All Chapters of Ice Hockey Stud and His Best Friend's Sister : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
133 Chapters
Chapter 110
Imogen“That went well.” Cody says as he stands close behind me with his large, strong hands firmly on my hips. They feel so good as he applies a bit of pressure to the soft spot by my hips bones. It drives me wild; I can already feel myself getting wet. It’s a super sensitive spot for me and he knows it. Only we don’t really have much time. This is a quick turnaround between Dallas and Vancouver.“What the game or Atlas?”“Both.” He says as I place my hands over his, press my butt further into his groin and can feel how hard he is for me. “We have time for a quickie baby.” He nuzzles my neck and nips at the skin. Mm he is so delicious. I lick my lips and begin to grind my butt in further. “Damn it, Immi you are so beautiful and so damn sexy. I want you right now. Take those jeans off.” He demands.That makes me wetter and turns me on even more, I love it when he’s direct. In life I wouldn’t take any kind of bossiness from any guy, but in the bedroom, fuck it. Bring it on, is all I ca
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Chapter 111
Cody“You ready for the game tomorrow? We’ve got our work cut out for us, right? I mean, Finnigan is a mean goalie. One of the best.” Nolan is saying as he sits on my right. Immi is on my left and even though we’re out in the open now, I still feel kind of weird to be too physical with her brother sitting in one of the easy seats not too far away.Autumn is sitting opposite Calli and playing cards. She’s beating his ass, not sure what they’re playing but whatever it is, there’s a lot of huffing in a playful way coming from Calli. I suspect, knowing him like I do, that he’s letting her win. Cute.“He’s pretty good but so is Jackson.” He’s our goalie, and has been with our team for the last three years and is pretty kick-your-ass, he’s the best. In fact, Minnesota has got the best team this season, we recruited some new players at the beginning of the season and our game picked up some. We’re strong hopefuls for the Stanley Cup this year. I sure hope so, it’d be a dream to bring that ga
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Chapter 112
ImogenWe’ve finally landed four and a half hours later. “Let’s go guys.” Coach claps his hands. Some of the guys had fallen asleep and start coming round, rubbing their eyes. I’m not surprised they’re tired. I am and I didn’t play on the ice with my heart on the line like they did.Cody looks a bit tired around his eyes, I know he just wants to get to the hotel and crash out. I would love to join him, but I am also excited to spend some time with my beautiful bestie, Autumn. We’re going to have a blast for sure. It’s been a long time since we have been out together, even back in New York. Since Autumn works these crazy hours to stay on top and to get her Vice Presidency status. She’s headed for good things for sure.I was always busy with the restaurant, staffing issues, marketing and basically the whole deal. I took care of it all because I had no money left over to try to pay for professionals. I’d wait tables, deal with the customers, prepping meals so the chef who came in only ha
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Chapter 113
Imogen I’ve showered and washed my hair and just rough dried it, so it falls in loose curls around my shoulders. I don’t really have time to do a full blow out and Cody, I know loves it like this in any case. Since I wasn’t expecting Autumn to surprise me and I figured on just a quiet night in between the games the guys have to play, the only dress I have packed is my silver sequined number that comes to mid-thigh with spaghetti straps. “Wow you look amazing, darlin’.” Cody says, I can see that lustful look in his eyes as he comes towards me. “Thanks. And no, you don’t. If you so much as touch me, I’ll never get out of this room.” I tell him as I sit myself on the chair in the corner of the room. It’s one of those round back chairs and is covered in a beautiful fabric with peacocks on it. My strappy stiletto sandals, also a silver are in my hand. “Do you need a hand with those?” He asks me. I cock my head and smile. “Kinda like Cinderella? Absolutely.” I hand him the shoes which
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Chapter 114
Cody I feel lost without her, like there’s a gaping hole in my heart. She fills me up, she fills the room up. Her presence is like a light going on in a dark room. I have no idea what to do with myself, I know I won’t sleep until she comes back to the room, safely to me. My mobile is on the bed, I turn the call volume up in case Immi calls or needs me for any reason. Ordinarily, I keep it in silent when I am with her because I get so many notifications from my I* account and X account, and haven’t gotten round to turning them off yet. I guess I could do that. There’s a knock on the door just as I have settled myself on the large king size bed. “Just a minute.” I yell out and place the mobile back on the bed. It takes all of six strides to get from the bed to the door. I open it and see Atlas standing in the middle of Calli and Nolan. “Hey, Bro.” Atlas says. “We thought you’d be at a loose end with Immi out tonight and decided we’d crash around your room for a couple of hours.” “Ok
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Chapter 115
Imogen This club/bar is really something else. We got picked up by the limo and a driver who calls himself Mikey Mike. Cute. Actually, he was such a sweetheart like a gentle giant with his bald head, gold hoop earring in his left ear and broad body but with the largest toothy grin you could possibly imagine. He held the door open for us and made sure Autumn and I were comfortable before driving off. Mikey Mike pointed out there was champagne on ice and some snacks if we fancied them. Did we? Of course, absolutely. We had a couple of quick glasses of the pink fizzy drink before we arrived at the club which it turns out was only a twenty-minute drive. So? We drank it quickly we’re girls on a night out that haven’t seen each other for a while. I just need to remember that if I get a bit squiffy to try not to wake Cody up if he’s asleep when I get back in. I doubt he’ll sleep I know he’s going to be worrying that some sleazeball is going to try and pick me up. I’ve got Autumn with me, a
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Chapter 116
CodyI can hear her outside the door fumbling with the key fob. The boys left about thirty minutes ago. I beat them at Call of Duty. Of course I did but it was close against Nolan. Man, he’s so good at that game. It was a fun night, chilled out, just us guys. We’ve not had any quality time like that for a while and you know what, I think I needed it.Not that I didn’t miss Immi, I couldn’t stop thinking about her and if anyone would be trying it on in the club. I know I put a security detail on her because well, I’m not taking any chances. Listen, I know what your average guy can be like, but those with money. Well, safe to say they can be absolute pricks because they think they can literally have anything they want. I know. I used to be one of them.Thank God I’ve met Immi and we’re dating because that guy I used to be like, I’m pleased I am not him anymore. It makes me realize how much I wanted to have this feeling of love and a bursting heart for someone.The door swings open and I
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Chapter 117
Imogen My mouth feels disgusting, dry and ugh, there is a horrible taste. I need to brush my teeth pronto. I stir in the bed and yes, I have a headache. That’ll be mixing the cocktails with the champagne and drinking too quickly last night. It was fun though; Autumn and I had a blast and it was so good to spend time with her again. I realize we’re moving on to the next chapter with our lives and things are going to change. She’ll become the new VP in her org and I’ll be spending my time between starting up my new business and trying to coordinate my time between wherever Cody happens to be on the road and Minnesota. Reaching for the other side of the bed I can feel it is empty. I remember now that he had to leave for practice and gym sessions at six and was up around five-ish. From memory he should be back at the hotel around lunch time to go out with me for something nice to eat and then he will get some sleep and rest in before the game tonight. Mm, resting. Now I need to behave
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Chapter 118
CodyMy mind isn’t on practice. It’s on how Immi looked last night when she came in wearing that ever-so-short sequined dress of hers, those long colt-like legs and the way they’d feel wrapped around my waist right now. I’m sweating from doing so many drills and my legs are aching.Seriously, what is going on with coach? We all need a break. I have drunk so much water that all I feel like doing is going for a pee.“Right guys. That’s a wrap. Get yourselves showered and back to the hotel. I want you all rested and ready to go for tonight’s game. This one is important. I don’t need to tell you that already. It’s either we win and go through or we’re out. You’ve got this.” He skates off and goes to speak with our manager who is present for this game. He couldn’t make it to the Dallas game, some family emergency. I sure hope everything is alright back home with his wife and two kids.Atlas slaps me on the back. “That means no having sex, Bro.” I chuckle.“Well, what can I say?”“Hey guys
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Chapter 119
Imogen I cannot wait until after the gam tonight, my entire body is literally aching to feel Cody again. He’s so addictive and I simply can’t get enough of him. What I’m going to do when he is drafted to Dallas is anyone’s guess. I have mused with the idea of going with him and maybe opening something there. However, Autumn did point out that it was only for two years and did I really want to start a new business only to have to sell it again and come back to Minnesota? It’s so up in the air because it really is anyone’s guess where Cody and Atlas will end up in two years. Just because they say they can come back to Minnesota, doesn’t mean that they will. NHL draft where they draft and there’s no way around that. So, in all honesty, my best bet is to sit it out back home and wait for the two years to pass and hope that he and I can sustain this. I mean it’s not impossible, but it’s sure going to be tough. I’ll miss him like crazy and I know he’s not over the moon about it either. W
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