All Chapters of Her's To Take : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
88 Chapters
Fifty One
FREYA" Where were you last night?" I asked, leveling a look on my driver through the side view mirror. His eyes meets mine, and skides away once again. I watch him.I frown. " Did you get drunk?" he looked like someone that was nursing a headache from drinking, just as I was. " I'm sorry, Freya, I was....""Did you take drugs for the headache?" I ask interrupting him. He shakes his head, wincing. " Stop at a drug store on your way to the office and buy one," I instructed, turning my attention to my tablet. On getting to the office, I alight from the car and told him he could have the rest of the day off. " Are you sure, Freya? I can..."I glare at him. " I said take the rest of the day off, I don't need you looking all groggy around me," I said firmly. " I won't be leaving the office until it's time to go home, and i'm pretty sure I won't die if I drive myself for a day, now would I?"He smiles, and I smile back. " Glad we understand each other. Now, off you go."I take my car key
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Fifty Two
The sound of the gunshot shattered the glass wall as well as the quietness of the suite, and I froze in terror, not knowing what to do. Where was the gun shots coming from? Who was firing the shots to start with?"Take cover!" I heard Zain order in a commanding voice. He hide behind a pillar in my sitting room, shielding himself from the gunshots. "Where the fuck is the shots coming from?" He hollered in frustration at his men, as the gunshots kept coming with no interlude. The stampede for safety and the shouts as Zain and his men communicated with each other snapped me out of my reverie. I hurled myself behind the couch closest to me, and then, I tried to peek from behind the couch to see where the shots were coming from. A ear piercing scream left my lips as a bullet wheezed pass me and imbibed itself on the wall behind me. I dodged back behind the couch, my heart going a thousand miles. "It's a sniper!" One of Zain's men shouted. " He's on the rooftop of the building opposite,
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Fifty Three
" Fine! We have a business contract."I froze to the ground where I was standing. I blink once, twice, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that instead of taking me with him by force - which he could have easily done by himself, talk more of when he has four able-bodied men with him - he had tried to negotiate instead. Slowly I turned to face him fully aware that my face carries my distrust of his words. I search his face with my eyes, wondering why exactly everything he does and say contradicts the Jaxton that I remember. "My men wouldn't be able to hold Zain back for long; I'm pretty sure they are on their way down right now," Jaxton said, walking towards me. " We need to move and now!"I raised an eyebrow at him, trying not to think of Zain making his way here. I guess the sniper Zain and his men are battling upstairs are Jaxton's men. "And why should I believe anything that you just said?" I crossed my arms over my chest.Before he could answer my question, the elevator
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Fifty Four
It's been a few minutes since Jaxton drove out of the garage of the hotel I'm staying at, or maybe an hour. He drove around the city for a long while, trying to make sure that he lost any tail. I could tell from the way he was weaving through the traffic and the communication between him and his men. I place my head against the window, watching the city pass by. At first when Jaxton had started his drive around the city, I had cursed, screamed - anything to get him to let me off. He had continued on, acting as if no one was in the car with him, talk more of a screaming banshee. That was literally what I turned into. I was calm now, though, more because I was tired of screaming than because I decided not to scream anymore. I watch as the remote trail turned once again into the bustling city center." Are we clear?" Jaxton asked. He had a covert earpiece on, with which he communicates with his men. They must have given him a reply, because he nods and soon we were diverting to the ri
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Fifty Five
The few seconds happened in a blur. One minute I was sitting in the car with my hand over my chest and Jaxton striding towards me, and the next; Jaxton was snapping open my seatbelt and carrying me up into his arms bridal style. I shriek, surprised by the suddenness of his action. " Put me down!" I shrieked, wriggling and kicking my legs in the air. Jaxton continues walking, his eyes straight ahead of him, paying me no heed. " Put me down, I can walk on my own," I reiterate.The door opens as Jaxton gets to it, and he walks inside. The maid that had opened the door stares at me with wide eyes as Jaxton turns to address her. I note the lack of fear in her eyes and stance, if anything, she seemed totally at ease. Brimming in her eyes, though, is curiosity to know who I was, and... jealousy?I frown. What exactly is she jealous of? Wait, is she his fuck buddy or what? Oh girlll. I feel so sorry for her. That would explain the familarity, and lack of fear. I size her up and nod, he do
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Fifty Six
Jaxton stops what he's doing and turns to me. He's face is devoid of emotions, and for a minute I wonder if he's actually capable of them. The few moments I have been with him; he's either acting as if no one is in the room or car with him, or he looks at you as if you are not even talking to him.I begin to wonder if the few times I did see emotions on his face was just a figment of my imaginations.Jaxton starts walking toward me steadily, almost like a predator stalking his prey; I certainly felt like one. I straighten from the doorframe as he gets closer, my guard going up. I'm in his territory, which means I really had to be careful of what I say to him and how I say it. He stops just inches away from me, and I fight the great urge in me to move away from him. Instead of doing that, I tilt my change up which was kinda funny seeing how I had to move my neck back a bit to be able to see his face and look into his eyes. He stares intently into my face that I begin to wonder if so
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Fifty Seven
As if in a trance, my eyes slowly moved from his crotch, to his abs and then his chest. I could make out the pecks of his nipples from the material of the polo clinging to his body. My eyes linger, and I could imagine myself running my tongue on them. Imagining myself sucking and biting on it. I press my hips together, as a dull ache starts in-between my legs. God, I want him. So bad. My eyes continues their adventure, moving further up to his lips. They were full, sensual and loved the fact that his lower lips was redder than his upper lips. I bite down on my lower lip, imagining those full sensuality running through my body. Imagining them sucking and rubbing on my buds. I could feel my nipples tightening underneath the big polo I was wearing. And then I saw it, that slight turn up of the corner of his lips - a smirk. I moved my focus from his lips to his face, and indeed, it was a smirk. A smug smirk - equal parts smugness and amusement. His mouth is turned up at the corners, b
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Fifty Eight
Jaxton's voice had an annoyed glint to it, and judging by the huge bulge pressing into my thighs, I could very much tell why. I tap Jaxton's shoulders gently to get his attention. He looks at me, and I gesture for him to put me down.He doesn't do so immediately. " You should attend to her, I'm sure she came because it's important," I said further. The look on Jaxton's face said that he thought otherwise. I almost laughed at his facial expression, if I had not held myself back quickly. He looked like one being dragged from a palace to a place of slaughter. Slowly, he slide me down his body. We both moaned as his hardness brushed against my thong clad vulva. "Fuck," I heard him curse under his breath. We stayed flushed against each other even after my feet touched the ground. Isa cleared her throat, pulling us out of the bubble of lust we had been cocooned in. I pulled away from Jaxton, grabbed my phone from the bed and made my way to the door. "Um, I'm hungry. I will go get some
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Fifty Nine
I frown. What is he going on about?I glance behind him at his right hand man, who also has a confused look on his face. I return my eyes to the Adonis in front of me, hating the fact that I still felt attracted to him despite everything that has happened and is still happening between us. " What are ..."He raises a hand to silence me, and to my utmost chagrin, I obey him. But then, who wouldn't do same? The man exuded so much power and authority, he had an intimidating aura. And for the love of God, I think I found that freaking hot and attractive. Oh Lord, I'm so so gone. I felt my cheeks grow warm, and I struggled to find her voice, even as he continues to stare into my face. "I...I have no idea what you," I stammered. Shit! Get it together, Freya. Whatever it is he is accusing you of, you would look guilty of it if you do this. His mouth quirked up in a half-smile, and I felt my knees go weak. That was not a smile of amusement, though, it was a smile of, "I have got you.""
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I'm not sure when I felled asleep and how long I have been asleep for, but I woke up to a loud knock on my bedroom door. I stirred, moaning lowly. I turn on my side, about to go back to sleep when the knock came again, with increasing volume. I groaned, declaring murder on whoever it is that is at the door. I stood up and walked sluggishly to the door, rubbing the sleep off my eyes. I twist the key in the lock and pushed the door open, a full glare on my face. My eyes literally spit fire when I saw that it was Isa at the door. "What?" I asked, my voice leaving no doubt about how I felt about seeing her right now. She smiled sweetly at me, and my eyes narrowed on her. This is not good. Whatever it is that Usa or Isa, whatever they call, is smiling at me about wouldn't be good. I raised an eyebrow at her, keeping my eyes stern. " Jax is asking for you," she said, a cheeky grin on her face. Jaxton is back? Without giving her a response, I hurry inside and picked my phone up from the
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