All Chapters of Lin~The Female Alpha : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
88 Chapters
Chapter 61~Warehouse
Chains held her legs as Lin hung upside down. Besides the desire to get free before nighttime, she started feeling lightheaded due to how she was hanging. And she believed that she had been that way for a while because she had been unconscious for some time and had just come through. “What do you mean that we’re going to be sacrificed like animals?” Hunter asked. He was not comfortable in the position he was in but he somehow got used to it since he had been captured the first time and it was the same thing. “After Han had knocked you unconscious…” Lin began, and she saw a look of shame on his face when she mentioned what the monkey king had done to the guy. “He wanted to harm me too, but I started to get through to him.”“Get through to him? You’re locked in here with me,” He chuckled the words out. “I know, I know. Will you let me finish?” She frowned a bit. She did not know what her heart saw in the guy; like, why was she still falling for him even though he was very annoying a
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Chapter 62~Bargains
The monkey king was very curious about Lin and Hunter’s escape. He oversaw them, and peeled his eyes off them, glancing at where they had been chained, to begin with. He saw the pieces of the broken chains lying on the moldy floor and then he scoffed faintly. “You want to play games with me?” Han asked in a firm tone as he locked eyes with Hunter. He did not like the guy one bit. He would have killed him long since if not for his intrigue for Lin. He knew that if he killed Hunter, whatever he needed to know about Lin, he would never find out. So he begged the beast in his soul to be patient. “No,” Lin said as she stepped forward. We’re not playing games. This is about our lives, it involves whether we die or live, why would we play games then?”Hunter was impressed once again by the she-wolf. He may have thought that she was just going to stay silent but she was actually helping. He could tell by the look on the monkey king’s face that he was interested in what they had to say. T
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Chapter 63~The Heart Of The Island
Hunter stared at Lin, trying to take what she had just said. “Oh my gosh, Lin, you just told the Monkey King where the gold stone is,” He said in a breathy and frustrated tone as he ran his hand through his hair. He was tempted to yell at her, call her stupid, or even leave her standing there so he could rush towards the island's heart for the stone. But he didn’t. He just stood there. Doing any of those things was just going to make him like his father, and that was something that he did not want to be. He’d rather die than ever be like that monster!“I did what we had to, Hunter. We made a deal with the monkey king, going back on it did not seem like the smartest thing to do. Especially considering that we are being tested in so many ways here,” Lin explained. Hunter nodded, kind of getting the she-wolf’s point. “Okay, okay, you’re right. But you did not explain everything, right?” He remembered he had stopped her from saying anything else when they were still with Han. She shoo
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Chapter 64~Across The Gate
The sound was as equally loud as the last lightning strike. Lin’s ears were ringing even louder and her head hurt badly. She coughed as she tried to clear the dust that the strike had woken up, so she could see. As she waved her hand in front of her face, the dust had now started to clear, allowing her to see now. She coughed dryly a few more times before sitting up and visually searching around for Hunter. For a while, she panicked because she could not see the guy but then her eyes finally landed on him. He was trying to stand to his feet, coughing as he did so. She breathed out a relieved sigh, happy that he was okay. “Hunter!” She called out his name but her voice was not clear enough. She cleared her throat and tried one more time. “Hunter! Are you okay?” She began to stand to her feet, and pain shot through her knee. She immediately fell to the ground, wincing in pain. Cursing under her breath, she tried to find what was causing the pain. And that was when she saw blood and
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Chapter 65~The Trials Await
Hunter cursed under his breath, almost opening his eyes but he knew that he had to stay in tune with the she-wolf. So he resisted. “Do you feel that?” He asked her, staying close to her.Lin knew exactly what the guy was talking about. She could feel it too. It felt like small waves of electrical shocks that kept hitting the tips of their fingers. It felt like the earth was trying to reach out to them. But the thing was that they did not know what to do. “Yeah, I do,” She replied to him without missing a beat. “Do you know what we should be doing?” Hunter could not help but chuckle under his breath. He felt like if anyone should be asking that question, it should have been him. Because it was she who had shown that she could know the future or so. “I think…just keep touching the ground?” He answered in a soft tone. The guardian of the earth watched the duo, sensing that they had a unique connection; something that was very rare. He could tell that they would pass the test, but it
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Chapter 66~Secrecy Unveiled
With determination in his eyes and nervousness in his bones, Hunter looked directly at the guardians of the gold stone. He let out a shaky breath before finally speaking, “No, we’re not leaving. We’re not leaving here without the stone.” He knew that what he was doing was very risky. He was challenging demi-gods and could obliterated in seconds if he angered them. This was a stupid plan of his, but it was the only one he had that had any chance of working. He just had to try. He felt like trash for what he had done. It was his fault and so he was not going to give up that easily. Lin was taken aback by Hunter’s protest of not leaving. She wiped her face with the back of her hand, clearing the tears from there. “What are you doing? Do you want to get us killed?” She could not believe that the guy had just done that. A part of her was impressed and taken by the fact that he had stood up for them, that he was not going to give up just like that; that he was willing to fight for their
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Chapter 67~Whispers Of Abyss
With bated breath, Hunter and Lin watched to see the Monkey King's next move. His army was on the verge of attacking, just waiting for him to give them the signal they needed. The Guardian revealed a shimmering symbol on his hand - a mark that seemed to resonate with ancient power, and that was all it took for the king to know that he was no match. With a reluctant grunt, the Monkey King withdrew his army by giving them a nod, and soon they disappeared into the forest. But before he could leave, he glared daggers at the duo, promising silently that the fight was not over. Still waiting. Hunter released his hold on the weapon that he had, and Lin let out a breath that she did not know that she was holding. Was she nervous or sacred? Maybe. But one thing she knew was that she was ready to defend herself and Hunter if she had to. “Your journey is not without challenges. The Monkey King is just one of them. But trust in your strength, for greater trials await,” The Guardian told them,
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Chapter 68~Sands Of Serenity
As Lin and Hunter fell through the well, the darkness enveloped them, distorting time and reason. Then suddenly, a shimmering portal emerged, transporting them to a surreal realm where the laws of physics seemed to come back to life. They tumbled into a vast desert, stretching as far as the eye could see. The sand beneath their feet was hot even though they had footwear. The hot sun made the san shine like tiny jewels. Giant sand dunes rose like waves in the distance, and the wind played in the sand, leaving behind wavy patterns. It was surreal, maybe beautiful, but it suggested that they had a whole new set of challenges waiting for them. So how could they enjoy it?Ancient buildings peeked out from the sandy sea, telling tales of people long gone. “What the hell just happened?” Hunter asked as he tried to get the sand out of his hair. He was on his feet, staring around. Lin coughed dryly and she too proceeded to run her hand through her messy hair that was now flowing to her sho
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Chapter 69~A New Ally?
The girl stepped off the bike, with blonde hair that seemed to glow under the sun’s beams as she removed her helmet. Her eyes were baby-blue and she was of average height. Her smile was lovely and her presence was heavenly. And that was for a reason.Hunter saw the beauty of the girl and was impressed but the truth was that he had his eyes set on someone else already. So everybody else just seemed faded out in comparison to her. “Um…hi, Stereo?” He extended his hand tentatively for a handshake. “I’m Hunter Blackwood.”“Hi,” She replied, taking the guy’s hands in hers and shaking it before releasing it. Then her gaze landed on Lin. That was the person who had caught her eye. She could not stop staring at the she-wolf. “And you are?” He smiled brightly as she excitedly extended her hand. Lin cleared her throat lightly and then reached for the stranger’s hand, shaking it while speaking with a smile, “I’m Lin Boye, nice to meet you.” Stereo held onto the she-wolf’s hand for a few seco
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Chapter 70~The Bond Awakening
Stereo revved up her dirt bike, the engine humming with anticipation as she locked eyes with the duo. The desert air seemed to cackle with an unspoken tension. “Alright,” Hunter finally conceded, reluctantly stepping forward. “Lead the way, but remember any funny business, and we won’t hesitate.”Stereo chuckled, her blonde hair falling gracefully over her shoulder as she adjusted her helmet. “No funny business, promise. Hop on, it’s a ride you won’t forget.” The trio mounted the bike, the engine roared to life, and they sped across the desert. The wind tousled their hair as the vast landscape blurred into streaks of sand and sky. As they arrived at Stereo’s swelling, a modest adobe structure camouflaged against the desert hues, Hunter eyed it skeptically. “This is where you live?” Stereo hopped off the bike, her baby-blue eyes gleaming mischievously. “Home, sweet home.” Once inside, surrounded by desert relics and adorned with symbols, she gestured for them to sit before continu
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