All Chapters of Lin~The Female Alpha : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
88 Chapters
Chapter 72~Reckoning With The Monkey King
Stereo's gaze shifted between Hunter and Lin, the unspoken connection between them palpable. "This is where your journey truly begins," she declared. "The guardians of the Heart of the Mirage are ancient and formidable. Only by embracing your mate bond will you unlock the path to the Diamond Stone."Hunter exchanged glances with Lin, their shared secret hanging in the air. Despite their initial denial, they couldn't escape the undeniable truth."We'll face whatever comes our way," Lin stated with determination, her eyes locking onto Hunter's. The mate bond pulsed with newfound strength, a force that both scared and intrigued them.Stereo, sensing the intensity of their connection, led the way through the mystical oasis. The shimmering waters of the Mirage reflected the starlit sky, creating an illusion of endless depths.As they ventured deeper, mysterious echoes filled the air, and shadows danced around them. The guardians, hidden in the magical veils of the oasis, stirred with curio
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Chapter 73~Stones United
Lin’s side burned with pain as she breathed deeply. She was so tired but she was not going to stop fighting. She was not going to give up, especially with all the adrenaline that was now coursing through her. Watching, she saw Hunter, in his wolf form, rushing towards the Monkey King with all his might. She could not take her eyes off him, her heart truly was bonded to the guy. It was a bond that even though both of them had been told that they had, they still refused to truly accept it. They believed that they were just too different. But they knew that it was the truth. “Why won’t you two just freaking give up?” The Monkey cried, letting out an evil laugh that echoed in the air. As soon as the guy reached him, he expertly used the back of his strong big hands to slap him away. Hunter’s body was way too weak to handle the force, so he flew to the other side, hitting a tree hard. Everything immediately went dark as he fell into an abyss of unconsciousness. Lin could not believe w
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Chapter 74~ Desert Promises
The forest fell into an eerie stillness, the aftermath of the unleashed power lingering. The Monkey had taken a hit, he was momentarily blinded and disoriented and struggled to regain his footing.Lin and Hunter stood there, united, their bodies radiating a residual glow from the unleashed energy. Stereo was amazed, her eyes building out of its sockets. “That’s all you got?” Han asked, even though he was badly injured. He maintained his composure, not wanting to show any sign of weakness. “Give me all you got!” He snarled, his bravery masking a hint of uncertainty. With another surge of power, the she-wolf wasted no time. She ended the beast before coming back to the ground and returning to normal. She stared at his body that lay there, moving ever so slightly. She felt so weak and tired. Her bones ached and she felt like she could faint at any moment. But she knew that it was not over yet. She watched Hunter walk away from her, pulling out his weapon. “Hunter…” She said his name
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Chapter 75~Digging Deep
The duo stared at each other, they knew that they had made a deal with the hybrid and had to live up to it. Plus, it was she who had brought them this far in the desert, or they would have still been lost, looking for where to go. “Okay,” Lin agreed even though she had no idea how to get the hybrid ou to the desert. “Okay? You don’t even know how you and I would get out of the desert, Lin. We can’t help her even if we wanted to,” Hunter objected. “Look, I don’t care how both of you will get it done, but believe me when I say I will try my absolute best for you two to not get the Diamond Stone if you don’t find a way,” Stereo explained in a stern voice. She hated that she had to do this because she kind of had a small crush on the she-wolf but her desire to get free from the desert and back to real life echoed louder. Hunter scoffed before chuckling lightly. “Well, I would like to see you try,” He challenged her. He did not like her, not one bit. Yes, he was grateful that they had
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Chapter 76
Lin adjusted her weight on the bed and tried to give Hunter an answer but it was just so hard. The truth was that she was still in love with her ex, they had spent years together and although she had told him that she needed space, she did not want to go back with him. Her plan was for her to stay in the pack after she became alpha and just try to build a life for herself, occasionally visiting the human territory once in a while. “I…Hunter, to tell you the truth, I am still in love with my ex. I knew him for years and just found out that he broke my trust by cheating on me. And we both know that you can’t just turn off your feeling like a light switch,” She explained. “It’s complicated.”Hunter felt a heavy feeling sit in his chest. He forced a smile before finally asking, “Lin, do you want to be with me? Do you want to pursue this bond with me, or do you want to reject me?”His heart was pounding but he kept his composure. Lin took a deep breath, her eyes locking onto Hunter’s. S
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Chapter 77~Shadows Of Destiny
The trio stood at the threshold of the mirage, uncertainty hanging thick in the air. The illusions of the oasis seemed to dance on the edge of reality, beckoning them to unravel the mysteries that bound the guardian, Stereo, and the very essence of the desert.Lin took a deep breath, her instincts guiding her through the enigmatic patterns. "We need to willingly embrace the truth," she murmured, echoing the cryptic voice that lingered in the illusions. "But what truth? And what sacrifices demand a price?"Hunter's gaze shifted between the illusions and Lin. "The guardian's struggle is tied to this desert's ancient power. To free her, we must uncover the threads that connect her fate to the oasis and Stereo's predicament."Stereo, though initially dismissive of the illusions, felt a growing sense of urgency. "I've been through this before, and I didn't get far. But this time, it feels different, like there's more at stake."As they approached the shimmering waters of the mirage, the vo
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Chapter 78
Stereo's connection to her true self deepened as the images of her past unfolded in the trial. The melodies that had accompanied her life played like a symphony, resonating through the Veil of Shadows. It was more than just memories; it was the essence of her being, the harmony that defined her existence. In that moment, she felt a profound alignment with the music that echoed through her soul, a melody that was uniquely hers.As the trio continued through the Veil of Shadows, the trials intensified, weaving the threads of their destinies into a complex tapestry. The shadowy figure remained a constant presence, an enigmatic guide leading them through the labyrinth of their own reflections.The unexpected figure's emergence marked a shift in the trials. It lingered in the shadows, a silhouette that seemed both familiar and elusive. The guardian's voice warned of greater trials ahead, and the trio steeled themselves for the challenges that awaited.Confronting the shadowy figure, uncert
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Chapter 79
Hunter felt like he could have handled that differently. He sighed, running his hands through his hair. “I think we should have followed him,” He said to the she-wolf as he walked towards the side of the house and leaned his weight on there. “Hunter, we’re not ready. You know this.” “But if we’re being honest, we were never ready from the very beginning. Back in the Dark Valley when you got the Bronze Stone, were you ready? Or when we got the Gold Stone together back on the island, were we ready?” Lin saw some sense in what the guy had just said, swallowing, she mentally chewed on the information. “But this time is different.” “Different? How? We literally faced the Monkey King and almost died, yet we came out victorious.” The she-wolf found that Hunter had so many good points. And to be honest, how were they even going to know if they were ready or not? “Hmm,” He mumbled numbly, trying to figure out what to do. “I think we should try to find that guy, there is no way that he’
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Chapter 80
Lin nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and uncertainty. "I know, Hunter. But rushing into a battle we're not prepared for won't do us any good either. We need a plan, a strategy."Hunter sighed, acknowledging the truth in her words. "You're right. But we can't afford to waste too much time either. Kai might have some insights, and we need to take advantage of whatever knowledge he can offer."As if on cue, Kai returned with a couple of canteens filled with water and a plate of dried fruits. He handed them to Lin and Hunter, his eyes still holding a mysterious glint. "Drink up, my friends. You'll need all the strength you can get."As they quenched their thirst, Kai began to share his experiences with the desert. He spoke of ancient legends, hidden oases, and the mystical nature of the final adversary they were destined to face. Lin and Hunter listened intently, realizing that Kai's knowledge might prove invaluable in their upcoming challenge.After the impromptu histor
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Chapter 81
Standing before The Reaper, Lin and Hunter rehearsed all that they had learned from Kai and Stereo. But still, it did not seem enough as they stood in front of the guy. “I tried, Lin. I really tried,” The Reaper started. “I tried to help you. I gave you so many chances to live yet you chose to die. You had the choice to quit this stupid quest and go back to the human territory; to go back to your ex that is still madly in love with you, but no, no, no.” He chuckled. “You decided to stay on a quest that ensured death. And for what? Because you want to be the Alpha of the pack? Is that even what you want?” He continued, playing with her mind with nothing but the truth. “Don’t listen to him, he plays with your mind, that’s what he does,” Hunter cautioned the she-wolf, looking around carefully in case there were any hidden traps waiting for them. “I know, but…” She replied in a low breathy way. She knew that she did not really want to be the Alpha of the pack. She had no desire for th
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