All Chapters of The Vampire King's Abused Human Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
65 Chapters
Chapter 20
Lucianus After she was gone, I did my best not to think of her. I didn’t return to the human world to steal any more humans. I wasn’t afraid that I would run into her again, but I didn’t want to chance being drawn to her if she was nearby. I had to admit that was a possibility, even as it irritated me. I honestly hoped that the next time I entered the human world, she would be dead from old age. How long would that take? Time passed differently here than in the human world. I wasn’t sure how much of a difference it was, but centuries in the human worlds had seemed to pass in the blink of an eye here. It felt as though it had only been a year, maybe two, since my wife had died. Realizing that the humans didn’t even have a memory of the war that had changed me and my life forever only irritated me more. Their short, insignificant lives didn’t deserve the longevity they got when she was no longer breathing. As I lounged on my throne, I looked across the empty hall. I thought of ball
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Chapter 21
TrinityI didn’t know how long I stayed on the bathroom floor, shivering with cold, but when I came to again, I was breathing easily. There was no light coming in through the window. It was nighttime. I sat up, shaking violently, and slowly dragged myself out of the bathroom. I was still freezing. My mind was whirling with the images, but none of them made any sense. That man was still drifting through my mind. Less real and somehow more real than anything. I climbed into bed, trying to stop the shaking as I wrapped myself in my blankets. It was too much. I thought about calling my dad or Mark, but I pulled back on that. What exactly had I remembered? I had the faintest impression of a man and faint flashes of pain and blood, but there was nothing concrete. What could I possibly help with?The man wasn’t anyone I knew. I needed help to get more out of this, to make sense of it, but Mark wouldn’t help me do anything but fret, and dad was just happy to have me around, alive and recov
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Chapter 22
TrinityMy meeting with Sindia ran over the time we’d scheduled, but I felt a little better after it. It wasn’t what I’d hoped, but it made going to the police station to talk with the detectives about my case easier. I gave them the journal and sat there, answering the few questions that I could about what was inside. They didn’t seem to not believe me. They didn’t seem to believe me either, but they told me that if anything else came to mind that I should reach out. I returned to Mark’s house, reviewing the information about the getaway that Sindia had sent me. When I got home and told my dad, he beamed at me. For the first time, there seemed to be some light and life in his eyes. “About time!” He said. “I thought college students were supposed to be partying it up as much as possible.” I shook my head. “How am I supposed to get through school then?”“I don’t know what kind of party they’re going to have on that boat,” he said with a laugh. “But make sure to eat all the tasty sna
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Chapter 23
Lucianus I wanted to stay here forever, but all too soon, my wife’s figure faded. The warmth of the red and gold light faded, leaving me in the darkness for far too long. I left the room. And drifted through the castle hallways. I had been gone for hours, it seemed. I tried not to think of the woman any longer. Every time I drifted down the hall, I saw her wandering aimlessly, looking for a way to escape. I could smell her. Every time I turned down the hallway, I swore that I saw her skirt whip around the hallway. I materialized into a hallway and tried to get a grip on myself. The days were starting to blend together. Time was starting to become meaningless again. I felt the edges of that familiar, almost comforting madness start to creep into my mind. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to sink back into that misery again. That hopeless darkness where my only peace came from my memories.It was better than fighting for the hope that was impossible. What was I supposed to do? Turn her? I
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Chapter 24
Lucianus I turned into the wind, drifting through the trees towards the source of the fire as smoke billowed up. It looked to be a farm of some sort. There was a large building burning down in the center. I recognized the scent of burning vampire blood and knew that the escaped vampires had been killed there. If not most, then all of them from the thickness of the scent. At least I didn’t have to worry about hunting those fools down.Yet standing in the middle of the still-burning ruins was a tall white cross, gleaming in the moonlight. As I approached, I realized that the cross was made of silver. The scent of holy water drifted around the cross, and I laughed. Holy water. It seems that the pope’s church, the Vatican Order, had recruited more soldiers. They thought that we were easily defeated. I slammed my hand into the cross, ignoring the brief burn of the silver on my skin, and watched it shatter and crumble. I took to the air and turned. The scent of blood caught my nose.I dr
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Chapter 25
TrinityThe sound of glass falling to the ground and shouting made him go stiff and his hand stopped just above the waistband of my jeans. My stomach roiled and I shoved my elbow hard back into him. He grunted, stumbled and I darted forward, twisting out of his grip. I tried to run to Sindia or someone else, but in my panic, I just couldn’t seem to steer my body. The lights whirled around me. I felt sick. My legs were barely staying under me as I ran. My heart pounded at my chest. The world flickered with darkness that seemed to stretch up into the sky only allowing the faintest and briefest glimpse of red light to shine over me. Where was I going? The vision faded and swarmed. I heard laughter that seemed to echo forever. Something was chasing me, I knew it. My mind whirled and I was barely keeping the scream that was building behind my teeth inside. I needed out. I needed to get far away from here before I lost it. I could almost hear the blood rushing in my ears as my vision co
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Chapter 26
Lucianus I couldn’t believe what she was saying. I was shocked, but I caught sight of that bothersome, lustful idiot who had been chasing her out of the corner of my eye. I could smell his stench lingering on her. The pleading in her eyes was sincere and the fear wasn’t all directed at me. That man had assaulted her in some way. My blood boiled. I wanted to kill him. Hadn’t he realized that he had gotten off lightly when I had not broken his face and caved in his chest in the bar? Did he really think he had the right to touch what I had already claimed as mine?Yet his eyes were focused on us, drifting over her body with a familiar and disgusting leer. He seemed to be just waiting for me to step away before pouncing. Did he know her personally or was he just another crude human searching for prey. I’d kill him as soon as I could. I’d make sure he understood that in this world, he was prey: weak and defenseless, before I sent him to his death. It gave me a deep sense of satisfaction
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Chapter 27
Trinity His eyes were hungry. I could feel how much he wanted me just by staring into his eyes, but there was nothing else on his face that told me anything about how he was feeling. His expression was cold. The way he loomed over me felt like he was going to possess me like he already did. I felt hot like I didn’t want to escape and couldn’t even if I wanted to. The tingling sensation from earlier had begun to spread and pool between my legs in an almost painful desire. He looked at me like a lamb to be slaughtered, and he was a ravenous wolf. It made my stomach flip with excitement and fear. It had been so long since I’d had sex. It hadn’t always been great, but when it was, it was the best. I hadn’t realized how much I had missed it. I hadn’t realized how much I had been thinking about it lately, either. Maybe it was some weird reaction to the dean’s attack. Maybe it was just the alcohol I had managed to drink, but as I stared up at him, I realized that I might want to sleep wit
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Chapter 28
TrinityWhen I entered the room, the man from the bar was seated in the room. My face heated as I eyed the breadth of his shoulders and thought about the dream. He was definitely bigger than me. I could bet that he was about as large as the man in my dream. Maybe the dream had been so vague because I hadn’t slept with anyone so large before. I pulled away from that thought and kept my gaze from dropping to his lap. He was wearing a different suit, and I was definitely sure that there was something different about his eyes now that we were in the light. They were strangely warm hazel with flecks of red gold or something. They were beautiful but strange and otherworldly. “This… isn’t what I really meant by calling me if you were in the city,” I said. “How did you find me?”He titled his head. “I wanted to see a psychiatrist. They said you were available, so here I am.”“I’m not… a psychiatrist.”He shrugged. “Every master started as a student, and the clerks in front did not seem to
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Chapter 29
Lucianus I left her breathless and sated that night, but I was anything but. No matter how deep I buried my cock in her body and made her cry out in pleasure, it wasn’t enough. I couldn’t stand it anymore. Just the taste of her pleasure, even without the blood slave mark, had been enough to make me want more. It was like the forbidden fruit of immortality that could drive someone to madness. My wife was dead, yet I could have her in some small through this woman. Perhaps I should have stayed the course and refused this course of action. It would have been for the best, but it was too late now. I could not kill her; thus, I would have her in every way that I could not have my wife. I would simply have to accept that her death would do nothing but further irritate me in the end. I figured out that Salt Lake City was several hours by human transportation away from the place where we met again, but there was a portal in my world that would take me there in a little under a few moment
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