All Chapters of Notice Me, Darling!: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
578 Chapters
Chapter 131 Worthy of My Trust
"We can also put a stop to the rumors if we can prove them wrong," said Natalie.Henry stopped talking as he stared into her eyes intently.If only he could see right through her and read her mind. Then, he'd know when she was telling the truth.With a determined and solemn look, she continued, "Regardless, I'll never abort this baby. You won't have the chance to do that, Henry Chase."Still, Henry couldn't bring himself to believe that the baby was his. Why would she keep him in the dark if she really was pregnant with his baby? Why hadn't she used that as an excuse to seek personal gain? Perhaps she was secretly devising a greater scheme?"We can do it now if you're willing to." Natalie felt at ease. Nothing about this scared her.Henry still kept quiet. After staring at her with his soulful eyes for a long time, he turned around and left.Natalie's gaze followed him as he walked away. She couldn't figure out what his actions meant.It wasn't until he reached the elevator t
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Chapter 132 I Like Her
To be honest, Natalie had no idea how Henry planned on settling the issue.She shook her head. Feeling resigned, she said, "He didn't tell me.""So, he's going to remain silent and let you bear the brunt of this?" Naturally, Sheldon was displeased with Henry's attitude.The gossip was no less disturbing to him. Not to mention, Natalie was the subject of discussion.Although she claimed she was fine, it must have felt agonizing. She replied, "He initially promised to do the DNA test but changed his mind." Natalie felt a dull ache in her heart whenever she brought it up. So, she quickly changed the topic. "Let's put that aside. I've almost completed the design draft for the music center. I'll show it to you tomorrow."Sheldon wasn't in the mood to talk to her about work. Still, he replied, "Alright."At that moment, he made up his mind.…It was the day of Moira's cremation.After the cremation, they temporarily brought the urn with her ashes back to the Chase residence. They
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Chapter 133 She'll Get the Better of Her
"Yes, sir?""Arrange a press conference," Henry instructed.Wade was puzzled but quickly grasped his intentions. "Are you going to clarify it personally?"Henry ignored the question. He merely said, "You may go ahead."Not daring to inquire further, Wade nodded. "Sure, I'll get it done.""We'll have it tomorrow morning. Make it as soon as possible." Henry turned to look out the window with a soulful gaze.The longer they dragged it out, the bigger the fuss people would make of the matter. The rumors were only going to spread further.Wade replied immediately, "Sure, Mr. Chase. I'm on it."He soon left the room, and Henry was alone in the spacious office.He stood by the window for some time. Eventually, he couldn't restrain himself from taking out his phone and searching for Natalie's number.She really was strong-willed. The rumors were getting out of hand, yet she was still calm and composed. She hadn't even called him.Or perhaps she knew he would step in to resolve it? I
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Chapter 134 To Know Him Better
"When a marriage loses meaning, it should end in a timely manner, don't you think?" Jennifer was smiling, but her smile was visibly unkind. Natalie understood now. Jennifer was there to confront her.Natalie gave her a meaningful smile and refused to back down. "I've never refused to call off the marriage. Oh, now I remember! You're a great lawyer, skilled in dealing with various court cases, right? Do you think you can handle our divorce proceedings?"None of the lawyers in the city had had the nerve to take the case so far. That was why the legal proceedings for their divorce had been delayed.Jennifer smiled condescendingly. "You're taking it to court? Are you that confident Henry won't let you go? I think he might come around someday, and you'll be able to enjoy your freedom.""That's for the best." Natalie stopped the conversation there. She turned around and left.She was mentally prepared for her and Henry to go their separate ways. The people who flocked to him was non
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Chapter 135 You'll Pay For It Today
Daniel dared not make any sounds in fear of startling the kidnappers. He feared they would harm Natalie in a panic.They put her in a car and sped off in it. Daniel quickly hailed a taxi and instructed the driver to tail the kidnappers' car.He was so nervous and flustered he couldn't stop swallowing his saliva. At the same time, he took out his phone to call for help.His hand trembled as he scrolled through his contacts. In the end, his finger stopped on Henry's number. As he dialed it, Daniel prayed silently, hoping Henry would pick up the call sooner.However, he almost broke down when a voice said, "The person you're trying to reach is currently unavailable."Unavailable? Why had Henry turned his phone off? What options did he have?Daniel had no choice but to give up trying to ask Henry for help. He quickly called the police and told them about the situation.Eventually, the kidnappers' car turned into a secluded area without any street lamps.The taxi driver stopped the
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Chapter 136 Overwhelming Despair
Lana slowly took out a small bottle from her pocket. It contained some kind of liquid. Natalie didn't know what it was, but she knew it didn't hold anything good."I'm sure you're looking forward to the day you meet your baby, aren't you?" Lana sighed as she feigned her regret. "It's a pity … that day will never arrive."Lana's face was devoid of any warmth as her words fell. It was filled with coldness and cruelty.Natalie's expression changed.It was just as she expected. Lana wanted to harm her child!The color drained from Natalie's face as it was replaced by panic and fear. And, of course, anger."Have you lost your mind, Lana? It's an unborn baby! How could you be so heartless as to harm an innocent life? Take your grudge out on me, not my child!"Lana raised an eyebrow callously as she approached Natalie slowly. "How else can I engrave this pain deep inside you?"Natalie began to struggle desperately. Cold sweat dripped from her forehead profusely. Lana was about to re
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Chapter 137 Farewell Natalie
Lana smiled meaningfully. "I've given you a chance. It's not that I refuse to let you go. You're the one who put your expectations on Henry," she said coldly.She leaned down as her gaze met Natalie's. "So, don't blame me for what happened today. Blame your husband for running off with another woman. He doesn't care about you or your child's life.""Lana …"But Lana no longer wanted to say anything to her. Gripping Natalie by the chin, she shoved the bottle into her mouth.Her actions caught Natalie off guard. She didn't even have the chance to struggle.Natalie felt her world crumbling to pieces as she swallowed the liquid. She drank it … What was going to happen to her child? Her child! The child she had carried for so many months! Had Lana killed her child?Her heart ached in pain as the color drained from her face."Natalie, little by little, you're going to lose everything that you care about! I want you to suffer in pain and nightmares, just like I did!" Lana snarled
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Chapter 138 Unsurpassable Hurdle
The nurse's gaze suddenly became evasive. She replied hesitantly, "There was a man a few days ago, but …"Deep down, Natalie had a bad feeling when she heard this, but she asked eagerly, "How is he now?"She couldn't change the fact that her baby was gone. At this point, Natalie could only hope that her father was unharmed.Otherwise, she was really about to go insane!The nurse sighed softly and looked at Natalie with pity. The nurse replied, "He had terminal lung cancer and suffered such grave injuries. He was in the hospital for two days … before he passed."Natalie replayed the nurse's sentence in her mind until her temple throbbed. She opened her mouth wide in disbelief. Her lips moved, but no words formed.How was that possible? Her father was dead?Natalie had been unconscious for a few days. How had everything changed just like that after she regained consciousness?When she saw her father in the cabin, it was the last time she was ever going to see him again! How was s
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Chapter 139 Make You a Widower
There was an unprecedented indifference in Natalie's gaze.Henry couldn't stand seeing such a gaze from her, if he was being honest.He brushed her words and persisted in his explanation. "Cliff orchestrated all of this! There was absolutely nothing between Jennifer and me! Every detail, even my phone being turned off, was orchestrated by him!"He looked at Natalie sincerely, hoping she would believe what he had just said.Henry had also felt upset deep down. That was because he couldn't be there when she needed him the most. It had cost him the chance to meet his unborn baby.Henry's throat tightened uncomfortably.Even his voice was distorted when he said, "I apologize to you for this matter."This was the first time he had apologized to someone. It was also the first time he had humbled himself before Natalie.For some reason, Henry just couldn't accept it when he heard her asking for a divorce.But Natalie didn't show any reaction upon hearing his words.In the end, she c
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Chapter 140 Don't Want to See Me
"Alright then. You should visit Grandpa first," Leslie replied, knowing that Natalie was fond of Owen.Even if Natalie and Henry divorced, it didn't mean she had to cut all ties with the Chase family members."I'll hang up for now. Bye!"Once Natalie ended her call with Leslie, she got into her car and drove to the Chase residence.Conflicting emotions surged within her at this moment.She had learned from Shirley that Owen wasn't in a good condition now. He had dementia on top of aphasia and hemiplegia.Natalie felt beyond remorseful for it to happen. She had even felt partially responsible for it.As soon as Natalie arrived at the Chase residence, she saw Shirley walking over.Shirley's belly had grown huge, and she no longer looked agile when she walked. She even had to prop one hand behind her as she greeted, "Hello, Natalie."When she saw Shirley's belly, Natalie couldn't help being reminded of her unborn baby.Even though Natalie had hidden her emotions well, Shirley st
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