All Chapters of Billionaire substitute bride : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
289 Chapters
It’s him!
Maria opened her bag and took out the red envelopes excitedly, "I've never received so many red envelopes all at once in my life. It's amazing."Seeing her bright smile, Charles was also pleased.Maria picked up the first red envelope and opened it, saying, "This one is from..."Before she could finish, something slippery slid out of the red envelope. It was clearly not money, so Maria curiously picked it up and looked at it closely. She exclaimed, "Oh my, a bank card?" Indeed, it was a bank card.There was a sticky note attached to the card with a password written on it.Curiously blinking her eyes at the password, Maria said, "This is Mia’s..."She suddenly realized something and quickly corrected herself, "My birthday."Charles raised an eyebrow and nodded, "One red envelope can't contain so much money, so they gave you a card. Let's see the others."One by one, Maria opened the envelopes and indeed, they were all bank cards.Perhaps those women had planned it in advance as all th
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Make it up to you
In the outskirts of San Diego, in a cheap hotel room, Mia sat on the bed staring blankly at the door.She hadn't eaten meat for several days. If she hadn't sold the only gold bracelet she had on her wrist, she wouldn't even be able to afford this cheap hotel.Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, and Mia asked impatiently, "Who is it?"The person didn't answer but continued knocking."So annoying!"Mia got up in annoyance, walked over, and opened the door. When she saw the face that greeted her, her immediate reaction was to close the door."Mia!"Alexander propped the door open with his hand and looked seriously at Mia. "Let's talk.""What is there to talk about?"Mia glared at him angrily, "Are you here to mock me? Alexander, I'm in this situation all thanks to you!"Alexander raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry. I didn't expect to bring you to this point, so I came to make it up to you.""Make it up to me?"Mia looked at him in disbelief. In her heart, Alexander was a flirtatious man. I
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Mia couldn't help but reach out her greasy hand and grab Alexander's wrist.However, Alexander instinctively avoided her, shouting, "Don't touch me!""Hmph..."Mia mocked, "Why didn't you tell me not to touch you when you were sleeping with me? Now you're disgusted with me. Alexander, if it weren't for me being in my current position, you, the illegitimate child of the Caine family, wouldn't even be worthy of polishing my shoes!"Alexander slapped Mia across the face so hard that she even trembled.Looking at Mia’s swollen face, Alexander cruelly curled his lips, "Mia, remember this. No matter who I am, if you want to live a good life, you must listen to me. Otherwise, I can take back what I give you at any time!"Mia covered her face, looking at Alexander with a sense of grievance. She wanted to slap him back fiercely, but only Alexander could give her a good life now.She lowered her head and nodded submissively, "Okay, I understand."Alexander coldly glanced at her, took two tissues
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You’re fired
Maria drove the Maserati that Charles gave her to Glory Group.She knew that Charles went to the company early in the morning. She was eager to see him, so she had to drive to the company to find him.Maria parked the car on the side of the road. She opened the car door, jumped out, and ran towards the company lobby in a hurry.After running in, she immediately stopped and frustratingly slapped herself on the head.She had been with Charles for so long, but this was the first time she had come to Glory Group, and she never asked which floor Charles' office was on...Helpless, she could only walk towards the front desk."Hello, may I ask which floor Charles' office is on?"Upon hearing this, the receptionist looked up and saw Maria’s flawless and beautiful face. She envyingly pursed her lips, "Do you have an appointment?""Huh?"Maria was slightly stunned and asked, "An appointment?""Tsk..."The receptionist looked at Maria with disdain and rolled her eyes. "Come on, bumpkin. Don't yo
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Exercise my right
Maria wouldn't admit that she didn't want to part with Charles.She would have to stay in Liverton for at least a month. She was afraid that she would go crazy without seeing Charles for that long.She had never been in love before, but if she had, she would know that her clinginess was normal for a girl in love.Charles looked at Maria deeply and pursed his lips as if he was hesitating..."Honey..."Maria grabbed his arm and gently shook it, "You went with me to San Francisco before. Can you accompany me to Liverton this time? Please..."Liverton...Charles frowned for a moment, but he quickly concealed the trace of coldness in his eyes.Under Maria’s pleading gaze, he nodded, "Okay, I'll go with you. But..."At this point, he suddenly stopped, turned his head, and stared at Maria’s eyes intently, "Ria, that's when I'll start giving you an allowance. Do you understand what I mean?"Maria blinked her bright eyes in confusion. She shook her head innocently, "No."Charles looked at her
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It was Noah!
A week later.Outside the Lesser family's mansion in Beijing. Mia was brought to Liverton by Alexander. They first went to get the marriage certificate, and then Alexander spent money to dress up Mia.Now Mia was as elegant as before, and with Alexander's help, she had become the proud peacock she used to be.But no matter how proud she was, she still felt nervous in front of the Lesser family's mansion."Alexander, you're not tricking me, right? My useless and mediocre father is actually the son of the Lesser family?"Even though Mia was beautiful now, Alexander didn't want to look at her face for a second. He looked at the mansion and said coldly,"Mia, this is your last chance. It all depends on your acting skills.""Wait..."Mia couldn't associate Noah with the son of the Lesser family!She fidgeted with her hands and said, "Alexander, I think you might have mistaken him for someone else. He couldn't possibly be..."Before she could finish her sentence, she saw a beautiful girl pu
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Noah is Andrew!
Andrew lowered his head, looking at Mia in his arms. Even though she had been crying to the point of gasping for breath, he remained calm. Hearing her call him Dad, he asked softly."Who are you? Why are you calling me Dad?"Even though he tried to control himself, his hoarse voice still sounded rough and unpleasant.Upon hearing his question, Mia felt relieved. He really forgot about what happened in the past twenty years!That would be great!Sniffling, Mia raised her head and looked at Andrew's eyes. She pouted and cried again, "Boo- hoo... Dad, don't you recognize me? I am your daughter Mia!""I..."Andrew pursed his lips and shook his head gently."I'm sorry. I don't remember.""Ah..."Mia collapsed onto the ground as if she had been struck by a huge blow. She covered her face with her hands and cried in a heartbroken manner, "Boo-hoo... Dad, I have been searching for you for so long, and I finally found you. But you don't recognize me anymore, boo-hoo...""Cough cough..."Old M
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"At that time, I was already a pianist with a good income. Even if it wasn't the case, I would do whatever it takes to cure him!"Seeing Mia express herself so passionately, Old Master Lesser and Old Mrs. Lesser looked at her softly.Mia sniffed, carefully looking at them. "I don't know if you know about my engagement to the Smith Family's young master, Charles..."The wedding was held grandly, and for certain reasons, the Lesser family did know about it. Old Mrs. Lesser nodded gently.Mia immediately pouted with grievance, "You should also know about the background of the Smith Family. For me, being able to marry him is wonderful. But Maria..."As she said this, she cried again. "Maria used the excuse of my dad's illness to make me take care of him. She said she would get married in place of me. At that time, my dad's condition was indeed very bad, and I was very worried about him, so I agreed..."Old Mrs. Lesser frowned and slapped her own thigh. "Mia, how could you agree to somethi
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Old Mrs. Lesser's expression kept changing, and after Andrew spoke, she calmly said, "Andrew, you shouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly. We can't just believe Mia’s side of the story."Andrew calmed down upon hearing Old Mrs. Lesser's words.Yes, if Mia was really his daughter, then Maria must also be his daughter. He couldn't only listen to Mia’s words and not listen to Maria’s explanation.The woman in her forties across from him nodded and said, "Mom, I understand what you mean. I will investigate. Mia said that Maria took everything from her, right? Actually..."She paused for a moment. "Actually, we don't need to investigate Charles because he has already stated his position online. We just need to investigate what Mia said to see where Andrew used to live and Maria’s current relationship with the Miller Family.""Yes."Old Mrs. Lesser looked at her approvingly and said, "Eva, you have always been attentive. I trust you with these matters."Eva Luther placed her hands elegantl
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Paternity test
The next morning, someone came to draw blood from Mia for a paternity test. Mia cooperated fully, allowing them to take her blood, and then she patiently waited in the garden of the courtyard.Since she was Noah's biological daughter, she had nothing to fear.In the afternoon, the results of the paternity test came out. Andrew looked at the report, and his initially calm eyes finally showed some emotions. "Mom! Mimi is my daughter. She really is my daughter!"Old Mrs. Lesser looked at him with joy. It had been over thirty years, and she owed him so much.Now that he truly had a daughter, she felt genuinely happy for him."Congratulations, Andrew. At least these past thirty years of emptiness have been filled, although not perfectly. It's good to have a daughter anyway.""Yeah."Andrew nodded vigorously. "Mom, Mimi has been left alone since yesterday. I want to go see her now.""Go ahead."Old Mrs. Lesser waved her hand at him and smiled as she watched the caregiver push Andrew out.Jus
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