All Chapters of Billionaire substitute bride : Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
289 Chapters
How ridiculous
In the morning, the sunlight shone through the curtains on the floor of the bedroom.Charles slowly opened his eyes and looked at Maria sleeping in his arms. He gave a gentle smile and bent down to kiss her forehead."Hmm..."Maria moved and opened her eyes to look at him."Awake?""Hmm."Maria mumbled and wrapped her arms around his neck."Honey, thank you for this time."Charles chuckled softly, "I'm your husband."Maria pouted, knowing that he didn't understand what she meant, but she couldn't ask him about his biological mother. She could only raise her head and give him a kiss on his chin. "Okay, then I'll get up."Charles had been worried that she would be overwhelmed by the sorrow of losing her father when she woke up this morning, but she seemed to be fine as if nothing had happened.He didn't want to bring up her sadness anymore, so he gently patted her back. "Alright."After getting dressed, Maria finally looked at him. "I'm going to visit the Millet Family. My dad... Young
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Twin sister?
Maria raised her hand, tucked her loosened hair behind her ear, and said in a soft voice, "The Lesser family's mansion is almost a quarter the size of our city center, and it is luxurious. The Miller family is nothing in front of the Lesser family."Of course, Lily knew how powerful the Lesser family was!If she had known that her ex-husband was the son of the Lesser family, she wouldn't have divorced him!But... It had been so many years. She was afraid that if she went back to him now, he would not even acknowledge her.At this moment, Lily regretted it so much. It felt like she bought a lottery ticket and thought she m would never win, so she casually threw it away, but then she found out she won the jackpot. She wished she could turn the clock back."Ah..."Suddenly, she screamed. The anger and regret made her face contorted."Maria! What do you want?! Why did you come to tell me all this? Why?"Maria placed her hands elegantly on her lap, creating a stark contrast to Lily's madne
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Move to Beijing
In the past month, Maria completed her graduation defense at school and successfully obtained her diploma.Charles, on the other hand, was busy from early morning till late night, sometimes even coming home around eleven or twelve at night.Maria knew he had a lot of things to take care of at the company, so she didn't ask too much, but would wait for him to come home every day before going to sleep.*************One day after a month, Maria, as usual, sat in the living room with cut fruits and many dried fruit snacks on the table. She just turned on the TV and was preparing to watch when the door suddenly opened.She quickly stood up and walked towards the door, seeing Charles come in, she smiled and helped him take off his coat."You're back early today.""Heh..."Charles chuckled derisively as he took off his shoes, "What, you don't like me coming home so early?""How could that be!"Maria hung the clothes on the coat rack, then went to the kitchen to make a pot of tea, poured a c
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Five billion dollar
For the past month, Charles has been busy with the move of the headquarters to Beijing. By the time Charles and Maria arrived in Beijing, the basic work was already in place.Sitting in a large villa in Beijing, Maria took a comfortable breath, "Ah, Beijing is so good, even the air is filled with the smell of money.""He..."Charles pulled her into his arms and pointed at the enormous villa, "Maria, this place isn't big enough. I want to give you a larger house.""Bigger ones?"Maria looked around, surprised wrinkling her face, "Isn't this big enough? You know Beijing is worth its weight in gold. This villa must be around four or five hundred square meters. I think it's enough.""Not enough!"Charles grabbed her hand, squeezed it firmly, "I had someone watching a few days ago, and I found out that someone wanted to sell a fruit orchard in the suburbs, about a thousand acres. I want to buy it and build a manor there.""A Manor?"In her life, Maria had only seen one manor, the Lesser Fa
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Servant of three families
Maria knew who it was just by the ring of the voice. Who other than Lesser Mia could have such a sharp and sarcastic tone?"Huh..." Maria curved her lips into a subtle smile, and walked over without arrogance or humility, taking a seat on the lone single seater sofa."Lesser Mia, it's been a month since we last met. I didn't expect that you, the servant of three different families, have flourished even more. Come on, tell me, how many more fathers have you acknowledged?"The sarcasm in her words caused a burst of suppressed laughter to ripple through the room. A man next to her couldn't help but spurt out a laugh and even the others were striving to keep in their chuckles.The whole city knew about Lesser Mia assuming the position as the lady of the Lesser family. If she had kept a low profile, people wouldn't have made fun of her. However, she was so high-profile that the entire city knew about her public incidents.The most hilarious thing was an incident at a shopping mall where s
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Get out !
Maria picked up a blank paper, thought profoundly, and wrote down 2 billion. It wasn't that she was stingy or didn't want to use all 5 billion that Charles had given her to bid. Her estimate was, although the land in the capital city was worth a lot, that particular fruit orchard was located in the suburbs. One thousand acres of land were worth one billion at market price, and the offer she gave had already doubled.Regardless of whether she could acquire it, this was her final decision. Regarding Yu Meilin's tactics, whether she could accept it or not, so be it.After everyone wrote down their decisions, they handed the notes to Yu Meilin. When Yu Meilin saw the number Maria had written, she looked at Mia meaningfully."Heh... Miss Lesser, you said she's poor, but her offer exceeded yours enormously.""What?!" Mia looked at Maria in disbelief. Maria was not dressed ostentatiously today, only in modest clothing that one could see anywhere in a shopping mall. From the moment she
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Love knot
"What?"Mia was dumbfounded and even stood up in anger, "You're actually asking me to leave? On what grounds?"With a lift of her chin, Yu Meilin sternly said, "Because this is my house! Get out!""I..."Mia wanted to say something, yet seeing Yu Meilin's enraged expression, she could do nothing but stomp her foot in frustration. What was going on?Was there any difference between what she and Maria had said?Why was she being dismissed and not Maria?It was so infuriating!Giving Yu Meilin a furious glare, Mia snorted proudly, "Fine, I'll go. The whole capital isn't just selling land to you!"With that, she picked up her bag and angrily stomped away, even snorting angrily at Maria as she passed her by.Maria, left speechless, only shook her head. "Childish!"Sheng Wei immediately stopped in her tracks, "You..."Unable to hold her anger any longer, Yu Meilin barked, "Get Out!"Mia glanced at Yu Meilin, then at Maria, and gritted her teeth in anger, forcing herself to swallow her word
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Sister Yu
Maria didn't intentionally use the lover's knot to please Yu Meilin. She noticed that Yu Meilin highly valued the jade beads which were mementos from her husband. So, she thought of helping her.Unexpectedly, her unintentional act led to a surprising payoff.She was overjoyed, "Mrs. Yu, are you really selling it to me? You just said it might be your husband's...""Hey!"Yu Meilin laughed and gave Maria a friendly blame, "I think, the fact this string of jade beads broke, is my husband telling me who the orchard should be sold to. You are very pleasing to me. I have decided to sell the orchard to you at market price, one billion, not a penny more, not a penny less."One billion?!What Maria had written just now was two billion!It's actually halved?!She couldn't help but raise her head and chuckle, "I never thought that the lover's knot would be worth so much. If I had known, I would have sold braided ropes before.""Hahaha..."Yu Meilin laughed so hard she almost couldn't stand stra
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‘Su’ character?
"Hmm? You bought it for a billion?"Charles returned home, looking at the contract that Maria handed him, he couldn't believe it, "If I didn't know Yu Meilin was a woman, I would really think you used some extraordinary means.""Look what's been in your head all day!"Maria huffed irritably, then told him what had happened at Yu Meilin's house today.After Charles listened, he was even more incredulous, "A story, plus a lovesick knot is worth a billion? Maria, your story and lovesick knots are really valuable!""That's it!"Maria suddenly paused, "Ah, husband, I won't tell you anymore, I just remembered that book, wait for me, I will find it."Previously, when Noah Swinton had a car accident, to afford the medical expenses, Maria sold their old house. Anyway, Noah Swinton was in the hospital and she was in school, so it didn't matter if they didn't have a home.Before selling the house, She packed up everything in the house. There wasn't anything valuable, just some albums and that bo
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After the orchard was purchased, the next day Charles started to renovate the one-thousand-acre property, which was a vast project. Fortunately, Charles had enough money to hire half the workers from the capital to construct the estate, hoping to finish it as soon as possible.When the headquarters moved to the capital, the entertainment company where Luna worked also moved there.After Luna finished her work at the company, she came to the villa to look for Maria excitedly."Ria, I have some good news!"Maria was studying recipes. Upon hearing Luna's words, she put down the tablet and looked curiously, "Luna, what's the good news?""Hehe..."Luna had a sneaky smile, "Have you ever heard of Rivas?"Rivas?Maria blinked her eyes and nodded subconsciously, "Of course! He is a famous international pianist, the North Star of the piano world, with a high reputation in the international piano circles. Why?""Hahaha..."Luna already had a big smile on her face as she gestured dramatically t
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