All Chapters of Billionaire substitute bride : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
289 Chapters
Maria smiled at Charles and Luna, lifted her dress, and confidently walked towards the stage.As the audience saw Maria’s face, they couldn't help but exclaim in surprise!Only moments ago, the host had just finished introducing Mia, and now a contestant who looked very similar to Mia appeared.The other three judges remained calm. They were aware of the friction between Maria and Mia. They were all just spectators eagerly watching the drama unfold between Maria and Mia.Mia watched Maria, who looked composed and elegant on stage, with clenched teeth and deep resentment.Maria didn't expect Mia to be a judge, and Mia didn't expect Maria to be a contestant either!Having previously competed against Maria, Mia was well aware of Maria’s incredible piano skills.She knew that Maria would surely steal the show once again in this competition!Feeling the three judges' gaze, Mia snapped, "Why are you looking at me like that?"The three judges smiled and exchanged meaningful glances before tu
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Three surnames
At this moment, Mia’s face was gloomy.She had secretly glanced at the three judges, and they had actually given Maria a perfect score of ten points!This was ridiculous.Mia was confused.How could they give her perfect scores?Seeing Mia hesitating to give a score, one of the judges jokingly asked, "Mia, is it really that difficult to give Maria a score?"Mia cursed in her heart and gave him a cold stare. Under his watchful eyes, she reluctantly gave Maria a score of 9.7.She really couldn't make it too obvious!Before leaving, Andrew specifically instructed her that if she wanted to regain her foothold in the piano world, this competition was her most important comeback show. If she couldn't be fair and impartial, who would dare to invite her in the future?So, she had to swallow her pride and give Maria a relatively high score.At this moment, she truly experienced the frustration of wanting to eliminate someone but being unable to do so.After seeing her score, the judge next to h
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Your smile is fake
On the night before Mia’s wedding, Charles handed Maria a golden card, "Take a look."Maria took it and unfolded it. When she saw the names Mia Lesser and Alexander Caine, she exclaimed in surprise, "Oh my God! Mia is marrying Alexander?"Charles had already read the invitation card. He nodded and sat down next to Maria, "Hmm, so tomorrow we will be attending Mia and Alexander's wedding.""Uh..."Maria thought about what Alexander had done to her before. It made her feel disgusted.Alexander mistook her for Mia back then, so she could tell that Alexander treated Mia like a pet and didn't invest much genuine affection. But Mia still chose to marry him.Suddenly, Maria wasn't as angry anymore.Mia became a daughter of the Lesser family, but she also paid a price.Maria wouldn't trade her own happiness for fame and fortune.Luna sat beside them, shaking her head and sighing, "Alas, it seems that Alexander approached Mia and asked her to marry him.""Forget about her."Maria wasn't in the
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Just follow me
The Lesser family and the Caine family invited almost all the big shots in Beijing to attend Mia’s wedding. Due to the unparalleled status of the Lesser family in Beijing and the awkward identity of Alexander as the illegitimate son of the Caine family, the wedding was held at the Lesser family's mansion.Maria looked at the over a hundred luxury cars parked outside the mansion and couldn't help but gasp, "The Lesser family is really amazing. It seems that the guests are all prominent..."Charles furrowed his brow and turned to look at her, "Since your father has become the son of the Lesser family, you will also be a member of the Lesser family as long as you reunite with him, right?"Maria shook her head, "No, I only care about my dad. I have no desire for the identity of the daughter of the Lesser family. I just want to be with my dad like before."Charles looked at Maria’s face, and her determination deeply moved him."Alright!"He tightly held Maria’s hand and walked towards the
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"Hmm?"Maria looked at Charles in confusion, feeling that he and the Lesser family had a secret that she couldn't know.But out of trust for Charles, She, although doubtful, didn't ask and nodded obediently, "Okay, I'll wait here.""Hmm."Charles took a step closer to Maria and gently kissed her forehead, "Ria, remember, wait for me here and don't leave with anyone."Maria became more puzzled and looked up at Charles, but she couldn't see anything on Charles' face."Okay, I got it. Don't worry. I'll definitely wait for you here and won't go with anyone else."Charles chuckled softly and caressed her face fondly, but as he turned around, the smile froze on his lips, and he walked into the yard indifferently.************The yard was large, and it took Charles ten minutes to walk to the house. He saw a lady sitting inside as soon as he entered.The lady looked young. If it weren't for her facial structure, which hinted at her aging, her skin alone made her look like a thirty-year-old w
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What are you doing?
Maria had been waiting outside for half an hour.She didn't know what Charles was doing inside, but just as she was getting anxious, two girls suddenly approached her.When the two girls saw her, they smiled maliciously."Hey, aren't you Maria?"Maria looked at them. Both girls were very beautiful. One had a round face with very pretty features while the other also had a round face but it was slightly smaller than the first one.From their attire, Maria could tell that they were from some noble family.Seeing Maria examining them silently, the two girls chuckled mockingly and walked towards her. "Hey, Maria, my grandpa wants to see you. Come with me."Maria furrowed her brows and once again observed them. "Who is your grandpa?""My grandpa..."The girl raised her chin proudly, "My grandpa is Old Master Lesser!"The girl with a smaller face impatiently urged, "Hurry up. Don't make my grandpa wait."If Charles hadn't said those words to Maria before entering the yard, She might have re
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No outsider
The girl was thrown to the ground, clutched her stomach in pain, and started crying. Eva watched in horror and felt like her heart was breaking...Charles immediately pulled Maria into his arms. Seeing her swollen face, he gritted his teeth furiously and turned to glare at Eva standing behind them.Eva's heart skipped a beat again as she took two steps forward. When she saw Maria’s face, she frowned slightly. "Charles, I didn't expect..."Before she could finish her sentence, the girl who was slapped by Charles covered her face and cried out with grievance, "Mom! That bitch and this man attacked us...""Shut up!"Eva shouted sternly, "Maria stands here alone. You must have provoked her first!"Maria felt wronged. She looked up at this noble woman and said calmly, "They started it. They attacked me first!"Eva felt a bit irritated. She never expected her two daughters to come here and cause trouble for Maria instead of attending the wedding.It seemed that Maria was not easy to deal w
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Charles mom
Maria followed the girl from the Lesser family inside, and finally, the girl reached out her hand to her, "Ms. Swinton, please come in. Old Mrs. Lesser and Old Master Lesser are waiting for you inside."Maria politely thanked her and took a deep breath before stepping forward.As she walked in, Old Mrs. Lesser and Old Master Lesser immediately noticed the slap mark on her face. If it were someone else, they would feel embarrassed, but Maria remained composed and confident as if nothing had happened.Maria stood in front of them and greeted them politely, "Old Master Lesser, Old Mrs. Lesser."Old Mrs. Lesser squinted her eyes instantly, exchanged a glance with Old Master Lesser, and saw the appreciation for Maria in his eyes as well.When Mia came, she ignored them and went straight to Andrew. Even though she was excited to see her father at the time, she didn't greet them when she saw them afterward.Maria was clearly slapped by someone from the Lesser family, but she harbored no res
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Maria’s eyes turned red in an instant. She felt so sorry for Charles.If she had known about this beforehand, she would never have let Charles help her.Old Mrs. Lesser saw all the expressions on Maria’s face and nodded with a smile, "Yes, if it weren't for Eva's contributions to the Lesser family over the years, we would never have agreed to let you come here today."She smiled amiably, "After all, you and Mia don't get along, and today is her wedding. If you were to make a scene, it would be a disgrace to the Lesser family.""I won't."Maria took a deep breath and calmed herself down, "Even if I don't get to see my dad today, I won't cause trouble for the Lesser family. I respect his opinion."Old Mrs. Lesser raised an eyebrow, "If Andrew doesn't want to see you, why did you come here to see him?"Maria calmly replied, "Because I just want to figure out why he is ignoring me. If he still doesn't want to acknowledge me after I tell him about what happened in the past, then I won't fo
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Who am I?
Charles took Maria directly to the airport. They caught the 5 o'clock PM flight and arrived in San Diego at 7 o'clock PM.At 8 o'clock PM, they finally arrived home. Along the way, Maria didn't eat, drink, or even say a word.After returning home, she ran straight into her room, jumped onto the bed, and tightly wrapped herself in the blanket.In her mind, all she could see was the scenes of her being with Noah. Those warm and sweet moments were like thorns piercing into her heart.Charles poured a glass of warm water and walked into their room. Seeing her curled up, he walked over, placed the glass on the bedside table, and gently tugged at the blanket."Ria, can you tell me what happened?"Maria blinked her eyes several times before raising her head and looking confusedly at him.After a long time, she suddenly burst into tears, "Boo-hoo... Charles, tell me, who am I?""Huh?"Charles was momentarily confused, but then he remembered the doctor who had left the Lesser family's mansion
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