บททั้งหมดของ Thrill of the Chase: บทที่ 41 - บทที่ 50
I've been incredibly patient, waiting for him to address this draining situation, hoping he'd do or say something, but it's been nearly a month of tension between us. I'm at the point where I'm ready to move on, with or without him."First of all, you locked us in here, not me. And secondly, 'not do' what exactly? We're not even doing anything in the first place, and that's the problem. You were busy with your business downstairs, and I was doing my thing upstairs until you came up here and messed everything up. Right now, the only thing we should be doing is having an honest conversation to sort out whatever's happening between us. But it seems like that's the last thing you want.""You don't know what I want," he whispers at first, his words barely audible. Then, he raises his voice, saying, "You really don't know what I want. If you had any idea, you wouldn't be saying all this bullshit right now."In that moment, I see an opening to do something I've been wanting to do ever since
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He has an affection for me, and upon reflection, that's the clarity I sought—to confirm I wasn't imagining things. I never expected Max to desire a committed relationship with me, especially when I struggled with commitment myself. That understanding predated my decision to confide in him."I've wanted to share my true feelings with you for a few days now, and I finally have. I won't deceive you; I harbor no expectations. I never did. I grasp that you have principles, just as I do, so I genuinely wish the best for you, Max. I can't be more sincere," I conclude. Max stands a few steps away, and I close the distance, placing a soft, lingering kiss on his cheek, savoring the sound of his breath catching as my lips meet his skin."Goodnight, Max," I murmur before turning to unlock the door and exiting the bathroom, hearing Max's exasperated cry of "God damn it" and the door slamming shut behind me.I don't have much time to dwell on it because as soon as I reenter the bedroom, I find Loga
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"You doing okay there, Slayer?"…"After your chat with Mom and Alex? Definitely.""I'm proud of you.""Thanks, Buffy. I'm proud of myself too."I picture Buffy flashing one of her signature smiles, and then my thoughts slip into silence. That silence is a welcome respite now more than ever.There's a limit to how many tears one can shed before the accompanying headache becomes unbearable. I reached my limit exactly two hours and thirty-eight minutes ago—a new personal record."New" because I've never cried consecutively for that long about him, and "last" because I won't ever allow myself to cry for that long again. I won't say I'll never cry over him again, period, because I'm only human. An occasional tear may escape down the road, something I can't physically control.But what I absolutely won't permit him to do from this day forward is haunt my mind and heart. Eighteen years have been enough. It'll be challenging, and I'll fall more times than I can count, but I refuse to let him
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"After that incident, she became a frequent visitor at the local hospital, offering excuses like 'I fell down the stairs' or 'I didn't see where I was going,'" I mutter again, still struggling to accept the harsh reality, even though I've recounted this story before. "That's the grim reality when you reside in places like Riverdale, Philippines. People are either too terrified or too corrupt to demand the truth, even when a pregnant woman is involved, so they choose to accept whatever story she provides. He eventually dragged my brother into the physical abuse as well, although thankfully not to the extent of sending him to the hospital. But that doesn't mean it hurt my brother any less."I take yet another extended pause, my longest one yet, because once I resume, I don't intend to stop until I've shared the entire tale. Failing to do so...well, I can't even begin to fathom the consequences."When my mom reached her sixth month of pregnancy, he came home in the most intoxicated and d
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"That's the absolute truth," Buffy chimes in, concurring with my sentiments."I'm genuinely sorry that I didn't realize it sooner, especially back in the janitor's closet when you tried to tell me how you felt," he says, releasing my hand momentarily to gently lift my chin with his thumb."It's water under the bridge now," I reply with a casual shrug, diverting my gaze back to the mesmerizing scenery before us. What's done is done, and there's no use dwelling on it further."But it's not," Max insists, once again grasping my chin to redirect my attention to him. "There are so many things I wanted to say tonight, but I chickened out at the last moment. Like the fact that after the last two times we were together, I couldn't get turned on by anyone else, no matter how hard I tried. And that the only reason I was with Piper tonight was to fend off Ryan about you. Not to mention that I only kissed her because he was right there, and he was about to catch me staring at you during that brie
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When Max explains his perspective, I can't help but see the reasoning behind his actions. I know people who regularly use even the most dangerous street drugs but wouldn't struggle for a moment to quit if asked.As a teenager, I quickly learned that the mind and body operate in complex ways. That's just the nature of science—overly intricate and always evolving."I occasionally get high just for the thrill of it, but never to the point of addiction to any substances. I could never do that to Riley, nor to myself. Both of us deserve better than that. That being said," Max says, resting his thumb on my chin for a moment, "I was more than relieved when you explained that you only tried heroin once.""So, then you didn't step out of Drew's Halloween party just because 'Heroine' by Sleeping with Sirens came on?" I ask, and he takes a moment to recall that night."Honestly," he replies, "if I stepped out, it was probably because I got a phone call or something, definitely not because of the
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"Look at them, UP's newest power couple!" Avery exclaims as we meet her and Kalix outside Manzanita Village. Despite her radiant smile, the dark circles under her eyes betray a sleepless night."I see the hand-holding has already begun," Kalix chimes in, motioning towards our intertwined fingers as Max and I approach them.Avery and I share an enthusiastic hug as soon as we're within hugging range."I love you, and I'm so proud of you that it hurts," she whispers into my hair, holding me tight. I reciprocate the embrace with equal fervor."I love you too, and thank you for everything," I murmur back before we finally release each other.Kalix, on the other hand, extends his arms toward Max with a raised eyebrow."I guess it's my turn to give you a hug," he says, fully embracing Max despite Max's initial resistance. Eventually, Max gives in with a heartfelt laugh, reciprocating Kalix's brotherly affection."I'm proud of you, man," Kalix tells Max genuinely, finally allowing him to brea
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Each person has that one special individual whose hugs hold a unique place in their heart. For me, that person has always been and will forever remain my older brother. Despite the twists and turns life has thrown at us as we've grown, our bond remains as resilient as the roots of an ancient tree—ever-expanding yet profoundly interconnected. From the moment we first crossed paths to the day we draw our last breaths, and even if there exists an afterlife, our fates will forever be intertwined...."If you spin me around any more, you dork, I'll end up spewing all those Sour Patch Kids I devoured during my flight!" I playfully warn him, evoking a chuckle."Brace yourself, mini-me. The 'I missed you' feeling will wear off in about five minutes, and then it's back to our prank war," he teases, finally setting me down with a shared laugh. Then, my hoodie conveniently obscuring my face, he tugs the drawstrings in opposite directions, instantly turning me into a walking, talking marshmallow.
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Twin #1: That's a tradition, so we're in.In the next couple of minutes, we all express our agreement by liking William's text, confirming our commitment to engage in train hopping on the outskirts of town. This Thanksgiving tradition involves us perching on the rooftop, our legs dangling, as we share a bottle of the same drink that has symbolized our enduring friendship over the years: good old Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey.SuSpence: It's my turn to bring the bottle this time, so I'll make sure to get the 1.75 L one. It should be enough for the entire trip around town.We all like Samuel's message as well and then exchange goodnight wishes before ending the chat. After responding to my other texts, I focus on Max's last message. He had replied to my "landed" text a couple of hours ago, so I decide to check in and see if he's still awake, sticking to our promise of a morning text and a nightly call from earlier in the day.Me: Are you still awake?Instead of a text response, my phone imme
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The most enjoyable aspect of waking up in the morning remains an enigma to me."Hey! You should express gratitude for being able to start a new day," Buffy swiftly counters."Yeah, I'd certainly be more 'thankful' if Alex hadn't 'forgotten' to close the blinds again. I'll have my revenge," I mutter.I push the covers aside to find a comfortable position, and that's when my phone chimes twice, indicating two new messages. Rubbing my eyes with my right hand, I reach for my phone on the nightstand with my left hand. With one eye half-open, I don't mind waking up to something like this:Message: Just thought I'd share how my day's been so far:9:10 a.m. - Woke up with a smile because I dreamt of you calling my name.9:35 a.m. - Took a shower while thinking of you, moaning my name.10:00 a.m. - Had breakfast with Riley at a local diner.10:42 a.m. - Returned home, while Riley hung out with friends, I joined a soccer pickup game.11:56 a.m. - Started writing this message for you.11:59 a.m.
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