All Chapters of Notice Me, Darling!: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
578 Chapters
Chapter 111 Already Considered Quite an Honor
"What's there to say? He helped me, so I'm buying him a gift. Isn't that a perfectly normal thing to do? "You can give gifts to so many women, but I can't give Sheldon a token of appreciation?" Natalie retorted nonchalantly."What kind of gift are you giving? Does the baby in your belly count as a gift?" Henry stared at her intently.If this baby weren't dealt with soon, he might go insane.He had to admit that he was extremely bothered by the presence of this baby."You're crazy! Insane!" Natalie shot him a disdainful glance, unwilling to argue further.Henry gripped her shoulders forcefully, locking eyes with her. He questioned with deliberate emphasis, "Whose baby is this? Whose is it?""Do you dare to swear on the person you care about the most that you don't know who the father of this baby is?"After the interrogation, he did not shift his gaze for a moment, keeping a steady and unwavering stare at her because he was afraid of missing any crucial expressions on her fac
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Chapter 112 She Was Architect Natalie
The few people who could gain Natalie's trust and make her speak her mind were scarce.And these people couldn't possibly help him coax words out of Natalie.It seemed like he had to come up with another way for this matter.Leonard, not getting an answer from Henry, teased, "What's this? Feeling uncomfortable? "Can't sleep at night? I never thought there would be a day when Natalie would torment you like this.""Get lost! Me losing sleep because of her? That's impossible!" Henry hung up in frustration. But in reality, he did have insomnia that night.The next day, he came out with heavy dark circles under his eyes.Amos's first words upon seeing him were, "Mr. Chase, did you work through the night again?"Henry glanced at Natalie, who was sitting at the dining table having a meal.She seemed to have slept quite well, with a rosy complexion and a lively spirit."Hmm," he casually responded and then walked over to the dining table.Just as he sat down, Natalie wiped her mo
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Chapter 113 In the End, He Was Just Being Jealous
Sensing that he might have misspoken, Sheldon quickly explained."Sorry, I might not have slept well these days. My mind is a bit unclear. Even my mouth is a bit uncontrollable."Natalie still convinced herself with the same reasoning.He might have just casually said it like it was a gentle banter between friends.She didn't need to overinterpret these things.Natalie's mouth twitched, having figured it out. "It's okay.""Come with me. I'll take you somewhere." With that, Sheldon had already stepped outside his office. Natalie didn't ask much and obediently followed Sheldon.Sheldon led her a few steps and arrived at another office."Go in and take a look.""Hmm?""I asked you to go in and take a look." Sheldon continued to smile mysteriously.Natalie, still puzzled, scrutinized him but eventually reached out and turned the doorknob.As the door opened, she discovered that it was an empty office."What is this?""The company will arrange for someone to decorate and set
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Chapter 114 All of These Will Become Evidence to Backfire in the Future
Natalie felt a surge of frustration upon hearing this.She turned slightly, furrowing her brows as she looked at him. "Just took it casually? Did you even bother to ask for my opinion? Why is it that every time you make decisions on your own? Are my thoughts so insignificant to you?"Henry glanced at her, perpetually wearing that disdainful expression."Yeah."Natalie became even more infuriated. She turned away decisively. "I won't do it! I don't care what kind of program it is. If you want to record it, go ahead and do it yourself.""It's a couples' program, interview style. The host will ask you, as well as me, some questions. Just go with the flow," Henry finally explained the details of the program.However, he merely provided an overview of the program he had taken on, not taking Natalie's attitude into serious consideration.Natalie coldly smiled. "What, performing in front of reporters isn't enough? Now you want to act in front of such a large audience?""It's just
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Chapter 115 Money Hurts Relationships
She let Juliet in?Since she had spoken those words, Henry didn't intervene and sat quietly as if he were an outsider.After a short while, the staff escorted Juliet in.After the car accident, Juliet looked noticeably thinner, and her face carried a weary expression.Of course, the accident was one reason. The setbacks in her career and personal life also had a significant impact.Juliet's arrival drew the attention of all the staff present.Although no one dared to openly discuss it, they exchanged furtive glances. Those glances seemed to convey, "Here comes the excitement!"Juliet walked straight up to Henry, speaking with a humble tone, "I heard you were coming here to record a show, so I came over."Natalie watched Juliet from start to finish with a gaze that seemed to enjoy the spectacle.Juliet saw her but deliberately avoided making eye contact. It seemed Juliet was quite arrogant.Henry looked at Juliet indifferently, his voice devoid of any emotion. "Why are you h
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Chapter 116 Rare Intimacy
Natalie's eyes widened into the size of saucers.Although this wasn't the first time Henry had kissed her in anger, such intimate interactions between them were rare. Natalie couldn't help but feel disoriented from it.When Natalie came back to her senses, she began to struggle, but Henry firmly held her hands, leaving her with no room to resist.His kiss lacked any tenderness. It was more of an expression of anger. Natalie could even feel her lips aching from the force.Perhaps sensing that she was about to bite him, Henry quickly let her go. Not only that, but he also gave her a punishing bite, causing a sharp pain at the corner of her lips.Although Henry released her, the anger on his face hadn't dissipated. "Don't get smart with me, Natalie! There are things you simply wouldn't understand!"Natalie was breathless from the kiss and gasped for air. She slowly touched her lips before a self-deprecating smile slit across her face. "Of course, I wouldn't know what hap
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Chapter 117 Will He Allow You to Leave With the Child?
Natalie lowered her gaze and took the seat beside her father.Daniel's expression turned serious. "Of course, I can read you like an open book. You are my child. I can tell whether you are genuinely happy or putting on a forced smile with just a glance alone. "I know something has happened between you and Henry."Natalie's nose soured. Her father understood her the most."Would you support me if I decide to divorce him?" Natalie still needed support in this.Even if it was just verbal support, it would make her feel she was not facing this alone.Daniel sighed with some regret. "Although it didn't turn out well, I will definitely support you if that is your decision.""Dad, I used to think I would be lucky enough to be as happy as you and Mom once I got married," Natalie sincerely mumbled.However, Daniel trembled slightly at her words, and a complex look flickered in his eyes. He quickly concealed it and smiled. "Your mother and I were just an ordinary couple.""But is
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Chapter 118 You've Crossed My Bottom Line
Natalie nodded and her tone grew urgent. "Alright! Let's set out now!"Leslie grabbed her phone and car keys before leading Natalie out.While Leslie was driving, Natalie attempted to call Sheldon several times. However, the results were the same. Sheldon's phone was turned off."But if my brother is really there, he wouldn't be able to receive any signals," Leslie said with furrowed brows.Natalie tightened her grip on her phone and asked, "What happened? Why did your brother react this way?"Leslie pursed her lips and her expression turned grim.Natalie noticed that Leslie's knuckles were turning white from how tightly she was gripping the wheels.She hesitated. "If you feel like talking about it ...""It's not that. I'm just wondering where to begin." Leslie sighed. "Sheldon is not my only brother.""What?" Natalie was surprised"I have another brother who is two years older than Sheldon," Natalie started.Natalie didn't interrupt Leslie and listened quietly."However, m
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Chapter 119 It Was a Cold Place
The alarms in Juliet's head started going off. "Where are we going?""Abroad," The leader muttered indifferently."What?" Juliet widened her eyes as her heart quickened.She finally understood what Henry meant. So, he wanted to send her abroad.She didn't expect Henry to be this ruthless toward her. Was this how much he hated her?Back then, Henry had even pleaded with her to stay when she said she was going abroad. Yet, now ... he wanted to send her away.Juliet tried to calm herself down. "Why should I listen to you? You can't decide whether I go abroad or not!""If this is what you want, then please forgive us for what we're about to do." The leader turned to the others. "Get her!""No! You can't do this! You can't! You can't force me!" Juliet struggled in panic.But her struggles seemed to be in vain."Take her away!" The leader ordered.Juliet didn't want to be sent abroad! She still had many things she wanted to do! She had to stay here!Juliet suddenly had an
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Chapter 120 You'll Regret It if Something Happens to Her
Tears streamed down Owen's face. He closed his eyes for a moment before speaking, "Your grandmother had always been delicate. Before she slept, she always kept me up with lengthy conversations. "And she's a picky eater, too. Do you think she'll be fine in the afterlife?"Owen's words caused a sharp pain in Henry's heart. He looked at Owen pitifully but didn't know how to comfort him. No matter what he said, it couldn't alleviate Owen's grief.Owen loved Moira. It was a love that lasted a lifetime."I'm so useless ... I couldn't protect her, and she left like this. I don't even know if she suffered during her unconsciousness. "Moreover, we still haven't figured out what exactly happened! I ..." Owen hit himself repeatedly.Henry quickly grabbed Owen's hand. "Please stop, Grandpa! Don't … It hurts to see you like this."Although Owen stopped hitting himself, his expression didn't lighten up. "She's gone, and I didn't even bid her a proper farewell.""I'm sure she can he
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