All Chapters of Her's To Take : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
88 Chapters
Sixty One
I scrunched my face up in disgust, and I brought my hands up to cover my nostrils. Is this smell what I think it is? What is this place?I brought my phone out and turned on the flashlight. I pointed it in front of me and the sights I was greeted with, had me losing hold of my phone and stumbling backwards. My phone hit the floor, just as I hit a hard wall behind me. Except that this hard wall had arms, and it reached out to hold me up when I started sliding off it. The last thing I remember is being lifted bridal style into warm arms, and a very familiar voice saying, " Hand me the phone, you fool."I don't know what happened afterwards, I must have blacked out.*******I groaned lowly, stirring on the bed I was lying on. I lifted my hands and pressed it against my forehead, massaging it. It felt as if someone is pounding in my head. Even as I snuggled deeper into the blanket covering me, I knew this was not my bed. I brought the blanket up to my nose and sniffed at me. My nostrils
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Sixty Two
I stared at Jaxton as if he suddenly grew two heads. He walked into his dressing room, and came out a few seconds later with a big black bathrobe. I stared at him as he walked to the foot of the bed and stretched the hand with the bathrobe out to me. " Having a hot bath will help soothe your muscles," he said when I just stared at the robe and back at him. " Did you just run a bath for me?" I asked incredulously, still trying to wrap my head around that fact. "Do you need help?" He asked back, moving over to my side. I shaked my head, throwing the blanket off me and sliding to the edge of the bed. I placed my feet on the floor and stood gently, praying and hoping I wouldn't fall. Nothing as embarrassing as acting all strong, only to fall on your ass. Fortunately, I didn't. I took the bathrobe from him, muttered a thank you and moved to the door of the bathroom. My mouth dropped open the moment I entered the bathroom.The bathroom is warm and inviting, the air filled with the scen
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Sixty Three
The moment I felt better, I opened the bathroom door and I ran into a hard wall. I stumbled back and would have falled on my bums if arms had not reached out and caught me. Jaxton pulled me flush against him, tucking strands of my hair behind my ears. " Are you okay?" He asked. I stare at him. He seems so different when he's with me. He had been this caring and gentle when he bought me from my birth father, and then that night had happened. That night where I had lost my virginity to a man that seemed more like a beast. A part of me didn't believe that he's a cop or an undercover agent as Ziggler and Nutty like to call him. But then, another part of me wanted desperately for him to have an explanation for this. " Is Sarah okay?" I asked, my voice low. I felt exhausted. " Yes, she is. She had a fainting spell, BUT she's okay," he reassured. I lean my head on his shoulder, sighing contently. Without warning, he lifted me into his arms once again, and moved to the bed. He laid me o
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Sixty Four
I close my eyes tightly, my hands gripping tightly unto Jaxton's hair as he continued to scissors me with his finger. He added another finger, stretching me further. I moan, my hips begining to quiver slightly.I clenched the walls of my vagina as his fingers went in, doubling the pleasure that I felt. Jaxton pressed his thumb to my clit, still scissoring me. I lift my hips, desperate for more. I tugged at the waistband of his trouser, trying to convey my need. " I want... Ahh! Your... Dick in me." I tried to sit up, but Jaxton pressed me back down with his free hand. He leaned over and captured my right breast with his mouth, increasing my pleasure threefold. I writhe, wriggle and moan - I was turning into a moaning mess under him. His tongue swirled around my nipples, sucking it into his warm mouth..The sensation shot straight to my pelvic, intensifying the pressure building there. He increased the pace of his finger, the slurping sound of his fingers going in and out of me filli
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Sixty Five
Jaxton continued to tongue fuck me, thrusting his tongue into my vagina and then running up along the length of my Vulva alternatively. I was a moaning mess; my senses going haywire with pleasure overload. "Jax! Please!"I grip unto his hair, desperate to be filled. I was enjoying this, God knows I'm but I was aching deep within my pelvis and it was only his huge dick that would satiate that ache. " Jax! Fuck me, please!" I pleaded. He glanced up at me momentarily, our eyes meeting. " Patient, love," he smirked. I was almost crying. " Please, I want you," I begged. I was going to berate myself for this moment later on. I know I'm going to feel like crawling into a hole and dying there later on when I remember this exact moment, but right now, I wouldn't care less. God! I just wanted him inside me so bad that it hurt. Jaxton sucked unto my clit and let out a cry of pleasure. Oh my God! I think I might die from pleasure before I even get to feel him inside me. My hips jerked upwa
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Sixty Six
Jaxton's groan reverberated through the room, his hips jerking clumsily into my vagina as he spilled the remaining of his load in me. He collapsed on me, his body weight squashing me to the bed. He kissed my shoulders and neck and then he pulled out of me, rolling to the other side of the bed. I was freaking angry about the fact that he had cum in me, even though he knew he was not wearing protection. He did this the exactly same thing the first time we had sex, and I ended up pregnant. With Sextuplets!I wanted to speak up, admonish him and give him a little piece of my mind; but I just had three consecutive really good orgasms and I was drained. My eyelids were already dropping close on their own accord and I could do nothing to stop them. The last thing I remember was Jaxton pulling me to his chest and kissing my hair, before I went off to the land of sleep. *******My eyes fluttered open to a soft morning light streaming through the windows of a large luxurious-looking but unf
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Sixty Seven
Jaxton doesn't look up immediately I took the phone from him. He seems to be trying to stay calm, because he kept taking deep breaths in. I rolled my eyes, not caring one bit whether he was livid or not. The effontery to try to mess my life up again. " Get this straight, Mr. Mafia lord," I began, and Jaxton looked up at me slowly. " What happened between us last night is called, ' a one night stand'," I used air quotations mark around the four words. " No calling of stupid names, and no unnecessary gestures. We are both grown ass adults; we wanted to fuck each other and we did. End of adventure," I concluded. "Actually, I think it's time I took my leave; you have kept me prisoner here long enough, don't you think."It was no question, it was a statement. I notice that his jaw was clenched tight, his lips pressed into a thin line. His eyes were narrowed, and his brows furrowed. He was clearly struggling to control his emotions, and his whole body seemed tense. There was restrain i
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Sixty Eight
I turned to the door alarmed at Jaxton's words. My eyes widened and as if in slow motion, the doorknob of my bedroom door twisted just as I quickly reached down to grab the bathrobe I had allowed to pool at my feet.I was still halfway back up with the bathrobe, when the door opend and Jaxton stepped into the room. He stopped the moment he saw me, his eyes roaming my half naked body. I was clad in only my bra and a thong, which did little to nothing to hide my mound from his eyes. I glared daggers at him as I quickly covered myself with the bathrobe. " What the fuck? Have you never heard of what they call ' permission'?" I query. " Why would you enter someone's room without their permission, and especially since you know very well that the person in question is getting dressed?"I was fuming, my face contorting with anger, but he had a look that asked, 'What is the big fuss for?' He looked from my head to my toe, a smirk suddenly gracing his face. " I don't see what this all fuse an
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Sixty Nine
I followed closely behind Isa, as she lead the way to Jaxton's office. While we walked, I pulled out my phone and sent Ziggler a quick update. Me: Found Isa going through my stuffs. I was able to hide the key in the stack of cloths she had strewn about, it is directly under a grey sweatpant in the bunch. I'm going with her to Jaxton's office, and I'm going to tell him to get one of his men to do away from the cloths. I trust you will take it up from there. Ziggler: Sure, Freya, I get the plan. Me: Do a clean job, got it?Ziggler: Got it, boss. Me: Bonus deducted. It's Freya, not boss. Ziggler sent a laughing emoji, and I smiled. I looked up, pocketing my phone as we got to Jaxton's office. Isa turned to me for the umpteenth time, a pleading look in her eyes. " Please, don't do this," she pleaded..With the number of time she has turned to plead, I knew Jaxton had not sent her and she had been working on her own volition; or rather, her own jealousy. Sorry, dear, too late. This
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I walked slowly down the steps of the basement, Patting myself on the back for a job well done. I had no idea that this scenario would also help me get an opportunity to speak with Sarah one on one. On getting to the end of the staircase, I banged on the metal door that was obstructing the stairs from the room the guards stay in. After just a few seconds of I banging on the door, it pulls open. I smile slightly at seeing Ziggler standing on the other side of the door. This day just keeps getting better. " Where is Jaxton, Ma?' he inquired. " I thought you two were supposed to be here together?"I shrugged, stepping past him into the room. The other two guards in the room greeted me and I responded with a big smile. " He's still taking care of Isa, I'm sure he will be here, soon," I answered. " Meanwhile, I did tell him that I will be going ahead of him and he gave his consent."I move to the other door that lead to what I would like to call a dungeon. I gesture for Ziggler to open
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