear.As I entered the dining room, I found Lucas and Mira already seated at the table, their cheerful greetings ringing hollow in the quiet atmosphere. "Morning, sister," Lucas called out."Good morning," I replied, trying to match his tone.Mira glanced up at me, concern etched on her features. "You seem a bit off today, Lily. Is everything okay?"I forced a smile, hoping to alleviate her worries. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit tired," I lied.Mira leaned forward conspira
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Lily's POVI packed my bags alongside Mira and Lucas, as I fought down a heavy sense of desolation that settled over me. How had everything unraveled so quickly? How had I managed to shatter the fragile trust between Aiden and me in the blink of an eye?With each item, I placed into my suitcase, and the weight of my mistake pressed down on me, suffocating me with remorse. I couldn't bear to face Aiden's disappointment, couldn't bear to see the hurt in his eyes when he looked at me.I knew all of this wasn't my fault, but it could have well been avoided if I hadn't gone to see Liam. How had he gotten those pictures anyway?When we reached the door, Joe stood there. There was a smile on his face as we walked towards him, which quickly dimmed. A furrow formed on his brow as he took in our packed bags. "Where are you all going?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.I swallowed hard, struggling to find the words to explain. "We're leaving," I replied simply, my voice barely above a whi
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Lily's POVSleep finally found me after the call. However, it was a troubling one.I struggled to shake off the unsettling dreams of Aiden that haunted my sleep, but it was as hard as finding sleep in the forest place. His familiar face slipped in and out of the fabric of my dreams, as though taunting me with things I would never have again.Things I feared I'd lost forever.Suddenly, the sound of raised voices from downstairs jolted me awake. At first, I lay still, trying to discern if it was merely a product of my restless mind or a real occurrence. But as the voices persisted, growing louder and more agitated, I couldn't ignore them any longer.With a sense of unease creeping over me, I sat up in bed, straining to catch every word that drifted up from the lower floors of the house. "Get out!" Mira's voice which was usually calm and composed, now dripped with a venomous edge. "We don't want you here."My heart skipped two beats. Was that Aiden?However, the words that followed from
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Lily's POVAs I stepped out of the van, the familiar sight of the Gambino Suite made a cold chill run down my body. I stood in front for a moment, staring at the impressive structure, speculating on how it filled me with so much dread."We didn't come here to stare at the building!" A voice snarled in my ear from behind, making me flinch with irritation. "Get a move on!"Glaring at the man, I ambled across the street to the building, then pushed the glass doors and walked in.Irene the blond receptionist stood at the front desk. She glanced up with a characteristic smile on her face, which quickly faded the moment her eyes fell on mine. Her icy glare pierced through me like daggers. Her hostility was very noticeable, evident in the venomous tone of her words."After all these weeks of running, you're back here," she sneered, her voice dripping with disdain. "I hope Mr. Gambino finally finishes you off, and your family too!""Now, now, Irene," The guard accompanying me intervened, his
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Lily's POVRicardo's eyes on me sent a chill down my spine, but I refused to show any fear. "Why are you telling me this?" I asked, trying to maintain a calmness that I certainly didn't feel. The mention of my stepfather was definitely an unwelcome thing.He smirked, his eyes glinting with malice. "Because, my dear Lily, I have a proposition for you," he replied, leaning back in his seat. "If you'd listen to me, that is."I raised an eyebrow, feigning indifference. "And what might that be?" I asked, though I already had a sinking feeling about his intentions.Ricardo's smile widened, making me even more uncomfortable. "I plan to kill your stepfather," he announced casually. "He has been much of a burden, might I add."I scoffed, unable to hide my contempt. "And why would I care about that?" I retorted, crossing my arms defiantly. "Trust me, there is no love lost between myself and Mitch."Ricardo's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing. "Because, my dear, if you don't come to me wil
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Ricardo's POV"Boss! Good afternoon!"Liam strolled into my office, a sly grin playing on his lips. I couldn't shake the feeling that his visit was laced with ulterior motives. I leaned back on my chair, watching the man as he strode over to me. Everything about him simply set me on edge. His curly, blond head of hair, baby blue eyes, and dimpled smile made him look like some innocent kid, but I could see through that facade.I knew exactly what he was. A con. I'd known from the first time my men had led him into my office, some three or four days ago.However, I pushed my angry thoughts aside and plastered a smile on my face. I extended my hand for a handshake, a customary greeting. "Good morning, Mr. Liam." I greeted.Liam ignored my outstretched hand as though it was the nearby file cabinet. I watched with mounting annoyance as he breezed past it as if my office were his domain. He slumped into one of the chairs in front of me with a great groan of satisfaction."I cannot say th
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Ricardo's POVI placed the telephone on the polished wooden table, its weight settling with a resounding thud. Sliding into the leather-upholstered chair, I reached for the crystal decanter, pouring a generous measure of brandy into a crystal glass. The amber liquid swirled, casting an enticing glow in the low-lit room.With a flick of my wrist, I lifted the glass to my lips, savoring the rich, smoky aroma before taking a sip. The fiery warmth spread through my chest, momentarily killing the cold reality of my surroundings.I turned in my chair, and my gaze fell upon the lifeless form of Liam sprawled across the floor, spread-eagled and looking stupid. He was stupid. He had always been. I couldn't forget the first day he strutted in here, acting as though he owned the place. I didn't do well with men who thought they were better than they really were.I despised men who talked too much and pretended to have a confidence that they didn't truly possess. Liam had been a loose end, a nu
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