All Chapters of The Vampire King's Abused Human Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
65 Chapters
Chapter 10
TrinityI woke up slowly. I couldn’t say where I was, but I knew I wasn’t where I had been before I’d cut myself. Had they thrown me somewhere else? Was I dead? My lips twitched, and I moved my hand. I felt no pain and frowned as I sat up and looked at my arm. There wasn’t even a scar. How was that possible?I had to be dead. It was almost a relief. “You’re smart… for a human.” I looked over at the man who had been in charge of my torture. I didn’t flinch, but I met his gaze evenly. He looked less derisive of me as he stared back at me.His lips twitched, and he turned his head. “She’s awake.”A woman came in that I didn’t recognize. She wasn’t one of the servants who had been in charge of taking my blood. She wasn’t the vicious one that seemed to enjoy cutting me, but I couldn’t remember her clearly if she had been a nice one either. The man stood. “Strong-willed too,” he chuckled. “You certainly got the master’s attention with that little stunt. Ira will get you cleaned up and tak
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Chapter 11
TrinityI didn’t see him again after that meeting, but the servants who came to take my blood also came with food. Even the few who didn’t come with food weren’t cruel about taking my blood. In place of their daggers, they’d brought needles. That made me pause. It seemed that vampires spent enough time in the human world to get human medical supplies. That meant they had a way of getting there quickly and without being noticed. He’d flown away on great black wings with me, but there was no way he and the rest of them just flew into the human world whenever they pleased. They’d be caught. They had to have some other way to get there. I had to find it and use it as soon as possible. But how was I going to get there? Was it in the castle or outside?Ira drew my blood gently as if I was just getting blood drawn at the doctor’s office. The other woman was silent and standoffish, but I didn’t see the man again. It was a start. A few days in, the man showed up again and told me that I wo
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Chapter 12
LucianusI felt the slightest disturbance at the edge of my territory, or maybe it was somewhere in the castle, but I didn’t pay any attention to it. Whatever it was would have to wait, and it was likely just the girl trying to find a portal to the human world. I was tempted to have the castle drop her back into the dungeons just to teach her a lesson. My gaze traced the familiar planes of my wife’s face in the portrait that had returned to my desk. For years, it had been too painful to look upon her face, yet it seemed that I could not go a day without seeing her in her portraits or walking around in her old gowns that still had the faintest trace of her perfume lingering on them. My wife had been so beautiful and bright. Her name felt lost to time and too sacred to be uttered, yet I felt it trembling on my lips. Her presence was long gone, yet my heart ached as I stared at the small portrait of her. I remembered when she sat for it. I could almost hear her complaining about it, a
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Chapter 13
TrinityThe man didn’t look quite human or even like the vampires at the castle. He was almost skeletal, frail-looking, but there was nothing in the way he spoke that told me he wouldn’t snap my neck in an instant, given half a chance. “What have we here?” He hissed as I reared back. “A human.”“A human?” I screamed as another one appeared in front of me. His eyes were dark as the night. He was pale and drawn as if he was starving. “It’s been centuries since I’ve tasted human blood. How could a human have stumbled into our little prison?”“A gift?” Another one said. “A sign?”“What does it matter? Let’s just—”“Out of the way,” another one hissed. “I get the first bite.”They hissed at each other, and as they squabbled, I turned and ran back through the red-lit path. I didn’t know if I was heading back the same way or just away from them, but it almost didn’t matter. At least in the castle, I knew he wasn’t going to kill me. There was hopeHere, I was just prey without a hope of su
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Chapter 14
Lucianus I landed on the balcony of my bedroom and threw her to the ground. I expected her to scramble away, to sob or please with me, but she just lay there, staring bleakly into some middle distance as if her mind had escaped her body. The shock had seemingly settled in, and the realization that there was only one escape from this castle, from me, was likely settling in. Good, but the sight of her so broken did not bring me the gratification I thought it would. She was so still, I thought she might be dead. I grabbed her by the front of her dress and yanked her up. Her jaw trembled. Her eyes overflowed with tears, but she said nothing. Where was all the will to survive in her now? Where was that bit of life that had led her to run out that open door into the darkness of the forest? It didn’t matter. I called my insignia ring to my hand and heated it until it was blistering hot. I pulled the collar of her dress aside and pressed the seal in her flesh. A wild, animal scream of ago
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Chapter 15
TrinityI had no idea what to think, but when Ira had said nothing and dressed me in this black dress, any hope that this would all be over vanished. This was… my life now. Being dressed up and bled every day. Maybe I could make it easier on myself and content myself with being trapped, or I would just stop functioning. I’d just let my mind drift away until nothing of what made me remained. I’d forget my parents, my boyfriend, the future I had planned for myself, and every glimmer of hope I had. After the second time, they held me down and crammed dry bread and water down my throat. I knew there was nothing worth hoping for. It felt like my mind had gone dark without even a glimmer of starlight. The mark still burned on my chest, throbbing every once in a while. I kept waiting for another wave of pain to come and tried to ignore the low burning ache, but it was almost impossible. The room was beautiful, decorated in an oddly tinted gold that reminded me of old antiques. There was t
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Chapter 16
Lucianus I stopped. The dagger froze in midair, trembling merely a breath away from piercing her chest and ending my torment. I shouldn’t have stopped, but I couldn’t help it. I had to stop. I wanted to drive the blade through her chest and be free of this, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t with her looking up at me with my wife’s face, my Trinitia looking up at me, to die by my hand? To have her last words be that nickname as I plunged this dark cursed, blade into her chest. I couldn’t. I knew this woman wasn’t my wife. I knew she wasn’t, yet I couldn’t. It would be forever engraved in my mind. It would break me in a way her first death had not. I had gone on a rampage against humans for her first death, but I could not do the same against myself. I shook myself. This had to be done. This torture had to be over. I couldn’t continue on like this. Trinitia was dead. My Trinitia would never speak my name again. This woman was not my wife, and I would prove it by wiping her from existence.
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Chapter 17
Trinity I woke up to the smell of antiseptic hospital washing powder. I wrinkled my nose, looking up at the IV bag above my head. The EKG attached to my finger itched a little, but everything still hurt. I was in the hospital, but I couldn’t make sense of why or how I had gotten here. I remembered being cold. So cold that I couldn’t think. I remembered everything being hurt and being so tired, but before that, everything was a dark blur.Beyond the door, I heard my father’s voice and another voice I hadn’t heard in a long time.It was Mark. My best friend. He’d moved away so long ago that I barely remembered where, but how long had he been here? Where was Dean, my boyfriend? At work? In class? Had he gone somewhere? Had I been missing so long that he’d moved on? Mark and my father, Richard, looked tired and grave as they started to turn away from the nurse they had been standing with. The nurse went down the hall as they came back inside. “Dad?” I asked, my voice rough. His eyes b
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Chapter 18
Trinity It took months before I was released from the hospital. It felt like I was on crutches for a long time and too weak to do much on my own. Mark had been great, letting me and my father stay at his house while I recovered. Mark would come home after his shift with the Salt Lake City police and ask me almost every day if I remembered anything. His questions strayed from normal to bizarre, especially when he asked about the wounds on my wrists and feet. At first, I wondered if it was just routine to check and see. Maybe he was also working on my case. Since I’d been found in Utah, in his jurisdiction, instead of Chicago, I couldn’t help but wonder if there was something else behind him asking me all these questions. He seemed so focused on my wounds and how I’d gotten down in the valley in the first place, and why my bones had healed quickly. I hadn’t the faintest idea why my bones had healed if they were broken. The doctor said that I’d healed cleanly as if I had never broken
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Chapter 19
Trinity I filled the bathtub with the coldest water possible and emptied the box of ice. I wasn’t looking forward to getting into it, but the book was clear that this was the way to go. It said that I needed to deaden my sense and force my mind to retreat. It also said that it helped to recreate a sensation related to the time that I was trying to retrieve. They said I was found at the bottom of a valley inside of a snowdrift. Ice water was as close as I could get to that. I shivered and swirled the ice around in the tub, and started to undress. I turned on the timer. There was some sort of limit that I needed to adhere to if I possibly could.I bristled as I slipped in, trying to get my body used to the cold of the water. It was almost painful, and soon my skin felt like a million needles were pricking me. I sunk into the tub slowly, shivering and readying myself to completely submerge myself. I slipped under the surface and tried not to focus on the coldness. I closed my eyes an
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